
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 28 (Part 1) Isimaila Fginja and Rashta Micko (2).

 The entire 2 times that it had become a Marsupial-Boy, or an Old Owl, she switched between rapid and swift attacks that included bites, mostly by smashing at its head. Or, the Goblin girl ducked aerial lunges and reaches and pecks by zipping herself about the 100 meter tall DamageRoom and the 50 Meter wide stage.

 That was outside when she got bite marks after missing her timing, or her hands while claws raked her body as if it were fertile soil from the farmer's equipment. And, also when her swing had been caught by its claw and she had been tossed against a wall before she was clapped there and bothered with pecks when she was not able to wipe at its timed volatile caresses.

 *"50 Percent Convergence."*

 *"Constitution Wheel."*

 *"50 Percent Merge!"*

 *"Cunning Attribute!"*

 Thoughts firing off faster in her head like she was on a perpetual high, and she understanding them in infinite possibilities, she had to remind her self she was in battle when her thinking seemed to be endlessly want to go on and on. Rashta Micko on the other hand, had scant marsupial form on his body, another 2 pairs of hands jutted form his back and wooden but flexible tail reared over all as it roared.

 He ran to her in unexpected speed, and with the scale of a Siberian mastiff, she ducked a bite that would have taken her head off her shoulders. But only because, when he had tensed his paws, she had seen so many possibilities in such a quantity which seemed that she could write a thick novel off the amount of information streaming into her consciousness.

 She had bent the moment his paw had given her different likely scenarios of his intention and had positioned her Mace where the teeth would clamp. Hurting its gums by moving according to her approximations and biting on the spikes, it screeched then pulled its neck back as she added a jab to it neck with the other weapon which furthered its retreat. But she did not want it too far, so she immediately launched a spiked head at its face. It dodged it, and she considered letting go of the Mace so that she slid between its legs but she had another option.

 Jumping after it, the creature slapped it and changed its direction of travel, while it readied another blazingly fast pounce. The Goblin had pulled back in the Mace the moment that its' head had been pushed aside, thus, when it saw the approaching animal, she had to revise her tactics as this time it pounced to ready itself underneath her leaping person.

 Isimaila Fginja placed the Mace in her hand to be horizontal so that the Chimera form had locked jaws. And the Mace that she had called back was finally returned, thus she could swing heavily at the bridge of its nose as the other her hand was within its mouth but unharmed.


 She immediately used the Mace with a retractable head to get to her other weapon as she deduced it would she saw it jump at her after it seemed slow on its rise, of which it did.

 "Haha," but 30 Seconds had come and gone by. So, her form warped into a winged silhouette with four arms. "This form, haha."

 His scale being what it was, she saw the same stance the Shapeshifter had taken when it was rat and owl, and she opened her eyes as if she wanted to stuff cars into them in attempt to drink all possible information.

 Up, then Diagonal left, then Back down.

 She calculated it all in her mind and reacted by jumping right before zipping herself up.

 Diagonal Right, then Up, then Extreme Left.

 She saw it all, reacting with pulling herself down and landing a hit before allowing it to complete its passage. And as she saw it draw rageful emotion across its face, she enjoyed knowing the steps it would take next.

 Straight Up, then Straight Down, then Upper Right.

 And once again, she saw it all. Making him look like he had just began the principle of movement and surprise, she began waving the crowd who could not get enough of her.

 30 minutes passed like this and he landed with rage on his face.

 This time, the Morph that Rashto Micko's physique donned was a Marsupial and Avian but with a Wooden Staff in its extra pair of hands on its back.

 This one was only slightly faster than the previous transformation, so she 'enjoyed' a lot of hits. Like when she set the Mace to be bitten, the other pair of hands attacks her even after she tried her darndest to dodge – this one felt like possibilities within possibilities and her head was already starting a slight ache. However, when she did find purchase with her Weapons - although she was able to block 9/10 hits without landing most - 1 still did hit the head. Or when it darted past her, she could land sliding attacks. Not satisfactory, but enough to hit his moral.

 The Goblin hope that sort of thing could add up in a battle.

 The last transformation was an Avian, Marsupial and the Male. Not only to her, but it looked like a centaur and the Centaurs of Hyol were popular for speed. This one did not disappoint.

 Reaching her like the wind, Iismaila Fginja endured attacks that she could not cope with. However, she studied patterns; even as she was tossed around like a ball, head slapped to another corner, legs thrown to the ceiling before smashed against a wall and landed on. These ones and many more did she watch and map in her head, but she waited because she knew he still had cards up his sleeves as she did.

 *"75 Percent Convergence."*

 *"Constitution Wheel."*

 *"75 Percent Merge."*

 *"Agility And Cunning Combo."*

 Now that her body could keep up with her mind, both attributes, helped further helped the other like the inner workings of a combustion machine.

 Rashta Micko had once more grown to imitate a stallion in scale. The wings were more proportionate to its body, extra arms were now above the marsupial pair that balanced steadily on the floor and part of the staff had gone into her tail like the old arms. But the decrepit fingers stood upon its skull like the antlers of a deer before the last part of the staff joined them.

 When he spoke in his layered voice, it sounded like oil on glass. "What do you feel?"

 "Can't wait to triumph."

 Both speeches had the watching people waiting.

 "That is my line."

 "I would not stain my mind that way."


 "Come on!"

 She saw his bracing feet, she saw his angry eyes, she saw his flexing muscles and she saw his twitching tail. And the Goblin might not have seen him move, but she saw his raised hands when he was in the air, she saw his muscles that had stayed ready.

 Isimaila Fginja had been able to jump away to dodge a building wrecking stomp which caved in the ground and shook the arena until the DamageRoom thrummed. She had launched her Mace that he dodged then caught with his teeth, she had allowed herself to be pulled closer when he yanked with his teeth on her chain.

 She had let go on her way there, she had veered herself properly after knocking away one of his arms - for both had snapped themselves in the air to catch her but one had been knocked into the other - and she had been able to sit firmly on his back.

 She had smacked his head without abandon and he tilted in all directions, unable to throw her off or even get her to stop until she had been slapped by its tail.

 She had not expected to be because the tail had barely moved since the beginning but she now could add it to her plans.

 And now, she allowed herself to battle with its tail – even though the movement was alienly swift to her senses, she was deducing patterns every time it finally hit - as she stuck her hand backwards in blind search for the staff end of her first Mace Weapon that was still in his teeth in his attempt to keep her with only one weapon and increase his leverage.

 Isimaila Fginja grabbed it when she did find it and she knew that it would not let go, so she battled with the tail until she now lay on his back, hooked to his body with her legs. In one daring attempt to grab her Mace from his teeth, she angled her weight to one side then let gravity do the rest after clutching the bitten Weapon, intending it to come out with al her will and be free. But Rashta Micko was too stubborn and she saw them crash land long before they actually did.

 Now, she saw herself in a disadvantage but since she was able to block 50 of 100 strikes, get hit about 30 times while inflicting thrashing pain 20 times. Thus, she did not feel too left out.

 15 Seconds having passed in their close-range melee, meant it changed form. Again.

 She could still hold, as her head was thrumming but it also kept her alive in the same way adrenaline did, only imagine it with pulsing pain that progressively got worse after time.

 If he was relatively made to distantly resemble a centaur before this previous transformation, he certainly did now.

 The Marsupial's black fur covered from where his waist met his lower limbs but the feathers started from above there. The Owl's wings blossomed from his back and his otherworldly beauty was captured when he kept the birds round eye but retained his human lips. The lower limbs of the Rat were mixed with the Owl's so that it looked like it had too many digits, the tail keeping its fused from with the wrinkly arms to give it mobility and strength. Finally, the front arms kept its male appearance as two horns jutted out of his temple respectively.

 "Do you not see victory when you look at me?"

 "I see something," she spat. "Something to conquer."

 "Hmph, you are too late to flatter me. If you think that will help you, then you are sorely mistaken."

 "No, I mean how beasts are meant to be for food or circus. And the only other people that need them would be soldiers with PTSD or something." She added a frown, "or how a starving hunter would yearn for its cooked meat. other people that want them are either very lonely or… I don't know. All I'm trying to say is that I am very far from flattering you."

 The laughter from the crow made him scowl before he spoke next.


 "Arrogant." She would not confess to him that his voice sounded musical even as he disappeared from her sight entirely.

 Isimaila Fginja endured hits from every angle possible for 5 seconds with the inability to react.

 Isimail Fginja had blocked half of the next ones that attacked her after seeing the approaches and the sharp or blunt or hard feeling from each one.

 Isimaila Fginja was laughing during the last 5 seconds while she successfully struck out a good amount of damage.

 And when they appeared to the people's eyes, she had torn clothes of which she prudently fashioned into a bra to cover her dignity. The bottom half were tights, so for the remainder of her top, she tied on her waist as prevention is better than cure. [1]

 Rahta Micko on his end had scratches and blood about himself in testimony of her violence.

 *100 Percent Convergence."*

 It waited for her to say something, and when she did not, it smiled beautifully.

 *100 Percent Merge."*

 Basking at the thought that the Goblin had no more aces, it splayed its arms out for further effect.

[1.] Prevention is better than cure means that it is better to avoid a problem than to face it.