
NieR: Automata Hope

After 2b, 9s and A2 were rebuilt and revived by their pods there was nothing left for them to do. YoRHa is destroyed, humanity is extinct and all that's left were the Resistance and the machines. But they discover something that'll spark up hope in rebuilding. (I didn't play the game but I do have a gist of the story so I apologize if I get any information incorrect.)

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


2b's POV

I looked at the fish as it was frying on top of the fire. I put the fish on a stick so that I don't burn my hand. I thought the fish was finished so I took the stick and brought it back to the tent and gave it to Creed. But Creed seemed to have a shocked face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"Well uhhh, the fish is burnt." chuckled Creed

"So you can't eat it burnt?" I asked

"Well, no you can't." replied Creed

Creed gets up from his bed but I immediately stop him.

"You need rest, I'll just try again." I said

"No, it's fine, I'll teach you how to do it." said Creed

We weakly walks out of the tent and I follow him to the stream.

"You were able to catch a fish, how did you do it?" asked Creed

Pod 042 gives me a rod from his infinite storage and Creed looked shocked.

"Where the hell did that come from?" he asked

"From my infinite storage." said Pod 042

"Ahh I see." said Creed, "So, show me what you did."

I threw the string attached to the rod and waited for a fish to get caught by the hook. I waited about 5 minutes until finally the string pulled and I immediately pulled the rod and the fish came out attached to the hook.

"Good job." complemented Creed

"Oh thanks." I quickly replied

I felt my chest start to throb again and I also felt my cheeks heat up a bit. I quickly shook my head and grabbed the fish and stuck a stick in its mouth and went over to the fire with Creed.

"So let it sit in the fire a bit and make sure you cook each side of the fish properly." said Creed

I did exactly as he said. I rotated the fish every 30 seconds, being cautious in cooking so that I don't burn it.

"Okay now look at the fish." said Creed

I looked at the fish and I noticed it had a different color.

"See how the color changed, that's when you know it's done." said Creed

"But how come the burnt one isn't done?" I asked

"Burnt isn't good for my health." said Creed, "Not that I don't appreciate you actually doing this for me, but it's just not good for anyone."

He smiled at me for the first time and my face flushed and I couldn't think straight.

"Hey 2b are you okay?" asked Creed

He touched my forehead which caught me off guard and I felt my chest throb even more.

"Ye-yes, I'm f-fine." I stuttered as I quickly hand him the stick with the fish.

"Oh okay, thanks a lot for this." he smiled again

He takes the stick and starts eating the fish carefully, blowing it to cool it down. I watched his expression carefully, he seemed to be enjoying the fish a lot.

"Hey, want to do more cooking?" asked Creed

"Uhhh, sure." I replied

"Okay, wait here, I need to get my gear." said Creed

He went back to the camp and I waited for him. I touched my chest and I could feel the throbbing in my chest.

'What is this feeling?'

"I'm back, let's get going." said Creed

He startled me back I got up and followed him into the city ruins.

"What are we doing?" I asked

"Hunting." replied Creed

"Hunting what?" I asked

He points at something so I looked over and saw a moose a couple meters away. Creed aims his gun and shoots the moose in the head killing it.

"Why did you kill it?" I asked

"Whenever you're hunting an animal, you have to kill it." said Creed

"I see." I replied

Creed approaches the dead moose and pulls out a knife. He starts cutting into the moose, blood pouring out of the cuts Creed made.

I watched and observed all the cuts and moves Creed did on the moose. It was very interesting to me.

"There." said Creed

He starts cutting the rib section and pulls out the flesh.

"This is the rib meat, probably the best part of the moose." said Creed

I cuts off the skin and hair off the flesh. I looked at his hands, and they were covered in moose blood.

"Uhhh, let's build a fire here, do you mind grabbing some wood for a fire?" asked Creed

"No, I'll get some." I said

I walked off to a tree and started snagging its branches off. I came back with a pile of them and Creed also came back from washing the meat and his hands.

"Can you ask your pod if he has a frying pan?" asked Creed

"Pan engaged." said Pod 042

Pod 042 pops out a pan from his infinite storage and gives it to Creed.

"Thanks. By any chance do you have any food oil?" asked Creed

"Yes." replied Pod 042 and hands him a can of food oil

Creed uses the branches and builds a fires a different from the usual fires we build. He lays the frying pan on the fire and pours oil on it just a bit and let it heat up a bit.

"You have to put oil on so that the meat doesn't stick to the pan." said Creed

He lays the moose meat onto the pan and a sizzling noise erupts from the pan and steam burst out of the pan.

"Do you have salt?" asked Creed

Pod 042 gives him some salt and Creed pours a bit of salt on both sides of the meat, using his knife to flip the meat over.

"Don't worry I cleaned up the knife." said Creed

I nodded in response and kept watching the meat on the pan.

"Oh, can you eat?" asked Creed

"Yes." I replied

"Can you taste them?" asked Creed

"Yes of course." I replied

"I see, androids are almost like humans." said Creed

"All androids can eat, most of the old prototype androids had to eat in order to cool their cores. But YoRHa androids don't need to, but we still eat."

"I see." said Creed

He flips the meat and I noticed that the meat went from red to brown. Creed take the pan off the fire and lets the meat cool down. He cuts the meat into pieces with his knife and gives me a piece on his knife.

"Try it." said Creed

I take the knife and I was about to put it in my mouth but Creed stops me.

"Wait, be careful, it's still hot." said Creed

Creed blows on the meat cooling it down, then I ate the meat and instantly, my mouth became watery, the taste of the meat was so amazing I felt like crying.

"Is it good?" asked Creed as he ate one piece.

"It's...amazing." I whispered

"Well, it's probably your first time eating meat, but that's how you do it." said Creed

I ate another piece, then another, the taste of the meat was so amazing that I just wanted to keep eating.

"You seem, to be enjoying it a lot." chuckled Creed

Before I knew it, the pan was empty and we ate everything on it.

"Well, that was good, let's go back to the camp." said Creed

Creed gives me his hand, but I hesitate to take it at first until I slowly gave it to him and he helps me stand up.