
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 37 Part (1) Fundamentals about Speed and Cultivation

Isimaila Fginja, still breathing heard, more from anger than tiring, sooke before the Pixie could sit down.

 "Your explosive Speed was Not good enough. If not for Jagonu Nanhor, you would not have any drinks in your room."

 "Yeah," the Spirit agreed. "It was Imperfect."

 "I know," she scrunched her brows thinking they were doing a good job of trying to help her forget yesterday when Jagonu Nanhor poke again.

 "No like it was at Imperfect stage."

 She looked up, "movement techniques are broken into stages too?'

 "Yeah, there's Imperfect, Sub Par Normal Excellent and Perfect."

 "What she was saying is, the BONG sound created from our steps shows that it is either Top or Perfect."

 "It was Perfect, the shockwave would have been visible in a ring that was perfect."


 "Oh, you didn't know?"

 Her book had never mentioned what it was supposed to look like, but it had only mentioned the steps necessary to get there.

 "Don't worry, not everyone gets it."

 "My standard us not what everyone gets or not." She examined the CavityBracelet closer. "It is what i can or cannot get."

 Jagknu Nanhor literally felt that this was either her becoming this or her response to the shock of yesterday's news. So she said nothing.

 "I think what our transparent friend is trying to say is that you don't need it to get to the next stage. Plus, since its just speed and your are in the early parts of cultivation, it could still be corrected. Potentially."

 "I will do just that; no reason to let the Sphinx gain too much of an advantage, eh?" Now Kazu Nini was starting to get annoyed, "anyone know how to open this thing?"

 The Goblin fiddled with it, the paused to remember how. Finally twisting it, a screen appeared before them.

 "You are right in what you said, from ground to top is Quick Movement, Quick Step and Quick pace. Then Instant Movement, Instant Step and Instant Pace. And Explosive Movement Explosive Step and Explosive Pace."

 Kazu Nini turned to her as the Goblin went eyed after opening several of the Cavity Bracelets and gaping in shock.

 "The ones mentioned are for Divine Early Levels 1-3, Divine Early 4-6 and Divine Early 7-9 respectively."

 "Yeah, i know." She said as she recalled what she had read. "The first is organs, then bones, then muscles, then skin. But what is most different from Divine Early Level 10 and the previous 9 is that Ko-jin veins and meridians are separated at this point."

"What do you mean?".

"You know how the addition of Mental Energy, for instance, can tip a conflict towards someone who only uses Divine Energy, right?"


"Exactly, so at this point all this energies thay can be added like prana, chakra or chi, gain their own totally independent system."

"Oh." She understood.

"Exactly, so instead of forcefully mixing up each time kike in the kast 9 levels, Level 10 makes the process seamless."

 "For instance, those with more energies in addition to Divine Energy will be faster with...?"

 "Blur Speed-Blur Movement, Blur Step and Blur Pace."

 "I am guessing that the different parts of the movements are in regards to mastery of it such as the Imperfect, Sub Par Normal Excellent and Perfect?"


"Okay," she turnedto see Isimaila Fginja's face. And before her she saw many lumps in a screen shining from the first CavityBaracelet. These lumps looked like a mix of both pure and impure stones.

"What are those?" Jagonu Nanhor's tone we t strange as Isimala Fginja regrded her as thiugh she were ab alien.

"Artificial Raw Ores, duh."

She looked at the lumos and was wondering why they looked so surprised.

She should hae started cultivation earlier.

"I read that they help with progress as you climb."

"Yes these ones have mixed energies, usually as they are mined and very unstable. To keep them in shape, the miners then kept to use their own Ko-jin to keep it in place. It goes through a series of other processes. But simply put, its energy can be directly absorbed."

"However, a lot of purification is needed after use. They are also used as forms of currency."

"I remember only using internal circulation methods on my core." They both turned to her when she spoke when they understood. "I've never really had an external source."

"No wonder" the Goblin laughed. "Your energy is pure, it's why have so much flexibility with it."

"Not just that, i think she has a bit of tribulation energy in it."

Kazu Nini did not turn at the remark but her emotion within her body flared for a instant and that was all Jagonu Nanhor needed but she did not share it with the Goblin.

"So, these could help me to get to Divine early Level 10 by he time he inheritance ground opens up?"

"Well a bunch of these and these too."

The first screens of light were filled to the brim with Artificial Raw Ores, but the next new things for 9 boxes looked less like lumps and more like irregular crystals, even though they were multicolored and had a very minute touch of glow to them.

"These ones have only 90 percent impurities and are called Artificial Crystals."

 She eyed the Gibkin to see if she was joking, "only 90?"

"Yeah, Artificial Raw Ores have 95."


 The following 8 were cleanly cut and were in shapes that resembled pentagonal prisms down to others that had even 100 sides.

 "I see the look in your eyes," Jagonu Nanhor said. "Let me explain…"


Kazu Nini saw a pattern to their grading. And based on impurity they were like this.

 Raw Ores, Crystal, Refined Crystals and Vein Crystals.

 Raw ores were usually clumps of mixed energies within.

 Crystals were rocks that were less dirty or mixed but less impure. These ones reflected a single color of light.

 Refined Crystals had shaping to them, done by experts. Usually in prisms. These ones had a dull glow.

 And Vein Crystals came in basic or simple shapes like spheres, cubes, cuboids and pyramids but these ones glowed as if they could be a torch in the darkness

 For their Class, it went from Artificial to Natural then Bronze and much more.

 So, for example;

 2 Artificial Raw Ores are less than Artificial Crystals.

 95 percent impurity.

 4 Artificial Crystals are less than Artificially Refined Crystals.

 90 percent purity.

 6 Artificially Refined Crystals are less than Artificial Vein Crystals

 85 0ercent impurity

 8 Artificial Vein Crystals are less than Natural Raw Ores.

 80 percent impurity.

 Relative to the last,

 2 Natural Raw Ores are less than Natural Crystals.

 75 percent impurity.

 4 Natural Crystals are less than Natural Refined Crystals.

 70 percent impurity.

 6 Natural Refined Crystals are less than Natural Vein Crystals.

 65 percent impurity.

 8 Natural Vein Crystals are less than Zinc Raw Ores.

 60 percent impurity

 Relative to the last,

 2 Zinc Raw Ores are less than Zinc Crystals

55 percent impurity

 4 Zinc Crystals are less than Zinc Refined Crystals

 50 percent impurity

 6 Zinc Refined Crystals are less than Zinc Veined Crystals

 45 percent impurity

 8 Zinc Refine Crystals are less than Zinc Vein Crystals

 40 percent impurity

 And so on, and so forth.

 Now, the first 55 boxes had these Mineral Stones.

 10 CavityBeads containing Artificial Raw Ores, 9 CavityBeads holding Artificial Crystals, 8 Cavity Beads holding Artficial Refined Crystals, 7 CavityBeads holding Artificial Vein Crystals, 6 CavityBeads holdings Natural Raw Ores, 5 CavityBeads holding Natural Crystals, 4 CavityBeads holdng Natural Refined Crystals, 3 CavityBeads holding Natural Vein Crystals, 2 CavityBeads holding Bronze Raw Ores and 2 CavityBead holding Bronze Crystals.

"What are the remaining ones," if Kazu Nini did not have such a strong detest towards nobles, she would have grabbed them all already.

 Jagonu Nanhor explained that the next 5 had Body Weight Suites, EquilibriumPotions, a Practice Bot and Supplements, respectively.

 "Body Weight Suites, are simply like a dumbbell on the body. So, in other words it tempers it and builds muscle all around while burning fat. Depending on the version, it us possible to transfer some of the weight to your inner body but I do not know if this is that version."

 "EquilibriumPotions help to reduce the impurities cause by ingestion or absorption of external sources, such as the Mineral Stones that the nobles have been so generous with. Now, it does not mean that when you take them you are completely cleaned. At least, depending on its grade and the type of Mineral Stone or Potent Artefact you drink, is less more work you have to do in your system by kneading the Ko-jin in your Ko-jin core and make sure that all your Divine Energy remains pure."

 "These impurities can build up over time and dull the effect if your techniques or even affect your body the way fat around the heart and organs can be detrimental to your health." The Goblin spoke as if finally contributing could make her feel less left out.

 "The Practice Bot… wow. You know how Regulars in the Human Continent developed Artificial Intelligence chips and Cyborg bodies that can be developed and replaced on the fly?"

 "Read something about that somewhere."

 "Yeah, well the Practice Bot simply starts off enduring your hits for a while. After taking some more tests, it starts to fight back. And then it adapts, getting better and better over time."

 "The last are supplements and my guess is that they are made to counter the effects of the EquilibriumPotions."

 "What effects can they have?"

 "Since they will be basically spring cleaning ever corner of your Ko-jin veins, you can imagine that it is like a battle taking place with your veins as the arena.

Author's note.

Information dump, I know. I will try to do his few and far between