
NieR: Automata Hope

After 2b, 9s and A2 were rebuilt and revived by their pods there was nothing left for them to do. YoRHa is destroyed, humanity is extinct and all that's left were the Resistance and the machines. But they discover something that'll spark up hope in rebuilding. (I didn't play the game but I do have a gist of the story so I apologize if I get any information incorrect.)

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


2B's POV

I've just returned back from the mission when Anemone and Avery called me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked

"Well we have some good news and some bad news." said Anemone

"About what?" I asked

Anemone and Avery both seemed uncomfortable.

"Well uhh it's about Creed." said Avery

My heart started beating fast when I heard his name.

"Is he okay? Did something happen to him? Does he need my help?" I asked

"Well uhh he's not hurt or anything but it's about Jackass." said Anemone

My heart started to beat slower when I heard her name. My blood started boiling and rose up to my head.

"What about her?" I growled

Avery seemed scared and took a step back.

"Well she did do something to Creed." said Anemone

I approached Anemone and grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her close to my face.

"2B!" yelled Nines

"What do you mean she did something to Creed?" I growled

"2B calm down, Creed fought back he didn't do anything he's fine." said Anemone

I let her go and she fell to the ground and started coughing while Avery helped her.

"I apologize." I said

"No I understand how you feel, it was wrong for me to trust her with Creed." said Anemone

"Is that the only bad news?" I asked still angry

"Yes that's the only bad news for now." said Anemone

"What's the good news?" I asked

"Creed's amnesia isn't permanent." said Avery

My heart started beating fast again and my blood stopped boiling.

"He was able to regain his memory?" I asked

"No not yet, but he had flashbacks of his memories but he doesn't remember those memories. But having flashbacks is a good sign that he's recovering." said Avery

I felt a beam of excitement in my heart but I didn't show it entirely but I did smile.

"That's nice but I want Jackass away from Creed." I snapped

"We can't control that, she might even be doing something to him right now."

Creed's POV

Jackass locked the room door and I was panicking.

"Jackass I told you not to do this." I pleaded

Jackass just smiled and pushed me to the bed and got on top of me.

"And I told you I won't." she replied

Before she could do anything there was a knock on the door. Jackass rolled her eyes while looking pissed. She opened the door and Gianna was standing there.

"It's Anemone." said Gianna


Jackass scoffs and leaves the room so I ran out of the room too. But while I was still running someone trips me and I fall to the ground.

"Where are you running to?" asked a female voice

I looked up and saw Lisa leaning against the dirt wall with her arms crossed. I haven't been able to observe her but I noticed that she had brown hair, the same type of nose as 2B, small asian eyes like me, maybe a bit smaller than mine. She was wearing what most androids wear, rags but damn they have fashion taste.

"Away from Jackass." I replied

She approached me as I got and examined me.

"Is your lover back home human?"

"No she's a YoRHa android." I replied

"A YoRHa android?" gasped Lisa, "We also have a YoRHa android we found in the water injured. And three others who were badly injured."

"Where?" I asked

She leads me to a room and knocks on the door.

"Yes?" said a voice from inside

"It's me Lisa, I think you four would like to meet this person." said Lisa

The door opened and my eyes widened, she had a similar dress as 2B except without a skirt but full tights. She had visors on and she had long black hair. Another lady was wearing some metal uniform with red hair with two katanas on her left side. The other two had the same outfit but one of them had short gray hair while the other had white hair like 2B.

"Creed this is 12H, 22B, 64B and 8Banother YoRHa android." said Lisa

"Oh hi." I said

"Why are you introducing us to him?" asked 12H

"Apparently he's human." said Lisa

All the androids looked surprised and began examining me.

"Are you really human?" asked 64B

"Yea I am." I replied

"That's amazing, YoRHa will have hope." said 22B

"But I thought you said they weren't responding." said Lisa

"Well about that." I interrupted, "YoRHa is destroyed."

All four of them looked at me with their mouths open.

"You're lying." said 8B

"Well, I don't know but 2B told me-"

"2B?! She's alive?!" shouted 12H

"Yea she is alive." I replied shocked

"Oh thank goodness she's alive." she cried

"Is she your lover?" asked Lisa

"Yes." I replied

"2B..." whispered 8B

"Is there something wrong?" I asked

"2B was the one who attacked us." said 64B

'2B attacked her own androids?'

"Why?" I asked

"We deserted our posts because our command center was messed up. They betrayed us, so we left but I guess they sent 2B to kill us." said 22B

"Wait but, 2B loves you?" asked 12H

"Well yes." I chuckled

"That's surprising, she never showed emotions back in the days. She only showed emotions to 9S." replied 12H

12H then gasped and looked at me.

"Is 9S also alive?" she asked

I nodded in response and she sighed in relief.

"That's good, if what you said was true then I thought we were the only YoRHa androids left." said 12H

"Well no you aren't." I said while smiling awkwardly

"Something good finally happened since the last time I woke up." said 12H

I didn't know what to say to that so I just shrugged.

"Are you going to help us get out?" asked 64B

"I'll try to come up with a plan, but I didn't see any hostility outside." I replied

"That's cause they're all hiding." replied Lisa

"Hiding huh?" I smiled


2 hours later

'So they are all hiding.'

I looked through my binoculars and saw multiple machines hiding behind trees.

'This cliff hides me well.'

I looked around and noticed that most of them were looking at the main entrances while others were looking at the back entrance.

'As I thought, the hole Jackass and I fell in is the only way out. If it wasn't for the hole, we would have both died.'

I looked around to see that the mountain we came down from was left unguarded.

'Even if we get out of that hole, they'll notice us making our way up the mountain.'

I thought about something and then I looked over to where the machines are and something caught my eye. A building, there was a town about 300 meters away from the bottom of the cliff.

'Let's go there and check.'

I left my spot and made my way around the hiding machines. When I got to the town I had to go through buildings in order to stay hidden from the patrolling machines. I crept through the buildings but I trip and fall on something. I looked up and I nearly screamed but I covered my mouth with my hand. I was looking at a dead corpse, a human corpse about 2-3 weeks old.

'Wait, a human corpse. Are there other humans?'

I carefully searched the dead body's clothes until I found a name on his uniform.

'Josiah Kale, JTF2. A Canadian special force unit.'

I looked around to find other corpses but it was just him.

'There has to be other humans out there, I know there are.'

I crept through the buildings but there wasn't anything useful. So I headed back to the hole and slid down it where Lisa, Jackass and Gianna were waiting.

"Anything?" asked Gianna

"You're right they're hiding." I replied, "But only at the front and back entrances."

"So this is the only way out?" asked Lisa

"Yes." I replied

"Damn." sighed Lisa

"But I do have a plan." I said

"What is it?" asked Gianna

"Something I'm good at, diversions." I replied

"Using what?" asked Gianna

"Explosives." I replied

"Where are you going to get explosives?" asked Gianna

"I'll make them. Just get me the things I need." I replied

"Okay, but how long is this going to take?" asked Gianna

"Making the explosives or getting out of here?" I asked

"Well, both." said Gianna

"I should be done with making explosives in 6 hours. But getting out would have to wait another day." I replied

"But I have a question." said Lisa, "How are we going to get 60 androids up there?"

"I'll figure that out." said Gianna

"Okay." replied Lisa

I left and I got to their weapons shop and started working.


6 hours later

2B's POV

"They're coming the day after tomorrow." said Anemone

"Creed's coming home." I joyfully whispered

"2B, A2, 9S, 4S Avery. I want you four to be on standby at the edge of the forest kingdom." said Anemone

"Right now?" asked Nines

"Tomorrow." said Anemone, "They need some help."

"All right, we'll help them." said Avery

"How many androids are coming here?" I asked

"60 androids." replied Anemone

"Holy shit can Creed handle that many?" asked 4S

"I hope so." I replied

"He says he has a plan but it's going to be risky." said Anemone, "But he is the best at using diversions."

"He'll make it." I said

"But 60 people is pretty crucial." said Avery

"Can we go over to him?" asked 9S

"I can't risk more friends dying." said Anemone, "But I think I made a mistake telling Creed to go there."

"Why?" I asked, worried that something happened

"He said he found a human corpse." said Anemone

"Another human?" asked Avery

"Yes, he believes that there are other humans out there." said Anemone

"And why does that make you regret your decision?" I asked

"I don't know, something makes it iffy." said Anemone, "Oh and he also met 4 other YoRHa androids but I'm surprised three of them are still alive."

"Other YoRHa android? What or their names?" asked 9S

"Apparently her name is 12H, 64B, 22B and 8B." said Anemone

"12H, but I thought she died." I said, "And the others I killed them."

I remembered clearly when her flight unit was shot down during a mission to destroy an Engel. The others were traitors so I was ordered to kill them.

"They're alive?" I asked

"Yes according to Creed they're alive." replied Anemone

I couldn't believe it but since Creed said that she was alive, I had hope.

"That's it for today." said Anemone

"Thank you." said Avery

We all leave but something seems to be on Avery's mind.

"Is something on your mind?" I asked

"Huh? No, no, nothing." said Avery

"Is it the fact that Creed found a human corpse?" I asked

She sighed and nodded.

"But I wonder, if there are others out there." said Avery

I thought about it too, and it seemed understandable to me.

"Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow." said Avery

I nodded and I went to Creed's room. I sat on his bed but I remembered that I should wash his clothes for him so I opened his wardrobe but I noticed a picture on the inside of the door. I took the picture off the door and examined it. It was Creed wearing some different kinds of clothes with an older woman and an older man.

'Who are these two?'

I examined it for a while but since I couldn't figure out I put the picture back where it was and collected his clothes.

'I'll be there for you Creed, just come back safely.'