
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 17 (Part 2) Orientation Day (1) and A Memory Pill.

She heard sounds in the siting room, when she concentrated hard enough, the walls had very good acoustics, and she knew that Jagonu Nanhor was up. She stood up to make cereal for herself and greeted the Spirit who was visually entertaining herself.



"You want to watch with me?"

"I'll pass," Kazu Nini had other things to do this morning. "What do we have to do on the timetable?"

"I think orientation is today."

"Nice," she was really looking forward to this, she had not been satisfied yesterday. "What time?"


"Cool," it was only 7 in the morning, "I'll catch you later." She was going to Transfer Speech to the Spirit to surprise her but she had a stronger urge to know more about her aunty so she went back into her room realizing she had not yet brushed. But after solving that, she headed back to swallow a MemoryBall.

The scene shifts the first time to introduce a blur of motion showing people all around her

*The eyes of Kazu Nini – currently viewing life as Mako Nini – is trying to grasp the situation but failing, like trying to hold loose sand. Their words are incoherent and inaudible as they sound almost muted.

Now, they seem to have stopped. She could notice a blur of people still moving all about her on her left and right.*

*"Get a donor!"*

*"I will do it, I am her mother."*

*"The same Blood type?"*


*"Do you have insurance?"*

*"What does that matter? I will cover it myself."*

*She started moving again, until now that the ceiling she had been staring at seemed to change and she was stopped a final time.*

*The next time she woke, fully and without seeing patches of scenes moving in an indiscernible blur, she saw a plain wall and when she painfully looked to her left, she noticed a familiar figure that had its head bowed, sleeping in a chair. She did not notice the absence of the person's partner that was supposed to be there with her. And when that person woke up and gazed at her daughter, she fell to her knees and squeezed her hand, sobbing lightly.*

*"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."*

*Mako Nini was confused for the first couple of minutes and tried clenching back her mother's hand but the memories still did not kick in. Her mother eventually stood up and went back to the chair, bringing it closer and then holding her child's hand to her face after kissing it.*

*"I failed you as a mother."*

*She did not have the strength to argue but her entire feelings of tiredness, drowsiness, partial incoherence, trying to correct her mother and then anger at her mother's choice of words all came out as a grunt.*

*"I know, I know." She sniffled, "when we have enough money, we can move houses." Leia Nini pulled out a magazine she had been sitting under that had a row of houses next to each other. "I like this one, you have always liked duplexes. You would love this one." She pointed to a house that was 2-storied and had a roof with cream tiles. Mako Nini smiled and reached out again to which her mother held her hands.*

*"They said we could not afford the treatment, so I tried asking our anyone in this hospital help." The squeezed face that Mako Nini saw was enough to know how fruitful that quest had been. "When that did not work," she paused and fresh tears came to her eyes, "we tried the neighbors." Leia Nini kept quiet and did not speak.*

*Mako Nini turned to the ceiling with her strength and attempted to show her back to her mother when the older lady showed her forearm that had a scar. "You cannot do this anymore; this thing takes money."

*She did not meet her mother's eyes as memories had come back;*

*Herself, being in the mirror and staring at it in tears.*

*Herself, remembering how her life had been and how she hated it.*

*Herself, how she had held the blade and looked at it emotionlessly until she drew blood.*

*Herself, slumping her back down the cupboard in her wash room and waited for the blood to pool.*

*The light-headedness and her involuntarily laying a head to the side of the floor and closing her eyes.*

*Water reached her eyes before she could go on thinking. She cried silently, her body bereft of any strength to squeeze her face in the manner she wanted to, to choke on her tears and gasp for air, to grit her teeth in pain and regret and helplessness...*

*Mako Nini wept and wept, until suddenly, she felt her gut squeeze and she wanted to curl into a fetal position but she did not have the strength to.*

*"They complained and said that because I am a cultivator, the blood will have effects on you since you are unawakened, but I had no choice."*

*She felt her heart rate pounding in her head as veins crawled over her skin like living insects, she groaned involuntarily and her mother started crying again. The older Pixie was going to call the doctors but she stopped herself and knew that this was the price of the cheapest blood transfer which they could afford.*

*Deep within her child curling into a ball in pain, her organs were barely holding on and the high that surpassed adrenalin coursing through her system was drowned from the pain of her internal organs fighting to keep up.*

*"Hold through it, dear."*

*She did not hear the comforting words, neither clearly nor entirely, but 20 minutes later, it felt like a pain in the background of her mind. Still there, but less painful and not forgettable and she felt inclined to stay in one position to ignore it. However, her heart was beating faster than usual at least 3 times more than usual.*

"How do you feel, dear?"*

*She was about to say it, how she honestly felt, but her mother might call her crazy. So, she looked back up to the ceiling. Another 20 minutes passed by and now it felt like it was dying away, her heart now only 2 times faster than normal. She felt the veins calming down their bulge on her body, even still they were still there. An hour later, and it had subsided but when she thought it was finally over, it congregated to her navel and then circulated over her body like a liquid with intelligence of its own.*

*Before it ended, her heart beat so fast into a high crescendo, her body reflexively arched her back in surprise while it all gathered into her navel again, before it all spread into the further reaches of her body and she dropped back on the bed.*

*Her mother mistook the excitement in her eyes and began crying again but Mako Nini, however, did not think about the sadness of having to meet bullies or her dad, she was not worried about what she looked like in the eyes of others and now she was sure she would not forget this ecstatic feeling.*

*The doctor, stone gray skin and at least 9 feet tall, came in five minutes later. "How is she?"*

*Leia Nini stood up, "she seemed to jerk and squirm several times but now she has not exhibited any other symptoms."*

*"As expected," her mother was surprised to see a troll in Hospital uniform and glasses but she did not care about all that right now. "The blood you transfused to her was above her cultivation level and happily, she did not die."*

*"What?" her mother almost fell back into the chair, "are you saying she could have died?"*

*"If she had not been able to cope with it." The female troll, towering above everyone in the room, continued. "She could have." The doctor smiled warmly at Kazu Nini.*

*Kazu Nini was used to people taller than her, ganging up on her so she barely noticed the troll and her mind was still racing at what she had felt earlier.*

*"Does she exercise usually?"*

*Her mother chuckled. "No, far from that."*

*"Maybe she has a unique constitution, or maybe she does train when you do not know."*

*Her mum chuckled as the doctor reached down to her with a stethoscope and a pill. "Have this pill, it goes straight to your bones and melts into your marrow."*

*Mako Nini looked at the dark red pill, and swore that she saw something inside move.*

*"Thank you!" Her mother stood up and bowed her head before frantically waving her hand. "Take it and show gratitude!"*

*Mako Nini reached out as if she was still in the throes of her earlier sensation and looked closely at it.*

*"You do not have to take it now."*

*"Yes, Nini, we can do it later."*

*"What does it do, again?"*

*The Doctor patiently pulled in a chair to patiently answer Mako Nini's question, and now the woman made less of a reach to bed ridden Pixie's mother height.*

*"For starters, it makes your blood stronger by making your heart beat, faster and stronger, for a while which improves circulation and then it adds more marrows to your bone for more blood production."*

*Mako Nini immediately swallowed the pill and felt it go directly to her navel before dissolving. A hot feeling spread outwards from there and wanted to reach all the parts of her body like an unstoppable flame and while she began sweating like her life was on the line and she was about to disappear the next second, she felt a column of the heat like a snake in her body that searched for her heart.*

*Mako Nini fought against it with all her will and for a time, it seemed to stop and be pushed back but eventually, it fought its way through her stubborn intention and reached her heart, escalating the pain several times.*

*The only thing the hospitalized Pixie could hear was her beating heart, the pain was so high right now that she could not hear anything and she could only watch her moth hold her hand to her chest with an expression that would have made her daughter breakdown in any other situation.*

*Even the placating expression on the nurse's face were on the verge of breaking.*

Mako Nini stabilized herself and finally stopped squirming like a worm on the bed before gathering her breath and stopping to breathe sporadically and loudly.*

*She took deep breaths in and looked around the hospital room like she was deranged.*

*"Mother," she panted lightly, "can you excuse us I need to talk to her." She was still breathing heavy but now her back was on the bed and the soaked sheets did not seem to disturb her. "Alone."*

*Leia Nini stood up quickly and kissed her on the cheek before leaving to the waiting area.*

*"Check my body and make sure I am alright."*


*"My body is feeling so good I am wondering why I am in the hospital at all."*

*The Doctor stood up and pulled a syringe out of mid-air which she drew blood with. "Your lack of blood and her providing of it helped with the first part of your happiness. She has cultivated so her blood is rich with nutrients and vitality whereas yours was lacking but even that might not have been enough." She turned to the girl and regarded her, "do you work out?"*

*Mako Nini stared at her until she laughed, "Okay then, what physical stress do you place on yourself, apart from walking."*

*"Stress?" Mako Nini scoffed. "I became a punching bag if that counts as stress inducing."*

*The doctor was silent for a while before waving her free hand and different capped bottles appeared in them which she dripped the young Pixie's blood into. "Were they cultivators?"*

*"Yes, most of them are, the nobles. I hate them."*

*"They can't all be bad." She watched the girl's expression and glare before she continued her questions. "They might have targeted your Ko-jin veins or your navel or your meridian points or your acupoints?"*

*"How does that affect me?" She stared in disbelief. "Are you insinuating that they helped me?"*

*"No, far from that. See, when points like that are targeted without Ko-jin flowing through them or cultivation of those areas, then it becomes harmful."*

*She waited and the young Pixie completed the doctor's conjecture. "But when Ko-jin is passed through them – my mother's blood – and when the body's potential is stirred – the pill you gave me – then it ends up being beneficial instead."*

*The doctor saw the frantic expression before gazing at the liquid in bottles that had changed color after Mako Nini's blood was added to them and she became apprehensive. "Don't do anything crazy, you only need to rest, please."*

*Mako Nini turned to the Troll and grabbed her blue lab coat. "I'm coming back."*