
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 11 (Part 2) Prom Night (2) and Conversation.

"And the star of the moment," if Zlai Dfon could see Kazu Nini's heart she would shiver and run away. "my boss and the winner of today's tournament…" She yanked the camera form a prom couple that looked wronged at her actions but made no noise about it because the camera was going to the Brave Pixie. "...Kazu Niniii."

Her Public Relations Manager was now before her with a camera to her face. "Oooh, did not know of this romance. So, when did it start?"

Jinja Kaliope saw that Kazu Nini felt uncomfortable so he spoke instead. "Well, it was during one of her defining moments you know? The one where she was first known for her brave deeds."

"Oh, yes, and would the star of the day want to shed any light on that?"

Kazu Nini realized that she should not let the frustrations from the fight with her aunt bother her this much.

"It was one of the things that inspired me to create this society. You know, I do not like standing to the side when I can seize things instead. One of our former bully's, you know the one I am talking about, inspired me into action when he pushed me too far." Maybe she should have just let her anger flow, this mental energy thing was helpful a lot of times but she wanted to be a kid sometimes.

"I made a bet with them in public and it was what brought people to me. Honestly, I never expected the amount of support I have received and I am very grateful. Also, a request that whatever victim that has fallen prey to my newest staff forgive them and will permit no slander or whatsoever to their name."

"Back to the subject, please, let us try to become people who can stand and defy any sort of oppression, especially if ignoring it will endanger not only yourself or those around you. Come and join the New Universe."

Jinja Kaliope kicked the Wood Fairy in the shin and she coded. [1] Looking for the next person to speak to, they saw that some people were crowding to listen, or had taken pictures in the background of the video she had just made as Kazu Nini had already moved on with the Dark Elf.

When she is in the hall proper, she saw Elric Yjob scratching on the DJ Kit. He gives his boss a thumbs up and shouts, "New Universe!!!" into the mic, getting a response that was so positive the young Pixie pumped her fist into the air.

Elric Yjob scratched another song as a man, spun around as a woman, then jumped on its surface as a cat and blended the next song into the other before becoming a hunchback kid with glasses who shouted into the mic again.

Shafa Rinmon had been directing a bunch of students to pass around drink and a basket where there different types of snacks instead of getting infatuated with her as she spoke to them, before seeing Kazu Nini after her Information Manager announced her presence by calling the name of their Society. She then appeared with glasses and Naro Meena in tow. The Slime seemed strangely comfrtab about her suiters as if he did not see them.

Not because he also had his but he seemed indifferent.

"Here," she gave one to both of them and looked at Kazu Nini. "Are you having fun?"

"Just came, and at first I wanted to hide but now, not so sure."

"You got me worried earlier today."

"I told you that you can leave whenever you do not trust my capabilities."

His face darkened and then he laughed before shouting out loud. "Where are the Prom King and Queen?"

A Fire Fairy and a Dragon walked forward, the AdaptiveSteel which made their crowns, turning both into the element of fire and ice respectively atop their heads.

They were about to ask why they were called but when they saw the Young Pixie and her couple they asked, "how can we help?"

Kazu Nini shook her head and started to step back but they had managed to land the crown on their scalps and when she wants to take it off a round of applause begins. She narrowed her eyes and glares at her staff who avoid her stares until everyone suddenly rushes at them.

Her instinct was to use the glass as she did not understand why they were doing this…

...until they carried the Prom couple above their heads and shouted at the top of their lungs.

"New Universe!!!"

"Prom Queen!!!"

"Prom King!!!"

They chanted and she relaxed, going with the flow.

Kazu Nini met more people than she thought would remember and anytime any girl or boy asked for her number they either got questioning stares from Jinja Kaliope or she directed them to Zlai Dfon, using this method to get more members into the New Universe.

Her most awkward moment was when it was time for the couple dance, at least she thought that it would have been.

"I don't know how to dance."

Jinja Kaliope was waiting for the punchline when he realized that she was dead serious and somehow that made him laugh hard.

"I can teach you, just copy me."

He threw a piece of paper from one of the Space Boxes that Kazu Nini had given her staff and asked Elric Yjob if he had a type of Genre called Samba, further explaining that it was a type of dance from Earth. The Shapeshifter scratched her chin and browsed through his Telewatch after connecting it to the net.

"Attention Ladies and Gentlemen, our star of the day requested we dance to Samba and if you do not know it, you can learn from whatever they do. So, I ne…"

"Hey, you just tilt your back to and fro while shaking your shoulder and you hold my hand. I will do the rest." Kazu Nini almost gulped but she nodded. "Also, copy my feet movement."

Kazu got the hang of it and the remaining students copied them. When she started laughing, Jinja Kaliope's heart skipped a bit so he almost fell down but he caught himself and made it look like a spin. He had had to catch her and throw her in the air during the process so when she landed, she held his eyes.

Smiling slyly, she pulled him away when a lot more students had joined and she would not they both would not be missed.

Kazu Nini took him through several classes until they reached the other end of school sitting on the open window sills.

"I know this is a bad way to start thing but what exactly happened with your guardian?"

She looked away.

"I'll kiss you if you tell me."

She rolled her eyes and began her story. When she finished telling him about how Mako Nini had wanted to eat from the lunchbox so badly, that they had fought because of it, Jinja Kaliope though it was utterly ridiculous.

"You can eat from any lunchbox, so why did she want that one in particular?"

"I know, right?" She paused, "I think it has to do with my parents."

"Oh wow, why would she be bo-"

"Don't ask."

He made puppy eyes at her.

"Even if you gave me head, I would not tell you."

Jinja Kaliope fell on his back to the classroom floor and began laughing. A smile flashed across her face.

"Maybe she just needs to chill."

"Yeah, she thinks I am fighting her."

"Okay maybe it's not chilling, but better thinking about the circumstances."

"She does not know."

"No wonder." He looked at her to make sure she would not get sad at the bad memory, then asked a question. "What are your dreams?"

Kazu Nini turned to him.

"I don't mean New Universe, I do not mean what you have been told to do by anyone. I mean you, just you."

She smiled wider, "I love making things like sculptures with mud. I love molding and I have recently started to like glass too. With cultivation I might be able to expand on that gift and make something out of it but with what happened... I do not know."

He cleared his throat.

She looked at him.

When he did it again, she spoke. "Clearing your throat is not going to make me kiss you. Just ask."

He laughed again and told her that she had not ask his about his dream.

"My bad, what is yours?"

"I want a unified world and I do not mean unified as in standing under one banner while the status quo of rich and poor are forever existent."

"You mean creating a system where there is only the middle class?"

"You could say that."

"The rich ones will retaliate at you."

"The poor ones are more."

"True, but you will have to be crazy rich enough to be able to sponsor their cultivation and education and upbringing."

"I know, if only money fell out of the sky."

"I happened to feel as if my sky has fallen."

Jinja Kaliope needed to turn to see who it was but Kazu Nini did not as she had heard that voice almost everyday of her life.

"Why would your sky fall, what do you mean?"

"You have a curfew."

"I have a final day with my classmates. THIS IS CALLED PROM!!!"

Jinja tugged at her shaking sleeve, "let me show her the video."

"Why does that matter?"

"She is your blood there is no point to this fight."

"Just when I thought I would forget." She shook her head. "Do what you want."

Jinja scrolled through the public group of Fvil Highschool and got the video from Kivon's page. "Excuse me Miss, you would like to see this."

"She is going to say something like she was worried silly because of the kidnapping incident."

Mako Nini turned towards the Dark Elf's Telewatch with an expression so heavy that it could weigh a planet.

The video started from Kivon telling them that he had a show for them. Not too long after, Mako Nini watches her niece being pushed into the washroom and getting beat up. She watched as Kazu Nini was being bullied and how her lunch box is taken. When they were done with her, Mako Nini observes how they later went back to defecate in it. After they took rounds, the lunch box is thrown into the garbage. And the last part of the video is one of the Sprite Twins flashing a smile.

Just before Jinja Kaliope excuses himself, Mako Nini who is at a loss of words regarding the video, stands there blank until she bows to her niece. "Sorry."

The Dark Elf finds out that there were stalkers in the hallway concealing their prescience as the older Pixie immediately left and departed the school area.

[1] If someone has coded then they have understood a subtle meaning without too much explanation.