
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 11 (Part 3) Prom Night (3) and A Bottle Of Drink.


Kazu Nini rushed out after having a short argument with herself and then stumbled into Jinja Kaliope, who she held his eyes with hers.

"Thanks." She gave him a french kiss for half a minute then let him go and tried catching up to her aunt.

Flying in her own orb of glass, Kazu Nini could not spot the Pixie until she was worried, so she flew through the roads close to school but still could not find her. Finally, she saw Mako Nini on the street which led to their house and she landed with a bang.

The older Pixie did not even turn back until Kazu Nini formed a sphere of glass and threw it at her.

"Listen, you are not the only one who gets to be cool okay?" She was breathing hard. "I should have let you know."

"Nah, it is my fault, if you cannot tell me about such an incident it means you do not see me as your mother or maybe you just do not trust me or maybe I just am the worst guardian ever." Her eyes were downcast and she had faced the other way again, "what is the point of guardian if they cannot be trusted to guard the feelings and pride of those who they claim to love?"

Mako Nini thought her niece was going to embrace her and she did not ready herself for the punch to the back of her head. She turned around to see her niece throwing punches that were full of might, with Ko-jin backing them.

"How dare you say that?" The effects of her attacks bellied her rage because of the differences in cultivation level but the emotional state of her aunt made up for the pain she was supposed to be physically feeling. "How dare you!?"

She unleashed punches unto her belly until she held the arms of her niece and the struggling on the younger Pixie's end changed to whimpering, now on her knees, and quietly crying.

"We need to spend time together."

"No," Kazu Nini wiped a tear and pulled her hands from Mako Nini's. "I need to be dependable, so much so that you need not worry about me ever being okay."

"Why are you so hard on your-"

"This cultivation thing is the curse," she swallowed her voice that shook because of her state of mind. "Ever since we started it has been this issue then that issue." She frowned at the ground, "us fighting had not happened this much or this seriously before." She stared the older Pixie in the eyes, "I would not cultivate anymore."

Mako Nini's face had long fallen and when she wanted to stop Kazu Nini, the girl had flown away in her orb of glass as her aunt had her arms outstretched.


Jinja Kaliope felt like a star; he had just been kissed by Kazu Nini.

In public!

He swaggered as he knew that she was aware of the eyes staring and had still made the move. The man was simply bubbling with joy that he had tried to reconcile them. He strutted until he reached the hall.

"We heard about it, Dark Elf."

Elric Yjob stated on loud speaker and everyone went, "oooohh"

"So, how do you feel right now?"

He posed and gave them a thumbs up.


Kazu Nini flew until she reached the boulevard where Lighmoi Estate was to the left of and Naro Meena's dealer had been to the right. At least, from her vantage point.

She took the right after some indecision and blazed to his house.

The young Pixie had expected his thugs to prepare their guns at her loud entrance but at the moment, Kazu Nini did not care. And when she landed, and they recognized her, they still stood in her way.

"What is your reason fo-"


"Why would he make himself inconvenient just because of y-"

Kazu Nini violently swung her hands together, instantly compressing a ball overhead that exploded with ten thousand needles.

*"Die A Thousand Deaths."*

The people all around her scattered after her harsh answer to their prodding questions, thinking they were already dead, when they saw that they were not and had all pointed their weapons towards her, they heard their masters' voice.

A shield of thick Sapphire Blue Ko-jin had appeared as soon as it dissipated which had scattered all the ever-accelerating projectiles.

"We should welcome her warmly, she helped with our roads."

Kazu Nini then rudely barged through everyone before her and stood toe to toe with Naro Meena's contact.

"Give me something, I do not want to think about tonight."

"How old are you?"

"16," she saw his face frowning so she added. "Turning 17 soon."

He shrugged "Still quite risky."

She grabbed his collar, and weapons turned to her but the man signaled them to drop the arms. "I do not care!"

"Taking things like this is only a temporary solution and rarely ever helps except if indeed the person within is truly strong."

"Can you shut up and just help or not?"

He was wondering what had upset her so but decided not to ask. "Mike!" he flicked his head in the direction of the house and later on, the henchman passed on a bottle to her. "I have had that for several years, just keeping it waiting. Take it as thanks for the road and what you did for those at Lighomi."

"You talk too much."

"I do not mind a fiery kid!"

She turned to him and he knew she was going to throw the bottle on his person.

"Woman, I do not mind a fiery woman!"

She turned around and flew away as he laughed.

"Back to your posts, scallywags."

Kazu Nini hurtled through the air until she reached the main office building of the New Universe in their personal Estate. She had noticed the pointing fingers of the residents of Lighmoi but did not pause to meet or show that she had noticed them. The young Pixie also saw that constructions were almost finished in regards to the extra buildings and that other walls were being built.

Landing loudly, she pushed the doors open and lay on the floor, ripping her dress until she was in her undergarments as she screamed and lay on the floor when she was done, drinking till she got annoyed that her cultivation was delaying her drunkenness. She tried standing up and felt only a light sway after downing the entire bottle.

And what pissed her off, except for the taste and the horrible sensation that it left at her throat was that she could not stop thinking about how hard she had messed up tonight.

She walked the house until she reached the attic and Kazu Nini sat down to hug her knees with her wet face. The pixie saw the hurt woman she had just shouted on for the second time today in her mind and wanted to curse herself into the next life.

Why had she not just explained to her aunt why she had done what she had done?

She guessed what made a being an adult and another a child was that accepting responsibility and communication and understanding were vital in life.

She wished her mental energy had helped her think of this earlier.

Grabbing her hair, she attempted to pull the frazzled thing right out of her scalp.


Kazu Nini had been going back and forth to Naro meena's contacts' house until he got tired of her.

She was too young for him to flirt with but she needed drink and when a woman asked for drink was almost like asking a man to pounce on her.

The torn guy just handed her crate after crate of liquor and told her not to come back if she was still bent on destroying herself. If fire became destruction on self, then what was the point?

Kazu Nini had spent the first days ignoring her hunger that was at first distant. Ko-jin was an extra energy source that, if not disturbed, could hold the users body satiated so, these times, she just walked to and fro.

Bowing to the man, she now noticed some wobbly steps and knew that she might need some food soon. Shapha Rinmon would have all the money but how would she contact her?

All her mental energy and she did not know how to contact her staff when she needed them.

Now, she was having a stomach pain she did not want to heal because a part of her wanted to remain in this state. And sometimes she misjudged distances as she had fallen over as she walked or she had skipped steps and tumbled down repeatedly until, through some strokes of luck, finally get to where she wanted to.

"Shorry, great aunt Nini who hash been sho, sho nishe." She hiccupped, "I have been a bad, bad girl and I need you forgive this dumb thiing." She hiccupped and drank again.

This went on for about a week until the New Universe car pulled up to the scene.

Jinja Kaliope was the first to find her and ran to hold her in his arms which she fell to, "hello knight in black dark armor." She chucked and wanted to drink again but he punched it away, breaking the drink with the back of his fist.

"Wake up!" he shook her till she felt like she was at the eye of a storm. "Everyone is worried."

She hated that she could not fake her drunkenness as much as she wanted to and then she started wailing. "Forgive me, forgive meeeee."

"Shhh, it is okay." He rubbed her head until she was only sniffling and he produced a robe out of his space box to carry her in. "Let's take you back home."

She pictured herself fighting what he wanted but she did not actually do it.