
Luck and a Battle Axe

" Slow down" screamed Germ from the back seat of a beat up white Cadillac! Davey hit the breaks just as the light up ahead was changing colors. " Now you're scared of some cops? On a nearly deserted shit show of a road no less." Cora just shook her head from the passenger side . " Mr. Weirdo did say we had to be quick about it if we wanted all that money". Germ just looked between the both of them. " I know, but we don't need any trouble either on the way if we want to be quick. Getting stopped means we may lose any extra time we have more than any red light will. You need to use your brains. Plus we have to meet weirdo number two , whoever that will be."

Davey drove on as the light finally changed to green after what had felt like an eternity. " Mr giggles said his name would be Tank." Germ commented. Cora giggled herself at that. " Tank? How original. And we also don't know anything about either of them" Davey nudged Cora's arm playfully. " We do know it's more money than we have seen our entire lives so I'm all for this little party.". Germ groaned lightly with that " it's about saving a little girl. The money doesn't hurt , but it's a good cause you heathens ." Germ muttered a laugh and smiled at that one.

All three of them knew they were well in over their heads. Sure they had each done a few shady things. Even gotten into fights. Davey had been shot and stabbed before . Even Cora has had her share of fights and brushes with the law even though anyone that knew her wouldn't believe it. She had that presence of innocence about her and her upbeat personality only helped that image.

The Cadillac squealed a few times when Davey missed some turns here or there as none of them had really been out in Nevada for any length of real time. They had been told to go to some really offbeat Casino in Las Vegas known as the Diamond Peacock. It was as dingy and as unscrupulous as you got . The word on the street when looking for it was the crowd of people , every last one of them said they were better off going anywhere else .

Cora pointed off to the right " I see it! I see it! ". Davey gasped a sigh of relief " it's about damn time". Germ swung his arms up " Hooray. That is a shit hole and all those people were right " slight laughter erupted from all three of them and than the long groan of that actually being the place they had to go.

Upon inspection the building looked decent enough from the distance with a giant gaudy colorful peacock that looked like it was made with neon diamonds . Spotlights shot from the peacocks eyes in a back and forth motion while a small crowd gathered in the parking lot who resembled some kind of gang more than tourists looking to get rich quick. A giant black van could be seen with air brushed details on the side. A giant skull and two battle axes as opposed to the usual crossed bones. " Looks like a wonderful place ." Cora sarcastically exclaimed.

Once parked the three friends got out of the Cadillac and locked it up. Even though it was loaned out specifically for this little mission they wanted to make sure they hopefully had a ride when when they came back to it. A few thugs chatting a little distance away seemed to be eyeing them and the car and Germ noted their eyes grew a little wider at the look of the car . They seemed to quickly go back to their business.

Just as the three were heading to the door a load bursting of glass happened from a window nearby. A man flew out of the window and onto the street . Already had blood on him , bruised up, but still alive. A giant of a man clad in black biker like clothing followed climbing from the window. He sniffed the air and looked there way. " He sent me you Daffodils?"