
NieR: Automata Hope

After 2b, 9s and A2 were rebuilt and revived by their pods there was nothing left for them to do. YoRHa is destroyed, humanity is extinct and all that's left were the Resistance and the machines. But they discover something that'll spark up hope in rebuilding. (I didn't play the game but I do have a gist of the story so I apologize if I get any information incorrect.)

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


2B's POV

I was walking with Creed back towards camp after eating the amazing steak he cooked.

"I think it'll be better if we don't tell anyone about this." chuckled Creed while scratching the back of his neck.

I nodded in response but still felt the warm tingling throbbing feeling in my chest.

"2B is experiencing the emotion called, love." blurted out my Pod

"Shut up!" I quickly snapped

Creed turned a bit red but chuckled.

"Love, that's nice." chuckled Creed

I stood there, my cheeks red so I covered my face with my hands.

"I thought you loved 9S." said Creed

"I do, but he's more of a partner and I'll do anything to protect him." I replied

"Ahh." replied Creed

Creed looked up at the blue sky with clouds floating up in the air.

"This world is so cruel, yet it's so beautiful." said Creed

I looked at him with slight confusion.

"It's a saying, this world will never see a day of peace, no war, no violence, no corruption." explained Creed, "Yet this world is so beautiful, the cities even though it's in ruins it's so beautiful. The sky stays blue no matter what."

He smiles and continues to look up at the sky.

"Maybe the world will stay like that, where there's light, there's always darkness. You can't get rid of war." said Creed

"Same goes with death, it's like we're trapped in a never ending cycle." I added

"Death comes for all of us." said Creed as he looks at me, "Death stalks me everyday, everywhere. I can't hide from it or run away from it. I just have to face it head on. But soon it's gonna get me."

"Don't worry, I'll be there to protect you." I said

"That'll be great, but I'm a human being. Age will catch up with me." chuckled Creed

"Humans have a life span, at a certain point they die." said my Pod

"How can we stop it?" I asked

"You can't, like you said it's a curse, I have to die at a certain age." said Creed

"There has to be a way to reverse the effects." I said

"There's nothing you can do to reverse it." said Creed

"What about freezing you? You can skip time that way." I added

"Don't." was all Creed said

"Why not?" I questioned

"Causing living this life is annoying." sighed Creed

Creed continues walking back towards the Resistance camp.

"Just, let me rest in peace when my time comes." continues Creed

We enter the camp and 9S greets us with A2.

"Where were you two?" asked 9S

"Ahh, I had to check on something and 2B just tagged along." lied Creed

"Check up on what?" asked 9S

"Some stuff." replied Creed

"Exactly what kind of stuff?" asked A2

"Oh just with the machines, I wanted to see if I could maybe hack into them." Creed lied again

"Hacking, you should have brought me!" exclaimed 9S

"Hehe, sorry 9S next time for sure." smiled Creed as he patted 9S' head

9S slightly pouted but nodded his head.

"Oh I noticed that I'm running low on bullets." said Creed as he pulls out his last two mags, "I'm gonna have to find some materials."

"What do you need?" asked A2

"Just get me some metal and gun powder from there I can make my own bullets." replied Creed

"Suggestion, find machine parts and use them." said Pod 042

"That can work, I'll bring some dead machines." said A2

"Wait." I stopped her, "You have a limit of bullets, in battle you might run out what are you going to do from there?"

Creed pulls out his knife and showed it to me.

"That's not going to pierce through a metal body of a machine." I said

"So what should I do?" asked Creed

I pulled out my sword and pointed the tip at him.

"Learn how to use a sword." I answered

Creed looked confused but nodded.

"Sure I'll do it, but I suck at this I never held a sword before." said Creed

"I'll teach you." I replied

"You're going to teach him?" asked A2

"Yes, I'll overview his skills from here and teach him." I replied

"What about Avery?" asked 9S

"Avery should be kept away from him." I replied

"Then I'll teach her." said A2

"Okay then we are all set." said 9S

We separated and 2B led me to a weapons shop to try some weapons.

"Too heavy." commented Creed as he held one of the big swords

I handed Creed a spear but he shook his head.

"It's going to take me a while to even swing that."

I handed him a medium sized katana and he seemed to be grasped by the design.

"Wow, this one looks cool perfect weight and size for me. I think I'll take this one." said Creed

"How much would that be?" I asked the owner

"For free, he's a special person." replied the owner

"Thank you." I replied

I led Creed outside and to a roof of the the tallest building there was in the city.

"We'll be practicing here from now on." I told Creed

"Nice..." whispered Creed as he looked around looking at the view.

"Unsheathe your sword." I said

He pulls his sword out and looked at me.

"I'm ready."

I lunged towards him and swung my sword straight at him.

"Woah!" exclaimed Creed

He brought up his sword and managed to block my blow.

"Hey I didn't know you were going to attack." complained Creed

"Always be ready." I replied

I slid my sword down against Creed's sword and swung my sword up causing Creed to lose grip letting go of his sword and sent it flying it the air. Creed looked up at the sword in shock but I quickly pointed the tip of my sword at his throat.

"Never let go of your sword." I told Creed

The sword falls down and it stabs the floor, sticking up. Creed looks at me with a surprised face and then looks at his sword sticking out of the floor. I lower my sword and pulled his sword out of the floor and tossed it to him.

"First your grip on the sword was too tight." I informed him, "Making it too tight wouldn't be good for your hands neither would holding it loose."

I showed him how I held my sword.

"The sword is part of you pretend it's an extended arm, use every part of your hand to balance the sword into your palm." I said

He held the sword and tired to copy my posture but seemed to have difficulty.

"Do not rest the sword entirely on your palm, it'll wear out your hand and you won't be able to last in a long fight."

"Can I try two hands for now?" asked Creed

"No." I replied

Creed seemed a bit disappointed but took a deep breathe and tried it again.

"Second your stance." I continued, "You're stance is a bit too short, you'll fall easily."

I swiped my legs under him and he fell onto his back. He groaned in pain and looked at me.

"So how long is my stance supposed to be?" he asked

"Shoulder length and from there wider if your opponent is stronger but not too wide."

I kicked one of Creed's leg as he made his stance too long causing him to do a full split.

"There'll be consequences."

Creed winced in pain but gave me a nod.

"Yea got that." he mumbled