
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 25 (Part 3) Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Not Taking Any Action and Noble Challenge.

"Are you sure?" The Goblin was Transferring Speech. "They might just want us to be tense."

"I'm sure of this." Kazu Nini replied in kind, not allowing her face or body betray her desire to appear oblivious.

"Have you told Isimaila Fginja?"

"She sensed it too, hence her position just beside the door as they file in."

"Okay, when you need me, let me know."


The Tributary students had gone ¼ of their numbers and still nothing had happened, making Kazu Nini conflicted.

"Not to doubt, but how sure are you of this?"

"I do not think I could be wrong. Plus, another of ours felt it."


Half of them had now gone through without incident. And if her newly trained spirit had not alerted her of Jagonu Nnahor's intention, she would not have even bothered looking up and jumping forwards with reckless abandon as a sphere of glass intended to catch an impostor by the neck.

The Spirit had had to first solidify her hand in haste. So, she was only able to graze a chest that changed from a face which should have been one of their newest members and into one of the Tributary students before plumage covered its body as a pulse of Divine Energy pulsed out of its being which carried it to disappearing into the darkness of the night.

Their eyesight should have been splendid even though it was this time of the night, but the density of darkness which covered the area they were looking at was enough to tell them that it was planned.

Kazu Nini was on the floor in a crouch as she had missed her grab and the Spirit had an extended arm that had not fully carried out its order so the students who noticed them first almost began panicking when Kazu Nini screamed from both anger and for silence, then told them to continue filing in. This time, she stood beside her ethereal roommate but they both did not sense anything else. So, they shut the door behind themselves when everyone had entered, Kazu Nini relaying orders to her Public Relations Manager just before.

They both entered in last to witness a large hall that had equipment now on the perimeter of the building but would usually be arranged in rows and columns which ranged from bicycles and treadmills to bench presses and so much more. The floor above them seemed high, but Kazu Nini felt that there was more to it.

A disco light hung on the ceiling, amidst a trail of luminescent glowing light that was birthed from a transparent wire which trailed the upper limit of the room, and the tapestries around the place were fit for the occasion, encouraging students to chat about what just happened as they either went for snack or drink in less fright than should have been. Kazu Nini also glanced a small number of chairs draped in dark clothing that were probably designed to hearten standing or dancing but she saw 4 chairs elevated back rests which she guessed were for the top students. Then, the Young Pixie walked to her chair and stood atop its backrest.

"Evening, newest members. I am sure you must have been frightened from what just happened moments ago, but rest assured..." The young Pixie looked down to witness her roommates destroying the 4th chair that would have seated Uniah Gramanos until it was only a stool, before she continued amongst the amusement of the crowd amidst pictures and videos being taken. "…everything would be alright. One more time for the New Universe."

Kazu Nini hopped forwards and grabbed the wires shining forth luminescent light so that the pins holding them to the ceiling fell off until she landed and bit a hole in the wire. Using the pouring glowing liquid, she wrote boldly on the clothing that was still pinned to the lower half of the broken chair;

4th Place. Uniah Gramanos.

All Hail Her Majesty.

Just as the crowd reacts in amusement, she got a call from Zlai Dfon and picked it;

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): I found something interesting.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Speak.

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): I roamed the grounds, and apart from a patch of darkness, there was nothing amiss except from the Sick Bay.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: What was at the sick bay?

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): The Impersonated student seemed to be walking towards the Bay but when I approached, I noticed his gaze was glassy and he seemed confused.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Was it that shapeshifter then?

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): Rashta Micko, I think Rashta Micko was his name.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Lead our member here, do you need backup?

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): They might not hit this soon, maybe during the night but not this soon.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Just get here the promptest you can.

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): Okay.

Several seconds later, Zlai Dfon popped out of the air at the entrance before the doors were open. And when she did, the students who recognized the face that had been used with the intention to infiltrate the party and pointed at it, speaking to themselves as Zlai Dfon supported him until he was placed at Uniah Gramanos's seat. The roommates then circled their chairs around his and began asking questions as Jagonu Nnahor placed her hands at his back for reassurance; both in the interest of themselves and for him.

"What happened to you?"

He squinted his eyes and stuttered. "I-I don't remember."

"He speaks the truth." Her roommate with the sleeveless hood top agreed with him. "I only sense that he endured a quick and sharp physical pain."

Kazu Nini knew it was a dead end if Jagonu Nnahor concluded that from directly feeling his spirit. "She would not give us a reason to hold her guilty and we cannot prove this was actually her doing. So, we have nothing on her."

"Plus, even if we do," the Goblin scowled, "she could just pay her way out of it."

"I also feel…" the Spirit continued, "…a disturbance in his soul."

"The soul, being where the mind, or the thought, emotion and will, is." She dropped her hands beside herself. "I think his memory was altered."

"Today, we will officially add them into our circle. The only problem is that the clothing for them has not yet arrived and I need a sure way of knowing who is with us or against us." Kazu Nini closed her eyes, "we will move as I planned; share the resources as we state their positions in the organization." They next told him to go enjoy a drink and some food as Kazu Nini gave more orders. "Stay alert, we do not know how she plans to circumvent the rules if she would break them again. One of us should keep tabs on him."

And Zlai Dfon rose into the air immediately. "Because of the slight disturbance, we might have to speed things up." She raised her Telewatch that projected names and she pulled something out of a Space Box that Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. gave to her when she had gotten the share of points to distribute.

"We will share our rewards from the examination and we will directly adopt you officially into the New Universe after lines have been formed according to earlier tonight."

The 100, Tributary Students, 190 Tertiary Students and 170 Poly Students arranged themselves to receive their points as they clapped, squealed and jumped. Having brought their cards, Zlai Dfon dipped an apparatus like a pen but having one end being soft like a matrass that she spoke into before squeezing and pulling out of a box in her hand.

"Our Examination Officer opted to Tributary Students were to usually get 5,000 Artificial Raw Ores. But now, we will get 14,950 along with 5 weeks of training time."

As the people fervently clapped, the Goblin now realized that they were getting the same results as their lesser but she wanted to join the New Universe so she did not speak up and only aided the applause.

"Tertiary students were to get 2,500 Artifificial Ores, but now to get 5,368 of them. And, 2 weeks of training time."

The tertiary Students were excited and began their own thunderous clapping.

"Lastly, Poly-Extra Students are still bound for 1000 Artifical ores as she wants to encourage them to strive harder but they too now have 2 weeks of time."

Their clapping was a bit delayed but it caught up as low fire was lit in their eyes to do better. Kazu Nini enjoyed the looks and Zlai Dfon went on to explain how the points in the New universe were handed until those with the most contributions and that the demarcating levels were Core, Inner and Outer.

"Lest I forget, the Tablets and Pro-Shakes would be handed out according to merit."

The next step was to get their I.D's once again and create the chat group for the Chilkt State University, Knynandrial.

Kazu Nini wanted this all finished and just as they were rounding up, she felt foreign energies nearing the building even before the door was broken down into pieces.

Her best friend in the world stood in front with Rashta Micko beside her, clutching his chest were Jagonu Nanhor had struck him earlier. To her right, was the troll with white and green skin and behind them was a form that would have resembled Jagonu Nanhor save that beneath its bubbling ethereal gas form was a corpse without the lower half its mole face, revealing ghastly teeth and a spine that reached into its voluminous clothing. Rings covered each sharpened and long fingers, its legs were covered in pointy shoes.

"No need to wet your pants, only here to issue a challenge."

Kazu Nini clapped her hands quickly and twice, "first order; around me." The people huddled around her in a semicircle before she continued. "Speak."

"How dare you?" Its voice sounded like something between a wailing ghost and a screeching hawk. "Do you intend to give orders to Uniah Gramanos, 36th Princess of The Gramanos Empire??"

"I don't speak to dogs." The Wraith blanched in anger as Kazu Nini had not even looked at him. "Your Dog master is the one I refer to."

Uniah Gramanos stretched out a hand to stop Iskrin Olinum who was 6th place on the Tributary Student Rankings. The bubbles on his body bubbled in intensity while the Sphinx spoke. "Hear us out." Uniah Gramonas sent a look at the wraith who swallowed his anger and pointed to Jagonu Nnahor.

"Scum, I will battle you. The bet would be your ranking; if I win, I will get your ranking and you will get mine."

"Scum? You want to get the position of scum?" Jagonu Nanhor laughed then suddenly straightened up to emphasize how much she was actually in glee, "since you want to become scum so bad, I have no need to stop you. But, ours would be to the end, the mortal end."

He hesitated, but not long enough to allow her to laugh at that, instead grinning fiercely to match her indifferent face. "Agreed."

"You, Goblin, I want you." Rashta Micko the shapeshifter scowled at the Wraith had taken his target who had attacked him earlier tonight. "The same bet, disregarding mortality, but I need your position."

"And," Isimaila Fginja added, "PhysiqueStabilization, 4 ton of Epic Beast feed and 10,000 Artificial Raw Ores." The Shapeshifter scoffed as if he was disappointed in what he considered to be her small ambition as he was a noble and it would barely shift his pockets, even if he requested it of his family in his sleep.

The Troll who had the green and white screen nodded towards Zlai Dfon. "I will be having your defeat, same stakes."

"SpacePellets and 10,000 Artificial Raw Ores."

It did not even nod but ignored her, picking the dirt in its nails.

"I will plead with you if need be." Uniah Gramanos stared hungrily at Kazu Nini and she knew the girl could not challenge her because of her age, except it was the Prime Student issuing it. "Same agreement except with addition of all your Artificial Raw Ores that were earned throughout the exam."

The Young Pixie enjoyed the expression on her face, but the thing was that with the New Universe just starting out, she would need its position to be solidified in the heart of its new members. "The battles will be the 3 weeks after. Secondly, it will be the most wins which dictate who would have what. However, my outcome of our battles will be 2 points instead of one, A Spirit Supplement and 15,000 Artificial Raw Ores. And," Kazu Nini let the stare linger on her. "Any of yours on the top 50 will give their positions to mine not forgetting that any attempt to infiltrate my meetings again will be met with that culprit forfeiting his/her rankings. Permanently."

Uniah Gramanos almost swallowed but she could not allow doubt to worm into her thoughts. One day, she would be queen in her homeland and if she said something she had to go through with it. Her arrogant smile instead even made some of the New Universe recruits almost doubt their leader as she spoke.

"Sure, why not?"

"I won't see you out."

"No need to, get back to your mess of a party."

"Go back to sulking in regret for the future and present."

The Sphinx laughed as they walked out.

Kazu Nini clapped and got their eyes back on her, "resume!"