
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 36 (Part 3) Mako Nini (2) and Noble Package.

 The older Pixie stared at the floor of the extravagant looking ground in dull expectation as her senses felt activity there. And out of the ground, 3 Giants of 250 meters each, erupted out.

 One twisted the earth about itself like it was dough, with its intention, until it caged the house within a cube that its compressed for every second, to increase its defense.

 The 2nd one pulled the leaves from all the hedges about the estate with a slight tug of will and a flourish of its fingers so that the atmosphere seemed to be raining of leaves, in a random pattern, wanting to launch themselves at any given moment.

 The last Giant had set itself into a fighting stance, all million statues of ruby made the ornate helmet. Its gauntlet and boots were formed by Topaz and its bodily armor was Silver.

 "What business do you have wi-"

 One flick of Mako Nini's wrist had shards of glass penetrate each of the 100,000 Shapeshifter guards that had decided to take their stance and aim at her with ProjectileGuns on the ground. The next flick had a hand of Glass slap the giant speaking to her and its head was now pressed so into the floor that, half of its body was also there. A flick after the previous, countered each blade of grass before the 2nd had time to react and launch them, while the last removed its hold in the 3rd giant to pull away the 1st and finally return to its humiliating hold on the 3rd.

 The 1st was thrown behind her so that it slapped its head against the Glass Sphere covering the entire compound and was now out cold.


 The 2nd produced vocal shockwaves that blasted away most shards of glass intending to reach it but they simply swirled around its body in a wide circle which gave it time to yank back control of the splintered blades if grass. Before the shards of glass would return to it, the creature managed to swirl on the spot while the blades of grass formed a spire of at least 500 meters in length. And when the Giant had completed that single spin, it had expected to finish it's launching of its projectile that was also spinning at speeds that would soon add flame to the spire of glass from its friction with the air. But the shards of glass sped through the hand that intended to eventually stretch out and catapult the spire of grass at this Pixie intruder, instead.


 It just realized the jagged pieces of glass had merged to become a singular shard that dragged its first hand into the other before dragging both into the ceiling of the Glass Sphere which covered the entire estate, and finally yank its body to the ground through its perforated hands. So that, when it landed, its hands that had ben forcefully nailed to the ground, now had its head punctured and lodged there as well.

 Now, the Hand of Glass stopped the pressure on the one with the Ruby helmet. Staring at it in silence, she watched it cough up dirt until it retched before finally staring at its surroundings in shock.

 She let the message sink in by being patient and hovering in place.

 But it seemed it either misunderstood her intentions or its position, because it slapped a corner under its armor and 1,000 canon heads reared themselves from the ground as though they were worms that had infested the property.

 The Pixie waited for the creature to trigger their launching before snatching it in the arm of glass and pushing it far, far into outer space in almost the very next instant.

 But *just* as it broke outside of Hyol and gazed upon the cold dark beautiful space, riddled with stars and satellites, Mako Nini dragged it backwards and down to Hyol. With her speed and force, 1,000 cannons that had been ordered to fire out power enough to instantaneously vaporize an entire nation into dust, landed on its form before her unblemished but steaming hand of Glass smashed itself into the ground. The aftermath of the cataclysmic crash revealed 10,000 harpoons that would be skyscrapers to the 3 giants, 500,000 more personnel that were dead, decapitated or unconscious and Epic Beasts mounts that were now immobile in one way or the other.[1.]

 Maki Nini swept her senses hrough 50 acres of ruined land, save the cube of earth which protected her quarry, in 19 seconds to be thorough. And then, the Pixie woke the 1st giant she had knocked unconscious. The hand of Glass grew to clasp its limbs and torso, while the ones that had pinned the 3rd to ground passed through its head and hand after exploding to prevent any chance of its healing, then clasp the mouth of this one who was just started awake in the form of a restrictive face mask.

 Before her hands touched the cube, it unraveled to reveal 500,000 more personnel.

 Some rode on Wyrms, others on TriceraHorses or TriceratopsHorsrs, others held different weapons and the last mounted another 9,000 of the same canons that had been wrecked by her.

 "Surrender or fa-"

 After exploding the face mask on the giant she ride on, Mako Nini willed the Glass to enter 250,000 fore heads before throwing the giant she rode on after covering its back with the glass which was in the form of a hand that had bound it. And through the glass that held it, she saw Spears, arrows, different colors of Ko-jin, knives and holes from the 9,000 canons disfigure the gargantuan corpse until they had decided to seize fire.

 Now, Mako Nini pushed the mutilated and unrecognizable body towards them as the shards that had ended half their lives, and this one that had tossed the humongous cadaver to grow spikes, each now faced directions opposite to the other although they both had thick bases. The guards who chose not 5o chicken out at this point, once more launched their attacks but both of the spikes extending out from the compact bases closed to swallow up not inly them but their weapons and attacks and turrets and Epic Beasts.

 Now, when she heard silence she was relieved because all she had to do was to reach her intended target and convince him.


 Instead of going to class, Kazu Nini was in her room this next day.

 She knew she had a deal to keep with the Headmaster, but grades had never been an issue. Plus, it was like the first ever she had missed. When she had gone out to get a soft drink, she found both of her roommates sitting on the couch.

 "What are you doing here?"

 "Hah!" the Goblin snorted. "It is you who should be asked that question. I mean its normal for us but what about you?"

 "Normal for you." The Spirit turned from Isimaila Fginja to Kazu Nini, "how are you doing today?"

 "Better," she reached the fridge and grabbed an arm full of drinks. "I think."

 "Hey! What about us?"

 From the way Isimaila Fginja shook as though electrocuted and screamed next, Kazu Nini knew that Jagonu Nanhor had given her a nasty emotional shock. "Its okay, you can have them all."

 "Says who?" the Goblin rebutted and rolled her shoulders as she was panting while she stared at the Spirit with a wary eye. "If you cannot reach your room before I catch you, you cannot have them."

 Jagonu Nanhor smiled at her in a smile that told the Giblin she was prepared to stop her, already solidifying her ectoplasm to further prove her unspoken point.

 Kazu Nini would not have gone along with it, if she did not suddenly have a craving for drinks.



 BONG! [2]

 And when she used Imperfect Explosive Step, the Goblin had reached her door before her. But the Spirit which had had to solidify her form pushed away Ismaila Fginja.




 The Goblin, incensed, kicked of the ground and grabbed Kazu Nini's shirt but Jagonu Nanhor slapped her wrist away. A bottle fell from her grasp the Pixie's grasp just as she was about to pass through her door and she wanted to catch it on the back of her foot but Isimaila Fginja did that first.




 However, Jagonu Nanhor flicked it with her solidified toes and the Goblin sulked because Kazu Nini was successful.

 To be honest, she was annoyed because she needed this to distract her thoughts, but she saw their good intentions and simply smiled. However, just as she wanted to shut her door, the main door buzzed.


The Goblin and Pixie paused and it was Jagonu Nanhor who reached for it and had it open to see a parcel on the ground.

 The parcel was locked to the ground as if bolted, and the Spirit already knew it. So, she called to her boss. "It would need your I.D card."

 Kazu Nini remembered the resources she was to get from the nobles and went into her room to find what she needed to authenticate her receiving the package. Walking up to the door, she saw the box that looked simple, but to her senses felt like a layered onion with each one being stronger than the last, had a small indentation in the shape for an Identification Card. Placing her's at that spot, the box had each layer sink into the black edges of itself until only 60 bracelets remained.

 The Goblin whistled.

 "What am I looking at?"

 "CavityBracelets," she swallowed. "These things are 100,000 Hyur each."

 Kazu Nini looked back down at them. "What do they do?"

 "I think they have about 5 Square meters each."

 "Yeah, 25 meters for its total area."

 She would not allow herself to feel impressed at the doing of a noble, so she indifferently picked up the entire package before placing it in the room and allowing the door to shut itself.


To put things into perspective,

Hyol is 100 times of Jupiter


Jupiter is 142,796km horizontal distance (equatorial diameter)

Hyol would be 14,979,600km

In ratio to earth, its vertical distance (polar diameter) would be 142,337km

Hyol would be 14,233,700km.

Imagine Mako Nini's prowess… She is Epic!


This would be explained I the next chapter.