
Nightmare Front 1917: Short Horror Stories of World War One

Short Horror stories inspired by World War One. Follow our character as he goes through a series of scenarios that is sure to shock you! note: This is my first time writing any piece of substantial literature. I apologize in the fore front for any grammar or spelling errors. I welcome any feedback and criticisms. If you like my work let me know and I will try to make more. I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks for reading!

Ethan_Early · Horror
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Spring 1917

We sit in a quiet part of the western front. The wind is cool. The sun warm. We huddle in our trenches facing eastward to an unforeseeable enemy who stalks us in equal contempt. We have been here many months staring out at gentle sloping valley. The grass still grows here though, patches of craters and broken trees dot the green landscape. Amongst the jagged trees the flowers are in bloom scattered across the land with yellows, blues, and reds. Then there is the ugly horrible wire its spreads far to the east like a web in the distance. A lone stag stands amongst the jagged trees though we no not where it comes from.

Nothing much happens here but there across the valley is the germans. We don't see them but we feel their eyes upon us.

Many days have past and we get orders to attack and capture the enemy trench. I thought this was supposed to be a quiet front! We line up standing in the trench, bayonets out, ready for the signal. Men standing side by side waiting tensely like a coiled up spring prepared to be released.

Quietly some men wretch and vomit, many are silent. The whistle sounds and we quietly climb the ladders out of the trench. Its a sunny cloudless day, I begin my long trek across no mans land. I occasionally dodge craters across the mostly green landscape and wonder why it is so silent. No sound of gunfire can be heard, no whistle of artillery sound. I would be lying if I said I wasn't unnerved during the entire affair. I rush quicker now, men to my right and left, as we scurry amongst the broken trees and craters.

Closer now we near the enemy wire, still no gunfire rings out. Men from the back pass up wire cutters and soon the sounds of cut wire reverberates like piano cords throughout the air. Surely they must know we are here, their discipline is outstanding! Gaps in the wire are made and we pass through. Twenty yards from their trench and closing, I jump full speed into the trench but misjudged how deep it was. I landed on my feet and fall down on to my back, I feel a hard crunch, something broke my fall. I gather myself, rise, and look down to find that a corpse saved me from injury. I look around and find german corpses all down the trench in both directions. They are in many phases of decomposition their rotting and bloating bodies produce a wretched oder that soon encompasses me. I hold my nose and watch as other men jump into the trench expecting a fight and are bewildered the same as I.

One man jumps in and lands on a bloated corpse causing it to explode sending rotten pieces of flesh and putrefied organs in multiple directions splattering a few men with the reeking bile and meat. We all wander almost wading through decaying bodies. A light green fog hangs low to the ground. Shell casings litter the wooden walk ways, blood is plastered on the ground and trench walls. I wonder how did this happen, who killed these men? I look at a corpse sitting upright bullet holes and bayonet lacerations cover his body. How brutal his death was, but why?

A corpse bearing the insignia of an officer lies face down across a table. The sargent and his men pick through the deceased mans uniform finding a note scrawled. A private who reads german comes forward and translates. The note reads, " Men affected by gas leak, origin unknown. Must send for more medical aid." This note did not help us solve our mystery but only added to our confusion. The sargent barks orders to some men and a few scamper amongst the trench. There suddenly a cry and a gunshot rings in to the air. A soldier comes sprinting, " Its Jenkins, he pulled his weapon on me I had to!" He shouts. We listen as he explains, " I don't know what happen, he wasn't himself. He had his rifle pointed at me, he was about to pull the trigger." He sobs, " I've known him a year now. Why would he do such a thing!" Just then intense gunfire sounds.

"The Germans are not all dead, find them." shouts the sargent. Men rush forward down the trench. All that remaines are: Me, the sargent, and the man who had brought about the unfortunate demise of private Jenkins. He stands there and breaks in to a perfuse sweat, his skin pale, his hand twitchy. In a flash of movement he brings up his rifle and fires point blank in to the sergeant's head. It explodes like a burst melon, his newly deceased body drops to the floor. I am completely shocked and surprised, I shout, " Have you gone mad?!" He swivels to me, rifle pointed, his eyes that of a man who seeks blood.

He presses the trigger and to my surprise nothing happens. He forgot to reload the bolt! In aggravation he charges me. He intends to run me through with his bayonet! In a split second I thrust my self to dodge and he slams into the trench wall. He turns to me again and strikes me across the face with the butt of his rifle. I stagger backwards, my nose bloodied, stinging pain runs across my face. I know there is no reasoning with this savage man. I grapple with him sticking his rifle far above our heads. I struggle with all my might for then he head butts me with such concussive force that I fall backwards. Now he towers above me thrusting his bayoneted rifle to my chest. With as much force as I can, I brush away the blade causing it to stake itself into the ground. He falls on me now clubbing me with his fist. I grapple with him again this time upon the ground.

Bang! A shot sounds, a hole burst through my assailant's chest spattering me with his blood. I throw off his body as he gasps for air and I look toward my savior. I see him standing there but he too has the same mad look in his eyes. But then sharp whistleing sounds catch my attention. I look the the sky. Artillery!! It comes from our side!

There is no escape for me for my new attacker has me dead in his sights and I can see the explosive brass shells arch closer. I close my eyes and prepare my self for my eventual demise. Explosions rock the earth I am thrown upward to a destination unknown to me. Pain envelopes my body in to as I slam into something hard. I feel numbness and everything fades to black.