
Long Road to Nowhere

The sound of old boots could be heard clomping and sploshing down a rain soaked alley. A few dogs barked off in the distance at the ear piercing sound of some sirens. A couple of dark shapes were waiting at the end of the alleyway with a tattered umbrella. They both looked towards the figure running towards them and one shook his head .

" You are late , man." one of the figures stated. His hair formed up into large red spikes . A leather jacket adorned with all sorts of patches hugged his bulky frame. His pants were a multi-colored eyesore of checkers. His companion, a teenage female with pink and purple braids simply snickered.

" Almost got caught by some blue gestapo and had to lay low for a few." said the young man who just ran up to the pair after catching a breath. A long black duster finally settling . The teenager had a spiked up blue mohawk as well as leather wrist bands and was carrying a satchel of some kind. " Glad those pricks didn't get you , Germ." the girl spoke up.

" You are always getting yourself into trouble, mate." Spikey said while shaking his head again. " So what do you have there ? " Germ held his satchel close . " Just a couple of things I like to keep track of ."

Rain kept beating down onto the dingy streets as loud music could be heard a short distance away from what looked like a hole in the wall club. Posters hung along the front walls of different bands that had passed through. Leather , spikes , and all kinds of exotic looking hair styles could be seen from the small crowd entering the club. Crash N Burn was the big sign that hung above the door in faded blue and green neon.

Blaring music filled the smoke filled room as the crowd entered inside . Germ looked around at all the throng of counter culture leather clad punk rockers through the laser lights. " Who are we meeting in here ?" Asked spikey."

" You mean who I need to meet here, Davey?" Germ snickered a little as he flicked his tongue in a friendly mocking manner . The girl smiled at that . " He sure told you . " Davey shook his head slightly . " always have to be the cheerleader don't ya , Cora." She jokingly punched Davey in the arm with a sly grin and mini bounce.

The trio moved forward a bit as they searched the crowd. Suddenly Germ felt his arm being pulled. He swung around and saw the man in a long dark coat with an odd black fadora and sunglasses. Even through all the dark clothes and in the sea of black clad miscreants he seemed to have a very bright vibrant aura about him.

" I didn't mean to startle you , but I had noticed you and wanted to get your attention before you got further into the crowd ." The man said with a mellow and endearing voice. Germ couldn't help but give a soft smile . He seemed to feel very calm around this man and all anxiety from before was instantly gone .

" Who do you think you are just coming along and grabbing on my mate? " Davey said and instantly regretted it as he felt the warm presence in the area. " I do apologize if I upset you three . It was not my intention. Just brokering a deal with your mate ." He looked at the three of them with a perplexed stare for a few seconds . " you know what after this deal I possibly have another one for you all if you want. It would be quite lucrative also." The stranger tipped his hat .

Cora was herself puzzled at the exchange ." What kind of a deal would it be ?"

" Well . First things first ." He moved his gaze to Germ. " Do you have it on you? " Germ nodded and pulled something covered in a lumpy cloth out of his satchel and handed it towards the stranger . The man smiled wide and shoved his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out and envelope. " Here you go. As promised. Plus a little extra for your troubles ." Germ and the stranger exchanged the items .