
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 24 (Part 3) Prime Student Benefits (2) and The Cultivation Haven Terrain.

 When they left the lower levels and had even exited the Administrative Block, now on the bridge, Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. walked her to the Cultivation Haven Terrain. This was one of the buildings that Kazu Nini had been shown its exterior during her orientation week. It gates were resplendent in shifting colors – Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green, Graphite Black, Brown, Purple, Platinum, Silver White and Gold – and the examiner tapped her shoulder.

 "Do you know what they represent?"

 Kazu Nini waited for a while and guessed how the colors could relate to cultivation. "Veins?"

 "Yup, they each represent veins."

 "Hmph, so which is which?"

 "Go in and explore, and remember that once you swipe your card at the desk, your time starts."

 "But it's only 3 months of time, so I should be really careful."

 Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. laughed at that. "Bye, I have work to do."

 "Later," the Pixie stared at the building that seemed like a fat cylinder, only cut halfway of 100 ft so that it looked squat. Walking into the gates that seemed to open after hearing 'welcome', having first allowed a scanner inspect her card before waiting in line for half an hour, the young Pixie walked across a park and an expanse of spares trees that could not be seen from outside before she finally stepped into the double doors.

 Kazu Nini focused her gaze forward to see that there was a wall with several doors which had people going into or coming out of what looked to be cubicles when they were not sent out of the buildings, and she chose to join one of extensive queues. She then noticed that she had been moving forward, the line shortening, but still had to wait for several hours, and the Pixie knew that the Space must have been modified because of what looked to be a usual traffic in this place.

 She had already accepted to be here so when she saw a call from a random number, she was at first tentative to answer, but did either way.

 (Unknown Contact): "Hello, X, underscore, X, Nini the Pixie, XD, Trademark. How have you been?"

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: "Tell me your name."

 (Unknown Contact): "Oooh, the cold shoulder? This was not how I raised you, young lady. I am almost hurt."

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: …Just to be sure; where do you live, and where did I go to school?

 (Unknown Contact): I cannot go into details because the call might be tapped but I do remember a certain person once vowed to stop cultivating before immediately deciding to resume after seeing into my memories.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: …You seem to be talking funny, are you serious about being watched?

 (Unknown Contact): It is highly possible, what with my unholy intervention. Haha.

 X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I do not follow you exactly, to be honest.

 (Unknown Contact): "…One day I will be a better guardian who does not fight with the one they raised... But before you speak, just wanted to say that any plans for coming back for holidays would have to be delayed. Also, when you are done with the MemoryBalls, send me a coded message. At this point, you obviously know who is speaking. Have fun and don't forget to cultivate. Love you."

 The call ended and no matter how many times Kazu Nini wanted to call her back, the line was unreachable, meaning that she had only been subjected to hearing the same message over and over; "please call back, the line does not seem to be accessible at the moment."

 The young Pixie was about to save Mako Nini's contact as 'MaGuardian'n'Blood(Mako Nini)' when she heard the lady on the desk slap her palm on the table.

 "You coming forward or what?"

 Kazu Nini stepped up to speak with the lady as had been required of her while thoughts ran though her mind - simultaneous tasks were not so unusual to her mind at this point. - So, saving the number she did not want to ever lose again before she met with the table was not an issue.

 The young Pixie walked forward, raising her head to see that it was actually above her head and she could see knees fully covered by a skirt under them.

 "Step on the platform so I can attend to you efficiently."

 Kazu Nini did as told as reached a circular dais that she ascended effortlessly. Her body then floated up to meet different scales of 3 equipment. The first had a scanner head, the second had a slot for bank cards and the third had a scanner for fingerprints.

 "Welcome to the Cultivation Haven Terrain, I am the Cultivation Admin, Ruthany Jasmine. I am here to guide you." Her proportions were those of a troll, so with the slight coloration to her skin, Kazu Nini was sure that she definitely was. "First to scan your I.D then your fingerprint and lastly the slot for bank cards." The Pixie had though that trolls only did menial jobs but maybe she was wrong?

 Kazu Nini did as she was told but the troll had already began speaking again.

 "Here, you can choose the type of cultivation that you will carry out, after your identification I.D. confirmed, of course. And then, we will move on to the rates here."

 "I just want to test it out and see what it is like before I make a formal and firm decision, because I would be here for a while."

 "Oh, nice, it means you must be loaded. I like generous stu-" The lady paused and blinked at her. "You are your year's Prime Student?"

 "Oh, yes."

 "Wow, then, no need for the bank cards anymore. Really nice to meet you, please send me your contact and we can become friends."

 Kazu Nini saw from the silence dragging on after she spoke, easily telling that the lady would not budge from what she had just asked of her. So, she reluctantly agreed, – but not outwardly - and the troll then continued her speech.

 "As you can see, there are different types- Isolation chambers, Human, Standard Cultivation, Beast, Earth, Race Specific, Infernal, Yaksha, Heaven and Deity Veins that can be used. But I see that your card is only a 1.5 star and thus meaning that you can only access the first three."

 Kazu Nini knew that it was good to cultivate not just the Ko-jin like she had planned to, but also the body, mind and spirit. She also knew that Beast meant solely physique. So, she was not sure which one to start first. "Can I do it selectively or can it be mixed?"

 "Prime student, it can be mixed. However, I suggest a period of acclimatization."

 "At what percentage would be the increment of cultivation speed?"

 "Not just speed, there is also quality available. But after such training, physical routines are advised for things such as experience as the mind and body can catch up with the upgrades that happen from within the cultivation suites." The lady looked as if she could spend all her time explaining and Kazu Nini was wondering if it was just the lady's training or her own status but finalized that it was definitely both. "For the first grade, you have 0.1 increases and they go up to 1.0."

 After listening, she decided to start at the lowest grade of everything.

 "Have a good time Prime student, and when you are done, press the button close to the farthest wall in the room." The lady slapped a bell at her corner of the table and got someone to answer. "Take her to a 1.5 Star Cultivation Haven Suite. VIP treatment."

 "This way, please," Kazu Nini heard a pleasant voice and followed.

 The maid motioning for her, also had a veil that only showed her eyes along with clothes that did not cover her navel. Her trousers looked soft, bringing out her shape till they puffed at her ankles and stopped there, before shoes open at the top that had their tips curl once. They both entered a cubicle before they were closed into it. The maid tapped some areas in the body of the booth and they were both teleported to another area.

 It felt like one second Kazu Nini blinked - a blink that took longer than usual especially as she was a cultivator – and the next slow second, her visuals changed.

 This place - apart from lights and doors and abstract paintings and people of different races moving about - had '0.1' written above all the doors and '1.5' beside all of the numbers. The maid, gestured for Kazu Nini at which one to come close to, and the door faded out to nothing before she could stepped inside.

 Surprising her softly, the maid wanted to follow but she asked if it was necessary. The maid answered negative and the young Pixie then politely bowed before standing on the other side, the other girl now firmly outside and made the door holograph back to reality.

 Once inside, the young Pixie felt nothing to her senses and also saw that it got pitch black. But her eyes quickly found a row of different sets of glowing knobs; one that had numbers of 0 - 1.5, 'light', 'temperature', 'Isolation chambers', 'Human Vein', 'Standard Cultivation Vein' and 'Beast Vein'.

 Kazu Nini then set the first knob to '0.1'

 The Young Pixie wrestled her curiosity and simply decided to work on 'Human Vein as the body was the foundation of everything. And on this knob where three different colors – Yellow, Blue and Red – under which was written respectively, 'Spirit', 'Soul' and 'Body'. She also noticed that the knob could start in either direction, so she chose 'Body' in the case where it might be painful but… it was almost nonexistent to her. The Young Pixie girl was confused for a second but figured that it was because of her *Glass Cloak* technique and thus, she moved on to add the 'Soul' knob.

 Kazu Nini was not too surprised to see that she also did not feel anything as mental energy was energy that could be split into thought, emotion and will. And since the soul was made of the same concepts she did not need to worry about this type of cultivation. Except, where Mental Energy was made *from* the soul, the Soul itself was the foundation that birthed Mental energy.

 So, when she set it to 'Spirit' the young Pixie felt as if she had always been nude, and only to have suddenly added a weight of dumb bells to every clothing and unto everything that she was made of, she felt her thoughts go slower, saw her hands move at a slower reaction time, noticed that even walking around was cumbersome and she delighted that this will not be one of her weaknesses now. At least.

 Kazu Nini told herself that she would not leave until she thoroughly adjusted to the 0.1 setting of the Spirit training and then looked at the center of the room to see a futon of which she sat in a pose where she stayed for several hours until sweat had covered her body, her spiritually exercised form seeming to be doing a marathon as she started panting and shaking towards the end, her body feeling too light to be comfortable at all. Then, she began doing basic workouts as she was in the chamber.

 When she was done and looked up, she saw that 6 hours had passed since she had started cultivating her spirit and judged that it was about 4 or 5 pm in the evening. Checking her Telewatch to see that she was right, she walked and pressed the button to walk out of the room. The maid outside pointed to another button in the corner of the room that would lead to a bathing space just as she intended to make her way into the walkway.

 She realized that she still had a bit of her pre-New Universe Kazu Nini still in her and it made her chuckle to herself.

 Kazu Nini thanked her and used it before coming back out to first wave to the secretary before intending to head straight to her bedroom.