
Nightmare Front 1917: Short Horror Stories of World War One

Short Horror stories inspired by World War One. Follow our character as he goes through a series of scenarios that is sure to shock you! note: This is my first time writing any piece of substantial literature. I apologize in the fore front for any grammar or spelling errors. I welcome any feedback and criticisms. If you like my work let me know and I will try to make more. I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks for reading!

Ethan_Early · Horror
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8 Chs

Metal beast

I awaken to find my self sitting at my firestep. it is early dawn, and a foggy mist has enveloped the earth. I pat myself down relieved it was just a dream. I must have fallen asleep on sentry duty, a punishable offense mind you. The sky still has a purplish hue to it as the suns rays have yet to penetrate the horizon. But in the fog i see in the distance a shape slowly moving through the haze towards our trench. I see the boxy shape begin to take form. A tank! an A7V to be exact. Its rectangular frame with its main cannon sticking from out its front portray its features. Im surprised at how its silent it glides over the broken terrain. "Attack! Attack!" I yell from the top of my lungs, and ring the bell as hard as I could muster.

Soon a line of men form along the trench. Two men roll up a field gun along the rear of the parapet. We stand to and watch the form take full shape but where is the infantry? We expect a bombardment any minute now. We tensely wait. The field gun fires and the shell falls short in front of the tank sending a geyser of earth skyward. The vehicle, unwavering, continues on its straight path.

The gunner loads another shell and fires. This one hits, the sound of tearing metal sounds throughout the field. The shot punched through the right of main gun on the boxy vessel were the driver should have been. But still the metal beast continues defiantly forward. A second field gun is pushed forward far to our rear left. Soon it too spews forth its deadly shot this one hits the top of the vehicle sheering away the metal on top. The sound of ripping metal is most awful to the ears. The metal beast still continues but does not fire return. We are unnerved as this lumbering mass continues unfazed. Suddenly the tank's gun moves and fires, spreading forth its deadly shot. an explosion sounds and the earth is violently shook. The shell impacts our trench a little down the line from my position, The area disappears into a cloud of smoke. The dismembered arms of a man can be seen thrown to they sky. The call for a medic is raised accompanied by the sound of pained screams. Soon the order to fire is passed down and the sounds of rifles and machine guns join the symphony of the field guns. The sound of pinging can be heard as rounds ricochets off the metal frame. Have they gone mad? Why do they attack alone?

Soon the tank is thirty yards away, still not maneuvering. The second field gun fires a shot that lands to the left lower corner of the tank tearing a gaping hole in its front blowing the left side door open, sparks fly across the field. Still the beast bears down upon us. It fires again but misses, the shot flies safely over our heads. It now begins to cross over our trench unfazed by rifle fire. The men are horrified for this tank has broken through! I mange to see through the open hatch door that revels and, through my complete shock, the vehicle to be empty. No one, not a soul inside." Its empty!" I try to shout above the sound of battle.

I even notice no sound of the engine, which is usually very loud, cannot be heard.Its like this metal monstrosity is possessed by an unseen force. The field gun turns and fires point blank in to the side of the metal monster. Tearing metal sounds as the shell pass clean straight through from side to side, were the engine block should be, showering men below with sparks. Still it moves forward over the trench spattering earth everywhere. I am completely unnerved as all of us that this metal hulk still moves. In all of our shock the firing ceases. Silence fills the air as it passes through on its straight track. No attempts to chase it are made.

We utterly bewildered soldiers talk amongst ourselves completely flabbergasted by the fact that not only did nobody pilot the vehicle, but also it moved with out an engine. Like it were dragged by some unseen cord. Soon now the tank is beyond our vision in the fog and the order to stand down is issued. I utterly exhausted and bewildered by events decide that it is in my best interest to rest. I find my dugout, place my mat, and drift off to sleep.