
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 15 (Part 3) Registration and Roaming.


"Kazu Nini."

His breath caught and he looked at her aunt, "I knew it." Returning to the paper, he went on. "Nice to meet you." He then handed Kazu the file jacket. Saying, "fill it," before returning attention to her.

Kazu Nini asked, "you knew what?" but she was ignored.

"Nice to meet you to."

"I was not so sure until I heard the name."

"Please, before we go on, I want no preferential treatment for my niece." She leaned in, "Except of course if it is life or death." Now she dropped her smile. "And if, of course, it is done resulting from entitlement."

The man cleared his throat, "It can be arranged," he kept his eyes on her, "of course."

Some people snickered down the table and Mako Nini ignored it as she relaxed. "*Any* entitled one."

He nodded and a smile crossed his face. "It's such an ho-"

The older lady placed a finger to her lips then mouthed her next words, "she does not know and she does not have to."

"That would make things more interesting." He had a mischievous expression, "I will see what I can do."

"Do not forget allowance to learn experience, though; that is even more important."

Kazu Nini was acting as if she was writing to eavesdrop into their conversation but when she could get no progress in connectio any of their spoken sentences to make sense to her ba after a while, she dropped it.

Name: Kazu Nini

Age: 17

Date Of Birth: DD:01/MM:09/ YY:10,441

Gender: Female


Specie: Pixie

State of Origin: Jhoklon

Cultivation: Trilogy: Divine Genesis Trilogy

Stage: Divine Early

Level: 5

Telewatch Skyline Contact: KaziniPix009

Telewatch Guardian Skyline Contact: Mako Queen.

Most Recent Learning Institution: Fvil High School.

Study Path: Science: ⃝

Arts: ⃝

Humanities: ⃝

Kazu Nini ticked Arts and the space before 'Study Path' blurred out to become,

Primary Direction

Commercial Arts: ⃝

Fine Arts: ⃝

She ticked 'Commercial Art' and she might have taken 'Fine Art' but she was not the one who paid for her school fees so, her choice was made.

Primary Direction

Crafts: ⃝

Decorative Arts: ⃝

Digital Arts: ⃝

Industrial Arts: ⃝

Liberal Arts: ⃝

Martial Arts: ⃝

Performing Arts: ⃝

Visual Arts: ⃝

She took 'Crafts' and then, another blur and, another set of options.

Bead making: ⃝

Clay Molding: ⃝

Fashion Designing: ⃝

Hair Stylist: ⃝

Jewelry Making: ⃝

Shoe Making: ⃝

Massage: ⃝

Manicure & Pedicure: ⃝

She saw that she could slide the page for more results but she reigned in her curiosity to tick 'Clay Molding.' And now, the Paper Screen returned to the beginning of her course choices but with a different Title,


Commercial Arts: ⃝

Fine Arts: ⃝

Taking Commercial Arts, again, with a sigh this time, she picked amongst the choices.

Crafts: ⃝

Decorative Arts: ⃝

Digital Arts: ⃝

Industrial Arts: ⃝

Liberal Arts: ⃝

Martial Arts: ⃝

Performing Arts: ⃝

Visual Arts: ⃝

Visual Arts was selected and it came to another menu.

Architecture: ⃝

Drawing: ⃝

Graphics: ⃝

Painting: ⃝

Sculpture: ⃝

Watercolor: ⃝

When she chose Sculpture, she noticed a silence but decided to ignore it. The Screen blurred, surprisingly, once again and she scrunched her brows.

Clubs & Societies

She saw the number of entrees; Builder like Bob, Chess, Criminology, Events, Government Secrets, 'Keep it green and clean', 'Solidarity is Super', 'Let's learn about the world'… The list went on and on. First, in triple columns, and then, 5 swipes for next pages.

"Pick anything that is good for me," she handed it back to him but Mako Nini held her hand.

"Pick a Sculpting club then change Secondary choice to Martial Arts."

She gasped and held her open mouth in her palms, wanting to speak, but Mako Nini used a calm voice to override her. "I know you have always liked creating things with your art but Clay molding can be your main and Sculpting a club. Strength is power and power is rule."

"I forgot, my bad."

"Forgot?" She shook her head then turned to the guy. "Only interfere if the source is from outside the school and is catastrophic for your cultivation."

He laughed, then he held her eyes for clearance, "are you sure?"

"She was attacked earlier and she has already forgotten, I do not think she has an awareness for danger. That… is not healthy, not in this day or age."

The Goblin smiled at her and she was happy that her aunt was behind her, "I hope you have fun at our school."

She gulped at the way her aunt had phrased the words. Then, when she was done making corrections to her profile, she signed at the bottom page and then put her fingerprint on a small barb the right bottom most part of the sheet which made her face appear not only in the top right corner but was also blended into the background of the entire sheet. A blob of blood was left on her thumb when she surveyed the paper before handing it back to him.

Name: Kazu Nini

Age: 17

Date Of Birth: DD:01/MM:09/ YY:10,441

Gender: Female


Specie: Pixie

State of Origin: Jhoklon

Country of Origin: West Central

Cultivation: Trilogy: Divine Genesis Trilogy

Stage: Divine Early

Level: 5

Guardian Name: Mako Nini

Guardian Address: Jhoklon 19 Rezi S

Telewatch Skyline Contact: Kazini009

Telewatch Guardian Skyline Contact: MakoQueen.

Most Recent Learning Institution: Fvil High School.

Next of Kin: N/A

Study Path: Primary Choice: Craft - Clay Molding

Secondary Choice: Art – Martial Art

Clubs & Societies: School should be Sculpting

Signature: Kazu Nini.

"Looks good." Mako Nini let out a breath and Goblin pointed his extended fingernails towards a bulleting that was mostly steel coated in wood before the paint, and the board itself had reinforced glass after a paper that lay on curtain material which projected the words to the air.

"There, you will get directions to your dorm."

"Thank you, sir."

"Here is my pouch." She handed a cream purse to Kazu Nini which had a long strap and when the younger Pixie unzipped it and stared into the space, she saw both her suitcase and backpack in there. "Take care of it, it's a very personal belonging."

"Will do, thanks Aunty."

"Let's reach your Dorm, I will stop at the doors."

"Okay," Kazu Nini almost skipped in her steps from the excitement and not only reigning it because she wanted to savor the moment but there were so many other new comers, as far as she could see. She did not believe that all of them got through the martial exam but some got scholarships like her; scholarships that depended on previous grades or future ones or both.

Walking for close to another 15 minutes, they got to the board which had a map with legends such as; Cafeteria 1 to 100, Gymnasium, Hostel, Seminar Hall, Administrative Building, Activity Halls 1 to 9, Science Department 1 to 3, Art Department 1 to 3, Humanities Department 1 to 3, Farms, Library, Recreation Center, Tournament Arena, Sparring Arenas 1 - 100, Training Field 1- 100, Cultivation Haven Terrains 1 to 5, Cultivation Rooms 1-1000, Enlightenment Rooms 1 to 10,000, Sport fields 1 – 100, Dormitory 1 – 1,000, Excursion Portals, Transportation offices, Inheritance Grounds …

Kazu Nini's eyes were wide from expectation.

"Your expression is weird, especially for an introvert like you."

"I would prefer the term ambivert."


"A bit of both sides; see, I would not jump into a conversation but I can get absorbed if I am pulled into one."

"Cheeky brat," her niece giggled. "So, which way is the Dorm?"

Kazu pointed at the air and traced her bearings and then they began their hour long walk.

"You are either not hurrying, or you want to save all the time you can with me before you never see me again for four months."

"You are not coming for visits even once?"

"Depends on if you start cultivation, quickly."

"Okay, okay. I heard you the other million times."

While Kazu Nini's eyes were trying to survey their surroundings like an addict to opium, her aunty spoke again. "You know what I think is a great person?"

Kazu Nini was staring at the other building her eyesight allowed her to see, after the first which was at least half a kilometer. "Strong cultivator?"

Mako Nini rubbed her scalp, making her yelp, glare at the older pixie and finally get her attention.

"The strong ones have the ability to see the fault in others and not look down on them because of it. To understand forbearance especially for friends and sometimes strangers, caution with those you do not know, of course. But do not be negatively paranoid, especially if helping does not obstruct your way or your beliefs."

Kazu Nini's eyes were on the line of buildings that stretched away on her left and far into a horizon of hills that met the sky. "Oh, wow, not cultivation again?" She futilely thought she ran away from her aunt's reach this time and her aunty laughed at her pitiful attempt of escape. This time, her niece was now tucked between her armpit, legs dangling. "Your Cultivation level is a cheat!"

She laughed. "Did you get what I just told you? If you didn't, I could keep you hanging from my hands for days."

Kazu Nini raised her hands to show a blinking light on her Telewatch. "I have been recording you because I never planned to listen."

Mako Nini had black lines on her forehead, "I did not hear you clearly."

"Since we passed the table for registration, you have been on record."

"Oh," on one hand she wanted to speak with Kazu Nini but the younger Pixie was interested in surveying her surroundings so she kept quiet for a moment.

"Speak, my Telewatch is listening."

Mako Nini Threw her on her back and began sprinting, then she suddenly caught herself, almost breaking her niece's ribs, before jumping high. They both reached the clouds in no time and her aunty shouted. "You might not get a view like this again, take pictures." Following her own advice, the older Pixie made a recording instead, as she rotated on the spot. And when they landed, Kazu didn't feel the impact, and neither did the ground.

Hair still dropping, Kazu Nini spoke, the people in the surroundings staring at them. "There is a Cafeteria in that direction." Following her line of sight another sprint began and some people copied her while others shook their heads or ignored them. They passed through a closed, roughly circular field that had a fountain in the center, and trees with mostly occupied benches littered around that were occupied by various races, sitting or standing or simply running around.

When she crossed its entire length of 50 meters in one sprint, she realized her Niece was still taking pictures of air stuck between her cheeks and she laughed. Her next foot hit the ground and they jumped over a CarriageStop, the next was over a lake filled with water that had dense Ko-jin about it and some students meditating around its perimeter. The last step took them to the front doors of a building that had glass walls all over but all the lower parts of the curtain walls were blurred; the effect of a different type of glass used in that part.