
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 59(Part 2)Rewards (2) And Sprite Cultivation

"5th Place."

Henrique Viva was pulled forward by an unseen force.

"2,500 Artificial Raw Ores, 2490 Artificial Crystals, 2480 Artificial Refined Crystals and 2470 Artificial Vein Crystals, 1485 Natural Raw Ores 1480 Natural Crystals, 1475 Refined Natural Crystals, 1470 Natural Vein Crystals, 550 Bronze Ores and 15 Bronze Crystals."

"1 CavityBead will be given."

"Your choice will be WaveTransmitter, WindBox or PhysiqueBuffer

Henrique Viva considered his options as a bag hung from his hand.

WaveTransmitters could store shockwaves. Being a Werewolf, Shockwaves was something that he could easily fool around with, after proper training.

But WaveTransmitters could freely bend Shockwaves, overlap them and amplify them.

WindBoxes though... WindBoxes could store wind amd compress it. Obviously, the amount depended on the grade of the WindBox itself.

And Wind was as vital to a Werewolf as Shockwaves.

PhysiqueBuffers were like shortcuts to workouts. They basically suppressed the muscle to make it moe firm. It was not even a shotcut, it was jus another form of training. And while the results were slow, they were worth it.

It was like how Pixies had Glass, Mental Energy and Laws. A Pixie could pick either or to develop

He dropped his head down, then looked up. "WaveTransmitter."

"Going this far puts you above average. Please keep it up."

He had time to wink at Kiriam Kranimore before he was ejected out of he space.

"4th Place."

Kirian Kranimora was brought forward.

"3,000 Artificial Raw Ores, 2990 Artificial Crystals, 2980 Artificial Refined Crystals and 2970 Artificial Vein Crystals, 1785 Natural Raw Ores 1680 Natural Crystals, 1775 Refined Natural Crystals, 1770 Natural Vein Crystals,

750 Bronze Ores and 30 Bronze Crystals."

"2 CavityBeads will be given."

"Your choice will be BreathOfIce, CartilageModifier or ShadowAssister.*

Kirian Kranimore guaged his options.

BreathOfIce was a direct amplification to any ice abilities.

CartilageModifier would directly affect his bone strength which was invaluable for a Vampire.

ShadowAssister directly influenced his shadow which was a Vampire's edge on mobility among other effects.

He smiled and spoke, "ShadowAssister."

"Going this far puts you above average. Please keep it up."

Taking a bow, he left after he finished the gesture to Kazu Nini.

"3rd place.

Instead of saying what they got, the nearly nude planet-scale woman shrunk to a third as a replica of herself materialised beside Jagonu Nanhor then they both disappeared without a trace.

"2nd Place."

The otherworldly lady shrunk again and puffed away with Uniah Grananos and Kazu Nini snorted.

Standing before her was the lady. On closer inspection, she saw that the woman had a tail which ended yo with the sane bix that had connected her with gas to it when she was large.

"1st Place, the floor is yours."

Kazu Nini walked forward.

"6,000 Artificial Raw Ores, 5990 Artificial Crystals, 5980 Artificial Refined Crystals and 5970 Artificial Vein Crystals, 2685 Natural Raw Ores 2680 Natural Crystals, 2675 Refined Natural Crystals, 2670 Natural Vein Crystals,

1500 Bronze Ores and 120 Bronze Crystals and 10 Bronze Refined Crystals."

"2 SpaceBoxes will be given."

"I will answer any question you have for a full hour."

"I will grant one wish."

Her eyebrows scrunched because she was wondering if she would get any materials.

"I have a technique that uses States of matter as reference how can i retain all my lost energy and maximise power?"

An answer was transmitted to her mind and he reeled in shock

Catching herself, she asked another.

"What exactly is the potential of a human before and after cultivation."

"Before a bing of Hyol begins..."

As she spoke images and understanding flooded the young Pixies brain as though encyclopaedia, dictionaries, thesaurus, images and meanings entered her minds.

"... cultivation, count it as 1. The tribulation signals the breaking if a limit."

"Then when they enter the first trilogy, their limit is 1 of thier first limit broken multiplied by one.

"That is 1x1=2"

"Then the second tribulation gives 2 x 2= 4."

"Then that 4 is added to the first tribulations limit."

"So, 4+1=5"

"The following will be 3 x 3 = 9."

"Then 9 added to the previous 5."

"Which is 14..."

"And so on and so forth."

Kazu Nini now understood.

"What other benefits are given to a Being Of Hyol after the tribulations."

"The 1st Tribulation upgrades the body generally.

"The 2nd works on blood vessels and hormones and blood and enzymes."

"The 3rd..."


When 30 minutes had passed, she asked on that has intrigued her since she cane to this space.

"What race are you from."

"I am a a Genie, an Ascended Sprite."

Her eyes went round. "How?"

"Sprites have partners that are picked at birth or through life. Once resonance is found between two of hem, they go though life together."

"Then, at every tribulation, they reincarnate and start over. Now, the reason why Sprite are so good with their Ko-jin is because they have gine through cultivation over and over."

"Now, each Sprite and hejr partner has to decide on who is the Dominant and who is Submissive. And this is because after 7 reincarnations, the choice to ascend is given."

"At tha point, a contract is signed by both parties."

"When sides of the contract are made, the Source ascends and the submissive becomes the container while the Dominant becomes the genies."

"Woah," it had come out unintentionally but she was not eve embarrassed.

"I had issues with understanding Divine Early Level 10, could you explain it.?"

"Divine Early Level 10 consists of Meridian Creation and connection and Allotments."

"Importantly, the success in thus help a lit with potential growth."

"For the sake of simplicity let us say that there are Major and Minor Meridians."

And for the sake of time let me say you want to hink about the 8 extra ordinary Vessels."

"Tell me about them please."

"When Divine Level 10 is reached these 8 extraordinary vessels is where the core of extra sources of power come rom like Chakra, Prana, Chi, Mental Energy, Spirit Energy and so on and so forth. That is, energy cores for Racial or extra Specialities are stored here."

"So, what would be mine, Mental Energy?

"The Prizes you got at the Inheritance grounds can be distributed there."

She remembered all of them and smiled.

"How about how i can use them all to the best of my abilities?"


Eventually the time was up and Kazu Nini still had so many questions but dhe did not push it.

"It is time for your wish."

Kazu Nini bit her lip and then thought for a while.

"I want the capacity for 4 Mandate Cerebrums."

"That is wish with so many steps."

"You said i could ask for anything."

It chuckled, "I will have to remodel your body."

"Go on."

"It won't be a delightful process."


"It shrugged then looked at her as her body flew to the air."


"What is it?"

"Tell me your name."

It laughed, "your questions are over."

"Be my friend!"

"Is that your wish?"

"No, just a request."

"Fine, but you will only remember it if we meet again."


"So, my name is Ari-"


Kazu Nini found herself on a stage and facing an applause moments after she switched from screaming in pain to falling on her feet like she were a chess piece.

The clapping was loud and she saw she was on a pedestal. On her right was Uniah Gramanos and her left was Jagonu Nanhor.

The remainder top 7 were on the stage itself and the top 20 stood on the ground. The Next 30 were behind them and then 50 at the back most area.

Outside of hte first 100, all the others stood within crowd.

The Principal wanted to begin but Ksz Nini's hand was up.

"Yes, 1st place?"

"What post do you hold exactly. I have always thought you a Principal."

He laighed along with the students that did.

"I am the Head Of The University Governing Council."

"Is there i shorter way i can refer to you?"

"Council Governor."

Kazu Nini was surprised he did not give his name but since he did not seem to want to disclose their relationship she would not push it.

"Thank You, Sir."

She smiled curtly and they shared a look after he nodded discreetly.

"So, a lot o you are wondering on the generous prizes given at The Inheritance grounds."

A murmur filled the hall.

"The truth is, during the Looting Grkunds that holds in late ummer, i will need you people prepared."

"At that point," he continued, "you will be up against other schools."

A murmur filled the hall but a pressure on everybody's chest left them breathless.

"And your mortality might not be guaranteed."

"Therefore, you have been provided with adequate materials to boost yourself up before stepping forth."

"Before that, we have the match between Uniah Gramanos and Kazu Nini. Nobls and New Universe. But after that will be the 2nd Inheritance Grounds."

"That talk can be for later, though." The Council Governor then allowed himself to float till he was halfway to the ceiling.

"The points for this session of the Inheritance Grounds was calculated thus;

"Kill Count,"

"Easter Egg Gained,"

"Easter Egg Completion Rate,"

"And other items obtained during your stay."

"I won't go through the trouble of calling you out one after the other like my Genie friend. But the least i can do is that i can simply give you Plaques. Place your Identification Cards behind and at the center of these plaques and it will be recorded."

Flicking his hands, lights shot out that flew into everybody's hands, revealing plaques.

The top 50 had colourless plaques, the next 30 had silver, the next 10 were gold, after that was jade for the next 5, the following 2 diamond.

3rd was Diamond with one stripe of jade.

The 2nd was Diamond with 2 strips of Jade.

1st position was diamond with 3 stripes of jade.

Name: Kazu Nini

Race: Pixie

Level: Freshman

Age: 19

Status: Prime Student


Inheritance Grounds Pioneer


550 kills =

250 Divine Early Level 5's =2,500

90 Divine Early Level 6's = 2,500

60 Divine Early Level 7's = 3,500

50 Divine Early Level 8's = 4,000

50 Divine Early Level 9's = 5,000

3 Easter Eggs = 90,000

Inheritance Grounds Completion = 75,000

Total Amount Of Points = 182,500

Keep it up, we are sincerely impressed.

Kazu Nini figured that since she was Divine Early Level 9, taking down the other cultivators would earn hr less so she could understand that but the points felts a bit exaggerated.

Anyways, she placed the face of her Identification Card on the back of the Plaque and the object shrunk until it sat on ome corner of the Identification Card.
