
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 30 (Part 3) Kazu Nini, Uniah Gramanos and Commoner, Noble Princess. (2).

 The Noble Cat did not let go when spires of sand rose from the holes they created in the ground and

positioned themselves to pierce into Kazu Nini's protection space. Uniah Gramanos had landed on the globe of protection to keep the girls focus on her. And when the Pixie sucked back in the orb of Glass to her skin in intentions of delivering a punch and forcing the Sphinx into position for her fist, the missiles of Sand reached her.

 Kazu Nini grabbed the ones that pricked her skin, these ones trailed blood on her body within her suit. And although just the tips entered her Glass Skin, Kazu Nini was surprised that the cat did not

understand what was going on.

 Uniah Gramanos found herself surrounded by approaching Orbs of Glass in all directions as her forelimbs landed on the floor to get her balance on her fours. Realization dawning on her face, she had still not known what Kazu Nini did not want her to be privy of yet.

 But her limbs were quickly losing the battle of holding off the orbs as she had been caught unawares. Each party wanted to see who would release first.

 The Sphinx smiled despite her situation and the crowd could see stretched moment.

 One bleeding and the other one pressure.

 One snarling and the other one indifferent.

 One struggling and the other one firm.

 Uniah Gramanos did not know what kept Kazu Nini so smug and she had to know.

 *"Youth of Sand, Will You Come? Run to Me, As You Break Your Form!"*

 *"Forgive My Rudeness."* [1]

 The Sharp projectiles rushed to their master but the Orbs of Glass shrunk into spears that penetrated into her paws and she grit her teeth as she shook in a struggle to hold them from closing in on her.

 When the sand came though, the numerous particles lay top the spears so that they forcefully dropped to the ground and her concentration allowed Kazu Nini yank her mane, then knee her face so

that her back slapped the DamageRoom after flying back in hurtling speed.

 Kazu Nini attempted to reach there in Explosive Speed, but her meridians had not yet connected to her skin sufficiently.

 So, though she reached there and landed a solid punch, the cat had jumped away and was sliding

back on her feet. The particles on the floor did not stop her stance and instead allowed her to navigate

among the spires of Glass that jutted up from the floor courtesy of the bod on her paws.

 *"Youth of Sand, Axis of Mine; Dome Of Protection, Offense in Line!"*

 *"Shark Fins"*

 Kazu Nini had thought up another move.

 Merging her orb so that she melted into their unification and was safely into their space, she levitated high and was sliding her spires all around the battle, and the Sphinx dodged the first 60 in 10 seconds but the dusty debris obstructed the Pixie's view until it started knocking away the spires of rotating Glass.

 *" Pour Forth, Youth Of Sand; The Winged Wyrms, Yet Grand"*

 *"Die A Thousand Deaths* and *A Knuckle Greeting, Please?"* [2]

 She prepared half of the 1,000 spires that had been thrown towards the spinning dome of sand which was rotating so fast it looked like a solid structure. Now, these 500 Spires added to the growing hands, they both set themselves with wrists against each other and arms splayed as if mimicking the open jaw of a predator.

 The dome around Uniah Gramanos began deforming from within to without like it were bubbling water until, still spinning about her, she heard roars and glimpsed serpentine forms swimming amidst the plentiful roiling and granulated mass.

 Kazu Nini's attack technique that imitated an open maw shot out a step before the Sphinx's and they merged to grow so expansive that they took a 3rd of the space in the Damage Room.

 Winged Wyrms of Sand emerged forth, each at least 15 meters in length, and they roared as they

approached a spherical cage of Glass.

 The cage of Glass encapsulated their birther and they themselves after Kazu Nini Decided the merged arms were of better use that way. And when the Wyrms smacked against the wall, Kazu Nini felt her techniques instability even before cracks began showing on the surface every time that they struck it.

 Lucky Sphinx was higher than her in cultivation, and she hissed to that.

 The Sphere then instantly closed in on its inhabitants, and squeezed them until here was no breathing room.

 Uniah Gramanos felt great indignation at the current status of things, and for that one second of close

confidence, the Winged Wyrms all busted forth in all directions like fireworks of great debris. And it was that time that the Pixie chose to throw in the remaining 500 Spires of Glass that had been in waiting. So that, it caught the broken technique that had once held the Sphinx to encage her again, then also reinforce them and helped to form spikes within, this time.

 Now that the dragons were flying away from their master, the Glass Cage of Spikes closed in on Uniah Gramanos until she felt like she where in a sandwich. Kazu Nini even made it so that the entire structure spun in random circular patterns that changed direction in irregular intervals.

 *"Youth Of Sand, Reveal And Roam; Stop Not Until Your Belly, Is Her Home!"*

 The Winged Wyrms doubled their struggle until the glass broke again and Kazu Nini dropped several degrees in the Glass Skin that enabled her fly because of the amount of Mental Energy she had thrown into trying to sustain the technique.

 And this reminded her of what The Sprites had said; if she did not make mental energy more than the

Ko-jin she used at the early stages then she would not be at a disadvantage.

 However, the dip in altitude actually helped her to miss dreadful bites and claws.

 *"Have You Seen Meteors Pursue?*, *Die A Thousand Deaths."* [3]

 The torso sized forearms of Glass that struck back at the hunting Winged Wyrms, and they attacked whichever that came close, their eruption redirecting the beasts finally. Some even reached the Noble Cat who managed to evade the forearms that sped up for every second they were in the air, but their mass made it so that they brushed her before they exploded and reformed to repeat.

 10 seconds later, they still got in her personal space but she was successful in avoiding most damage. Uniah Gramanos spared a moment to improve hers too as the Wyrms acted in increasing vigor and motion.

 *"Have You Seen Meteors Evolve?"* [4]

 Kazu Nini was brushed at the shoulder by one that she allowed to come close, and she used the spin to allow herself be brushed once more. So that after she was first brushed upwards, she was once again lightly shoved into the flying back of one of the Wyrms. Running along the serpentine sandy form, Kazu Nini jumped at its tail end, attempting to reach the Sphinx who did not see orbs of Glass popping up about her in geometrical patterns that led in an angular roundabout that came back to her.

 The Princess had knocked away these new fists that were the size of one-and-a-half a torso, and even the explosion after the flying fists had merged had only made blood reach her throat which she swallowed back down. So, she did not know why the Pixie looked smug.

 In fact, glee filled her commoner eyes.

 *"Youth of Sand, Winged Wyrms Of Team; Merge To One, And Sprout Forth A Beam!"*

 The Winged Wyrms all slurped into each other in a spinning sphere that violently imploded on itself

before shooting forth like a raging waterfall.

 Kazu Nini had expected to be hurled back, so that she now had been smacked away to land in one of the Orbs that had been placed in a Geometrical pattern.

 With each movement of an orb to the next, her speed rose explosively. And even Uniah Gramanos – 2 Levels of cultivation ahead of her - could barely track her acceleration until a punch broke through the still pouring beam - with nary a resistance - and unto the Sphinx's face so that she spat out blood and lost a tooth.


 The Noble Cat hurtled to the floor but her feline reflexes allowed her to land on all fours. Though, quite disoriented and having to sort out extra bloody spittle.

 The Pixie had slipped back into one of the orbs in her fall which directed her unto her field of spires on

the ground and bounced about until her actual location was barely discernible.

 *"Adults of Sand, Rain Down Upon My Foe; Sharp Shards Return Up, And Cause More Woe!"*

 The sand - some being made from earth beneath her crouched paws that broke into sand after a flare

of Ko-jin, some from the air and amplified into granules strong and compact enough to participate and

the last was leaking from the corners of her mouth as her stomach grew a small bulge - all stilled themselves in the middle of the stage before she poised mightily, then roared triumphantly.

 The first few rounds were easy to dodge at the velocity that Kazu Nini was moving at. She was even

still not breaking 90 percent of her concentration when she saw that the Sphinx was still roaring even

after a minute as the dust particles were growing in quantity.

 Now, they pelted every second atop her Orb of Glass that ricocheted and accelerated amongst the

spires like the other many orbs that she had also spawned.

 Up and down up and down up and down, the shards of dust fell like in a rain cycle of evaporation, to condensation, and then precipitation, in furious fast-forward.

 Kazu Nini was moving about her spires and her speed was getting slowed down until she deduced the prudent timing before jumping at her opponent and throwing one hand in the air with splayed fingers.

 A barrier of glass formed to stretch over 50 meters and barricade the sand from it oscillating motion of

up and down. Some particles crawled through every space they could find in the Glass until she had completed adding all the orbs and half of the spires on the ground to block all macro exits.

 The Sphinx saw what happened and charged sand for the 3 seconds it took Kazu Nini to make this

Barrier, as the Pixie then also reached out to her with an arm of glass formed above her - tall as double her torso and wide as her height - then finally land two punches of flesh and glass both upon the Noble Cat.

 All this while, Uniah Gramanos had created sand in her belly that she spat out as fine thin needles. And she had been punched to one end, the Pixie had been pierced into another.

 They both shook it off with different degrees of injury, before jumping once again into violent fray.

 Kazu Nini formed, with a tenth of her Glass, a round shield that she held with both forearms crossing

her face. 6/10 of the glass was focused on her face and 4/10 on her body. So that, while blood only

dropped from her face and scalp, they flowed like water and Honey from her body as she endured a

constant stream of thin fine sand needles from Uniah Gramanos's latest roar.

 The Pixie was taking the only damage but she approached the Sphinx one step at a time.

 The needles sprayed, life liquid poured from her body and she held a determined scowl for every

bloody step.

 The Princess did not understand why the girl before her had such a strong will but she was determined, above all, to break it.

 When Kazu Nini was now moving an inch for every five seconds she could finally charge Divine Energy

at her feet and leap to the Sphinx, stuffing the shield at her Royal mouth.

 And one moment it was a shield but the next it was a cloth-like.

 Kazu Nini next slapped her free hands together and used the glass spires on the floor to attack the Sphinx in multidirectional shaves.

 *"Great Shark Hunt!"*

 Paying back her opponent for every single drop of blood lost just a moment ago, she unleashed them to brush the Noble Cat her in rapid velocity until the Sphinx's Roar became a scream. Though, one could only tell from the expression on her face as her mouth was still stuffed.

 This chance, the Pixie took, as she pulled down the barrier stopping the raining sand from earlier and then use it all to form an orb of glass about both herself and her opponent.

 *"Adults of Sand, From Within Rampage; Those Without, Ruffle The Cage!"*

 Now both trapped, Kazu Nini called all the spires into the glass but Uniah Gramanos was no weak

person either. And when she screamed, the sand from within her belly had formed a skin of fine needles all about her form like some sort of winter fur jacket for the elite, meant to sick in looks as well as capability. [5.]


 Forgive My Rudeness.

 She does a feint and launches a spear of Ko-jin towards the opponent. Still, she herself merges fists of glass so that a hand of glass that is double her torso follows a heartbeat behind her as she rushed in to pincer the opponent. Did not work against the orc, however.


 A Knuckle Greeting, Please?

 She would keep an opponent locked between two fists that were bigger than her torso. Meant to crush to paste. Did not work out against the orc.


 Have You Seen Meteors Pursue?

 Fists the size of her upper body, these ones pursue for 3 seconds, and they can also explode on impact like a small grenade. Only to form again

Die A Thousand Deaths.

 An improvement of 'A Hundred Castigations.' A thousand needles that get faster for every half second they spend blazing through the air. The longer she directly empowers them, the faster and more destructive they get. While this version can attack more deadly and can even track opponents based on her willpower, at some point they begin to miss more and more because of their ever growing speed.


Have You Seen Meteors Evolve?

 Fists the size of her torso-and-a-half these ones can pursue for about 9 seconds. They can merge and geometrically increase an explosion that normally would be a PSG.


To look sick is to look dope, when referring to slang terms. Like, "bro, you look sick!" some people say ill, or dope or you can just use nice, fine, amazing e.t.c