
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 29 (Part 2) Haron Javan and Zlai Dfon (2), A Little Break Between Matches.


 Zlai Dfon was worn out, physically. So, she only prepared her Ko-jin in her body.

 "Body Resonance – 25 percent."

 The Ghoul in a Troll's body – Haron Javan - gained smoldering flames on his hands and feet as his body became glossy, revealing his inner skin network of vessels.

 *"Zone Receptor Double."*

 Zlai Dfon began to resemble a glitch in a computer design as if her form were breaking and stammering in effort to stay grounded in this plane.

 She then zipped to him as he did to her. And on contact, she spoke just like he.

 *"Zone Fluctuation!"*

 *"Yin Combat."*

 Haron Javan landed 4 hits in her body - hook, flank, sternum and abdomen - after he noticed that a body double appeared behind him to land a reflected action of her punch on his body.

 The Fairy had been dealt with pain that was both Physical and Spiritual, and at the end of blood escaping through her throat and having her being rattled like a snare drum, she had doubly made sure to let her spirit be firm in her body. Linking the connection with fierce conviction, she fastened the bonded of her spirit being with cage of bones, systems, organs, cells and tissue.

 At first, on his end, it seemed as if Haron Javan's body were being made to levitate, then instead of continuing flying up, it bounced on the ground, before swinging to the walls, then rotating till it curved and finally get smashed on the ceiling.

 The DamageRoom as well as the suffering floor danced wildly and fluttered once more but sound and dust concentrated on his area, slapping him from the front and back. So that, he hit the ground without knowing where he was or where the attacks were coming from.

 He had been laughing throughout until it seemed hysterical, like he was full blown nuts. Not only because he had seen blood trail her lips on both sides but because he was running mad from frustration and enjoyment at the same time.

 It was such a …thrilling, frustrating and provoking feeling… all at once. Was it because she was a commoner or because of her impressive strength?

 *"Body Resonance-50%"*

 Ghouls found bodies they had robbed and, before they had mastered the forms as they juggled though cadaver choice, they felt things distantly. Hence, this was a party to Haron Javan's senses.

 He reigned both his excitement and rage back into himself, then had the flames cover up to his

forearms and his knees before preparing another meeting again. His muscular form revealing itself

through transparent skin to show lines and crosses and network of both tissue and fiber that were firm and compact.

 *"Zone Receptor Triple"*

 Three Zlai Dfon's were in the arena who all seemed as if they were all failed projections of light and they flashed before him like he did to her.

 *"Zone Fluctuation"*

 *"Yin Combat"*

 Now, she coughed up not only a little life liquid and bent her torso after enduring 8 attacks - 2 knees to rib and chest in different sides, an elbow to get right cheek, a shin to her flank, 3 punches to sternum and chest, and then, 1 jab at her throat. Her Spirit shaken within her body more than last time but nonetheless still with her and present.

 Haron Javan felt his body sink, even though the new copy had risen from the floor, in addition to the front and back hits.

 The Troll then got yanked to the left wall, rolled harshly up it, then flew to the ground before being

compressed there a while, tossed like garbage to the ceiling where he was repeatedly smashed against and lastly hefted *into* the ground once more.

 *"Body Resonance: 75%"*

 Standing up from spread eagle position after 5 minutes, his skin now showed his bodily organs and

systems revealed for all to see. The ghastly flames, currently burned with evidently increased zest from his torso and legs.

 *"Zone Receptor Quadruple"*

 Zlai Dfon stood in one place as if she had found peace in her life. She was not necessarily angry or tense... she just wanted to get this over with. The cute Fairy set her own stance, looking like a faulty holographic image.

 They appeared before each other again and clashed. Her new addition added a drop kick from above and he supplied her 16 strikes in exchange.

 Her body moved both within and without as it endured; eye, throat, rib, flank sternum, shoulder,

clavicle, hip, biceps and side of knee were hit once or twice by fist finger elbow and knee until she

dropped to her knees and hung limp. Her Spirit was like a thrashing prisoner from behind cell bars. Like a mad man tied to leashes who flailed about as if he were being subjected to inhumane electrical torment.

 Haron Javan smiled and felt a sense of sadness as he saw what he did to her, but that was before he rose and then his head threw itself to the ground till it was 5 meters deep. Up and down from ground to ceiling, his neck and skull suffered attack until he stopped midair before twirling in the spot and getting yanked to the left wall. Left and right, he went on until even he was frowning, and he ended face down into rubble with his body twisted and to the right.

 The Unfortunate angle his body landed in still did not stop him from pulling his head out of the ground and righting his parts that healed not too long after. His form was now generally straight again and he noticed the damage to his surroundings had not yet concentrated on him again after manifesting in this space, so he knew well that she was alive.

 "Will you date me after this?"

 She rose up and wobbled before standing upright.


 Zlai Dfon was wondering what the hell was going through his mind and how he could have such thoughts as he had never pulled back any of his punches.

 "Haha, too bad."

 Even without those, his laughter and his seemingly enjoyment of pain was something that she did not want to think about right now.

 "Screw you, psycho."

 "Don't rub it in" his organs faded to show his skeletal system, the flames covering him from head to

toe. A flaming giant fist appeared behind him.

 *"Body Resonance-100%"*

 *"Zone Receptor Sextuple."*

 Now she wavered as though she was apparition to reveal 6 Zlai Dfon's.

 *"Zone Fluctuation!"*

 *"Yin Combat"*

 The Fairy's body shivered like it was being poured in a bath of acid and as both Spirit and body were being assaulted. Her Spirit clung to her body for dear life, like a begging prisoner that was tortured to the point where he begged his interrogator to simply end it all and provide bliss.

 All her effort now, was into placating it.

 Blood poured from her form like she was a bank but she did not fly away like a shooting star and crash into the DamageRoom's wall like a meteor until the gigantic hand behind him phased past his person and reached her.

 Now, the crowd could not follow his forced trajectory as his form moved in such abstract combinations that some lesser cultivators got a migraine from trying to understand. Although healing shortly after, the screams that could not reach them because damage and sound had not yet been attuned from the space Zlai Dfon had created with the space that the audience saw, were only louder and louder.

 *"Yin Pole Arm."*

 *"Zone Receptor Nonuple."*

 The Troll Rose slowly and steadily as if avoiding damaging himself. Then, a conflagration of fire that blazed furiously on his body climbed to the 100-meter ceiling before levitating above himself. Half of it coalesced to form a sort of pike with its tip aimed at her.

 "Are you final on your decision?"

 Now having removed herself from being wedged into cracks on the DamageRoom, she scoffed.


 He shrugged, *"Wailing General Sacrifices The Regiment."*

 *"Zone Expulsion and Admission"*

 The only transparent flesh, and ghastly fire left on his body were the ones concentrated on his head as the remaining half had chipped and remolded itself into a cavalier soldier complete with his charger horse and the suspended pike, hovering above his hand.

 9 copies of Zlai Dfon appeared all about him with outstretched hands. Haron Javan then seemed to fold and squeeze on himself before expanding and covering the entire DamageRoom. This process repeated itself until space imploded after its explosion.

 The Pike reached her at the same time that repeated implosions and explosions were going off and she could not stand anymore as it did shake her very being.

 She felt this sensation of separating from herself. Like a transparent skin was being pushed out of her body.

 She then questioned who she was;

 What she was after? Where she was? Why she was resisting sweet sleep? Who had she fought against? And why she fought?

 But nonetheless, in the end, she was on one bent knee and crouched over. Not falling to the ground was a sign that her Spirit which had fallen halfway out of her body was pulled back into her body and soul thanks to not only recalling how she had acclimatized bonging with wood but also her will.

 Her resolution to stay alive was displayed while the Ghoul was suffering implosion and explosion. And when hat was done, the DamageRoom and ground rumbled until it shattered into fine aggregate like only 90 percent of the ground because the referee of the match concentrated on specific areas to heal.

 And most of the manifesting damage was concentrated on Haron Javan who did not seem to be mortally wounded.

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. decided to admire the potential in these youth later but now she had to pump half her Ko-jin into it. And in doing so, only the 10th blast of the shockwave hit the audience leaving some with severe injuries or causing them to faint directly, although not a majority.

 Embarrassed that she had gotten carried away with the match itself, neither Fairy nor Ghoul moved and she declared it a tie, the crowd bursting into a bombardment of expressions.

 "If only she had not been arrogant!"

 "Is he mad, how dare he think he can win a Damsel's heart."

 "Watch how you talk to about a noble."

 "I am New Universe."

 "Shut Up!"

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. sprang up once after sending a pulse of Ko-jin that warned everyone that she was still around, persuading them to stop any brewing conflicts. She then began calling stretchers and personnel with Medical Kits.

 "Now, we shall wait while the stage is being reconstructed as well as the DamageRoom."