
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 25 (Part 2) Party For The First Years and Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Coming Through.

"So, are we arriving late 

what?" Kazu Nini imitated scratching side burns, if she were a man and had them.

The Goblin was back to her stoic, and silent pose coupled with an indifferent expression. Only, she was also chewing apples and biscuits. Thus, it was the Spirit who seemed to be speaking, her voice muffling every time food passed through the spiritual mass where her mouth should be.

"Yeah, because we are the cool kids."

"Really? It was just always my lifestyle." Picking off imaginary dirt from her fingers in her bored stare at them, her Telewatch rang and she slowly raised it up to her face level while looking away.

"Got a place and a time which is 8, let them know that the most I am doing is 1:30. Thus, you guys are done by 12:30 tops."

"I knew I could tru-"

"Not in the mood, I have saved my daytime hours enough. Have fun, Prime Student."

When Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. ended the call without waiting for a reply, Kazu Nini was left with a problem; "How do we know those on our side, though?"

"What do you mean? Since your generous donation, you've got many 'loyal' fans." Isimaila Fginja burped.

Swallowing a ton of biscuits, the Spirit made a proclamation. "I eat to that."

"Wait, hold this up," Kazu Nini topped her expression and flared her Ko-jin to get their attention. "Uniah Gramanos is a noble; those guys wake up eating arrogance for breakfast. And that was the one thing we hurt."

"Yeah," the Spirits mood dampened, and so did theirs. The instant effect on them kicked in so subtly until it reached the extent where the Goblin had to pat her on the back until Jagonu Nnahor sobered up from whatever memory that had caused such a reaction. "And, not to mention that that status would grant her at least infinite methods to ruin us at every possible turn."

"No," the Young Pixie replied. "Being in this school should grant some sort of protection. At the very least."

"Wait," the spirit's mood lightened and the Goblin felt as if a weight was raised off her back. She then noticed that even though Kazu Nini had faintly tensed, her reaction was not as much as hers.

"What training did you do today?" The Goblin interrupted the Spirit who turned back to Kazu Nini to finish what she intended to say.

"I could help, by checking if their personal identification - their spirits - are disturbed or not."

"What if it was a shapeshifter?"

"Ha, even easier."

The grin on Jagonu Nnahor's face had an effect on the Goblin that made her feel as if she were locked up in a haunted house that suddenly turned dark. Only to see the lights flash upon the real ghost of a face shrouded in bone chilling miasma.

"When I learn from Kazu Nini how she is slightly more resistant to your emotional swings – that's what I'm going to call them for now – I will ask your backstory."

The Spirit's energy dimmed down until all felt normal. The calm but alert face on Kazu Nini's expression pissed her to the bone that she was left out of this her sudden upgrade but she said nothing about it.

"That will have to wait, I will only say when I am ready." She then drifted to the couch and turned to the door. "Besides, you might hate me if I really do tell you."

Kazu Nini waited and studied the Spirit for a while before speaking. Although she did not seem excited on the surface Isimaila Fginja knew that she was happy at her new reaction to their friend's…emotional swings. "Glad to know that you can help."

The young Pixie told her Public Relations Manager to wait at the door of the Gymnasium ahead of time and begin speaking to the massed before she arrived. She then spoke to her roommates next.

Kazu Nini scrunched her brows as she had realized what Mako Nini had been hinting at. "Something just came to mind…do you remember the news about the noble who got his building wrecked about a week ago."

"Yeah, it was about how the building was wreaked, then reshaped and then suddenly an eruption of a blast of Ko-jin poured from its literally sky-high top."

"Beam blast?" She thought about it but did not know if her aunt could be related to that or not. At least, not completely. "Anything else?"

"A blur came out of it shortly after the blast and it was captured by the people who had gathered."

"What blur, is there any information on that?"

"Well, someone said it could be an arc and others said it could be a circle."

"A circle?" She then laughed before a call came in. "They are there already." Kazu Nini replied to the call, "I'll be around shortly."

"The main peeps rolling, in. Jagonu Nnahor, I need you in back in cool kid mode."

She sighed then stood back up straight, reaching the door with the silhouette of spiritual fingers that jutted out of her fingerless glove. "Next time, I want to be a nerd."

"Wawa's, I'll be right behind you." She took the last of her drinks with her. "Let's get this party started!"


"It is a great opportunity to be right here and right now. And as a representative of the Prime student, I would like to thank all that will join us on our journey. And, oh yes, we just started but I am curious – and ready – to see what it becomes."

They emerged to the front of a building that already had a good crowd before it, having to also see a tombstone at the top of its flat ceiling. Kazu Nini noticed it and was going to comment when she was overwhelmed by the hope that the nobles would not pull anything tonight. She was not ready for *everything* that they might have in store, and although she was confident in solving most problems effectively, she did not like taking risks especially at the infancy stage of the New Universe and her fresh status as a student of Kynandrial, Chilkt State University.

"Over at Johklon, when we decided to have the framework of what is the New Universe, part of me thought that it would all end after graduation but being right here and in this moment, it really excites me to say the least."

Kazu Nini eyed the top of the building once more and vaguely assumed that was Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. But the notion seemed absurd to her as the crowd began opening up as her and her's came through. More people clapped hands, and the conversations, wild gesticulations and group or solo selfie taking became pointing fingers, hushed fingers and repetitive flashes of light in their direction.

"Now, we all know why you are here, as I have been taking a lot of your attention so far." You could see the joy light up Zlai Dfon's face like a chandelier. "So, let us give a hand to the leader of us all and usher her to come speak directly to us all! Prime Student!! Kazu Nini!!!"

Kazu Nini wondered when she would adjust to the feeling as she knew that when people expressed delight and excitement like that, there was hope and expectation with it. She looked back at all her actions so far and was happy that this did not seem to influence her in ways where she felt constricted by her status but that it also, more importantly, signified that she was taking a step in the right direction.

"It is an honor to be here." The Young Pixie took over from her Public Relations manager and now stood at the head of the flight of stairs which had a lot of space before the doors leading to the Gymnasium. "I will not waste any more time to allow you guys in, but before I do that, I would like us to honor the honorable 3rd place who cannot help but be absent this very night. Much to our regret, I might add."

The response was immediate and the cheers and hearty expressions spread like a wave of chicken pox.

"So Zla-"

Kazu Nini snapped her head to the left and Jagonu Nanhor, behind her roommate like Isimaila Fginja but to the right, had her hoody turned to the same direction – all at the same instant - but the Pixie and the Spirit both found nothing strange, and shared looks before resuming their usual demeanor.

"The Public Relations Manager will split you people into your status as students; Tributaries, then Tertiaries. And I want a spread-out formation so that it is easier to manage you guys." The young Pixie surreptitiously glanced around to see that nothing in her eyesight was wrong. "Thank You."

Kazu Nini knew that maybe it was the shock of training her spirit which allowed her to sense as her roommate had, but it could not be a coincidence, so, she hoped that Jagonu Nnahor could really help at this point. Kazu Nini then looked in the general direction of the tombstone and scowled under her face that Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. did nothing in reaction or even survey for possibilities but just stay there. Finally, she took a step back as her Public Relations Manager took over.

"Queue this way, please."

"Noble presence suspected," Kazu Nini liked how even though she had said it while falling back the Fairy had not reacted obviously. "Keep cool and standby." The Young Pixie retreated until she was beside her people then conveyed the same message to them too.