
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 15 (Part 2) Road Incident and Chilkt State University.

Kazu Nini looked back up at the approaching Pegasus rider to see that he now had a LoudThinker, which was an improvement on the archaic loudspeaker as this one disturbed the mind as well as the ears.

"Move out of the way."

And Kazu Nini, who was only an Early Stage Cultivator in the Divine Genesis Trilogy, coughed up blood as she had not covered her ears with her Ko-jin in time. Mako Nini frowned and her face darkened as if it was a dense cloud conjuring the greatest storm.

While other commoner parents shouted at the Noble above them using a Loud Thinker, a Calvary of Pegasi appeared out of nowhere with auras so suffocating that some inexperienced cultivators could not even breathe. Others directly passed out.

Hardened faces atop the flying horses stood before the carriages and began to tell the commoner people to move back, both on land and air. They even brought out brocades made of steel and cement that they lined across the road after citizens not wanting any trouble had begun taking a step back at the knowledge of the presence of Nobles. The other man on the insect nodded to the first Noble who had arrived in his chair before proceeding to his own.

And this went on for five minutes until Mako Nini stepped out of her car. At the very moment her foot hit the ground, all the Pegasi started neighing loudly before their veins started protruding and others even dropped dead on the spot after convulsing. An arm behind her back, and some steed rode their riders in random directions as they had run mad from pain and confusion.

"Who dares offend The Legacy of Jalpasin Hariff IX?" The man who had spoken from his Loud Thinker had his eyes searching the crowd and his gaze landed on Kazu Nini's aunt before he pointed towards her. When one of the calvary saw the source of the commotion which his young Lord had spotted, his eyes opened wide and he shouted to his subordinates a new order.

"Remove the road blockades, NOW, NOW, NOW!".

The man bowed to her hallway with a stoop to his chest and quickly stood back up to his rowdy subordinates that could not even control their steed and he gritted his teeth in annoyance. Running to the brocades, he threw them into the air and the flurried nobles all disappeared before he waved the traffic to continue as usual, leaving as quickly as he came. Vanishing without a trace.

His subordinates had loss on their faces, not just from their horses but at the entire situation and prudently found ways to also leave the scene.

And if Kazu Nini had recovered from both the Loud Thinker and the suppressive aura she would have witnessed the cameras on Mako Nini and some commoners clapping for her.

When her aunty stepped back into the Carriage, she hissed. "Nobles."

When Kazu Nini recovered from the pain and she had sent Ko-jin from her core to the parts of her head that needed healing, she grimly looked at her aunt. "I found another reason to cultivate."

Mako Nini had a sense of relief atop her frustration and answered. "When you get capable, I will pull them from the sky and you can stomp on them."

Kazu Nini did not need to reply for the older lady to know that she had agreed. After finally recovering, she looked up at her aunt again, "I have a question this time."

"Go on."

"You said something about cosmic and worldly energy, what makes it different from Ko-jin?"

"Hmm, let us classify it into Human, Fundamental, Conceptual, Artificial and Universal Energy." She was trying to forget her anger so her tone was a bit strained. "Ko-jin, Chi and Chakra – Human Energy - are the most common ways to attract other types of energy and is the energy that can be found inside us, which can be manipulated to work for us directly or indirectly."

"Fundamental Energy, is energy claimed to have started the universe and everything that we see; Firstly, yin and yang which birthed fire, water, wood, metal and earth. Lightening and wind are also part of these elements but some stories claim that lightening might even be older than yin and yang. So, to the stories that claim that lightening birthed life, life would have needed a space to exist and if there is a vast space to hold life, then there would be air in natural motion which would allow the birth of wind. Thus, you could also add time and space to these. Also, time and space would be needless in a place without Heavens or Planets/Earth/Hyol."

"Artificial is man involved like electricity running through homes or mechanical, chemical, heat and so on and so forth. Universal can range from the rays of the sun. Universal is everything far and in between; you have star, ether, plasma, nether, dark, light, Cosmic energy like the rays like ones from the sun."

"And you told me I was the one who crammed a text book."

"No Memory Ball for that."

Kazu Nini pouted in vain.


About an hour later - now about 6:30-ish - they had entered the grounds of the school and Mako Nini took the liberty of adding 10,000 Bronze Hyur to the Driver after they dropped, so that he would wait for her before taking off, and he smilingly obliged. Just the parking lot spanned a mile or two, with conducive room for all sizes, shapes and forms of transportation, along with areas for Epic Beasts. They were these available spaces each on land, in the air and underground. The land Parking spaces resembled barns that were like mansions, the Air Parking space had Levitating stones that glittered as if diamond had been sprinkled on them and the Underground spaces where for those who had vehicles and also enjoyed vintage impressions. This did not even get her excited; she was itching to see what her eyes had spotted when she stepped into the gates while she had been in the carriage drawn by the Stegolephant.

Mako Nini put an arm around her shoulder, "you are quite privileged." She kept her eyes on her niece, "do not waste it, I am not giving you another chance." She held the girl who was trying to see more of the school, firmly and with barely any of her actual strength but to the younger Nini, she could not move from the spot no matter how she tried.

"Okay," her shoulders slumped and her aunty kept her there for a minute, hopping the warning sunk in before letting her go.

She ran forward and Mako Nini barely had to jog before keeping up. When they left the area for parking, they passed through a massively generous road that had trees covered in Neon paint all standing before a glowing amber screen which acted as a canopy, a shade and a bright distraction to the cars that moved under its covering as they wanted to get parking spaces too and the beings that walked an expansive sidewalk which was on both sides. Kazu kept to the side walk and kept her eyes on the brighter set of letters on the Canopy-Screen, reading 'Chilkt State Tertiary Institution, Kyniandral, Welcomes you.'

The other screens had; 'How was the journey?', 'Enjoy your stay.', 'Hope you had fun,' and 'Can't wait to see you again.' This wall would sometimes flicker on and off, Kazu Nini pulling her eyes out of that to see a RefuseDisposalTerminal every one meter. She threw her apple into an opening in the cylindrical plastic and titanium construct that identified her waste as food, then no smoke left its body as it glowed a fiery blue and the trash was gone.

She smiled and pointed at it, her aunt marveling at what surprised her but did not say anything, only sharing her joyful expression.

Kazu ran for about 30 minutes without dropping her pace, a side benefit of her scarce cultivation, when she finally saw the first building, which she was not so sure was a building when she first passed through the gates but until she had entered the CanopyScreenTunnel. And just like last time, it was only after straining her sight that she noticed what she thought was an endless wall, whose edges curved at some point. She then ran another 10, well past the gate that was shining, glossy brown, before she started lightly panting and she saw this side curving too. A space of at least 20 minutes of running, she measured with a guess, was between this hulk of a building before another one started. And that was not the last one, or close to it.

She stared behind herself to meet the eyes of her smiling aunty who looked at her excitement and anticipation, quietly.

"I think they spelt the name of the school completely."

"This way," she nodded in response but changed the subject, "it's getting late and you will have all the time in the world to check it out once you settle in." Grabbing Kazu Nini's hand, the younger Pixie's surroundings blurred to her sights and she was now in her aunt's arms, before in the next second, she was standing at the back of the line.

She poked her head back, being able to see clearly as Mako Nini was at a standstill, to observe that this road was on the other side of the Canopy Screen and it had angled down here. Trees, tall and strong, covered this side of the road and almost reached the height of the screen – 30 feet – and extended for quite the distance as she could not see the end, even after applying Divine Energy to her eyes.

She glanced to see the front of the line, and like her estimations, it was about 8:40 pm before it reached her turn. Throughout the walk, she had been noticing Telewatches aimed at her but she did not understand why, so she decided to ignore them as when she had asked her aunty to make sure she was not seeing things, the older lady responded by saying that she knew nothing of what the girl spoke about.

Kazu Nini had not seen any of her staff and was quite anxious to talk to someone else apart from her aunt. Although, when she reasoned that if that were to happen then it would be when Mako Nini left, she turned her Telewatch off and crept closer to the older Pixie.

They walked until she figured with her aunt that she was to choose a school representative to go to, and decided on a creature similar to the broker that she got her estate from. The adult male had to stand on his seat as he shuffled papers with pointy ears and brown-red coloration to his skin. Like the rest of his colleagues, they had files and folders on all their sides, stacked. The Goblin with enough creases on his face that each of his expressions were magnified until they almost glowed, stare at her aunt then her. He looked back at Mako Nini again before resuming returning his sight to a pile of papers in a jacket folder held by his clawed hands.