
Nezuko's Horny?! (Demon Slayer)

Oh no! Nezuko turned into a demon! Tanjiro have to cross all limits and overcome all hurdles to turn her back into a human! That's an option. For now, Nezuko's a bit little horny. And she needs some.. you know it. No one is gonna be saved from this demon! (Don't expect the story to make sense. Its just... is a story, you see.) **** This story has aged up Kamado family. Nezuko and Tanjiro are 16 and 18. Because 12 felt a bit too young. But don't worry, ages doesn't matters as long as you get the stuff you want. Just use your imagination and read with some lotion with you! This book is exclusive for just Nezuko. Like that, I may do different character special books in the future. (Patreon coming soon! What? Not all chapters will be uploaded here. I also want to earn a living right?) I don't own Demon Slayer and any of its characters. Nor do I own the art in the cover.

AHornyWednesday · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

What happened, Nezuko?!

"What is this smell...?" He said as he walked up the snowy hill. Tanjiro was about to reach home when a noticed a weird, faint scent. While walking, he realised that the smell is getting stronger and stronger, until he realised.. It was the smell was blood.

And it was coming from the direction of his house.

Horrified, he made a run to his home. And what he saw was worse than a nightmare.

All his family members, were dead. They were all slaughtered and there was blood all around. While he was out for selling coal, behind his back, his family had been stolen from him. His mom, brothers and sisters. No one was left.

Or so did he thought.

While he was observing them with tears in his eyes, he suddenly saw that Nezuko, his 16 year old little sister, still had a little life left. Although she had no energy to move, she had a chance of survival. In this hope, Tanjiro lifted her up and started hurrying to the town down the mountain, leaving the corpses of his family behind with a rock on his heart.

As if the situation was already not stressing, a snowstorm started on the mountain, making it harder to see let alone walk downwards. Still, Tanjiro didn't gave up hope. He kept walking. He had to save his sister at any cost. She is the only family member he have now. If she dies too, he would have no one to call his family. He have to save her. He have to-

Tanjiro lost his balance and fell down a small cliff. Luckily, the snow beneath saved him from any kind of injury. Since he fell on his back, on which he was carrying Nezuko, Tanjiro quickly got up as he thought his sister was pressed beneath him. He let out a sigh of relief when she was not there.

But... Where was she?

She is so badly injured, there is now way she could walk away on her own. She has to be some where here. Tanjiro looked left and right, and after a while, he found her.

Nezuko. She was standing. But... How? She is not supposed to stand up straight. Her body shouldn't allow her to, keeping in mind that she was barely even breathing a minute ago.

"Nezuko.... You don't need to stress yourself.." Tanjiro said. But he stopped once he realised that Nezuko was not acting normal. She was growling. Her breathing was abnormal. It was too heavy.

Suddenly, she started running towards Tanjiro. Shocked and scared at the same time, Tanjiro didn't had any time to react as Nezuko pounced and sat on him.

She opened her mouth, and Tanjiro noticed that she has grown fangs. Her expression was of extreme aggression, and she started overpowering him. In this snow storm, her pink eyes were glowing.

She came closer to Tanjiro to bite him, but Tanjiro quickly picked up a stick and stopped her by placing the stick horizontally between her mouth and pushing her back. Nezuko was still trying to overpower him, her hunger growing as seconds passed.

"What it this...." Tanjiro thought, on the verge of breaking down. "What happened to you Nezuko..? Are you not the sister I had? Have you changed? You have... You have become a demon! But.. How?!"

While he was thinking, he felt a drop on his face. When he looked up, he saw, it was Nezuko's tear drop...


Tanjiro was freaked out when he saw that Nezuko was sucking on the stick. She was still aggressive, but she used that emotion in something else.

He tried to pull the stick back from her mouth, but she grabbed his hand and prevented him from doing so.

"Ne- Nezuko! What are you even doing?!" He struggled.

While she was sucking on the stick, she tongue touched Tanjiro's thumb. So she let go of the thumb and started sucking his thumb instead. Tanjiro felt a shock of energy going down his veins. He threw the stick and tried to push Nezuko off by her shoulder.

Out of no where, while she was sitting on the top, Nezuko started slowly moving. It was at that moment that Tanjiro realized that she was actually sitting on top of his hips. And as Nezuko slowly moved, her hips parts started rubbing up against hers.

"No! Th- this is wrong! So wrong! She is my sister!! I can't think of her like THAT!" He thought. However, he couldn't control his feelings. Nezuko rubbing herself over him while also sucking his thumb was turning him on.

She let go of the thumb and kissed his palm. Then she stopped. For a while. They both were breathing heavily. As the snow storm continues, Nezuko looked at Tanjiro's eyes. And Tanjiro saw the thing he didn't wanted. Nezuko too, has long given up on her feelings. She was turned on too.

"No, no you don't have to do this Nezuko...!"

Nezuko came closer to Tanjiro's face and then placed her cheeks next to his. Tanjiro was able to smell her hairs. Then, she slowly started breathing in his ears. She also started moving her face so that their faces rubbed.

While Tanjiro was trying to resist his blood flow from reaching his dong, Nezuko completely destroyed him by grabbing his hand and placing it on her thigh, which was open due to the kimono being all messed up.


The lion has awaken. And it was hungry.

"F- fuck..." Tanjiro thought. He was now done for. He couldn't control his hand, and started caressing Nezuko's thigh. Feeling this made Nezuko more excited. She placed her palm on Tanjiro's other cheek, and then started kissing his ear.

Tanjiro slowly decides to make up his way from her thigh to her buns. As the slow hand went through her skin, Nezuko out a squeak. Before the hand could reach there, she slowly lifted and face and brought it closer to Tanjiro's.

"Oh damn... Am I... Gonna kiss her?!"

She opened her mouth. Tanjiro felt her breath on his lips. He slowly opened his mouth too. Seeing this, Nezuko smirked a little. No, she wasn't relaxed. She was still overpowering Tanjiro, and was still rough and bash. But she was enjoying this place. She had completely transformed into a demon.

As their lips got closer, their breathing got heavier. Then in an playful act, instead of directly kissing, Nezuko puller her tongue out and licked Tanjiro's lips. Then she went a little back again.

All this play made Tanjiro lose his control. He reached Nezuko's ass and grabbed it.

Nezuko was now enjoying herself too much. She finally decided to go in for the kiss. She placed her hand on Tanjiro's eyes to cover it. And then she looked at his mouth, the mouth which was ready to be dominated.

Her breathing got heavier, and she leaned in for the ki-

"What's going on here?" A voice came from behind.

Both Tanjiro and Nezuko stopped. Nezuko removed her hand from his eyes, and they saw a man with long black hairs and blue eyes with a sword standing before them. He had an emotionless face.

"Get away from her." He said.

They both (Tanjiro and Nezuko) looked confused.

"You, brat, get away from the demon." Giyu said while pointing his sword at Tanjiro. "Let me kill her."