
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 24 (Part 2) Prime Student Benefits (1) and The Administrative Block.

 Through her wake-up routine, the Young Pixie could not get what she had learned just yesterday out of her head. The types of Energy and their ratios had appealed to her and she knew she was definitely going out to burrow a book or something. She also had to cultivate, get used to merging her moves like she had done at the exam as not all her opponents would allow her to prepare herself so much and the Explosive Step, Explosive Strength and Exlposive Pace were things she could not wait to try out.

 Kazu Nini also remembered her first objective today and with Instant Pace, she easily reached the administrative building under 20 minutes, now standing before the building that had a sort of gutter circumventing about them. She walked over to the bridge that connected the expansive artificial island and the school compound. The brick buildings, she noticed, seemed to be behind some curtain of light and when she reached halfway of the bridge, a pole rose till it was about her height before a camera's lens extended out until it was about 50 centimeters before a light scanned the entire bridge first, then focused on her.

 "Student," she was fairly impressed that it deduced that from the card hanging on her neck. "What is your business here?"

 "Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. told me to come get my prizes for the exam."

 "Her Telewatch contact will be reached to confirm the claim you have just made." She could hear almost imperceptible sounds that seemed as if it called the Exam Officer to spoke to her. "There will be terrible consequences if you are caught to be lying."

 "Feel free," she shrugged her shoulders and allowed her mind to wonder back to what she had heard last night. She hoped that she had not exceeded the ratios that Kivon and Devon had spoken about. She wondered that were did Mental Energy go as it was part of the being, and all, when she heard Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9.'s voice.

 "Hey there, come."

 She saw the lady wave her in and the pole went back into the bridge. And Kazu Nini was about to make a joke on how a teacher could be late but the sight she saw inside made her fall silent.

 After passing through the curtain of light, it was not what it turned out to be when she was trying to look in covertly like she was thinking on the bridge.

 At the forefront were houses that ranged from thatched cottages with streams of water about areas of their 20-meter compounds, she also saw Epic Beasts ranging from rabbits that their heads were at least taller than her, to Butterflies that seemed to revolve around a settlement which was never clear as the insects released a strange pollen that wanted to confuse her, the longer she stared. Other houses, Bungalow, Duplex or Detached and even Semi Detached, had all their personal peculiarities.

 But apart from the fact that she felt there was at least 10 heavenly veins at her feet, it was the floating buildings she saw that shocked her. It was not her first time seeing this, as influential people in Jhoklon could afford this. But it was that the atmosphere had layers which had some buildings on some, while other settlements seemed to be in constant motion about their levels of atmosphere the higher it got. And right at the tallest building she saw, were people ascending and descending through some sort of pass that were in tube which were bundled on the perimeter of the building. At above the building was…land.

 "Come, come!" Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Walked forward as if she had forgotten that she had something cooking on the fire. "Come to my Administrative Block."

 They weaved through grass and peculiar sights as she saw a strict uniform code on this level. When they reached the tallest building in this level of several miles, she arrived to a platform that appeared to be a flat circular disk which rose to the skies. Inside the tube that was shared with other people, Kazu Nini was wondering if she should just call her place its' own city. But the dome of light that encapsulated everything that she finally noticed - when she squinted her eyes to the distance and added Ko-jin to them, from which light was pouring down was where endless sky was supposed to be - reminded her that truly this was not a city.

 The pair reached a new level to see that over here was more ridiculous, as each tenant had their own atmospheric zone; some had winter, some summer, some fall and some spring. The uniforms were less strict here, as only half of the different races here tucked in their clothes as they ran and scrambled not to miss the rising stone that went up into yet the next layer. She noticed that the dome here sent different lights into different structures and their compounds, it was what seemed to differentiate the different seasons here and the general ones where the roads were. She watched them scramble and did not know why they packed themselves into the tube with her but she said nothing.

 The level higher than this previous one they just passed through had areas that each space had its own atmospheric zones. Split into four quadrants for each building of the different seasons, hectare was what each residence counted as.

 The Teacher walked far into this layer and Kazu Nini thought that just by breathing in the very air here could take her into the next cultivation stages, at least up until Divine Early Level 10, in under a month.

 They passed different buildings and saw that some structures preferred a concentration of certain weathers while some mixed all or some in their overall composition.

 "Are those different skies?"

 "I thought you will still be dumbstruck."

 "Hmph," she herself was not confident if that scoff was honest or not. "Maybe awestruck but not dumbstruck."

 "What's the difference?"

 "Awestruck is in the mind while dumbstruck is speechless because the mind goes blank."

 "So, you would fall back to awestruck because it makes you feel tougher?"

 They reached a building that had a mix of everything, and the seasons changed every five minutes; Kazu Nini went from blistering cold, to heavy rain, painful heat and then fall's breeze, compete with falling leaves. The main body floated in the air, slowly rotating as stairs seemed to be pillars or legs that connected it to the floor and the levels each had different landings and different people going through or out of them through different section of stairs.

 "Not exactly, just honest."

 "If you were not dumbstruck, then why did you not speak until now?"

 "I liked what I saw so I hoped to absorb as much as I could."

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Laughed and it sounded more pleasant than she had imagined.

 They waited until a section of flight were extended towards their area on the ground before they hopped on it. And when they climbed the stairs which Kazu Nini noticed was in different segments that were being randomly and differently lifted up in some sort of maze, it made her wonder why they were not just straight. Their flight of stairs pulled her and the examiner up, winding them in turns, ascents and descents, until they reached the lowest entrance.

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. pulled out her identity card and raised it up as the projection of light that the young Pixie surmised to be a door of some sort as they were pulled by a force which she could do nothing against, to find themselves in a small room complete with a couch. She was about to walk when the examiner held her back which enabled her to notice the lower half of her body was still forming from emotes of light. Kazu Nini wondered at the technological advances and if humanity would ever stop needed something as vital as cultivation. But this had to be beyond that and maybe this was a mixture of the two.

 When both examiner and student were formed, they walked to reach the couch. And as they did, a table formed before them with numbers and a touchscreen that filled most of it. Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. Scrolled with touch until she found what she wanted, then tapped into it. She then motioned at Kazu Nini's Identity Card and the girl gave her. At which point, the young Pixie saw the Examiner tapping buttons on it after rubbing her own card directly atop. Another face replaced the surface of the card she was used to and she saw a different menu now;

 Name: Kazu Nini

 Race: Pixie

 Year: 1st

 Sex: Female

 Status: Prime Student 1st Years

 Contribution Points: N/A

 Reward Points: 10 Challenge Points

 Reward Prizes: An Advance Tablet, A Pro-shake Potion and A Mental Freedom Pill 30,000 Artificial Raw


 Reward Entitlements: 3 Months of time for the following; Cultivation Haven Terrains 1

 to 5, Activity Halls 1 to 9, Tournament Arenas, Training Fields, Cultivation Rooms, Enlightenment

 Rooms, Excursion Portals and Transportation services

 Her face as in the background of the whole lecture and her smile was bright. "Are my staff going to be shown this room?"

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. "For that, they will be shown the previous layers of the administrative building but it will be in a similar get up. Only less developed."

 "Nice, can you take me to the Cultivation Haven Terrain?"

 "You want to begin cultivation immediately?" The older lady cocked her head to the side. "You sure you do not need to give them a pep talk or explore areas of the school or find friends?"

 Kazu Nini sighed as she answered. "Those things are important, but everything has its own time. I really need to build a suitable foundation."

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. looked at her with surprise, "you take a lot into consideration."


 The young Pixie replied as she once again became light then formed her body at the entrance to the structure before a staircase moved to them and conveyed the pair to walk down. And so they did, until they left the circumference of this structure's season.

 Kazu Nini was wondering how she could get back into that space again because just being there spurred her imagination.

 "If I became your favorite student, would I be coming here often?"

 The examiner laughed, "I really do not know, we can only watch and see you try."

 The young Pixie almost sulked as they exited the area.