
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 31 (Part 1) Kazu Nini, Uniah Gramanos and Commoner, Noble Princess (3).

 *"Adults of Sand, From Within Rampage; Those Without, Ruffle The Cage!"*

 Now both trapped, Kazu Nini called all the spires into the glass but Uniah Gramanos was no weak

person either. And when she screamed, the sand from within her belly had formed a skin of fine needles all about her form like some sort of winter fur jacket for the elite, meant to ill in looks as well as capability.

 For this brawl, all her punches and kicks and head buts were backed up by the Glass Orb adding double the scale of limbs to accompany each swing as the needles on Uniah Gramonos's body also stretched out to reach the Pixie with every contact.

 In the middle of the brawl, Kazu Nini sent a hook to Uniah Gramanos's abdomen before a punch reached her cheek, she threw a slap kick to the Royal Cat before a fist reached her chest. The Pixie then threw another slap kick with the other leg and was swept off the ground of the Glass Orb by her standing leg, But Kazu Nini was connected to the Orb of Glass, so kicking her leg totally disoriented the Sphinx who was the one that ended up flipping upside down.

 And this allowed Kazu Nini, a flurry of attacks.

 Uniah Gramanos allowed the sand needles to grow like a porcupine so that Kazu Nini would not strike – solidly, at least - but the Pixie instead commanded whips of glass to hold her form so that they slithered about the sharp points of sand until they found a neck to choke. Meaning that, she continued her assault, although it made her fresh wounds.

 The last part of the Sphinx's technique kicked in and the orb of glass was tossed about like a dingy at the heart of a chaotic ocean.

 Kazu Nini could generally push away strikes but she could land no solid hits;

 When she pushed away a punch to her and had dragged her free arm to punch, the hand missed and only the glass copy shadowing it, landed. When the Noble Cat had caught her arm before extending spikes that drilled into her skin, the Pixie had thrown a slap shadowed by a glass replica bigger than her hand but both were dodged by a duck. When the Sphinx grabbed the fist she had dodged and head butted the Pixie, she could tell that another technique was about to be used, so she calmed the raging Sands outside of the Orb of Glass that they fought in as the cage dissipated.

 *"Forgive My Rudeness!* and *Die A Thousand Deaths!"*

 *"Adults Of Sand, Shame The Opponent; Mimic And Emulate, But Surpass the Component!"*

 1,000 spears launched themselves, accelerating as they went while the Sphinx intentionally duplicated her technique but used bigger projectiles of the same shape. Knocking away or directly shattering some to bits, her advantage in cultivation finally showed itself and she reveled in that superior feeling until alarm bells rung in her head like the celebration of a global festival.

 *"Soldiers Of Sand, Royalty Summon; Roar Like A Storm, Roar The Armageddon."*

 *"Fist Food!*, *Die A Thousand Deaths!* and *Eat My Fist!"*

 The Sphinx head of sand dwarfed its summoner until it completely overshadowed her form in its 30-meter height. It also snarled and growled poised to unleash a roar which was expected to be calamitous because of the rumbling of both air, DamageRoom and ground.

 The reason why Uniah Gramanos had used this move was that 30 meters from the ceiling of the Damage Room had been hiding 3 Arms of the same length which had been growing in power since the

beginning of the battle. Now, the Pixie knew that with the way composition of glass could be shifted, was what could make it tinted both ways, or tinted one way. And it could even make things reflect or refract. But if light could be reflected and refracted or bent to create different effects like she used it to create a false ceiling…

 … what of Ko-jin too?

 Anyways, the three hands - each 15 meters wide - blasted off as if attempting to reach escape velocity

and reached the top of open maw of the Sphinx which gathered sand about itself as if it were a knot 100


 Kazu Nini could not see her opponent but she knew the Sphinx was in a fixed position, so when the first hand slapped the top of its head as it roared a column of sand the scale of an inter-state bridge,

the second one joined it to make the new combined hand 45 meters wide and 40 tall.

 The sand furiously spewed from the Dust Avatar of a Sphinx head capsulating Uniah Gramanos hit the Pixie and it swept about her, grating off the Glass Skin until it looked as if her feminine form were covered in cracks.

 *Inner Sand of Mine, Make The Punishment Divine!"*

 The sand now glittered like gold as Egyptian jewelry also suddenly rested atop its neck until it was as bedecked like an ancient Pharaoh's.

 The slowness of the last palm, as well it weight to the Noble Cat's senses, had encouraged her to now flood sand at her opponent that left the areas reinforced by all the orbs of Glass and the spires on the ground to break off in most parts. Insidiously, every opening was exploited and her bleeding left her dizzy but she held on otherwise.

 Uniah Gramanos pushed greater than she should and even as blood escaped her lips she still did not

dare to allow the slowly descending arm to reach her as she roared like she had infinite lung capacity. And the Sphinx had been trained to have enough breath in her lungs to sustain her attack but if she pushed passed her limits, she could finish of the Pixie although it might be harmful to her.

 Kazu Nini was passed standing by being conscious, and with only 10 meters left, her body staggered

back for 10 seconds before she was walking backwards to waywardly to still be upright and eventually, she fell.

 Uniah Gramanos chose at that moment to empty out her lungs and Ko-jin chamber at that moment

which it now made sure that Kazu Nini was now mostly peeled skin and bleeding flesh.

 But when the elbows of the Pixie hit the ground, she hit them off the Arena floor to push herself back

up then slapped her hands together, screaming her mind awake and bringing both clenched palms

together till the hands hit the ground.

 Uniah Gramanos had already seen her victory flash at her eyes, still outpouring her technique to

thoroughly eradicate her opponent. So, she did not know how Kazu Nini had pulled her arms through

the flood of sand buffeting her, but the last arm of glass from the ceiling joined the first conjoined 2 to become 60 meters by 50 wide which smashed her to the ground and broke through the bejeweled avatar of a glowing granulated head that was 40 meters tall.

 The mouth was shut close and the sand raged back towards the Sphinx. So, the sudden break in her

technique and being slapped to the floor with bone crushing impact - adding the sand suddenly

creating a dam that intended to wash her away - all hit her like an avalanche and she felt like an ant in

the midst of it all.


 Their cracking DamageRoom would have remained with only rapidly growing fractures if you did not add the outpouring from the sand that eventually filled up where the final arm attack did not.

 The Damage Room entirely shattered and the referee of the match allowed the shockwaves to dissipate just before the crowd, so that all the pieces hovered in midair as if time had stopped.

All was still as the crowd held bated breath. And when the dust cleared, they witnessed two opponents

both staring hatefully at each other.

 Kazu Nini fell down every time she got up but she made sure that her knees never hit the ground.

 The Sphinx was crawling on her fours as her body thrummed like an earthquake.

 They both eventually stood with 5 meters of space between the other. And when they tried squeezing

what they had left inside of heir meridians, they coughed blood and fell to their bellies.

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. then raised her hands high as their eyes spewed the violence that their bodies could not.

 "A Tie!"

 The New Universe first groaned but drowned that other with a cheer as the overall match position

meant that Kazu Nini had won.

 However, the Pixie was boiling because the Sphinx was not amputated for real and she had not outrightly won.

 Only technically.

 "Uniah Gramanos: 2.5 points!" Loveth Announced loud for all to hear amidst screaming of happiness and screams of anger, not forgetting arguments. "Kazu Nini: 4.5 Points."

 "SpiritPill, PhysiqueStabilizer, SpaceStabilizer, Members who are 50 and above will reposition themselves for the New Universe." If Kazu Nini could hear her clearly, she would be laughing until spittle fell on the Noble Cat's face. "Uniah Gramanos and her's cannot infiltrate New Universe meetings without repercussions. Permanent reprecussions!"

 "Artificial Raw Ores are to be transferred immediately like the other stakes of the bet."

 Loveth allowed the noise for a while, apart from her voice that she had Transferred to all their ears.

 "This match is officially at its end!"

 The Pixie saw their happy faces in a muffled sound. She did not miss their glee and upraised fists. Her

members volunteered to help but the referee kept them away.

 Better to be safe than sorry.

 The Pixie was led to the hospital for recuperating. As she now had no Divine Energy in her body, self

regenerating would be a problem.


 Forgive My Rudeness.

 She does a feint and launches a spear of Ko-jin towards the opponent. Still, she herself merges fists of glass so that a hand of glass that is double her torso follows a heartbeat behind her as she rushed in to pincer the opponent. Did not work against the orc, however.

Die A Thousand Deaths.

 An improvement of 'A Hundred Castigations.' A thousand needles that get faster for every half second they spend blazing through the air. The longer she directly empowers them, the faster and more destructive they get. While this version can attack more deadly and can even track opponents based on her willpower, at some point they begin to miss more and more because of their ever growing speed.


 Fist Food

 Merging one more fist to an already formed Glass Fist.