
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 17 (Part 1) Speech Transfer, Power Sensing and Merging Glass.

The first changes they made was to unload all their boxes into the extra room after they dumped their stuffs on their respective beds.

"So," Kazu Nini brought up what had been at the back of her head throughout the while they had been moving their extra stuff into the room. "The nobles, I hate them."

"Spoken like we are about to cement our friendship with common hate."

Jagonu Nanhor nodded in agreement.

"What are we going to do about it?" Kazu Nini was surprised she was considering becoming proactive but the picture of what had happened to her aunty could not leave her head.

"Whatever the plan is, I am down."

Jagonu Nanhor said nothing and they took it as a silent agreement.

"I am going to cultivate and build up my strength, I do not want them surprising us."

"What level you at?" Isimaila Fginja turned to her.

"I am Divine Early 6 going 7."

Isimaila Fginja whistled. "That is going to be at least a while before your revenge if that is the route you are taking." She looked at her fists, "from what I felt, the half Leopard is probably in the Divine Late while the gorilla is Divine Medium."

Kazu Nini turned to her at what she said. "How can you tell?"

Isimaila Fginja looked at her as if she were not from this Hyol planet of theirs. "Exposure to people from higher cultivations."

"Or, you can extend your senses to what aura they produce."

Kazu Nini said nothing and Isimaila Fginja was not convinced that she truly did not know. "Everyone's spirit has an aura that can usually let others know what cultivation level that they at."

"Yeah," Jagonu Nanhor continued. "If your senses extend and you feel and you feel at peace searching the other person or if you feel totally comfortable in their proximity, then they are either on par, or below you." Jagonu Nanhor's voice got more quieter as it got to tend as if their attention alone scared her but with Kazu Nini's hearing at her cultivation stage, it was not hard to catch it.

"Exactly," Isimaila Fginja went on. "If you feel a danger coming from your senses then, they are either higher or have such a consolidation of their realm even at your stage. But," she turned to Kazu Nini so that they were holding eye contact now, "if you cannot feel anything from them, you apologize or walk away."

"I did not know that." Kazu Nini felt embarrassed. "C-c-can you guys teach me?"

"Sure," She half laughed and was about to start when she stopped to ask the Pixie a question, "do you know how to transfer speech?"

"What is that?"

The Goblin turned to the Spirit then back to the Pixie. "You are not a very social person, are you?"

"Usually," Kazu Nini confessed, "I am not."

"Okay, to Transfer Speech is to say something that can pass through your ears, especially confidential stuff. It is like whispering but without physical closeness."

"I think we should just teach her."

"It's simple," the Goblin scrunched her brows. "Enhance that area of your brain with Ko-jin."

"That easy?" She scoffed and tried it only to stumble as she felt pain all over her body when her senses expanded to till it hit the walls of the room and rebounded back. When she started, it had felt like she was stretching her skin from her bones and unto the air, then the ground, then she felt the contact of her roommates. And the feeling that was alien to her made her let go until she rammed into the wall. So, effectively, she had just felt like she had thrown herself against a wall.

When she was holding her head and squinting in pain, she saw Isimaila Fginja laughing with her back on the couch and Jagonu Nanhor paused with outstretched arms in an attempt to stop her from reaching too far but it was already too late.

"That was… impressive."

In between her laughs, the Goblin added, "and dumb."

Kazu Nini stabilized herself before squinting at the Goblin, "you did not guide me, you just gave me instructions."

"I did not expect you to get it in such a short time." She wiped a tear from her eye, "you must have a lot of mental energy or something."

"Yeah, I do; Pixies do."

"How? I thought you guys are Glass and Laws."

"Yeah, how do you think we levitate glass?"

"Oh?" The goblin had stopped laughing totally and was back serious. "You know how to enhance your body parts right?"


Jagonu Nanhor giggled.

"Okay Mrs. Salty, I get it, you are hurt." She still laughed either way before cutting the Pixie off and continuing. "Just regulate how you do until it is both a balance between effective and subtle; the amount of Ko-jin sent to that part of the brain and the amount of pressure you apply respectively."

"Plus, it works on whatever sense you focus on." Jagonu Nanhor voice started loud, "if you wanted to Transfer Speech though, The Ko-jin just goes to our Larynx with the same principle."

Isimaila Fginja added, "that is all good to know but wait. We are forgetting vengeance."

"You said it yourself, they have a higher cultivation."

"It does not have to be a victory through brawn."

"You mean like schemes and planning?"


"I think…" they turned to her because she did not complete her sentence and they both itching for a nasty ending on the ones they had met today. "I think that we should wait."

Isimaila Fginja was puzzled, "why? We should strike now when our anger is hot."

"Wait, please. A noble is involved and that alone is a cascading avalanche of troubles if we begin to take them on, now."

Kazu Nini snapped her head up, "you said now. Are you implying that it can be later?"


"Let's vote." Isimaila Fginja could not believe what the spirit was saying.

"I am not going to take either side," the Goblin turned to her in surprise. "For now."

Isimaila Fginja slapped her forehead and told them goodnight, then walking to her room before shutting the door with a bang. Jagonu Nanhor flinched and Kazu Nini patted her shoulder before telling her that she had things to do.

Now in the space of her own room, she curiously peeked at the window to see who was out and who was not. A few students here and there, a guard too, trees, buildings in every direction she turned.

She smiled like an idiot, "School at last!"

Closing the window to lay on the scattered bed, she withdrew a MemoryBall. But before popping it into her mouth, she checked the time which showed her 11:51 and she hurriedly began practicing what her friends had just told her. She would begin her cultivation tomorrow as learning to use communication methods just between themselves might prove to be useful in situations where it may be needed and she would need to learn to sense power so as to avoid danger.

Thus, Kazu Nini looking withing herself and concentrated on her Ko-jin core. Seeing the rectangular like substance below her navel, she channeled 5% of Ko-jin to her brain and put 5% of pressure to it in the area of her sense of touch. The young pixie felt herself expand from her mortal body like a tight jacket that had been unbuttoned, and was now fluttering in the wind; she felt her a material she assumed was her bed as if she was touching it, felt something fluidly crawling over the surface of her body, which she thought was wind and when the range of it stopped, she added more pressure. To which she still felt the sensation but from 0.25 meters around her, it was now 0.5 meters. Kazu Nini decided to add more Ko-jin, now a 10% on both pressure and Ko-jin, which allowed her to be sure that it was definitely the bed sheet sand what she had felt on her body were not only the slight wind but her clothes moving to the beating of her heart. It extended till it stopped again then Kazu Nini added 5% on both the pressure and amount of Ko-jin on her brain, she could now sense her banket along with visualizing that underneath her bedsheet was the mattress.

She noticed her body was shaking and she decided to let go, releasing both her brain and her body from the stress. For the first minute she coughed and figured she had been too hasty to go at it or maybe it was because she was not used to it. From the throbbing pain in her head, she knew that the mental energy she always had, had helped her here.

Now, the Pixie was looking at the gas-like Kojin she had just sent to her brain which she saw that rested at her core. She could not wait until it began to move on its own in the next stage, the Medium Stage. Still, she knew that she was not too far off, since she had broken through early August. Bracing herself, she began pilling any excess Ko-jin that had spilled into her Ko-jin veins and compressed them at the core. She could feel the state of the compressed gas which now almost felt liquid. She was not used to the pain of doing this when she wanted to progress in her cultivation but she let it anyway. Adding a trickle of mental energy to her core, she waited until she had dragged it all the way back into her core before allowing it to encapsulate her Ko-jin into a sphere. Squeezing until her bed was now soaked in her sweat, she began throwing the squeezed ball containing her Ko-jin all around the walls of the core and she gritted her teeth through the pain.

It was like purposely squirming around an internal organ.

Next, she thought about the Transfer of Speech and knew that most things were augmented or enhanced by adding Ko-jin to her larynx but when she did that her voice came out louder. "Hello," in the barest whisper, sounded as if she had been in a conversation normally so she realized it might not be that simple. So, she thought about it and waited. A new idea came to mind and she coated her mouth in mental energy which only muffled her speech so she stopped and waited again. The next idea that came to mind made her blink in happiness. This time, she made surrounded a trickle of Ko-jin into the center of a sphere of mental energy, then she allowed to sink into her voice box. When she spoke this time, she could almost see the sound waves, but audibly and out, she heard nothing herself. Kazu Nini did it again and felt that she was right. The last time she tried, she guided it around the room, what she had assumed were sound waves. Maybe this would help to direct her speech into the ears of whoever she hoped to but since it was mental energy, it might only need to touched the person's face. She was going to rub it in Isimaila Fginja and Jagonu Nanhor's faces… or whatever Spirits had.

When she was done, she wiped the sweat from her head and pulled out the extra bag her aunty had given her. This one contained the water from the pool and the slabs of glass. It made her curious about when she would get a Soul Space but she contained that curiosity and began pulling the glass out of the depths of the water. It rose up out of the water with half a second of delay which was progress to her and she first toyed with the formed of soaked glass as a form of mental. At first, she made a square, rectangle and triangle. Then, she made a sphere, a pyramid, a cube and a cuboid. Her next goal was a pentagon, a hexagon, a heptagon, a septagon, an octagon, a nonagon and finally a decagon. When she was done, she barely needed to concentrate before she could merge all 105 pieces and then separate them to lastly and add the conjoined pieces to both rims of her spectacles.

Now her glass was as good as one that was 8 times reinforced. She wondered how strong it was now.

When she was way younger, Mako Nini had said that 1 time reinforced was as good as a mirror glass, 2 times was like a vehicles window glass, 3 times was like bulletproof glass, 4 times was like industrial steel, 5 times was like tempered steel, 6 times was like diamond and 7 times was like Diamond Steel. So, she could only imagine.

She stepped out of her room and into the bathroom where she showered and was impressed by the washroom. The tub was sizeable and it almost looked elegant. Below the sink itself were two different cupboards and when she saw items in the one on the right, she picked the one on the left.