
Nextgen Kids: Down in the Negaverse

In a parallel dimension, the DNK, negative parallels to the Nextgen Kids Next Door, struggle to live in a dark, miserable world where friendship means little. The DNK was founded to fight crime and protect people, but many of its operatives lack passion for the art. However, as an intergalactic dictator attempts to conquer their world, will the DNK change their ways and try to make a better world? This story is a parallel series to the main Nextgen Series, where the adventures of the DNK mirror those of the KND. All crossover characters are uniquely integrated, so you don't have to know their canon backgrounds. The first 20 chapters are recommended prereading for the Seven Lights Saga, as these characters will have a side-plot in that story.

Gamen_Watch · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Pirate Wars, Part 7: The Orbital Archipelago

Tnacsuroc (Music: "Smokey Peak" from DK Returns.)

The Weapon Refineries were comparable to a volcano, flooded with molten metal and the smiths only able to work on islands or platforms suspended above the lava. "Cough! Mean, it's so steamy in here!" Asia said. She and Lirpa had infiltrated the factory via a vent, letting off on a walkway just above the lava. "I'll have a hard time bending in here."

"Please, hot air is still air."

"It's hard to breathe, okay?! I don't know why we didn't consider getting Ikuyim's sister. Yllehs could've gotten her to cooperate. Or, heck, Yllehs could've helped. We still haven't ruled out if this guy's a Logia."

"I still feel confident taking him on my own."

"If you say so."

Lirpa jumped stable platforms and used Haki to kick down Lava Bubbles, Magtails, and any fire-coated creature that targeted her. There were metal barrels that would bob in the lava from her steps. She had to jump up slanted platforms alongside a wall, with lavafalls pouring every few seconds over certain areas. They would reach larger areas where soldiers would attack with fiery ball-and-chains or burning swords. There was an area where Lirpa had to run up a slide and jump globs of lava that would flow by. And because we need more Donkey Kong homages, there was a segment where they had to ride a small hot air balloon across the lava. Asia used airbending to steer them around and keep them elevated.

The girls entered a large cauldron with a wide, grated foothold. Asia offered to hold back a horde of soldiers while Lirpa crossed the bridge to the obvious boss arena. A mass of lava emerged through the grate and shaped Vice-Admiral Mada. "HAH! Just the filly I wanted to see! Well, with a bod like that, you ain't that much of a filly. You're just about -17, right?"

"EW!! Where are you going with this?! And I don't turn until Lirpa!"

"I'll put it straight, chickadee! My time ran out a while ago! Only just unhooked my chi-blocks 'cause I knew you were coming. I…I can't hold on, anymore…" Mada began trembling, morphing into a golem of lava.

"W-What?!" Lirpa backed up in terror. "What are you?!"

"I ate the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Cherufe. I can only control the volcano spirit inside me… if I eat a virginal maiden once every month. I need to eat a new one now!"

"V-Virginal?!" Lirpa flushed in offense. "That's none of your business, buddy! Is the reason you were keeping me as your maid so you could fucking eat me?!"

"I had a whole line of ladies willin' to die for me, but ain't none of them were fiery like you. You got the right juice for me, Lirpa. If I eat you, I might have enough control for TWO months!"

"Wow… you'd have to be a seriously cracked virgin to eat a Devil Fruit like that. Maybe we made a mistake with this matchup after all. Oh well." Lirpa hardened her leg and KICKED Mada up in the jaw, knocking him into the lava. "You'll still be fine for a workout." (Music: "Fleet Glide Galaxy" from Mario Galaxy!)

Mada emerged from one side of the platform, spitting lava balls that Lirpa easily evaded. When she got closer, the beast swiped his molten hands at her, but Lirpa's kicks were superior as she deflected them. He dug his hands beneath the lava and tried to emerge them from beneath Lirpa, molding through the grate. With each dodge, she threw a kick at the arms, but Mada suddenly thrusted a fist from his chest. Her shoes hardened, Lirpa ran up the molten arm without getting burned and KICKED Mada upside the chin. As he reeled back, Lirpa ran up the slanting arm and kicked the wrist before dropping to the foothold. The beast backed up a great distance and threatened to charge Lirpa head-on. Lirpa raced back across the bridge, crouched down, and scraped her shoes along the bridge. When Mada charged, Lirpa dashed as well, so both met in the center of the field as Lirpa thrusted a leg deep into his stomach.

Mada blew back, hacking boiling blood. He retreated and began to splash waves of lava over the platform. Thankfully, the waves were irregularly shaped, so she could dodge between gaps. But Mada spread his arms and came at her with a full length wave. Lirpa squatted, built strength, and leapt over the wave before thrusting a kick to his head. Mada fumed in anger and erupted a storm of meteors from his brain. Lirpa eyed the sky and evaded the meteors, but a couple of them contained solid boulders and landed on the grate. Mada was shifting side-to-side, but with careful aiming, Lirpa kicked each boulder to wham him in the head. Mada stretched his arms to either side and attempted to CLAP Lirpa, who flipped upside-down and thrusted legs to either side to push them away.

She then quickly flipped out, the hands closing, then she flipped above to deal a leg chop down on the conjoined hands. She applied more pressure to keep them pinned down, but Mada grew aggravated, and Lirpa got off before she got too hot. The angry Mada charged her, but Lirpa seized this chance for another kick to the—Mada sank into the lava and emerged from directly beneath her. Lirpa did the splits against his mouth, suspending it open, but she had to duck down the front when his hands clapped up. She landed and kicked him in the stomach, and as he reeled back, Lirpa kicked away, then quickly dashed for the rebound and leapt to kick him in the chest. Mada bellowed and began to violently lash at her, Lirpa countering his hand-swipes with kicks and seizing any chance to jump off the hands and kick him in the jaw.

"So, if he doesn't eat a victim, he loses his rational thinking and just attacks like an animal. That'll only wear you down faster. Time to heat up myself!" Lirpa retreated and rapidly spun on one leg, building kinetic energy until that leg turned red with intense heat. Mixing it with Haki, she and Mada engaged in an all-out brawl, her heightened leg puncturing his defense with greater force. Mada would try repeatedly to sink and emerge beneath Lirpa, dodging his mouth or hands each time and only kicking the head. Earlier, Mada made attempts to dodge her attacks, but his combat competence seemed to slip away with his humanity.

Still, he at least knew enough to realize these techniques were getting him nowhere, so the lava giant decided to rise to full height. He attempted to stomp on Lirpa, but some firm kicks to the ankles caused him to topple. Her Burning Leg then stomped him in the crotch, and she followed with a series of flip-kicks across his back before firmly kicking him in the head. Lirpa quickly leapt back to the platform. Mada shrank and morphed back into his Faunus form, losing consciousness. Lirpa's Burning Leg cooled down, but she slumped into a squat position out of exhaust.

"Nice job, Lirpa!" Asia flapped over. "You really got Armament Haki down to a T! Did you get burned at all?"

"Nothing significant, but if I work out any more, my legs are gonna fall off."

"You could use a new pair of shoes, too." The brand new pair Lirpa had brought into this battle were already torn and scorched beyond repair. "Looks like I'll be hauling you both out of here."

"I've got enough strength to carry him. Let's-" The factory began to rumble. "Huh? An earthquake?!"

"We'd better go now!"

"Hey, is anybody else feeling this?" Aliehs asked into her communicator.

"We aren't just feeling it!" Arorua responded. "We're seeing it! A bunch of towns are rising out of the ground!"

"Sir Ovi ordered a mass evacuation to a bunch of 'Safe Zones.'" Yrrah replied. "But it looks like… oh, no! Those Safe Zones are…!"

The Safe Zones used rockets to detach from the planet's surface and leave the atmosphere. They each had Oxygen Bubble projectors to keep them alive, but even the citizens were baffled by the sudden development. "Jar har har har har har!" However, one district would learn the horrifying truth as the Swimming Swede loomed beyond its border. "Pity that an Emperor can't even set foot in his own territory." Jarg landed on the metallic shore. "It's time I take control of this war!" The citizens cried as metal cocoons were bent up to confine them.

"I think I understand." Arorua responded. "They're moving a bunch of people outside the atmosphere so that Jarg can have better control of his territory."

"We felt the earthquake, but it doesn't seem like the weapon factory was part of the Safe Zone." Asia mentioned. "This is gonna make fighting Jarg more dangerous though, now that he has all that metal to bend."

"Well, the mission's still the same, ain't it?" Aliehs asked. "We gotta bust the admirals, get their chips out, and get 'em on our side. So, we going after my mom or what?"

"Yeah, Aliehs, we'll get right on it. Let's make sure Lirpa and Aliehs get picked up first."

"Eirik, how's your mission coming along?" Arorua asked.

"It'd be great if this dopey jerk would leave us alone!" Eirik shouted. She and Eelyah were running through the sewer with Ahcom on the latter's back. Eirik was also bouncing what looked like a metal basketball.

"You huwt my feewings!" whined Probelg, the muscular Cragmite janitor. "I just wanna pway mop with you! Now I mop you da viowent way!"

Neckarb burst out of a hiding place in the wall and shoved Probelg into the other. "You play with me instead!" She raised a big metal dustpan and bashed Probelg with the rim of it. "Hurry, Friend Eelyah! Me beat brute!"

"So long as we never get to hear you talk again!" Eirik retorted, unhesitant in running away.

"That mean, Eirik…" Eelyah moaned.

"Aren't you used to it by now?"

"I'm not!" yelled the basketball, which was actually Sirhc. "Can you quit bouncing me?!"

"No way, Sirhc, you're more fun like this!"

The sewer led to a secret entrance under Kcydloz Manor. The four fought their way up and through the military base manor, primarily battling soldiers that specialized in Nature Style, though not on a remarkable level. There were strong voice-automated doors, but Eirik learned to mimic Avlis's voice and bypass them. "Go away, Skeeto!" Ahcom yelled, flailing her hands.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Eirik asked.

"This stupid mosquito's been bugging me ever since we got here!"

"It's just a mosquito, all it'll do is make you itch!" Eirik argued, unaware that same mosquito landed in her hair. "Suck it up and…uuuuuhhh…"

The kids were repulsed as the mosquito grew into a humanoid hybrid with black hair, ripped jeans, and eyes bent in opposite directions. "ME WIKE A GWOOD DWINK OF BLOOD!"



"Th-th-th-th-th-THIS thing is one of Aullik's brothers?!" Sirhc exclaimed.

"Uuuuhh…" Eirik moaned like a zombie.

"What you do to Eirik?!" Eelyah yelled.


Sirhc curled up and rammed the bug man away. Eelyah picked up Eirik and made a run for it, but was intercepted by Admiral Avlis himself. "GOOD JOB, son! These runts are long due for a world-class whoopin!" The admiral conjured giant Whoopee Cushions, chasing the girls through the mansion and throwing the explosive gas balloons. Eelyah bent Cement Fists at the admiral, but he endured and leapt to land a solid punch to the cavegirl. Eelyah and Eirik slammed against the wall, but when Avlis leapt for the next attack, a pigtailed girl in a black karate robe flew in to kick him. "AKULLA! Did you just attack me?!"

"Where you come from?!" Eelyah exclaimed.

"After a while of being free from mind-control, I decided I'm sick of Dad's whoopins! But I guess I should've mentioned my brother earlier." She zipped around Avlis and struck from all directions, the father conjuring quick cushions in defense. "He ate the Mosquito Fruit. You can fix her if you give her some water, but make sure he doesn't get you first!"

"Hey, guys! I found Otullak!" Sirhc called around the corner. Otullak was controlling a mechanical walker and shooting missiles at the Armordillo, Sirhc maneuvering and attempting to roll against its legs. "I think he's been brainwashed!"

"Imulli found my hideout and knocked me out!" Otullak explained. "Sorry about this, guys!"

"Now all we need is Aullik and Ikullim, wherever that idjit ended up!" Avlis shouted, thrusting his palm at Akulla and blasting her against the wall. "You darn kids have been a pain in my tuckus this past month!"

"Dad, are you crazy?!" Akulla shouted. "You know Davy Jarg is pulling the strings, right? The pirate?! You know the DNK's trying to save you, right?"

"Jarg, shmarg! I don't care about any of that drab! Long as I get to keep punk civilians in line, so be it! And that goes double for you little runaways!"

"RAH!" She thrusted her own palm, the water vapor denting her father's face. "I worked hard for you! I worked hard to earn your respect, to be a good child, a good soldier, but you're just… A CRIMINAL!"

"I'll wrap that tongue of yours in a knot!" Avlis buried her in Whoopees, followed by a clustered explosion.

Eelyah brought Eirik into a bathroom, holding her under a sink with the water turned on. "This big bathroom." she noticed. "Eelyah hope this works…"

Imulli had buzzed into the room, eyes set on Eelyah. It may not do any good to suck her dimwitted brain, but those big feet seemed brimming with blood, and it would sure weaken her bending. "Nnn!" Ahcom leapt from behind the trashcan and smacked the bug to the floor. Imulli tried to fly, but her Gentle Swat numbed his wings. "Now that I know you're a person, you're somehow easier to notice. But you're still creepy!!" She began to step on Imulli with her little sneaker, but the bug endured the soft-weighted girl. He puffed back to his hybrid form, Ahcom tumbling off as she backed up in panic.

"YOU WON'T WOOK APPEWIZING. BUT MAKE WUICK SNACK!" He thrusted his stinger, Ahcom dodged with the utmost panic. I mean, what child would want to be bitten by the ugliest mosquito in existence? Ahcom ran into a toilet stall, climbed on it, and jumped to grab a coat hook as she climbed onto the wall. Imulli broke into the stall and thrusted his stinger up, Ahcom nimbly evading most of them, but the stinger grazed her arm just as she got up. There was an air freshener capsule just at her level, so she leapt, grabbed, and swung to the opposite stall wall. Her brief weight caused the capsule to detach, smashing against Imulli's eyes. The freshener burned his eyes, and Imulli could just barely make out Ahcom's form. She clambered up as she hurriedly balanced across the stall doors.

Ahcom seemed to jump into a stall, so Imulli crawled above it. Ahcom was frantically clinging the seat of a toilet, her arms and legs stretched either way while her body hung over the water. Imulli shot his stinger down, but Ahcom pulled up enough so that the stinger just punctured the bottom of her skirt. Imulli thought he punctured the flesh and began to suck the "blood" as necessary. …However, he was slurping from the toilet beneath her… and it hadn't been flushed for a while. Needless to say, Imulli caught a terrible sickness and passed out into the stall.

"EUGH!" Eirik screamed after blood returned to her brain. "Holy shit, I was…I was stupid!" She grabbed her brain in panic. "I was freaking stupid! You freaking saved me, Eelyah!"

"Eirik welcome." Eelyah smiled. "Me know Eirik no want to be stupid."

"WHERE DID YOU TWERPS GO?!" Avlis broke down the door, holding Akulla by the head.



"…" Eirik noticed the urinals. "Oh. Even so, ARGH!" She shot a sudden soundwave at Avlis' arm, making him drop Akulla. Eelyah bent cement to grab and pull her over. "You got me to deal with now! Eelyah, go see if Sirhc needs help!"

"Okay!" As Eirik pelted Avlis with sound blasts, Eelyah rolled out the door. Avlis sent Whoopee Missiles at Eirik, bursting into clouds of gas. The gas wasn't particularly noxious, but it prevented her from taking good breaths and unleashing strong soundwaves. Instead, Eirik clapped her hands to send shockwaves at the admiral, Avlis enduring as he lunged for a punch. Eirik ducked and punched him in the crotch, running to press on a blow-dryer. Eirik amplified its noise and channeled it against Avlis, but he conjured a Whoopee to pin over its nozzle. The Whoopee inflated and exploded, shrouding the bathroom in a harmless, but stuffy gas.

Akulla dashed to shove Eirik away when Avlis threw a punch. "I'll help you out. Just let me get set up." She rushed to throw a kick at her father's knee before dodging up to the sinks. She kicked some of the faucets off as water spouted out, but she cranked on one of them as it made a high-pitched noise. "Hah, they never bothered to fix that!" While Akulla thrusted bullets of water at her father, Eirik amplified the sound of the noisy faucet. Avlis used Whoopee Shields to block most of the attacks and dedicated others to shooting the girls. Eirik could screech thin soundwaves to slice his Whoopee Shields. Avlis punched Akulla off the sinks and tore off the one making the noise.

Outside, Eelyah hit a ventilation switch to suck the gas out of the bathroom, allowing Eirik to focus voice attacks better. Avlis lunged at Eirik and grabbed her by the neck, attempting to squeeze it sore. Eirik grabbed a blowhorn from her sweater and squeezed it, blasting Avlis with a strong enough soundwave to blow him through a couple rooms. Avlis formed a long, slightly thin Whoopee to shoot a stream of gas through the wall gaps. Eirik blasted similar beams from her blowhorn, making her way to him and squeezing the horn with shotgun-like rounds. Avlis was eventually able to shoot a tiny Whoopee into it and explode the horn. However, as he fired more Whoopee Missiles, they came out in weaker quality. "Huh?!" Ahcom ran to land another slap to Avlis's leg, but the child ran upon being spotted. "YOU!" He swiftly grabbed her head and slammed her face-first to the floor.

"NOT COOL, JERK!" Eirik pulled a whistle and blew into it. Avlis conjured a Whoopee to trap Eirik, the cushion inflating from Eirik's powerful noise. Akulla assaulted him with another onslaught Fishman Karate, but after tanking some hits, Avlis was able to grab and pin her to the floor. He knocked his daughter out with a forceful, different kind of whoopin'. Eirik's prison kept growing, even as Avlis tried to make it compress and suffocate her, but because Ahcom already weakened his chi, it did naught. Eirik cut a hole in the cushion in Avlis's very direction, shooting a concentrated, charged, and powerful beam of sound that blew him through all the mansion walls.

Sirhc had been able to take out Otullak's Egg Walker and subdue him. Eirik's throat had gone sore and would likely need to rest a while. The DNK arrested Imulli, Avlis, and any other soldiers, ready to haul them off the planet. "I guess we can't count on you to help us beat Jarg, cough." Eirik said hoarsely. "But Itaav and Eniram should be enough."

"Don't count on it…" Avlis moaned weakly. "Our new vice-admiral… worked with Jarg to upgrade their mind-control devices. They had no reason to use it on me… but those two were top priority… along with that Golden Dreamer."

"What the piss did he do, cough?!"

In another town, Daring Pirates fled from a storm of glass shards. All the windows had broken under Ydnam's control, and she guided the glass under Horde Prime's direction. "Ha ha ha ha! Captain, this is a much better use of our time! That unstable dream world was going nowhere. You hid from reality because you couldn't control it, but we can. Better yet, we'll make sure no one gets to sleep again! No one will be allowed the freedom of dreams! AGH!" What seemed like a white, spinning pinball rammed Prime's mech and shoved it a good distance.

"CAPTAAAAIIIN!" The main ship of the Despairagers descended. Urasam, Austin, Okotok, Acanom, and Aluben dropped to the same street as their captain. "Lady Ydnam!" Acanom called.

"Captain…" Aluben spoke calmly. "I was captured by the DNK, so… I couldn't be there to help you. Sorry…"

"Oh, Aluben. Kids." Ydnam spoke drolly. "…You aren't happy, anymore…"

"Your bubbles all popped a few days ago. Honestly… I'm kind of glad. Smiling all the time was starting to hurt."

"That's alright… it was a pointless dream, anyway." Ydnam bent a wave of glass, but Aluben grabbed her arms in bonebending to restrain her control.

"Now that I actually think about it… it wasn't any different from my mom. Bending my emotions to her preference…"

"You're right… I was terrible…"

"What are you doing?!" Prime shouted, trying to punch the pinball. "You're stronger than her, Ydnam! Break free of that bonebending!"

Wodahs uncurled and leapt to kick him in the jaw. "Lady Ydnam has no will to fight. That's how you're able to control her in the first place. But not for long, traitor!"

Prime kicked on his mech's rockets and flew to a rooftop. "Is it superior to the will of technology?!"

The chip at the back of Ydnam's neck secreted a metallic substance through her veins, her eyes glowing blue. Against her will, she fought free of Aluben's bending and cast a wave of glass. Austin stretched up a muddy shield to catch some of the glass. Acanom's Sleep Bubbles were ineffective, so her teammates had no choice but to bombard her with their powers. Austin was hesitant in slamming Ydnam's own glass against her, but figuring as an Emperor, she could resist the pain. …But that was only before he left some cuts against Ydnam. Without her own willpower, her defenses were waned, but Prime's new invention kept Aluben from bending her either.

On one of their ships, Xedni and Orataj had attached a computer to a captured Hordak. "You will not succeed! Horde Prime is the ruler of seven galaxies, the ultimate power in the universe! Horde Prime is-"

"Blah blah blah." Xedni drawled. "We'll see who rules the seven galaxies when we get done with him."

"Ruler or not, he's quite fascinating." Orataj said, skimming the code. "Prime never let me study his technology while I was in the crew. It seems they're some kind of cybernetic species that function under a hive mind. I have to wonder if they're organic or if there's a creator behind the scenes."

"As long as they're cyber, it's all golden to me. Now, I believe these letters should mean…"

Silver Harbor

Asia and Aliehs rode a DNK ship up to a spaceship harbor town, modeled like a traditional seaside town. A statue of Admiral Eniram was built in her honor in the town's square, for many of the citizens were big fans of the raccoon. Children bought toys of her, drivers bought bobble heads, and gamers bought DLC of her.

Now their very hero was breaking into their homes and slashing them with her Silver Streaks. "Miss Silver, why are you doing this?!" a mother cried, holding her children close.

"Please stop, Miss Silver!" her son quivered.

"I'm… not…" Eniram's skin was metallic and her eyes blue. "Please… run…" (Music: "Destroyed Skyworld" from Smash Ultimate.)

Aliehs bashed down hordes of brainwashed soldiers with her Dark Fists and Asia blew others down with her vacuum. The crescent moon hung dully in the black sky. But this very darkness made Aliehs powerful, conjuring huge purple fists of darkness to blow her enemies down. Aliehs had to swim through an underneath some canals to bypass blockades while Asia kept to the sky. Eventually, they made it to a town street with a line of policemen standing guard, the girls approaching from behind. "Mum…" The silver-skinned admiral marched to the police coldly. Then, she threw up her leg and slashed another streak—which Aliehs absorbed into a Dark Sphere.

"Huh? Kid, who are you?" a cop asked.

"Hey, Mum! That ain't how you treat your fans!" Aliehs threw a Dark Kick that Eniram countered, but Aliehs spun from the impact and threw a punch that forced her mother back.

"That girl's been fighting all of Eniram's soldiers!" a woman pointed. "They must be here to save us from them!"

"That can't be the real Eniram." A man said. "It's some kind of robotic impostor!"

"It IS the real Eniram!" They looked up to Asia with a gasp, her black wings crisp against the crescent moon. "But she's not doing this on purpose. The navy she's sworn loyalty to has betrayed her! They've betrayed all of you! They're forcing her to hurt you-"

Eniram slashed a streak up, Asia getting grazed on the wing. Eniram leapt up to kick her, but Aliehs struck her with a Dark Beam and brought her mom back down. "Aliehs…huff… New mind control… technology… Davy Jarg… has hardened his control over us… there's nothing I can-"

Aliehs kicked her in the jaw, smashing Eniram through a store wall. "I thought you were stronger than that. I thought you knew better than to let some pirate push you around." Eniram shot a Light Beam through, Aliehs dodging and thrusting rapid-punches to bombard her mom with Dark Fists. "Well, guess who's a pirate now? This girl. I'm Aliehs the Dark Fist!"

"Aliehs…huff… that darkness… will only get you so far." Eniram lashed at Aliehs with a flurry of Silver Streaks. Aliehs wiped dark clouds in the wake of Eniram's kicks, nullifying her light. The darkness covered Eniram's legs to weigh her down, then Aliehs jumped her mother to bring her down, pounding her head. Eniram shoved Aliehs off and lit up to burn the darkness. She slashed taller streaks up the road, with Asia having to blow citizens out of the way of their path. Aliehs conjured giant Dark Hands to swat the light spires down, but in her attempt to grab her mother in said hands, Eniram stamped giant high-heeled boots, shaped by her light, to pin the hands down and disperse them.

Eniram lunged at her daughter, whipping Aliehs with Light Chains. She pierced the chains through Aliehs' heart and whirled her around, slamming down a couple light posts before throwing Aliehs through a window of a lower building. Eniram leapt into that building, but Aliehs had already flooded the inside with a pool of darkness. Eniram flickered silver in her struggle to escape the miasma. The darkness was covered in cracks of light that ripped it apart. Aliehs ambushed her mom with a kick to the back of the head, striking the mind control device. Pain coursed through Eniram, sparking a tinge of guilt in Aliehs. In that hesitant moment, Eniram swung another kick, Aliehs ducking in time and shooting a Dark Laser. Her mom was blown through the wall of the building, landing on another street.

Aliehs did a forceful fist-palm and began to surge darkness in the fist. It grew into a 40-foot Dark Fist, shooting to her mom like a purple comet, but it was impacted by a Silver Heel of equal size. Aliehs spread a dark river from her feet and toward Eniram, but she anticipated this and jumped, using Silver Rails to grind toward Aliehs. The daughter bent the dark river up to punch Eniram down, but she was quick to recover and zip to kick Aliehs' stomach, the daughter enduring as she grabbed Eniram's boot. She spread darkness over her mom, but could only cover the legs before Eniram swung her off. The darkness still weighted Eniram as she retreated from Aliehs, the Faunus punching Dark Spheres in pursuit.

Eniram was able to muster a Silver Sword and slash Aliehs, the latter's hands coated in darkness in her attempt to grab it. The sword managed to cut through the darkness and injure Aliehs' hands slightly, the punk resorting to evasion before forming her own sword of darkness. It was heftier than Eniram's sword, making it a struggle to counter or land hits. "Man, you're annoying! It's nighttime, why's your lightbending such a pain?!"

"It all comes with the mastery, Aliehs. Mine is the Light of Justice. You have that justice, too, Aliehs! That's why you have to… You must defeat me!"

Against her will, Eniram turned her attack on the group of citizens behind her. Asia landed to blow her back, allowing Aliehs to slash her in the back with the Dark Sword. "Are you people stupid?!" Asia shouted. "This is dangerous, you need to leave!"

"Please, save Admiral Eniram! My kids look up to her, they can't see her like this!"

"That girl was calling her mom… Is she the admiral's daughter?!"

"She hardly resembles Eniram at all. But for our sakes… she's fighting her own mother to protect us."

"Man, what a bunch of fanboys!" Aliehs threw a Dark Kick, Eniram countering it and slashing Aliehs' cheeks. "Not that you care about them, ANYWAY!" She conjured a Dark Whip instead to lash Eniram from afar.

"I love all the citizens I swore to protect!" Eniram formed a giant Light Sword, violently clashing with Aliehs' whip. "Especially you!"

"Then prove it! Rip that thing off and say, 'Screw Jarg!'"

"Jar har har har! She can try, but that will be her end-ah!"

"?!" The shadow of the Swimming Swede loomed over the nearby shore of the island. The cold-skinned captain levitated on a mechanical pod. "J-Jarg!" Asia gasped.

"You bastard!" Aliehs hissed, her whip wrapping around Eniram's sword. Eniram twisted the light into a drill and dissolved the darkness. She thrusted that drill at Aliehs, who ran left and shot a Dark Beam.

"Go ahead, Eniram! Show her your JUSTICE!" Under his will, Eniram split her giant sword into a swarm of smaller ones, rapidly zipping around Aliehs. She conjured a barrier of darkness in defense, but it was eventually carved up, leaving cuts on Aliehs' body afterward. Eniram recombined the swords into a large one. But as Aliehs knelt panting, Asia swooped down to pull her away. Jarg bent a metal scrap to stab the Nimbi's wing, causing her to tumble along the road. Eniram leapt and chopped her blade down at Asia. Aliehs reflexively threw up her hands to block, bending the light up at an angle. "?!"

Asia gaped. Aliehs was in awe. Eniram, even in her controlled state, gazed at her daughter with pride. "Aliehs…" Asia began. "You're lightbending!" (Play

"Walking With You" from Xenoblade 2!)

"But… that's impossible."

"Heh heh…so, you did have it." Eniram jumped back and fired a Light Beam, Aliehs blocking it just the same. "Your father's darkness and my light. No… those elements are all yours." She lunged at Aliehs with another sword, but she grabbed it in her bare hands and shaped the "blade" into the hilt, swapping the sword's direction to graze her mom's hip. "You're the darkness that fights the false justice I follow… and the light that protects your own justice!" Eniram slashed a Silver Streak at the citizens, but Aliehs zipped to stop it on her own Light Rail.

Aliehs stared at either fist: the left became light and the right darkness. "That's impossible! How come I never about this?! How could I even HAVE both these elements?!"

"It is quite rare for a double-bender… but that's why you're special." Eniram slashed more streaks, Aliehs countering with her own. "But you've always been pretty slow to learn these things. So lazy and irresponsible."

Aliehs grit her teeth and socked Eniram in the jaw with a Light Fist. "But a proud fighter who's loyal to her friends… and the people she swore to protect."

"Me? I don't care about protecting these losers." Aliehs smirked, attaching a glob of darkness to her mom's hip, then striking it with a Light Kick. "All I care about is beating up jerks like you and that jar-happy idiot!"

"You won't get the chance-ah! Eniram, finish her now! Finish that wretched daughter of yours at once!"

Eniram ignited her Silver Fury, light blades stretching from her shoulders, elbows, knees, and admiral's hat. She vanished into lightspeed, and as Aliehs braced herself—a string of streaks slashed around Davy Jarg, the robot yelling out in makeshift pain. Eniram stamped him in the chest and sent him flying before dropping back down. "JAAAAARGH!" Jarg bellowed. "How dare you! Obey me, you insolent animal!"

"Augh!" The device embedded itself deeper into her veins as Eniram turned on her daughter. She zipped at Aliehs with lightspeed and pinned her to the street, clasping her chest. As Aliehs struggled to tear the arm off, an immense sum of chi began coursing through it. The silver chi linked with Aliehs, and she could feel it moving inside her. "Aliehs… now that I know for sure… I can give you this… I'm giving you my Light Chi! You're still rough around the edges, but with this… I know you can beat him! But when I do…" Eniram reached back and grabbed the control device. Her pain amplified as she squeezed it.

"Mom, wait!" Aliehs struggled. "Just let me knock you out! I'll get Xedni or somebody to hack into it!"

"That'll be too much trouble! I'm not even sure if I can be knocked out. And I refuse to let myself be controlled any longer! No matter what you decide to do, Aliehs… know I'll always support you. You were always… my true pride."

A thin spire of light shot into the sky and seemed to connect with the crescent moon, forming a silver streak in its shape. The spire sank back down with equal speed and into Aliehs' body. At the same time, Eniram tore the control device clean off and flicked her hand away to throw it. But in that instant, the admiral fell and died beside her daughter. The citizens and Asia were awash in tears… and Aliehs' emotions were in a maelstrom.

"JAAAAAR!" A tremendous titan of metal emerged from where Jarg had flown, its eyes and mouth glowing blue. It launched toward the citizens, but a Smart Bomb flew and destroyed the arm.

"You'll pay for what you've done!" The voice of Reknoc called. The rear-admiral blasted the metal titan with his fighter craft. "You'll pay for what you did to Admiral Eniram!"

"Grrrrr!" Aliehs rushed in Jarg's direction, fists charged with either element. "I'll kill you, ya piece of-"

"Aliehs!" Asia grabbed her tail. "You shouldn't fight him now, we need to retreat and rest up! The rest of you should evacuate as well!" she told the citizens. "Our friends will help you escape this island!"

"You'll stop him, won't you, Eniram's daughter?" a boy asked.

"Hey, the name's Aliehs, weren't you listening?"

"Will you be the new admiral, Aliehs?"

"You gotta beat him! For Admiral Eniram's sake!"

"AVENGE OUR HERO!" a crazy man bellowed.

"SHUT UP! I don't need a crowd of fanboys to tell me what to do! I bet none of you even knew her that well! And I sure as hell ain't about to replace her for a bunch of strangers! As soon as I trash Jarg, I'm going back to doing what I always do: I'm gonna chill on my couch, hit restaurants, do stunts, and beat up more bad guys. The navy never deserved my mom after what they did to her, and they sure as hell don't deserve me!" Aliehs whipped in Jarg's direction. "YA HEAR THAT, JARG?! I'm coming right back for you!"

"You won't get the CHANCE-AH!" Jarg bent up a chunk of surface in a bid to crush Aliehs and the citizens, but it was forced up by a separate force.

"Will you just hurry up already?!" Eel shouted, using his metalbending to counter Jarg's.

"Sorry!" Asia said. "Aliehs, I got this, too!" She held up the control device. "We can have Xedni hack into this and see how it works! I just hope she isn't busy…" (End song.)

Xedni's ship

"This has sure been a BUSY-ASS WEEK FOR ME!" Xedni exclaimed. She and Orataj were flying from a fleet of Horde ships.

"Did you really think the great Horde Prime wouldn't sense your tampering?!" the Hordak smirked. "You only gave away your position, and your goal! But thanks to you, he was forced to cut me off from the hive mind. You will pay for this, I swear you will! In the name of Horde Prime, unifier of the cosmos deliverer of absolute ord-"

Xedni shot him in the head. "We don't need you, anymore." Smirking, Xedni pulled out an antenna with a sticky, suction cup base. "We've translated enough of their code to where I think I got a good gist of how they work. If I could just get this router on Prime, I can nail him for good."

"We better hurry." Orataj replied. "It sounds like my friends are having a tough time with them. Haha…you're pretty smart, by the way. I've never met a girl like you."

"Aww, that's flattering~" Xedni cooed.

"Haha…" A flush was notable on Orataj's dorky face. "Hey, after the war… you want to… do some math together?"

"Some MATH?" Xedni snorted. "I never thought anyone would ask me that!"

"Uh…is that a 'yes' or a 'no'?"

"Kuhuhu! Well, it's more original than being asked to dinner. So, yeah!"

"Hahaha…cool. Ah!" They were hit by a laser.

"Less mathing, more blasting!"

Earthrunner Street

Austin struggled to hold Ydnam down in a mass of mud, with help from Aluben's bonebending. Ydnam forced free and bent another wave of glass against the crew. Okotok landed Step Kicks from behind and Urasam pelted her with Song Beams. Ydnam grabbed Okotok's leg and hurdled her into Urasam. She tried to crush both under glass, but Austin shielded them with mud. "I had fun with you, Ydnam!" Aluben yelled, bending up a huge dinosaur fossil with pterodactyl wings attached (stolen from a nearby museum). "Even if you were the same as Mom, you were way more fun. You were nicer! I'll always treasure the year I've spent in your crew."

"Your words mean nothing." Horde Prime sneered, pinning Wodahs under the robot's foot. The half-sick hedgehog hacked saliva. "Her resolve and her will have been lost. Her power is ours to use as we-"

A mighty palm thrusted the back of Prime's head and snapped it off. "Forcing people to do things is not the key to friendship!" Llubhcnurt declared.

"Why are you still clinging to a dead ideal?" Prime's conscience located to one of many clones atop the roofs, each manning their own mech. The other clones dropped to brawl with the two Smile Pirates, the two combatting to the best of their current stamina. "Ydnam's empire was built on sand: loose, unstable, and ultimately dissolved. The cold, hard metal of Jarg's empire will stand for thousands of years!"

"You're the one clinging to a dead ideal!" Prime turned with an unconcerned sigh: Xedni crashed down on her own mech, chubby with springy arms.

"Don't think I didn't know you were coming!" A band of mechs charged her as Xedni stretched the springy arms in combat. She grabbed a mech and slammed it into two others, and her mech's belly could absorb their direct attacks and bounce them back. Xedni charged and wrestled with Prime directly, but was shoved against the wall. Another clone leapt to punch Xedni, but she ducked into her mech (she was on a control platform with Orataj on the floor beneath her). She hit a thruster as rockets pushed her forward, knocking Prime on his back and stumbling the other mech. Xedni emerged, pulled up a dart gun, and shot the router toward the head of the other clone. In the process, she squashed Prime off the head of his robot.

"Okay, I'm in the network." Orataj said. "Just hope he doesn't discover it. Or gets crushed."

"Then hack away! I'm counting on you!" Xedni declared, stretching punches at more robots.

Orataj had hacked a Washling avatar into the Hordak Network. He played his way through a black cyber level under a green sky, fighting down various security droids designed like Hordaks. The Washling was given a Cleansing Program: the Hordaks would be transformed into chubby variations with silver hair. The network eventually went into high alert due to a "virus," but the clones that had already been turned began to attack their brethren in reality.

"Hurrrr…what are you doing?!" Horde Prime leapt at Xedni with a double hammer-fist, the girl jumping back with her mech's belly up. This caused Prime to recoil from the impact. Xedni kicked him off his feet, then leapt to squash Prime. Prime's conscience went to one of the clones in the spacecraft fleet. He dove down, growling as he blasted lasers down at Xedni's mech. As Xedni evaded, that ship was shot down by one of the rogue clones. The Hordaks began fighting each other in the air while Prime entered the body of one of his mech clones. "AH!" He was immediately punched by a rogue clone, but that clone was squashed by a normal one, only for said clone to be squashed by a rogue. The sight of his clones brawling like mindless animals sent Prime into frustration. "Imbeciles! You're better than this! You're designed to be perfect! Pure! How could you let her control you?!"

"Silly Prime. Don't you know a thing about computers?"

Xedni's voice radiated in his mind. He viewed inside the hive network, but was surrounded by hordes of corrupt Hordaks—or should he say Xednaks. "They're fragile machines, you know. Such bendable wills. Especially hive minds. You don't allow any individuality between your clones, any true loyalty."

Prime's body was destroyed, so he went to that of a clone who was knocked out of its mech. "It's like a groupthink: when you're all absorbed in the same mindset, you have to tear apart anyone that stands against it. But a groupthink is as manipulatable as keys on a board." A giant Xedni loomed above the clones. Puppet strings linked her fingers to the clones, wriggling them as if tapping a keyboard. "Change the way of thinking and no one will question it. They just obey."

The cyber Xednaks bombarded him with lasers. "Gaaaah!" The real Prime was clasping his head and shaking. "I know an easy way to solve this! Ydnam! I command you to-!" The former Emperor seemed to be absent, having left the Despairagers injured. "YDNAM! Where have you gone?!"

A holo-Ydnam appeared in his network. "Davy Jarg has summoned me, Lord Prime. He has sent Itaav to your location to assist you."

"No, he can't take you now! I need you to destroy these-"

A Xednak shot him in the head. Prime spawned in one of the clones on his flagship. The guard beside him had just become a Xednak, so he cracked its neck. Around him, several new clones were hatching from their pods, but he could sense they were already corrupted. "Just submit, Prime. Submit to the whims of this computer savvy fatty~"

"AAAAAAHH!" Prime merged with all the available clones in his network, becoming as large as a small fortress. "NO! None of you are worthy as my brothers!" As he proceeded to blast the Xednaks to smithereens, the Washling avatar jumped and climbed its way up a platforming course along the amalgamation. Once at the ear, the Washling swam inside to the green, digital brain. Against all resistance, the Washling scrubbed away at the brain and converted it into a pinkish color. "You're mine now, Prime. And you will cater to me for eternity~"


All Hordak Clones attained pinkish eyes, curving into a shape like Xedni's (half-closed from the bottom). "Sigh…that was intense." Orataj sighed.

"Good thing this mech's belly is gyroscopically stable!"

"Haha!" Orataj blushed up at the fellow computer whiz. "Oh! Let's go check the others!"

The duo hurried to the Despairagers and disembarked the mech. Llubhcnurt lifted an unconscious Urasam and Okotok in her arms, the two riddled with cuts. "D'oh, these poor dears tried their hardest, but Ydnam's so gosh-darn stubborn. That little gizmo on her head started beeping before she left. I wonder if she's late for a doctor's appointment?"

"AAAH!" Before an answer could be delivered, they were seized in what felt like a psychic grip. "H-H-Hey!" Xedni panicked as her very molecules began to split. "What the frick is happening?!"

"This is like Tachyon!" Aluben exclaimed. "It's matterbending!"

Itaav approached them, bearing the same blue eyes and metallic skin. "Augh…damn you… Jarg… Sir Ovi! How could I ever believe in you?! How…"

"Agent Itaav!" Commodore Gals raced in his direction. "I've been sent to assist you, Sir!"

"No, Commodore! I don't need any…ugh, who am I kidding? You're a robot. Jarg is sure to have reprogrammed you-"

Gals SOCKED Itaav clear in the noggin, the Minish keeling over. The group was freed from his hold, but as Itaav turned to attack Gals, a black tentacle seized him and electrocuted Itaav with pink lightning. "Hurry, guys! Get out of here!" yelled Eizzil in her Space Jellyfish form.

"Gals!" Itaav struggled to scatter Eizzil's matter due to her Space Chi. "Why are you attacking me?!"

"That Yrrah boy did a speck of reprogramming! Opened my eyes, he did! I won't let ya hurt them, sir, don't worry!"

"Hey, maybe I can get Prime to stop him." Xedni said, tapping into the Horde Hive. "Yeah! There's an area to access the…HUH?!" Jarg's Jolly Roger flashed over the program. "It's been blocked off?!"

"Jarg must already know what happened!" Orataj assumed. "Either that or he was already planning to screw him over."

"Xedni, this is Asia! We have something we'd like you to hack into. Are you busy?"

"Um, no, we were just about done with our mission. I'll try to meet up!"


"Sounds like this war is just about over." Yrrah said to his siblings as they bravely charged toward Navy H.Q.. Arorua was cutting down soldiers with her new sword while Aliehs beat some down at her end. "Sir Ovi's the only other obstacle in our way. Let's give our friends a clear path to victory and take him down quick!"

"Ha ha! I can't believe WE'RE in charge of taking down the Fleet Admiral!" Eitra beamed. "This is gonna be dope!"

"You think we can do it?" Eelyah asked.

"If we can't, this is gonna be pretty embarrassing." Yrrah answered. "So, try not to think about that."

"That's what you do best, right, Sis?" Eitra remarked.

"Huhu! YEAH!" (Music: "Encounter" from Smash Brawl!)

Yrrah rode his own miniature tank into the base, plowing down enemy mechs with energy lasers. Eitra sent his hamsters out into stealth areas, to either get the jump on soldiers, clip cameras, or security lasers. Eelyah handled any necessary platforming sections with her Kong-like jump ability, and soldiers were downed easily by her cementbending. The triplets followed a long stairwell deep into the basement, with a last round of soldiers and mechs to fruitlessly impede their progress. They had entered a huge garage filled with giant mechs. The biggest of them all quaked the chamber as it thudded toward them.

"You Daring New Kids… you're so cruel." The mech was like a giant version of Ovi's beefy body, white mustache, slanted eyes and all. "We adults work so hard… spend decades on our work… and you show up out of nowhere to tear it down like a pack of wild hedgehogs. The least they could've done was send their leaders to slay me… but the fact they've sent misfits like you… it's simply infuriating!!"

"Hey, dumbass!" Eitra snapped. "Maybe we wouldn't have gotten involved at all, if you didn't make us work for you! It's all because you tried to enslave us in the first place that we put the bust in your cap!"

"Eelyah still got cap." The Neanderthal raised a crunched-up bottle cap. She flicked it in her mouth and bit it again.

"You kids don't have a screw's chance of leaving this island, anyway. See these marvelous mechs I've created? When Captain Jarg arrives, they'll be all ready to serve him and flatten you menaces for good! And why give you a chance to sabotage them when I can send them up now?" Ovi waved a hand and willed elevators to raise the mechs to the surface. "Not that sabotaging them will do you any good, anyhow. All Jarg really needs is the metal!"

"That reminds me… you wouldn't still be acquainted with your Positive, would you?" Yrrah asked. "Heard from the grapevine that our dad's Positive gave him a hard time once~"

"Since you asked… yes. Though we only scarcely speak… he's got big plans with his friends. He needs to conquer as much of the universe as possible, and with the amount we're bound to conquer from this war, it should benefit him tremendously to join forces. Captain Jarg is eager to reunite with his other self, too. To fulfill their -200 year promise!"

"'As much as possible'?" Eitra repeated. "Why not the whole universe? Kinda underplays your ambition."

"That needn't concern you. Not until I've shown you why I'm the Fleet Admiral! Captain Jarg's righthand crewman! And Eggman should be quite thankful that I've finished off the Gilligan nuisances. So long!" (Play "Bomber Barbera" from Sonic Rush!)

Yrrah morphed his tank into a fair-sized mech of his own, a mortal cannon on its back and roller-blade heels. Eitra's hamsters bunched up to form their own suit around their master. Eelyah molded a ton of cement into a self-shaped statue of equal size. Yrrah was the first to charge at the Egg Admiral, Ovi dodging left and blasting bullets from his fingers. Yrrah's mech projected a shield to block them, and when Ovi saw Eelyah approaching, he blasted lasers at the statue. Eelyah bent gaps in the cement so the lasers passed through; Ovi couldn't believe such a dimwit could be that evasive. She grab-hugged his legs, the cement gluing him down, allowing Yrrah to blast the head with his mortar. Ovi used rocket thrusts to blast free of Eelyah's grip, attempting to stomp down on the statue, but though he shattered the head, Eelyah was safe in the back. Eitra lunged to punch the cockpit with Haki-imbued hamsters, the force pushing him back.

Yrrah latched his robot's fingers into Ovi's spine, extracting screwdrivers and winding off some of the screws. Ovi kicked a leg back, a blade on the heel as it pierced Yrrah's mech. Eelyah punched cement at the other leg's knee, but as Ovi fell forward, he grabbed the cement statue and charged energy in his palms. Eitra slid underneath and punched both hamster-arms to force Ovi's arms upward. However, Ovi turned those arms further back to shoot the plasma beams at Yrrah's mech, and he shot chest missiles at the hamster armor. Not even hardening the hamsters would help them endure the missiles, so Eitra hurriedly dashed away with Eelyah following. Yrrah was blown back a distance, having barely put up his shield in time while his mech was singed. Ovi launched orbs at Eitra that would explode into electric fields, with one of them getting close enough to electrify a grouping of hamsters. The rest of the armor broke away so the electrocution didn't spread.

Ovi leapt to try and flatten those hamsters, but Eelyah bent her armor into a sturdy bridge to protect them. Eitra used his remaining hamsters to land a screw punch, pushing Ovi back. Eelyah stretched enlarged cement arms at Ovi's head, hauled herself up to the air, and morphed the arms into feet to smash Ovi to the floor. Yrrah leapt to slam the cockpit, using his screwdriver fingers to rip out more nuts and bolts on the Egg Admiral. Ovi pushed both Nagilligs off and recovered, extracting a plasma blade from his right palm and slashing it at Eelyah. The Neanderthal maneuvered backward in evasion, and Ovi readily redirected his attack at Eitra when the boy attempted a side attack. His hamster armor dropped just in time, but Eitra himself had launched to land a punch right in the right eye, cracking it. Eitra was flung off, his hamsters catching him, but some had climbed the Admiral to nibble the robot's wiring, exposed by Yrrah's unscrewing.

This caused the Admiral's legs to slump and falter, and a double cement hammer-arm from Eelyah bent the legs out of commission. Ovi detached the body from the legs and extracted spider legs. He then left the mech on autopilot while he shot out, rocketing into Yrrah's mech to push it right down. The siblings evaded the Egg Admiral's lasers and missiles, focusing attacks to break the spider legs. Yrrah was pinned on his back, thrusting a spring on the mech's chest to push Ovi off. The flying fleet admiral dove down again, but Yrrah's swift maneuvering helped him dodge and jump above Ovi. His hand thrusted down with rockets to slam Ovi to the floor, using the fingers of the other hand to unscrew some bolts on Ovi's body.

Ovi's head twisted around, sneering as turrets emerged from his nostrils. The lasers were small, but condensed enough to pierce Yrrah's cockpit and hit his right shoulder. Yrrah retreated back, eyes sharp on the smaller and quick-moving target. Ovi stretched his left arm, blades extracted on the wire as he spun and lashed it. His frightening speed left cuts against Yrrah's mech, but Yrrah fell back, propped hands to the floor, and brought the legs up: the wheels on the heels shot out as yo-yos, bladed with electricity as Yrrah flailed them about and left cuts on the admiral. His yo-yos wrapped vertically around Ovi, so Yrrah flipped fully to slam him to the floor. He finished the flip upright and yanked Ovi over, pinning him down and thrusting the rim of his shield to the stretched arm. This severed the arm's cord.

A drill grew out to replace the arm, and Ovi first pierced it through Yrrah's right wheel. The mech jumped off, now only able to maneuver on the left heel. But when Ovi readied to charge again, he found himself run over by a huge cement ball. Eelyah molded her cement into such a ball and allowed Eitra to punch her toward Ovi. "Hey, Bro, wanna switch?" Eitra asked, running to accompany his sister. Yrrah nodded and went to fight the Egg Admiral, which had taken notable damage. The robot backed up, boosted at Yrrah, and slammed its hands down for a shockwave. Yrrah jumped, but had to repeat the maneuver as the admiral did the same, with Yrrah blasting his mortar after every impact.

Eelyah reformed the statue and threw stretched punches at Ovi. The smaller target swiftly evaded and rocketed toward the statue, intending to ram it again. Eelyah liquefied the cement with the intent to bind him, but Ovi zipped away just in time. The admiral caught sight of the real Eelyah and shot nostril lasers, only searing off Eelyah's long bang. Ovi dove down drill-first, but Eitra tackled him head on with his hardened hamsters. Their forces were equal, but that equilibrium lessened as Ovi dug his drill into some hamsters, killing them. Eelyah bent cement to clog up his shoe jets, shrinking his momentum as Eitra slammed the admiral to the floor. He retreated to dodge Ovi's chest bullets, some hamsters taking wounds or dying. But Eelyah wrapped a cement whip around the wrist of his drill; at the same time, a couple hamsters reached their tiny hands into the wiring to force the drill to activate, leaving Eelyah to force it down against Ovi's left hip.

The admiral screamed and swatted the hamsters off. Eelyah wrapped a whip around his shoulder next, hauled, and SLAMMED Ovi down as the drill arm snapped off. Ovi kicked on his boosters to burn the cement off, flying too high for them to reach. His right arm morphed into a plasma cannon, blasting condensed balls with explosions of energy. The duo divided, so Ovi focused the plasma bombs on Eelyah while small missiles were launched at the hamster armor. Some of Eelyah's cement was burned away by the bombs' radius, reducing them to an unusable ashy state. Eitra, meanwhile, chucked some of his hamsters onto the missiles, having them commandeer and steer them back up to their master. Catching wind of this, Ovi swerved around swiftly and shot some of the missiles down. In his distraction, Eelyah made a spring cannon out of her cement to propel herself up, taking some cement with her as it stretched up like a vertical stream. She bent that stream into a hammer, arching perfectly over her and SMASHING down on the admiral. It wasn't enough to down him, but it dizzied Ovi enough for the last two hamsters to ram missiles into his rockets.

Ovi went crashing down, though he had bladed propellers in his waist to slow down, while Eelyah landed safely on the hamsters. Ovi saw his Egg Admiral faltering against Yrrah, so he summoned the robot back over. Ovi reentered the robot and flew to a large piece of floor, activating it as an elevator. A ceiling hatch opened, but Ovi flew straight up instead of waiting. The Nagillig Triplets hurried to jump on the elevator with their equipment. The elevator carried them to the top of Jargenford, the Swimming Swede sailing ominously toward the island with only faint glints of light to give it presence in the dark of space.

Distracted by the view, the Nagilligs were taken aback as the Egg Admiral's broken remains crashed between them. They jumped away before it could explode. Ovi, meanwhile, had taken its key components to build a rotund suit of armor around himself. "NOW you're going to be skewered!" He extracted rifles on the sides for high-powered shots, shattering the waist of Eelyah's statue and killing a couple dozen hamsters, even snapping the left leg of Yrrah's mech. Ovi spun like a hedgehog and completely flattened Yrrah's mech, the scientist ejecting himself and safely caught in a hamster hand. "You alright, Bro?"

"I'm fine! Let's see if any made it in there." Yrrah grabbed a remote and began moving a joystick.

"Gah!" When Ovi tried to stabilize himself, his mech's head began quickly cranking left and right. "What's wrong with this thing?!" The left leg spun into a horizontal position, rapidly kicking the right, and he began to do a breakdance on his rear.

During his bout with the Egg Admiral, Yrrah managed to launch himself into the cockpit. It detected the intruder and would fill with gas, but Yrrah had already tore open a wiring hatch and poured a jar of M.I.C.R.O.B.E.S. in. They were meant to spread to different regions of the mech and attach to the wires, but once Ovi had taken some components, their priorities changed. "A Naineetak special!" Yrrah announced, making Ovi's own head spin rapidly. Eelyah shoved cement into the rifles, clogging them so that when Ovi tried to shoot, they burst off.

Eitra picked up the severed left hand of Yrrah's mech, the genius Nagillig jumping on the hand, opening a hatch, and having the screwdriver wires shoot into some bolts on the Egg Armor's crotch. Ovi desperately fired missiles, the Nagilligs evading as Eelyah shoved cement into the newly-opened gap. She willed the cement to flow underneath the robot's skin and mustered the strength to pop out more of its components. Eitra's remaining hamsters and Eelyah's cement formed into large arms that they propped their selves on, the siblings landing rapid punches against the inner wiring until the machine crumbled to pieces. Ovi popped out and aimed his right arm's plasma cannon at Eitra, firing and charring more hamsters. Yrrah rushed by the broken left socket and chucked a M.A.R.B.L.E., exploding Ovi's insides. Eelyah then slammed her cement onto Ovi's head and bent it into the gaps, causing him to move slow with the congested feeling. Yrrah leapt back on his mech hand while Eitra chucked it skyward. Falling down toward Ovi, Yrrah kicked on the hand's rocket and SMASHED Ovi with enough force to pop him like a cement balloon.

His parts flying everywhere, Eelyah hurriedly began to smash them with a cement hammer. "Eitra, you can have this one!" Yrrah kicked Ovi's head over to the muscular Nagillig.

"STOP THIS!" Ovi demanded, to no avail as Eitra hammered his cranium with two hardened fists. "This isn't the end!" His scalp was reinforced with tough metal, but was steadily denting beneath the Haki. "Captain Jarg will punish all of you! HE WIIIiiii…" Too many dents to the crown shut down Ovi's consciousness. (End song.)

"Ugh…and you can go suck it…huff…" Eitra panted. "That was fun, dudes, but… I think my hamsters are done." His pets were all mourning the loss of their brethren.

"Eelyah… not use brain this much." Eelyah panted. "Need… bananas…"

"Yeah…" Yrrah sighed in agreement and fell on his back. "I never thought I'd say this, but… you two dopes are the best assistants I could ask for."

"Aww, that's the sweetest thing a pincushion ever said." Eitra sat himself on Yrrah's belly, the brother hacking out spit.

"We smart dopes!" Eelyah delightfully sat on Yrrah's legs.

"OW! Yep… the smartest dopes around…ouch."

"Hey, Arorua. Here he comes." Aliehs alerted.

"I see him…"

"I rusted as much of the town as I could." Eel said. "But I'm saving the rest of my energy for him."

"WHOA!" Arorua screamed when several buildings suddenly bent to form a connected bridge, linking the Swede to where the operatives were. Davy Jarg marched across in an unfazed, haughty demeanor. "Wait… who's that with him?!"

"Emperor Ydnam!" Eel gasped. The chubby, glowing-eyed figure of the former Emperor limped along with Jarg.

"I must admit, Rear Admiral Reknoc put up a better fight than I anticipated." Jarg raised the ripped and bloody body of the red squirrel. "Pity it had to end this way." He discarded Reknoc on a building and kept along. "You should've left him brainwashed. He might've been allowed to live longer, jar har har…"

"You're the one who's lived too long!" Arorua aimed her new sword. It was of a chrome sheen with shimmering blue lines and a thick, curved shape.

Jarg cocked a brow and tried to bend the sword. "That sword… is that from the same material as…"

"The Regys Comet? That's right." Arorua smirked. "Regigigas had a tiny piece of it. We had to beat up his Regis in a little training bout to get it. Then I was able to forge the Jargcutter!" She gave a swing and slashed an airwave, Jarg blocking with his own sword.

"When I'm done with you lot, that wretched Earth God is NEXT on my list-ah!" Jarg telekinetically ripped several buildings apart while Ydnam shattered the glasses. Both Emperors whirled their elements in the air. "This war marks the New Dawn of the Age of Robbos. You stand no chance in MY domain!"

A white comet shot down through the flying rubble: Nerehc landed a swift cut down Jarg's back, followed by a blast of white flames to push Ydnam away. Jarg was quick on retaliation as he and Nerehc clashed blades. The captain brought the cluster of metal down, but Eel gave a magnetic pulse and pushed the metal away. Aliehs spun both arms in front of her, forming a sort of Yin-Yang symbol from her elements. "Yin-Yang FIST!" A conjoined fist displaying said symbol blew Jarg several dozen yards. Nerehc gave chase for a follow-up strike, but Jarg bent up a cluster of screws to hold him back—except most flew through the gaps of his Fierce Deity Sword, allowing him to land the hit, anyway.

"NEREHC! Lady Ydnam!" Aluben and Austin flew over on a mud wave. Ydnam bent a storm of glass at the duo, but it was sucked into Asia's vacuum.

"This should even the odds a bit!" Asia declared.

"And it's much appreciated!" Nerehc landed beside his sister, Aliehs, and Eel. "If we scrap two Emperors for the price of one, the universe'll never stop talking about it! And that fame sounds too good to pass up~" (Play "Wrapped in Black" from Sonic Rush!)

Jarg's sword swings matched Nerehc's in speed, and after the latter slashed an airwave, Arorua mixed one of her own in it to strike the legs. Jarg bent up a strip of road, and though he expected Eel to bend it back, Arorua instead sliced through the road, leaping through and landing a direct cut on Jarg. Jarg called the road's remains over to stab her, only for Eel to hold it back, at the same time Aliehs tossed a Light Sphere to ricochet off the road parts and bash him. The light enhanced his digital vision as Jarg slid away and hurdled hunks of metal from either side. The Onu siblings stood back to back as they spun in Jarg's direction, swords outreached for a constant double spin attack, all while Eel and Aliehs followed. Jarg sprung up and tried to stab down on the Onus, but Eel sprung Aliehs so she could shoot a Darkball at his face, causing his enlightened vision to black out and his mind to shut down for a second. Nerehc and Arorua dealt an X-shaped stab before Jarg regained consciousness, forcing the two away.

Jarg surfed between some alleys and proceeded to rearrange the city, twisting chunks of buildings around to form a complex, polygonal maze. Eel and Aliehs took the ground level, the former rusting buildings wherever possible while Aliehs built up Dark Chi. Arorua rode on Nerehc, flying and slicing down building segments. They caught sight of Jarg within the gap of one, but the captain sealed himself in, causing them to miss in their effort to slice through. Eel put his hands to a building and used Seismic Sense. The inside wasn't entirely made of metal, and there were several humanoid presences cowering within, likely ordinary civilians. But Eel eventually picked up one nimbly maneuvering through the metallic exterior. He ripped up a square plate and had it fly them up and around to where Jarg was. Eel dealt a punch to crunch Jarg inside, but the captain retreated into the building itself and wrapped chains around some workers' necks. When the operatives broke in, they were horrified.

"You're taking hostages?!" Eel shouted.

"Pirates should always fight dirty, don't you know that, boy?"

Eel seized the chains in his own bending and willed them to rust. Taken aback at first, Jarg used the remaining ends to try and choke the hostages, only for Aliehs to kick a quick Silver Streak at his face. Eel followed up by yanking a pipe down from the ceiling to crush Jarg, then briefly pulling apart the chains for the hostages to escape. Jarg yanked down his own pipes in that quick interval over the escapees, but Aliehs shot her charged Dark Fist to expel him several rooms over. Eel gathered up those pipes to thrust at Jarg and push him out of the building, and the Onus immediately swooped in for a sideways slice. Jarg brought some buildings together to crush them, though his effort was slightly weaker due to Aliehs' attack. This allowed Eel to better repel the buildings.

Jarg dropped to the ground, the operatives tailing, but a storm of screws were shot directly upward like bullets. Eel took the land and amassed all the bullets, rustifying them. Nerehc grabbed them all to help them evade the huge shards yanked up from the ground. Eel condensed the rusted screws into a ball to crush and bash Jarg, the captain tearing up a road piece to whack it back. It became apparent that Jarg really couldn't bend rust. Jarg made spikes out of most of the ground, but the Onus diced them up while Eel bent some to his advantage. The captain charged at him directly, sending more spikes up at the flying Onus. Eel bent up a makeshift, rusted shard to clash Jarg's sword. "I knew that Ztar Xof group had a rustbender, but I've never fought one directly. Indeed, I can only bend metals in their purest form." Jarg evaded Aliehs Darkballs from behind Eel, even springing the boy up to make one hit him. Aliehs dashed to grab Jarg's sword hand, keeping it from cutting Eel and channeling darkness to weaken his chi. Jarg used this moment to try and bend out the iron in her veins, Aliehs straining to resist. Meanwhile, she wrapped her tail around Eel and used a gentler surge of light to nullify his darkness. Aliehs flipped up and kicked Jarg with a light-bladed heel, followed by Arorua chopping down his back. Jarg maneuvered away before her brother could share a piece.

"Still, something about you feels familiar, boy. What is your name?"

"Eel Nosyarg." The metalbender rusted the end of a street pole before attempting to stab Jarg, who evaded and wrestled away the other end to throw the whole thing away.

"Those five children who rebelled against me!" Jarg called out numerous swords to clash with the Onus while he himself dodged and tanked Aliehs' streaks. "You must be one of their kids. Jar har har! Finish off both you and Eniram's daughter will be a marvelous treasure!"

"Hey, Bro, heads up!" Arorua alerted. The large mechs that Ovi sent to the surface were flying their direction, controlled by Jarg's radio waves along with bending. The robots blasted missiles, both at their group and the group fighting Ydnam. Nerehc decided to fly up and destroy the robots himself, but before Arorua could try a direct hit on Jarg, the captain latched rockets to himself and flew skyward. The trio gathered on a square panel as Eel raised it in flight, chasing Jarg through the buildings. The captain began to wobble the upper halves of the buildings, making them do a weird jig that threatened to knock them about. Even then, he was flying too fast and far for Eel to keep up. Aliehs, mimicking her mom's technique, dashed across the air by kicking Silver Streaks. She had trouble stabilizing herself and wound up being bat around by some buildings, but Nerehc swooped down to catch her. He helped Aliehs catch up with Jarg, and once close enough, Aliehs zipped her way toward him. She kicked more streaks around to evade his attacks, afterwards kicking one at his chest. Aliehs spun vertically and molded twin, giant Dark Fists to hammer down on Jarg. Nerehc zipped by to cut his jets and send him falling.

Eel and Arorua caught up, the former carrying a small cloud of scattered rust. While Jarg blocked off Nerehc's attacks, Eel tried to entangle Jarg in the rust. Combined with Aliehs' persistent dark laser, the rust threatened to corrupt him completely. Jarg spun to slice himself free, but was stabbed by Arorua afterward. When he turned to cut her, Aliehs shot darkness in his eyes to dull his vision. Jarg bent up a cocoon and retreated underground, but Eel tore open a way into the sewer. Nerehc carried Aliehs and flew after him, chopping down whatever pipes he bent in the way. Jarg crashed into a wall due to his weakened vision, leaving Aliehs to strike light for a sudden blinding sensation. His vision malfunctioned as Nerehc forced him aboveground, whacking him toward his sister as Jarg suffered a cleave across the neck.

But it was then a storm of shards swept over them, Eel bending up a shield in defense. He rusted that shield to keep Jarg from bending it, only for the captain to thrust a bladed pole through and cut Eel's hip. "It's about time you got here, wench-ah!"

"Yes, Captain." Ydnam replied soullessly.

"Looks like they're teaming up!" Asia said, sucking some of the shards up to shoot them away. (The vacuum's bag had inner lining to prevent it from being cut from inside.)

"Leave Lady Ydnam alone!" Aluben shouted.

"Good luck surviving our Shrapnel Sandstorm-ah!" Jarg and Ydnam linked hands, creating a Unison as their chi spread across the island. The screams of the civilians rang throughout as all the metal crumbled into gray sand. The operatives bundled around Eel, his barrier of Magnesis keeping the sand away. Asia kept at a safe level skyward, but was horrified as a titan rose from the sand. It assumed Jarg's torso area, shimmering with blue eyes and veins along the beard and body. The titan swiped down where it sensed the kids, but a thrust from Eel scattered the arm.

"Heck, this actually makes things easier!" Eel declared, rustifying a ton of the surrounding sand; the act was much easier on tiny particles of metal. With it, he formed a Rust Giant of his own, he and his friends atop the head as Eel stretched punches to counter Jarg's. Arorua rode Nerehc as they tried to carve up the titan, finding Jarg in the head and Ydnam in the chest, before the sand would attempt to recover them. Jarg still had large mechs to shoot lasers at the crew, so the Onus took some time to fly and cut them down.

Asia joined the group and helped defend them with an Aero Shield, and Eel bravely moved them closer to rip Jarg's titan open directly. Jarg fought to keep it closed while Ydnam shot glass at them, Aluben swiping bone whips in defense. "'ey, Asia, let's do what they're doing!" Aliehs spun her arms to make a Yin-Yang symbol while Asia mimicked the motion over the same area. Their Unison fired a Yin-Yang Cyclone to blast Jarg out of the titan, but he bent it to recover him and brushed a dense wave at the group, swatting them off. Jarg summoned some of the mechs' remains to form armor around himself and Ydnam. Eel had the Rust Giant catch his friends and resumed converting the metal sand. Nerehc and Arorua returned to cut through Jarg's mech, and with his head exposed, Aliehs and Asia blew up a whirlwind of darkness to blot him. Aliehs kicked a Silver Streak clean through the darkness. "Wait, where's Ydnam going?!" Aluben asked as Ydnam's armor flew away.

"I've had enough of this-ah!" Jarg declared, swinging a successful slice at Arorua's leg and cleaving it off. An enraged Nerehc swung faster, but Shrapnel Rain shot up from below to cut holes in them. "I'm sending that wench to destroy the Oxygen Bubble generator!"


"I kept the 'Safe Zones' oxygenized for the safety of my subjects, but I'll lose a few thousand if it means disposing of you wretches!"

"NOOO!" Eel bent the rust to surf after Ydnam, taking his friends with. Arorua fought the pain and regained herself to help her brother cleave away at Jarg.

Ydnam bent up a giant spear of glass, threatening to impale it over a domed building emitting white energy. However, Ydnam seemed to hesitate, the glass crumbling and raining around her. "Ydnam-ah! I order you to…?! What? I've lost communication?"

"This is Xedni to all operatives, do you read me? I managed to hack the device Asia gave me. Jarg tried to block Prime's control over them, but this little gadget helped us find a hole in that block. I've accessed the other devices and forced the victims to stand down. Itaav and Ydnam seem to be the only affected victims, but this should keep them down for a while."

"AHA! So, that's who's done this-ah! I've got your coordinates pinpointed. I think I need to step out for some fresh space-ah!" With that, Jarg returned to the Swimming Swede and sailed away. He used his bending to turn it around and away from the island before going down to activate the thrusters.

"XEDNI! He's going after you!" Asia called while the others were putting on space helmets with oxygen tanks. Most of the ships had been totaled during the conflict, so Nerehc was set to fly and carry them through the vacuum.

"If I change locations, my reception will get fuzzy and I'll lose my hold on the captives! I need more time before I can free them completely."

"Damn… If he gets back control of Ydnam, she'll destroy the Oxygen Bubble!"

"Wait, look!" Nerehc pointed. They shared looks of confusing as the ship began slowly rotating while keeping its initial momentum. "Is something wrong with it?"

"We can think about it as we catch up!" Eel yelled.

Arorua stayed behind with Asia to get her leg treated, so Nerehc carried Eel, Aliehs, and Aluben. "Traitorous girl!" Jarg yelled, molding the metal deck up to bind the mage, only for Austin to jump at his face as a glob of mud to break his hold and allow her a chance of escape. "You snuck onboard without my robots detecting you? How?!"

"With geniusness." Zul smirked.

In truth, it was Ahcom that snuck her in. The shorty had only recently regained consciousness, still weary from the previous battle, but determined to help. With Zul having shrunk and hiding with Ahcniea in Ahcom's dress, she was ready to sneak on the flagship after it landed. She climbed a hanging chain on the ship, but her small and silent presence prevented the mechs from spotting her. Austin, meanwhile, merely waited in hiding at the port, ready to latch on the ship with stretched muddy arms after Jarg returned to it. "No wonder the oxygen is activated! …Wait! Who's inside?!"

The robots only now alerted him to Ahcom, inside the helm room. She evaded their lasers and distracted them as Ahcniea climbed the control desk. Jarg, after grabbing Austin's muddy form, willed the iron in his blood to clot and weaken his breathing. Zul shot him with a light spell, but Jarg shot a laser cannon and burned her left arm off. He was about to head up to the helm, but Aliehs zipped her way over with streaks, suddenly landing on the deck with a firm kick on his crown. One of the robots inside tried to take control of the helm, but Ahcom glomped and held it back. "Let's see, that…" Ahcniea said to herself as the ship was about to rotate toward the planet, "should just about do it!" And so, she forcefully pressed the Boost switch, kicking on the ship's rockets as it blasted toward Tnacsuroc.

"JARH!" Panicking from the sudden motion, Jarg molded himself into the ship's deck, but Eel grabbed his neck in a rusty tentacle and yanked him out. Before the boosts activated, Aluben grabbed Eel in bonebending and gave him a forceful thrust toward the ship, pushing Nerehc with him. Nerehc proceeded to hack away at Jarg, tossing Arorua's sword to Aliehs as she imbued darkness, landed a few cuts, then switched to light to deal the ailment of dizzy vision. Eel went into the helm to crunch the robots in his bending. Ahcom was already knocked out again, but Ahcniea was safe on the controls, grinning at her comrade.

Jarg forced the ship to redirect with his bending, only for Eel to grab the helm and wrestle for control, keeping them on a course toward the planet's surface. Nerehc sliced off the masts and laser cannons to make it even lighter, and Aliehs shot rapid streaks to keep Jarg from going inside. Jarg bent the deck up to crush the Faunus inside, but Nerehc stabbed him in the back. Aliehs leapt out and followed with a stab through the chest, and both swords were finally able to pierce the weakened robot. Aliehs followed by flipping up and kicking him square in the noggin, her Light Heel puncturing his head and forcing the metallic brain out. "And THIS time," Eel borrowed Ahcniea's needles and cleanly pierced the brain with it, "you're NOT getting away!"

"Nooooooo…" (End song.)

The threshold of the planet's atmosphere was when Jarg's body and mind became rust. Eel, knowing it was safe, pulled the breaks on the boosters before they would crash, sending his friends into vertigo for a moment. With Eel carrying Ahcom's body, he and Ahcniea joined their friends outside, smiling as the sun graced the metropolitan horizon.

With Jarg's control of the victims nullified, Xedni was able to fly to Ydnam's location, her mission to destroy the Oxygen Bubble cancelled. Xedni hacked into Ydnam's device directly and freed her of its control. "Lady Ydnam!" Aluben ran to prop the woman up when she nearly fell.

"Nnn…Aluben…I'm… sorry… You kids… you, the Despairagers, Ragus, Wodahs, and the others… I betrayed you. When you all… began to follow me… I was so determined… to achieve my goal… all for you guys. I was afraid of disappointing you… I was afraid of you abandoning me… but I can see now… it's already too late."

"It isn't, Captain. We can… still be together. We don't have to make the universe happy with us. It can just be… us and the crew."

"Why…why would they… still want a captain like me…"

"Because… they love you, too. They risked their lives to save you. And now that you're all better… we can start over again."

"Aluben…hah…" The dreamer smiled and patted her monochrome head. "I think… I'm done playing pirate. I just want to go somewhere and lie down. But… we can do something together… if you want. And we'll… bring Ydnic, too."

"Yes… thank you."


"M-Must… bring happiness… to universe… Love… Happy… Joy…" Lorac had been twitching in her bed since her battle and had to be tied down to it. "Hap…joy…?" Her body calmed itself. Her heart eased itself. Her mind was able to think clearly. The desire in her heart… Ydnam's desire… it had waned. The treasures she had taken had lost their value. No… it wasn't that they had… but their value had changed. "Huuuuu…phew…" Lorac calmly freed herself of the bindings, setting foot on the floor to greet the day. "I wonder how Ydnic's doing? I'm in the mood to see her, for some reason. Wouldn't hurt to check on the others, too. But I'm sure they're alright!"

So, trivia with the music choices: in the Posiverse story, Davy Jones had the semifinal boss music of Rush Adventure (Ghost Titan), whereas Sir Ovi had Rush’s semifinal music. However, Jarg’s boss music here was Rush’s final boss music, and I read that Ghost Titan’s music had the same brass loop as that music. So…yippee!

Also, YOOOOO, Sora for Smash! He wasn’t really one of my top pics, but I totally get why he was saved for last, and Sakurai put a lot of heart in that trailer (get it?), so I’m happy for Sora! Even rekindled my love for Kingdom Hearts!

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