
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 27 (Part 3) Isimaila Fginja and Rashta Micko (1).

 The Granny leapt at Isimaila Fginja with more speed than was expected in her mind and she jumped back to deflect a double handed twirl before a single-handed jab which she sidestepped entirely. The Goblin then replied by whacking it to the side, the attempt to separate it useless as it stayed its aerial position as though rooted in space, but Isimaila Fginja still continued her other hand to return the jab that was deflected with both hands still on the stick from Rashta Micko's.

 The Shapeshifter stepped in and used one arm for a wipe swipe which the Goblin jumped over with both legs curled in a fold, then Isimaila Fginja witnessed a fist so close to her forehead that she had to cross both Weapons there. And having negated most of the attack because her own Weapons had been used to send her back to ground from its rebound at the point of collision, she rolled back and sprang up to see the stick being stabbed out with one hand.

 The Goblin jumped to the side this time as the Wooden Staff made a perfectly clean hole in the ground before being retracted, preceding a sweep at her flank. Kazu Nini's roommate then replied in kind and the Granny used the force to throw her arm backwards in the opposite direction with a slap that threw the Goblin to the DamageRoom's walls.

 "Do not underestimate this form." She twisted into a boy, "oh, wait, you already did. Haha!"

 Rashta Micko was already on her tail once more and she had to swing with all her might before he got thrown to his half of the stage. Smirking and liking the crowd that screamed his name, he jumped back to resume the chase, faster this time, which compelled her to roll over the strike before knocking at his knees and shins. Rashta Micko wobbled in pain before receiving a double strike at his back, being forced to finally kneel and cough out.

 The Goblin landed a second one but both Staffs of her Mace fell upon one elbow before he rose up with the other arm, grabbing one Mace Rod to throw her away again. He frowned because he felt the crowds 'ooooooooh' after he had been struck from before and hated that she had been taken that away from him. The Shapeshifter reached her but she shot the Mace Head into the air above her, before swiftly retracting it again once it hit the ceiling so that she seemed to pseudo-float.

 "Coward!" The crowd seemed to want her demise.

 "Shut up, retreat is a tactic!" No, she still had fans.

 "Sissy!" It was hard to tell.

 Repeating this sort of evasion several times against the walls and grounds kept him incapacitated with offensive intention until he became an owl again. Now, she aimed directly at him and because he did not expect it, his avian face met the ground after she had attached herself to his claws. The Goblin yanked herself there with the chain, pulling herself with rapid velocity to his location, then landing one more solid hit that made him bounce off a wall to meet her once again before a double swing at his person that flipped the bird body to land on the ground.

 The crowd, at this point, was torn between the Goblin and the Shapeshifter whenever one had the upper hand, the applause was almost deafening and reactions were thrown about at almost every landed hit.

 Both of them had tanked a bit of attacks on each other as they had bruises in different parts of their body, and they kept swaying the crowd in this manner for the next 12 minutes. But on the 13th, Rashta Micko used his first technique since he started.

 *"25 Percent Convergence."*

 She felt something shift about him and she used her specialty too. *"Constitution Wheel."*

 *"25 Percent Merge."*

 *"Agility Attribute."*

 The switching between Rashta Micko's unsettled forms were happening every 25 seconds now, and the transformations had become more mixed as Isimaila Fginja seemed to be a slippery ghost.

 He first started off as a winged rat about the scale of a Cat and dived towards the Goblin who still sped faster than it. To his annoyance, every time he passed by her wide attack range because of the Maces that gave her such a wide attack range, he was redirected by impacts at his claws. He dove, sprung, rolled, curled and bit to land a solid hit but the Goblin slapped the reaching claws, knocked him back, attempted to reach him and missed then got her Mace Head caught as she was trying to pull it back respectively.

 Isimaial Fginja finally threw it away and it became a four-armed unisex humanoid with a Staff in its lower digits. The curly skin and the double layered laughter as it approached would have been haunting to her but after being around her Spiritual roommate for so long, this was nothing.

 The blunt Wooden Staff pierced into the ground till it was halfway submerged and the Goblin ran along the Wooden Staff, jumping of it also as if trying to mock the hands that missed her, then threw one Mace while shooting out the Head off the other.

 One of the top hands snatched the Weapon Head, and although it made him move back a little, he still dragged the Goblin to the ground as its own backward movement had made the first Mace to miss him entirely. The Shapeshifter then wagged the Mace Head about itself so that it smacked her twice before she pulled it in, and it had been waiting for this, seeing by its set stance. However, the Goblin let go of the Weapon so that she slid belly first until she grabbed the buried Wooden Staff, having well missed a three-armed punch that generated enough wind to be sufficiently intimidating. And using the still buried Wooden Staff as a pivot, she landed a solid double kick to the missed-punch poised humanoid, which added damage to her socket joint by insisting on not letting go as she was now up like a flag in that moment and perpendicular to the ground.

 45 seconds in that morph done, as her hanging body dropped back to ground, it immediately sought altitude as the Mace in its other hand dropped to the arena floor. It then landed away as the Goblin reveled in its successful hit with a wide smirk. Although with the bruises, her light panting and her row of fangs, it looked feral and violently beautiful.

 Now a feline with wings, the Cat stopped on the ground and then flapped a few times before they seemed to suddenly halt along with the rest of its form. And the Goblin shot out a Mace Head that almost reached the Hybrid beast before it disappeared in invisible speed. Iisimaila Fginja was hit like a bullet train and she flew into the air like a spinning top. The tossed Goblin floundered one Mace about her body in an attempt to protect itself as she shot out the other Mace Head towards anywhere she could get a hold. And she did manage to feel the extended Mace grasp purchase but before her body could follow where the Head had buried itself into, she was smacked again.

 She was maltreated like this for the remaining 40 seconds until the more Humanoid showed itself once more.

 "Are you tired?" the doubly layered voice taunted her. "Do you want to quit?"

 Isimaila Fginja got up to her feet. "Finally." She then shot out a Mace as if he did not deserve a verbal response. And in retaliation at that silent insult, he grabbed the Head and did not move his arm as if waiting for her to reach him.

 Rashta Micko instead began walking slowly to her and she herself knew that the Chimera form was worse, so she did as he expected and also approached.

 Isimaila Fginja slapped two fists with one Mace, and when the hand with a Wooden Staff wanted to approach her person, she had already jumped so that the caught Weapon Head had recalled all of its extension chain. And then, she shot out the Mace Head again, so that she was instead shoved back to avoid that Wooden Weapon before it reached her, but the fourth arm was still clutching her Weapon, so she was not all too comfortable.

 This time, when she reached the Shapeshifter, it allowed the Staff of the Mace to be before his body as if taunting her, and only act as a flimsy shield which held back two fists but did not stop the still moving Wooden Staff. And she timed the hit on her body so that when she activated the Mace Head again, she was released of his partial hold. 10 more seconds meant that she would face the Chimera again, so, she swung it over her shoulder to deflect a punch before the Head she just shot dragged the rest of her body along with it.

 She slid at it in good speed and blocked two swipes, one after the other - with different Maces, although she felt ache in her bones on doing so - and then rolled to the side to effectively evade a stomp from the Wooden Staff's butt.

 Isimaila Fginja swiped at a foot and although she was sure she hit skin, the energy she used was not enough so she rolled again when the owner's arm wanted to hit her with its back. She then jumped to land both Maces on its Head. The Wooden Staff next came around as she expected and she zipped herself away so that she was now close to one of the walls. The Goblin leapt first before launching the Head once more and it made the Shapeshifter not catch but dodge it. He then swung a lower and upper fist but she landed the Mace Head in her hands atop a fist so that she vaulted over him after wrenching that arm when the strike to his knuckle connected and making it into a rub. But that was not where she stopped; the Goblin then grabbed the Wooden Staff which Rashto Micko had been raising against her arcing form. Since it had been high and, in the air, to formerly whack at her, it pulled along its body that she threw away after she landed, then zipped to the tossed Shapeshifter, managing to whack at it everywhere its fists did not get blocked if they landed on her.

 Funnily, the next time it twisted form, it was now a boy with a tail, his claws digging shallowly into the ground, and the Goblin prepared to face this new form of attack.

 She calmed her ragged breathing and told herself that she was not really losing.