
Meetings of the Malevolent

The creaking sound startled Miss Cooper and she dropped her pen. Looking up from her scattered papers on the large oval table she could see that it was one of the messengers. Definitely not a good sign during a major meeting of this magnitude.

Mr. Kain looked very displeased sitting across from her. He had a clean shaven head, gray bushy moustache , and his nose was almost flat resembling a wart hog of sorts. " How many times must we say not to interrupt these meetings" he squealed!

The door hung open with a tall and lanky man that seemed to be in his later twenties that just shook his head. His uniform was disheveled and he looked very uneasy. " I am very sorry , but I was told by Mrs. Lorelei to inform you that the book was taken before our agents could get to it."

Mr Kain shot up out of his chair. The other eight members sitting around the table looked on with a bit of shock. " Does she know what happened to it ?" He almost barked as he closed the distance to the messenger. The messenger backed up but ended up being cornered as the door had slammed shut behind him.

" She said that she thinks the twins have it ." The man said meakly. In a quick flash claws jutted from Mr Kain's knobbed chunky fingers and ripped into the messenger. A few seconds later and disgusting splashing sound was heard on the table where now a heart sat bleeding out.

Miss Copper almost said something about the heart messing up her papers , but immediately thought better of it. " I apologize for ruining your work." Mr Kain said to her after he was able to compose himself. " The news was definitely not what I wanted to hear and set me off into a rage ."

An older man off to the left of Miss Cooper spoke up . " The news is quite concerning, though the young man was simply doing his job. " He had loose long snow white ragged hair and black rimmed glasses. " I get it , Mr York , but you know my wrath. We will send a big stipend to any family he had and they will forget him. You know how these peasants are when they get money. " Mr Kain grinned at the thought of it . People always lose any morals where money is concerned and treat it as if it's more important than the air they breathe.

Mr York nodded at that finally letting a dark smile creep across his own face. A hand snaked out from another member at the table who grabbed the heart . Mr York looked at the woman who had long snake like black hair along with sharp talons of finger nails. She would seem quite beautiful in a low lit room if not for her very gaunt and pale frame . " Ms. Mayhew hold your greed . It is after all Mr. Kain's kill and it would do well for you not to upset him again. "

Mr Kain's furrowed brows looked upon Ms. Mayhew as he stretched slowly at the door frame. " Go on. I have had a good fill before this meeting , but you will owe me a favor in return. ". Ms. Mayhew greedy held the heart to her mouth and extended a full mouth of small fangs in an oval shape and began to suck in like taking a deep breath. A glowing blue light began to emanate from the heart . The light simply flew into Ms. Mayhew's mouth with a sickening slurping sound . For someone with the right ears they could also hear a very very low and soft scream coming from the light. The board room filled with cackling as Mr. Kain sat back down. " Now we need to get back to business especially after that interruption and figure out what we are going to do."