
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 59(Part 3)Chat and Hope

Kazu Nini!

Kazu Nini!

Kazu Nini!

Her people supported and shouted her name until she looked up from the Plaque hat got absorbed into the Identification Card.

She was only happy?

No... curious.

Yes, that was it.

How would Uniah Gramanos' face look if it was smashed in?

She laughed and then ran off the stage, jumping into Henrique Viva's shoulder before using Perfect Explosive Speed to leave.


He flew back and stood up with a bow as Kirian Kranimora laughed at him.


"Hey, that's right her match is coming up."


"Yes New Universe Vs. The Royal Noble and The Lesser Nobles"


After the Pixie emerged, she glanced around.


Kazu Ninin had half the mind to go straight to the Cultivation Haven Terrain but she already had an idea she was holding in her head.


Thus, she sped towards one of her friends in school.


As usual, he was having a class. His students were paying rapt attention and she doubted any of them even knew her.

Well, as she sat down in the hallway and crossed her legs, she decided to use her Telewatch since it was now functional.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Hey, babe.

She rolled her eyes until he replied.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): (Whisper) Guy's the busiest bae in the world just decided to remind us she was still my babe.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Don't talk that way.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): No. Comment. At. All.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I'm sorry for trying to fight for myself, my aunts legacy abd the people of Johklon

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): I'm sorry for missing you.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: ... Screw you

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Screw you harder.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Screw you with the hardest.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): i can't even be pissed right now; this is the closest you have ever come to flirting

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Wow, Thanks for letting me know i am romantic.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Anytime bae, anytime.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: ... What is bae?

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Before Anyone Else.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I am disgusted but not yet puking.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): My Romantic Woman at her best.

She laughed

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I see, beautiful one.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): You texted so I'm guessing there's a reason?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Wow, so like, I cant just want to speak to you anymore

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): You just said you were busy, though.

She could not tell if she was angry for suggesting she did not have his time or if she was angry that he would hae been right if the Alchemist did not have a class.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Just saying hi. Figured i shoul because i have nothing to do.

The Dark Elf did not reply for a while.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): If this is sincere i am touched, but if it is sarcastic then we should change the conversation.

Has she been to cold?

The Pixie chuckled in anger.

She was better off just cultivating.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: It was sincere, but i have already told you i would try to spend more time with you before. So, all i can say again is sorry.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): ... That is nice of you, boss. Really, really sweet.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I miss you sometimes.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope):I miss you all the times.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: i miss you more than that.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): i miss you harder than the depth of my darkness.

She laughed and sent a heart emoji before remembering that she wanted to speak to the Sprites

Going to the group she made for them, Kazu Nini started a conversation.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Hello my staff.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): This greeting is as weird as calling you My Lord.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): True, it does not just roll of the tongue right."

Looking at the speech patterns which confirmed what her friend the Genie had td hr about Sprites before texting Jinja Kaliope again, she saw her normal their interactions now felt.

She had thought they were partners.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: So, i heard something about someone.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): Devin i heard that even Human women like a bit of mystery to their speech.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): True, do we just wait until she says it?

Kazu Nini rolled her eyes before replying Jinja Kaliope, then getting back to them again.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: R.E.I.N.C.A.R.N.A.T.I.O.N.

They took a while before answering and she was beginning to think that she might be right.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): What about it?

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Is this your second life.

The Pixie rolled her eyes.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: The final rewards made me meet a genie.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): So?

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): And?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: It was a being of immense power and it explained to me how Genies came to be.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): I don't understand, are you asking if we are genies?

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Or like do you want to meet another?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: No, is this your first life?

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon):

That is kike asking a Pixie what their personal Law is.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): No, it's more of asking what your favorite panties are. Or how you feel when you get wet.


777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): Exactly, that is the same thing.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): I would apologise but i feel a similar emotion.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I'll just research it.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): Feel free.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Yes, please do.

If they could become genies, The New Universe would have potential allies.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: What has been my goal thus far?

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): Your Aunty - may her soul rest in peace - or the New Universe?

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Nobles and Solidarity?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Yes, of one of you could get the power of a genie, what would happen to the New Universe?

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): Wow, it really is not that easy.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Yes it isn't.

She wanted to reply Jinja Kaliope's last message but this was more important for them all.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: How can i help, i can make it quick.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): I understand your intentions and it is why i don't hate you for bringing this up.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Same here, but it is best to move at out own pace especially if it concerns our lives.

Maybe she had not shown them how much her Aunt's legacy meant to her. Or maybe they were not that close. It might be worse to push things too far, but the power she experienced.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: In the Inheritance Grounds, the top 10 were given Potent Artefacts that was specialised for each one of them. Which meant that each one was created on the spot.

If we had that power with us, we can drive the Nobles away. Sincerely, if it is such a hassle i will drop it and your status or future achievements in my organisation would not be hurt but just imagine it.


777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): I understand the desire.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Imagine that if you are stoked about our potential ability - how do you think we, the carriers, feel about it?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Don't mind me, i jhst wish the Nobles could be druven away from our continent, one village, one town, once city, one Local Government, one state and kne country at a time.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon):

You would also eventually get curious as to resurrection.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Before we begin let me tell you that if a spirit has stayed too long from their bodies or the Spirit Realm they could become vengeful or lost.


X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: ... When you can and are willing just let me know. Thank you.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): I am sorry for your loss.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): O too wish you my condolences.

Kazu Nini went back to Jinja Kalope's chat.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Hey babe, or ks it bae now.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): What happened, you texted me twice in a row. Once you went silent for a while i was expecting another text like a month later at least.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Big Head.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): My Lass Of Glass.

She did not want to laugh, but did, even as a tear slid down her face.