
NieR: Automata Hope

After 2b, 9s and A2 were rebuilt and revived by their pods there was nothing left for them to do. YoRHa is destroyed, humanity is extinct and all that's left were the Resistance and the machines. But they discover something that'll spark up hope in rebuilding. (I didn't play the game but I do have a gist of the story so I apologize if I get any information incorrect.)

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Creed's POV

"So robe climbing huh." said Jackass

"Well, that does work. But that means I'll have to hold them off longer." I said

"That'll be hard." said Gianna

"No, I'll just have to strategically place every explosive, maybe a couple booby traps too." I replied

"You're gonna carry all of that there?" asked Lisa

"Yes." I replied

"I'll go with you." said Jackass

"No I'm doing this by myself." I replied

"Why? I can help you." said Jackass

"Jackass, you're the one leading the group back home. Without you or me leading the group they'll be lost." said Creed

"But what if they follow us?" asked Lisa

"I had Jackass do something about that." I said

"Once we get out and let's say we get spotted, there's boulders and logs we can push to slow down the enemy. If we do get caught we'll also have Creed's flare signal shot in the air." said Jackass

I took out my flare gun and loaded it with a flare. I handed it to Jackass and got ready to leave.

"Get everyone ready, once you hear the explosion that's your signal." I said

"Wait, if we don't get caught, how do you know if we're all out or not?" asked 12H

"I'll give you guys 10 minutes to get everyone out." said Creed

"Okay." replied 12H

"Creed I'll go with you." said 8B, "I was a captain in YoRHa and the best in close range combat."

"Sorry but this one time I need to do this alone." I replied

"Why?" asked 8B

"Because there's something I need to check before we leave this place." I replied

They nodded in agreement so I grabbed the robe and started to climb up. It took me 30 seconds to climb it since it was easy while using the dirt for my legs to climb. My bag was heavy with all my explosives so I grabbed it and threw it over my right shoulder and made my way towards the town.

I crept through the buildings and went to the building where the corpse was and searched his body again. I found a small book in his pocket and flipped through the pages. I kept looking until I found what I was looking for.

"His pod's located pretty far. A week trip from here to there." I whispered, "Through boat and walking."

I put the book in my pocket and kept searching until I found his dog tag in his other pocket.

'This will help me.'

I tucked everything back in and started laying my diversions.

'I hope this works.'

I lit the string up and ran out of the building. The building exploded creating a ball of fire in the air. I pulled out my binoculars and zoomed in where the machines were all hiding. I saw that most of them were moving towards me.

'Success, now time for some traps.'

I ran back to the burning building and set up stings connected to bombs in multiple streets. I ran to a building and hid there to look at the mountain. I saw the androids getting out of the hole but I saw that some machines saw them and went after them. I saw Jackass fending off a machine so I cocked my gun and switched my scope to 3x. I steadied my breath and fired, hitting the machine in the head. Jackass seemed confused but she ran up the mountain. The others began to use boulders and logs to slow down the machines.

More explosions erupted throughout the streets so I packed up my things and left the building. I ran through buildings passing the distracted machines towards the hill. But I ran to the side of the mountain where the machines weren't stationed. I ran up, away from the town that was still exploding from my traps. I ran up the hill and when I got to the top I slid down the rest until I hit the bottom of the hill where the others were waiting.

"Jackass let's go." I said

She nodded and everyone started jogging away. I checked my bag and I noticed that I had a couple of explosives left.

"Jackass how long will it take for us to get there?" I asked

"By tomorrow." she replied

"We'll be followed." I replied, "I'll watch our backs."

"Sure thing, be careful back there cutie." she smiled

I kinda jerked away and ran to the back of our group.

"Hey Creed I need to talk to you." called out 8B

"Yea what is it?" I asked

"2B probably wants us dead since her mission isn't complete." said 8B, "You know what the B means right?"

"Yes battle type." I replied

"Yes but the B is just a cover up for her, it's actually an E." said 8B

"I know. She told me after I lost all my memories that she was assigned to kill Nines whenever he found out about the extinction of humanity." said 8B

"So you know. I just want you to explain to her about our situation and why we left." she said

"She already understands. We have another deserter in our squad back home." I said

"You have 3 YoRHa androids back at home?" She asked

"Well four." I said

"There's 2B and 9S. Who are the others?" she asked

"One of them is 4S while the other is A2." I said

"A2? She was a deserter since the 13th machine war that was like 117 years ago." said 8B

'A2 is a granny?'

"Oh well yea she's part of our group as well." I said

"I see." she whispered

"I'll explain to her if she doesn't understand." I said

She nodded and jogs ahead as I jogged behind the group. I looked behind me and I could see the tracks we were leaving behind.

'If they're running after us right now, they'll track us down.'

I continued running trying to come up with an idea of what I should do.

'Nothing, nothing's coming into my mind.'


6 hours later

It was dark at night, and since we couldn't use a fire we had to sleep throughout the night.

"Jackass how much further?" I asked

"We passed the swamp two hours ago so probably another 5-6 hours." she said

"Damn." I whispered

I laid on the ground looking through my binoculars which luckily had a night vision mode and a thermal mode. I watched the woods looking for any signs of machines coming after us.

"Creed go to sleep." said Jackass

"Really?" I asked in an annoyed tone

"I'm not gonna do it in front of everyone don't worry. Plus you're human, you need sleep." said Jackass

I sighed so I handed her the binoculars and laid on my back, looking at the stars in the night sky.

"Jackass." I whispered


"I had flashbacks of my memories." I whispered

"That's good, your memory loss isn't permanent." she said

"Yea, I hope I remember everything." I said

I extended my arm, reaching out towards the stars.

'I wish you were here with me 2B.'

I lowered my arm and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


8 hours later

Someone shakes me awake and I jerk up but I calmed down when it was just Jackass. I looked around and I noticed that it was still slightly dark and the sun hadn't come up yet but we could still see.

"We're going." said Jackass

I nodded and got up. But I was about to pick up the bag with explosives when I finally knew what to do. I began to hide explosives and wire them together and set up trip wires.

"What are you doing?" asked Jackass

"If these explosives explode then it'll signal that they're chasing us." I said

I finished setting them up and I had two explosives left in my bag.

"Let's go." I said


6 hours later

The bombs didn't go off so I had to run back and get them. But I set up another trap about 5 minutes ago just in case something happened.

"We're almost there just 15 more minutes and we'll enter the Forest Kingdom." said Jackass


I smiled at the thought but my thoughts were interrupted by an explosion behind us.

"What the..."

"Everyone move it!" yelled Jackass

I was about to run when something hit the ground in front of me, sending me flying and hitting a tree.

"Ow..." I groaned

I looked up and saw multiple machines approaching us. I pulled out my gun and started shooting at the first few machines.

"Creed the flare!" yelled Jackass

I pulled out the flare guns and loaded it with the last flare.

'Please see this 2B.'

I aimed the flare gun and shot it into the air.

"Creed run back!" yelled Jackass

I ran towards her while everyone was already a distance away from me. I was just about to turn around when out of nowhere a giant machine cuts me off and swings his arm at me hitting me. I flew a few yards back but the side of my head hit a tree so hard that my memories came flooding back in.

"Ah you're back."

I hit the floor and groaned in pain from both my headache and the bruise on my head. No not a bruise, a cut, my head was bleeding. I tried getting up but another giant machine pops up, this one with huge legs and he kicks me and I was sent flying again. I hit the ground but kept flying back until I felt my back hit something. I slid to a stop but I felt something wrap around me so I opened my eyes and I saw an arm in front me with a sword in its hand. I immediately recognized the sword and the gloves.


"No one touches the love of my life." said 2B