
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 29 (Part 1) Haron Javan and Zlai Dfon (1).

 Haron Javan looked at his fist in question at what he had just felt, ignoring her overly calm voice, but still arced his arms till his elbows faced the ceiling as hitting her rebounded him to the ground from the ceiling.

 *"Troll Acquisition: Havoc Fists."*

 His forearms shone Light Blue Ko-jin until some watching almost got blinded and he noticed one of

her arms splayed out as if telling him to wait.

 *"Zone Rejection."*

 Then, suddenly, the distance between the open palm and himself seemed to extend as if reality itself were literally telling Haron Javan to wait in his malevolent desire to reach her.

 *"Zone Call."*

 He then felt the reverse, he was pulled against his will as if the very fabric of distance thought that it would give him a chance to reach her.

 Her fist met his face and the orientation had totally ruined his burrowed body's function to understand

where he was exactly or how he had gotten where.

 When his mind had caught up to the fact that he was lodged on the walls, he jumped.

 *"More! More!! MORE!!!"*

 *"Zone Network"*

 Even without Haron Javan's request or the manic glee on his face, Zlai Dfon swung her arm towards the ground as if slapping it before using her left to face the ceiling as she went back up.

 And he felt the air, atmosphere and very distance slam him to the ground before lift him to the ceiling as if he were a puppet on strings.

 She then pulled her clenched fists to her knee that she poised for an attack before swinging them wildly.

 *"Zone Call!"*

 The space of his reality forced him to zip into her outstretched knee and he blazed into the ceiling where he became firmly lodged when the pace within her coordinates had been stabilized forcefully.

 All the damage seemed to now only materialize on this planet and in the Arena after a while.

 That is, the Damage Room along with the ground finally fluttered like a flag, before ground, walls and ceiling grew cracks, spreading like they were blood inside vessels. And finally sound and dust reigned like the triumphant entry of a king after he conquered the world.

 Haron Javon opened his eyes, his injuries not bleeding and his teeth resuming its mad smile. "Yes, yes, YES!"

 *"Troll Acquisition: Havoc Snatch!"

 Picking up his buried form into ceiling, he launched himself from it and in a deranged scream, he hoped to reach the Fairy

 *"Yin Technique: Spirit Displacement"*

 *"Zone Rejection"*

 Mid-movement, Haron Jvan seemed to slow until his movement became a snail's pace, veins bulging on his body until then looked like wriggling earthworms. Trying his all to reject direct space manipulation, he finally latched his hand unto the fairy.

 But, it was not the hand that had a flame which burnt with strong life but gave Zlai Dfon instincts

severe Goosebumps.

 *"Physique Activation."*

 The Ghoul got riddled with squirming thorns that wriggled from every pore in her body and pierced through him even as space seemed to distort so that it seemed like his hand stretched until

he was halfway up the Arena's Damage Room. However, his torso regained it's usually scale as it

floundered about the air.

 Haron Javan would have screamed like a pathetic chicken if he did not entirely feel the pain in his currently burrowed body.

 He pulled his arm against all possibilities of distance rejecting his intention. His hand warping into

different shapes as he stretched it forth; his fingers becoming abnormal lengths before resuming, his

palm shrinking before expanding, his nails growing to blur his vision to next return to normal... Until

the flaming fist touched her even as he was under the effect of her element and distorted space.

 On making contact with her, her whole *being* shook as if she had been jolted. So, once more she used her move

 *"Zone Rejection."*

 When next Haron Javon found himself, he was buried deep into the DamageRoom. So much so, that he was halfway out this time. Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. did not attempt to fix where the contact was but allowed the walls and floors fluctuate like a stormy sea before sound and dust arrived to disturb the audience and hearing of all.


 The DamageRoom that held him slapped his form back down after space had been restored to normal.

 And he did not move, so she did not have 100 percent attention on him, partially thinking that it was done.

 But, the Ghoul waited till he was her altitude before shooting his hands out.

 *"Zone Rejection."*

 She had been in alert and was about pushing away but he was too close.

 *"Yin Technique: Spirit Displacement"*

 Their palms touched before her technique took place so she staggered but regained herself after

biting her tongue.

 *"Zone Expulsion."

 Now, he felt space fold till he was pushed by distance to be a hairs breath away but he knew this was

the calm before the storm. So, he reached out with his other arm that resembled sardine in a box.

 *"Yin Technique: Spirit Removal."*

 Managing to touch her Haron Javan entered a new version of his current ordeals. And every 3 seconds, now, space folded then slapped him away to different directions of the Damage Room so that he was like a pinball on rocket thrusters. The distortion of space in the area made the walls unnaturally tough which added to his turmoil. But her ordeal was weirder.

 Zlai Dfon could see her body with arms outstretched that would keep the technique on. But she could not communicate with it.

 Zlai Dfon tried calling but her voice echoed here.

 She tried moving towards it but it felt as though, she was moving through Muk. [1]

 And as he kept on rebounding around, she noticed his smile as he forced his hands to close in his form

that was stretched, pulled, expanded then retracted continuously because of fluctuating space. Even

though he was still being slapped around, he willed his troll hands to meet, and they did.

 Haron Javan's body, in the Physical Realm, kept on being tossed around but he had difficulty separating his spirit from his body.

 But the realm of the spirit had no time or space, so what was going on?

 She moved like she was in slow motion towards her body and the 10 minutes of struggle which she finally had only a second more to reach her mostly empty form, he dragged his body around so that his body knocked into hers in the Physical Plane.

 Zlai Dfon noticed that Haron Javon's spiritual movement was getting more fluent, so she stopped her struggle and calmed down.

 The Spirit rested her worries and cleared her mind, as she knew that if he could move his body, then so could she.

 Next thin, her spirit spoke and so did her empty body.

 *"Zone Jail"*

 His body stopped entirely and so did his progress from it, half stuck I'm a stalemate, they were both

trapped in this moment. In this hold, space had not yet stabilized so the aftermath of its turbulence could not manifest either.

 Zlai Dfon was working on the principles of spirits.

 She knew that she might not have expertise and dexterity in this realm, but what if she tried communication with her body.

 Ever since young, Fairies were a reflection of their environment and that was how they developed their physique.

 Space, wind, fire, water...all of that could be reflected. So, communication between elements was not

something she was a stranger to. Communication from body to external forces was not a problem.

 This helped her so far, but would it last like this? And if it did for how long?

 She opened her eyes to see it thrashing in violent wrath as it was half stuck.

 An idea hit her head and she first tested the movements she could wrestle.

 It took her 50 minutes to move her physical fingers although detached, 40 minutes for her arms as her spirit was still not connected to her body, 30 for her torso, 20 for her toes, 10 for her arms and 0 for her head.

 That way, she yanked her body to herself just as the Ghoul was finally free to zoom into her position in the spirit realm.

 Its mouth stretched unnaturally wide and was happy to take a bite out of Zlai Dfon but just as its teeth

reached her so did her body. And she activated her physique once more as she dashed to its fleshly body of the Troll in the Physical Plane. The damage of suddenly and violently disturbing space showed itself about the walls and floor before raucous and sand flew about in a bountiful shower.

 *"Elemental Punch!"*

 She covered Haron Javan in her element of wood and when he woke up, it bound him in its embrace. Thrashing wildly about the stage, it made quite the damage as every landing made a small crater or buried its body parts.

 Zlai Dfon then raised her hand and it cunningly chose that moment of a technique release to jump on her to disturb her.

 *"Zone Punch.*"

 *"Yin Technique: Spirit Burn."*

 Its claw reached her first and solidly. Watching her thrash about the floor while flopping like a fish

disturbed from its zone of habitat and unto land, Zlai Dfon furiously hopped about while screaming shrilly in pain, as distance prepared itself into a fist that folded and stretched itself until it thrummed and materialized into physical view. The Troll wailed before jumping away from the fist.

 *"Troll Acquisition: Havoc Reigns Supreme!"* However, the Ghoul was able to prepare its own comeback in another one of its laughs. "Hahahah."

 *"Yin Technique: Spirit Fists."*

 Nefarious flames on Haron Javan's fists, the Troll leapt at the folding of space... but it was space. And fighting against the punch that spread shockwaves like a dingy boat in the middle of see was apparently pointless as it directed him in every possible coordinate while pain wracked his body in gargantuan impact. Not just from the fist but his own attack.

 *"Physique Activation."*

 So, when she recovered, soaked in sweat and shivers, she jumped at him in graceful haste.

 *"Zone Bump.*"

 The next fist formed itself directly opposite the first. And by the time it was prepared, although she

seemed to jump at a spot he once was - since he was constantly being redirected about the air as if he

were a chest piece - he somehow appeared where both knuckles of Space condensed Fist would be. And the element of wood embraced him internally as if trying to consume every iota of his inner person.

 Still, the Troll woke up on the ground before Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. could declare his opponent as winner.


I know the spelling is muck. Muk is a pokemon from the games. I played it a lot.