
Nezuko's Horny?! (Demon Slayer)

Oh no! Nezuko turned into a demon! Tanjiro have to cross all limits and overcome all hurdles to turn her back into a human! That's an option. For now, Nezuko's a bit little horny. And she needs some.. you know it. No one is gonna be saved from this demon! (Don't expect the story to make sense. Its just... is a story, you see.) **** This story has aged up Kamado family. Nezuko and Tanjiro are 16 and 18. Because 12 felt a bit too young. But don't worry, ages doesn't matters as long as you get the stuff you want. Just use your imagination and read with some lotion with you! This book is exclusive for just Nezuko. Like that, I may do different character special books in the future. (Patreon coming soon! What? Not all chapters will be uploaded here. I also want to earn a living right?) I don't own Demon Slayer and any of its characters. Nor do I own the art in the cover.

AHornyWednesday · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


"N- Nezuko!"

Tanjiro placed his right hand on Nezuko's bare shoulder. He could feel her body has become hotter. He wanted to push her back, but for some reason, his body didn't wanted to. Instead, it asked for more.

Nezuko slowly came closer to Tanjiro's face, and placed her forehead on his. They stared at each other's eyes, the moon light entering from the opening of the cave turning the situation into something interesting.

Tanjiro broke the eye contact and saw that the kimono was barely hanging on to her arms. Getting lower, and it might reveal her bosom. Thinking of bosom, Tanjiro averted his gaze towards her chest. And saw her cleavage.

Although Nezuko's breast weren't of favorable size, they were still enough to imprint a sign of cleavage that was visible. Seeing the line of temptation, Tanjiro gulped.

Nezuko noticed that he wad not making eye contact, so she grabbed his cheeks and shook his face.

"Ahh?! What is it, Nezuko?!"

She just stared at him, for a while. Her breathing increased. By the look on her face, Tanjiro realised that she was not thinking anything good.

Suddenly, while his cheeks were still being grabbed by her, Nezuko leaned in and kissed him.

Tanjiro widened his eyes. He could feel her tender lips on his. He could feel her pressing over, deepening the contact. After five seconds of kissing, Nezuko backed up a little, their faces still close enough to each other that they could feel the other's breath.

Both of their faces were red with blush. Nezuko let go of Tanjiro's cheek and with a finger, pulled one of her hair strands behind her ear. Meanwhile, Tanjiro's slowly raised his hand and placed his thumb on her lower lip. He gently pulled the lip, revealing her sharp fangs.

While in this situation, Tanjiro snapped back to his senses. This is his sister, what was he even thinking while doing that?! He tried to get up, but Nezuko noticed it and didn't allow him to.

With her hands, she locked his arms on the ground. Now she was in control of the situation. While directly staring into his eyes, she opened her mouth and showed him her tongue. He was confused at first by this behavior, but then quickly realised what this really meant.

"No...." Tanjiro softly whispered as Nezuko teased him. She, once again, approached his face, and without wasting any moment, locked lips with him again.

And this time, it was even more sensual. She was using her tongue to play with her brother's while they indulged in this activity of romance. Tanjiro had his eyes tightly shut. He was now turned on, against his will.

As his member started rising strong, Nezuko felt it, as she was sitting on him. As soon as she felt a tickle between her legs, she knew it was time for the next thing.

She stopped the kiss and freed Tanjiro's arms. He could move, but the lips and tongue play was so mesmerizing, he could only think what she would do to him next. So, against his will and giving up to his growing lust, Tanjiro let Nezuko do what she pleased.

Nezuko being hungry for more, placed her palms on Tanjiro's chest and then slowly started dragging them down, giving him a chance to feel pleasure at every inch on his body. As she slowly reached down, she arrived at her stop.

The boner.

As the pants were still on, Nezuko just knew what to do. It was not yet the time to uncover the sword. Instead, she started rubbing her hand on it.

She felt the dick. Without even seeing it, she started examining and imagining the things she could do with it. However, she still felt that it was not fully charged yet. And to give it power, Nezuko decided to increase another level.

She took Tanjiro's arm and placed it on her bosom. Tanjiro saw it, and felt his sister's breast, while she was teasing him. He noticed, that her nipples were hard too. Unknowingly, be started groping her.

Nezuko let out a little moan.

Due to him playing with her breasts, Tanjiro's sword was now at full power. It stood tall and proud. Seeing this, Nezuko got a little too excited.

She crept up to a position where her bosom was against Tanjiro's face. As he looked at her, it was clear that it was her signal that he could suck on them. Tanjiro slowly removed the kimono, revealing her breasts in all glory. Although small, they were just worthy enough to make a man pay an amount to see them. And he could do it for free.

She placed his hands on the breasts and started playing with them, grabbing them and then squeezing the nipples with his fingers. As he did, Nezuko moaned in her lovely voice.

The moment was getting more and more heated. Tanjiro slowly brought his mouth close to her tits. She took his tongue out, and then licked her nipple just from the top of it. After sensing that Nezuko liked that, he proceeded to suck one of her tits, while he groped the other.

The sensation took Nezuko to a whole another realm. She let out a cry of joy. Of course, she has never experienced her breasts being sucked on before. And for the first time, it was her brother himself!

She held the head of her brother with one arm, while with the other, she did what she wanted to do for a long time.

She slowly unzipped her brother's pants. As she did, she could sense the power of the hammer before it even came out. She had her gaze fixed on what was about to be revealed.

And it finally happened. She saw it. As the unzipping finished, out came a lion roaring out loud. It was huge, and seeing this Nezuko started drooping.

As she placed her finger around it, she felt the warmth that the weapon carried. It was the dick of her brother! Who knew he had this monster hidden under his pants? While innocent from his face, Tanjiro surely wasn't as innocent down here.

Slowly, she started stroking his junk.

Due to the sensation, Tanjiro accidentally bit on Nezuko's nipples.

"AHH! ~" Nezuko let out a cry as she jumped a little. It was painful, yes, but also pleasuring in a surreal manner. Not that she would want him to bite it again.

"I- I am sorry, Nezuko.." Tanjiro said.

Nezuko looked at him, then his dick, and then back at him. It was clearly the eyes saying 'it's okay as long as you let me do it'. She still had it in her hand, and she was slowly pulling it down and up.

Tanjiro slowly sat up, while Nezuko continued what she was doing. She got a little bit faster. As he looked at her sister stroking him, he pulled her face and started kissing her.

Now, they both were willingly ready to do it. As they kissed for a while, Nezuko still stroked him. After a while of kissing, Nezuko slowly started crawling backwards, in the direction of his junk.

When she was in position right under it, facing Tanjiro, she grinned. Tanjiro braced himself for what was gonna happen, as Nezuko slowly brought up her face closer to the dick.