
Nextgen Kids: Down in the Negaverse

In a parallel dimension, the DNK, negative parallels to the Nextgen Kids Next Door, struggle to live in a dark, miserable world where friendship means little. The DNK was founded to fight crime and protect people, but many of its operatives lack passion for the art. However, as an intergalactic dictator attempts to conquer their world, will the DNK change their ways and try to make a better world? This story is a parallel series to the main Nextgen Series, where the adventures of the DNK mirror those of the KND. All crossover characters are uniquely integrated, so you don't have to know their canon backgrounds. The first 20 chapters are recommended prereading for the Seven Lights Saga, as these characters will have a side-plot in that story.

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Pirate Wars, Part 6: Wrath of the Drug Queen  

Toadstool World

"It can't be!" Don Shrew exclaimed, banging her left armrest. "The Meta-Beasts were all defeated?! What about the Ant King?!"

"No one saw where the Ant King fled to." Tulip replied. "I would've assumed he'd attack the DNK's base or something, but it's probably safe to assume he's finished. And rumor has it Captain Ydnam just fell into the navy's captivity."

"Oh, I don't care about her." Shrew brushed her hand. "Hell, I'm surprised she wasn't the first to go down. But the Ant King though! There's no way even an army of the brats could defeat him! And here I was crafting the perfect weapon to nuke him with!"

"Better save it for the Revolutionaries. I don't know how, but they have to have caused this worldwide rain. It's nullifying all the chemicals in our farms around the world!"

"This couldn't be the work of some weapon… there has to be some kind of waterbender among the rebels. Before I target the navy, I need to stop this rebellion once and for all. And to do that, I'll need to take back what my daughter owes me."

"We haven't pinpointed Airam, yet, but Yeknod is currently making a move on those Dolphin brats. I plan to fly down and assist him. With my new drug, I'll have those kids dealt with swiftly and seductively~"

The Revolution had been progressing smoothly, especially with most of the other pirates having fled the planet. Only a few officers of the navy were interfering at the moment. Revilo had encountered Nebrakapook again and defeated the mummy turtle, but was in need of recovery afterward. Rear-Admiral Sudorg from the Y-Naut Fortress ambushed the Little Dads to get revenge. He used little Y-bots to generate a barrier around himself, but Eiwets used his ball form to bounce around and KO the bots, allowing Eiggam to defeat Sudorg with her Blast power.

Airam and Sutsugua dragged an unconscious Primagen to a hideout owned by Oiraw. After he woke up, Airam treated the alien to troubling news. "P-P-POISON SODA?!" exclaimed the Primagen.

"That's right." the heiress nodded. "I fed you a soda with a slow-acting drug in your sleep. In a week from now, your brain will swell and explode."

"You little monster! I'll kill-"

"Unless I make you the antidote. You'll only find the recipe right in this noodle." She tapped her head. "Or I can set the poison off early with my bending. So, if you'd like me to cure you, I'm gonna be needing your Devil Fruit power."

"If you summon creatures from the past, can you ask for specific types?" Sutsugua asked.

"Grrr…yes, I can summon specific types of creatures, but it depends on what creatures were in this specific area."

"And what happens if we kill these creatures?"

"I don't quite understand why it works like this, but small severed body parts will remain in the present while the main bodies return to the past."

"Then we can experiment with some poisonous types." Airam said. "Let's get to work pronto."

Gnok Island

"Let me expand my dong, into your heeeaaart~" Yeknod enjoyed passing the time on his outdoor karaoke stage. Set up on the eyebrows of a statue of his head, he enjoyed it when the whole jungle could see his jig. "And shower you with coconut cream piiieee!"

"Hey! Uncle Yeknod!" Yddid drilled up from the ground beside. "The DNK are here! It looks like the same crew that rescued Yknam. They're missing the blue-haired waterbender and the silver-haired fat girl, but they brought a pack of monkeys and some pigtailed blonde girl. And it looks like Yknam himself is with them."

"These little champs have come prepared, eh~?" Yeknod asked in a sing-songy "dad" voice. "They got their own strategy ready, no doubt. But I'm prepared, too, baby! Have all the Gnoks in position. We'll smoke them out one by one!"

The crew on the Dolphin Dragon consisted of Anaigrom, Aullik, and Allebmoog. Aullik used his wavebending to wash away incoming ships while Anaigrom blasted huge Gas Bombs amplified by their cannons. However, the mafia sent waterbending Loan Sharks to swim up Aullik's waves and redirect them against the surfer, getting onto the deck to bite the trio. Just as well, the enemy ships were run by Bloo-Ooms who could suck Anaigrom's gas up and spit it right back. "Dammit!" Anaigrom yelled. "I know those guys have to take out the Gnoks, but it sure is a pain not having more teammates!"

"At least we have the rebels, just hold out!" Allebmoog said. Revolutionary Kremlings arrived on their own ships to combat the foes, along with Flounder Plants. "Aullik, just focus on pushing away the fish that come for us!"

"Huh? Oh…" Loan Sharks bent up jets to get onto the ship. Aullik thrusted his hands to push them away from one side, but more came up from the back. He directed his left hand to push back, but with weakened force on either side, the fish pushed through and onto the deck. Allebmoog leapt to punch them off, but one chomped her fist. She bashed it against the deck and knocked it out, but more sharks began to spit water bullets against Aullik's face. He tried to catch and bend the small projectiles together, but tripped as one shot his knee. "You know, you'd think you'd be a bit stronger since it's raining out!" Allebmoog said.

"Shut up, man…" Aullik moaned.

Ikik, Yknam, and Yenmihc infiltrated the island, fighting through the antagonistic animals in a classic Donkey Kong stage. (Music: "Dawn Savanna" from DK: Jungle Beat.) "Look at the White Bananas!" Yknam indicated the bananas slowly morphing from a white to yellow color. "Yeknod had our crops implanted with nicotine and tobacco ingredients, turning our bananas into cigarettes. It looks like the Sacred Rain is having its effect on them!"

"What's that you say?!" They were alert when Yknal Gnok flipped to show himself. The orangutan had a paper-thin body. "What you know about this rain?!"

"Oog-oog!" Having exposed himself, Orange Monkey, one of Ylime's Monkey Crew, flew to kick the paper. Orange was a thin, tallish, and strong ape that utilized kickboxing. His kick didn't send the nimble paper back very far, allowing Yknal to land a Paper Cut to Orange's leg.

"Leave him to it!" Yenmihc encouraged, the trio continuing through. During the strategy meeting, Yenmihc had a choice to assist either Akurah with Wodahs, or Ikik with Yeknod, while ideally being available to help against Don Shrew. Akurah, already being a poisonbender, could probably handle herself as Yenmihc figured, and that she might better specialize against Yeknod's smoke.

As the trio cut through a mine, Yddid Gnok chased them with a giant digger. They escaped the digger, but Yddid used his own Drill Pack to ambush them himself, only to be denied by Sky Monkey's katana. Sky had light-blue fur and a white samurai robe. Offering to battle Yddid, he sensed for where the chimp would emerge from the dirt and struck when ready. The mine let off in the forest, where the gigantic Ynit's legs camouflaged with the trees. The ponytailed Gnok tried to step on the intruders, but her foot was impeded by the big, round Black Monkey. Black would shout wildly, grab Ynit's foot, and begin to bash her around. On the cliffside, Strawberry Monkey was using his bike against Yknuf's jeep, attempting to jump and bounce the Gnok.

"Let my love reach you… like a fresh white banana!" Finding Consigliere Yeknod singing atop his stage was repulsive. "And let me play you… like a pair of good bongos~"

"Are you about done?" Yknam asked. "It's time for you to pay for all you've done!"

"Yeh, yeh, Ah know the drill. You gonna go around to all our bases and pick off our officers with the operatives best suited for them. Knew you would even come here for that! And look, you had your own band of apes, too! You're lucky Eixid was already captured by them Smilers."

"So, you WERE ready for us. You aren't the Ape of a Thousand Gnoks for nothing."

"Darn straight! I memorized the elements and skills of your little gang, too, Ikik, so I lined up the right soldatos to fight them! Wouldn't be surprised if they've already been chewed to bits. Especially since you seem to be missing a few members!"

"Not as many missing as your crew!" Ikik declared. "No matter how good your strategies are, they got nothing on Atawid's!"

"I don't doubt you, Iki Gnok. Heck, the three of you might just whoop my butt! If my calculations are correct, Don Shrew will crumble the Revolution either way! We may not know what you got planned, but I think I narrowed down your important bases~"

"What? Could that mean…" Yknam whispered in worry.

"But I don't mean to brag! Instead, you can gag on this!" Yeknod changed into his Smoky Bear form and released a thick cloud of smoke. (Play "Ghastly King" from Jungle Beat!)

"Be careful not to wander off this cliff!" Yknam said, holding his breath as the smoke closed in.

Yenmihc released her own smog to push it away. "His smoke is mostly made of Fire Chi instead of toxins, so this is the best I can do!"

"He'll have to get tired eventually!" Ikik said. Using Haki, Yknam sensed Yeknod's position in the smoke, warning Yenmihc as the gorilla leapt through the smoke in attempt to slam her. Yenmihc jumped back, but Yeknod predicted this and rolled forward to shove Yenmihc back. The gorilla made maneuvers to dodge Ikik's fists, even as they popped out of portals in any direction. He even grabbed a fist and tried to twist it, but a Yknam targeted his arms, Yeknod released and evaded his chop. Yeknod's Observation Haki was keen as ever, so her only hope of landing solid hits was to attack aimlessly. Yeknod leapt away, became a bear, and started blasting huge puffs of smoke. Yenmihc used a similar technique to intercept the puffs, knowing there was no point targeting him directly. Meanwhile, Yknam ran forth, evading the puffs. He had to hold his breath when Yeknod released smoke in the short area around him, swinging karate chops that Yeknod evaded. Ikik focused fists to punch out in that area with no real target, but one of her punches successfully socked Yeknod behind the head.

Yknam seized the chance to kick Yeknod off his feet and CHOP his face against the ground. Yeknod pushed up and got away, shooting a smoke puff at Yknam. "So, trying to give my old Haki the slip, huh?" Yeknod became an ape and charged straight at the girls, dodging Ikik's punches. She grabbed Yenmihc and decided to run as he morphed and burst into a smoke cloud. The girls held breath, but Yeknod roll-jumped for the next attack, only for Ikik to impulsively punch back and uppercut his chin. Ikik dealt rapid punches before he could recover, but once he did, the girls rushed out of the smoke and coughed out what they inhaled. Yeknod ran further up the cliff to eat a White Banana, as tasty as a fine cigarette. He dodged Yknam's chops and blew some smoke at his face, Yknam holding his breath and thrusting a chop at Yeknod's next punch.

"He must need those to replenish his smoke!" Yenmihc observed, releasing a trench of smog on either side of the apes. Yeknod transformed and formed a smoke shield to jump through the right, but Ikik aimlessly punched in that area and hit Yeknod's knee. He had to change back to counter Yknam's next assault of chops. From this, it was made clear that Yeknod could only shoot smoke in his bear form, but fights better in his ape form. Yenmihc stirred smog around them and tried to focus it over Yeknod, forcing the gorilla to become a bear and spew out another fog. Yknam held his breath and kept up his assault, but the bearrilla grabbed his estranged relative by the wrists. Yeknod sank his teeth against Yknam's face and puffed smoke in, afterwards thrusting his claw—Ikik punched Yknam out of the smoke before he could.

Yeknod became an ape and spun out of the smoke, the group jumping apart as Ikik threw Portal Punches. Yeknod evaded and aimed his bear palm at her, shooting a smoke puff. "You mean you don't have to change your whole body?!"

"I don't have to change at all!" Yenmihc threw Smog Bombs over the ape, who leapt to evade and then to smash the bender. As expected, he air-dodged Ikik's punch, then puffed himself to the air to evade the blast of another Gas Bomb. Yeknod became a full bear and spun in the air to generate a smoke cyclone, smothering Yenmihc with it and tanking Ikik's barrage. He bit Ikik's fist at one point before dropping down. He took a jab in the back from Yknam, but grabbed and threw him at Ikik, who dodged. She began to thrust her hands through random points in the air, but Yeknod charged. Ikik dodged sideways, but Yeknod made to intercept—she thrusted both hands back through portals, but they emerged on either side of Yeknod's head and CLAPPED his skull. This dizzied him enough for Ikik to deal a barrage against the ape, but leapt away as he ejected more smoke.

Yeknod had to huff another White Banana, evading their attempts to take it. Yenmihc whirled a smog whirlwind over Yeknod, but his bear form countered it with another smoke whirlwind. Ikik began building chi in herself before leaping toward the overhang ceiling, forcing gravity to lift Yeknod up with her. She then Ground Pounded down and slammed Yeknod down. The astronaut fell into a "pushup" position, focused "weight" into her hands, and heightened gravity around herself and Yeknod. As the gorilla struggled to sit up, Yenmihc pummeled him with Gas Bombs while Yknam began flipping in place, both hands folded. He leapt over Yeknod and used the intense gravity to heighten his force, nearly piercing Yeknod's back!

The gorilla was able to puff smoke at Ikik and cease her gravity. Yknam leapt off before Yeknod could grab him, but the gorilla maneuvered away. "I'll REALLY get smoking with this drug!" Yeknod pulled out a strange nut, held it by his nose, and used a lighter to quickly convert it to ash that he whiffed up. Yeknod grew eyebrows, a thin beard, a robe, and head hair of smokey flames. He shot smoke with greater speed and willed waves of it to sweep the area. Yknam came at him with lightning-fast karate attacks, most of which Yeknod dodged. Ikik and Yenmihc assaulted him with Portal Punches and gas puffs, but streams of Yeknod's smoke shaped fists at the end, punching them with half the force of his normal fists.

Yknam managed to grab Yeknod by the neck from behind, enduring the smoke to hold him in place. Ikik punched at an even faster pace, surrounding both Gnoks with a "barrier" of Portal Punches. She made the fists close in, but once they started hitting Yeknod, she only focused punches on him. She then faced the cliff and raised both arms, mustering a huge sum of energy in her elbows. With a great thrust, gravity forced Yknam and Yeknod over the cliff. Yeknod blasted Yknam off him, but Yenmihc used a gas blast to blow Ikik straight to the gorilla-bear. Ikik endured the smoke puffs and forced her weight down, forcing Yeknod along with her gravity.

The animals would look on in awe and shock as their consigliere, the brutish and perverted Yeknod Gnok, crashed into the earth like a meteor. Ikik made sure to land through a tree to soften her own landing, but was exhausted as well. "Cough…cough…ugh…" Yknam coughed out some residual smoke. At least the Purifying Rain soothed his lungs. "Time for you to start drinking healthy… my brethren." (End song.)

Ikik and Yknam fell sick from Yeknod's smoke, so Yenmihc tried to contact the ship. Unfortunately, they were out of sorts at the moment. "Good afternoon, little Dolphins!" A blimp was flying over the area, displaying Tulip in all her half-naked glory. "Who's ready to get down and funky?? And I don't mean like Yknuf!" She performed a hypnotic, sexy dance.

"It's that girl, huh?" Anaigrom smirked.

"What girl?" Aullik opened his bangs.

"Get down here and get some! You'll have a hell of a time stripping me!" Anaigrom used a Compowder to change into a cactus suit with a flower crown, spikes all over with longer ones on the knuckles.

"Don't bring it out, yet!" Allebmoog yelled. "Aullik, get us ready to move, she might try something!"

The blimp blasted a Banzai Llib down. "AULLIK, NOW! …Aullik?!"

"Ah…I can't, dude." The surfer began to dance like Tulip. "My body's, like, getting funky and like, I don't want it to."

"CRAP, he's half-naked! But I thought Tulip had to strip him herself…AAAH!" Allebmoog began dancing. "And I'm whole naked! Crap!!"

"HRUH!" Anaigrom tried to focus her bending over the missile, but struggled to grab it.

"I don't think so!" Tulip declared. "We fitted this drug with small helpings of water, Yeknod's coconut cream, and a little flavor of my own~"

The missile POPPED near the ship and sprayed the operatives with a white mist. "Aaaaaahh! What is thiiiiiis?" Anaigrom's face flushed.

"It's so goooood, maaaaan~" Aullik moaned. All three of their bodies began to sweat like human-shaped waterfalls.

"N-no…we can't let it… can't let it…" Allebmoog fell over on the deck, rolling in pleasure.

"Ergh, this suit is so clunky." Anaigrom said. "N-no, I… can't take it off, it's a trap…"

"Fly Guys, hold a tarp over them! Don't let that weird rain touch them!" Under Tulip's orders, a band of propellered Gift Guys covered a tarp over the crew. "Let me join the party!" The consigliere herself soared down on a hang-glider. "What's-a wrong, little Dolphies? Feeling a little CREAMED?!" Tulip violently stamped her high-heel against Allebmoog's head. The Abmoog passed out. "And is that a cactus suit you made to fight me?" Tulip casually dodged Anaigrom's kicks that she could only halfheartedly dish out. "I'll just hit where it HURTS!" Tulip slammed a kick to Anaigrom's face.

"H-hey! Don't hurt my girl, man…" Aullik danced.

"And you… boy, you're real sweaty, huh?" The drug seemed to cast a greater downpour over the surfer. "Either it's your waterbending or you're just real horny. Here, try this dance out~" She jiggled her rear and tried to compel him to do the same.

"L…leave him alone…" Anaigrom coughed.

"Eh?" Tulip noticed it wasn't working. "Oh, it's your hair. Here, honey, that better?" Tulip gently opened Aullik's bangs for a better view of her dance. "Come on, young man, give your girls the dance they want!"

"I… don't want to…"

"Whoa… that thing was in my head, man?" Aullik asked Ahcniea.

"Yeah, but it didn't work on you because of your intelligence."

"My… whuh?"

"You're stupid." Akurah said. "These things don't work on stupid people."

"Hey, don't call me that, man!"

"Hey, you can count yourself lucky, right?"

Narrowing his eyes determinedly, Aullik threw up his left arm and bent a wave up at Tulip, pushing her. The stripper got up, glaring spitefully as the surfer bent up the next wave. "He's sweating, but the Pleasure Spray isn't working! It's like he doesn't have a horny bone in his body!"

"Lady Tulip! More rebels are coming; I think that's Igiulaw's fleet!"

"Hrn!" Tulip ducked Aullik's wave and kicked the surfer off his feet. She was about to stomp his chest, but Anaigrom was able to get up, jump, and grip Tulip in a hug, thorns piercing her all over. Tulip forced her off and threw another kick to Anaigrom's face. Gift Guys dove down on their own gliders and began slicing Anaigrom's cactus suit with knives. She spun to kick Aullik in the face and knock him more senseless. "Gifters, get us up to Jigsville now!" They used ropes to grab and haul Tulip and the operatives back to the blimp.

"I'm going after them!" Igiulaw declared. "Someone send Jigsville's coordinates to the DNK! They'll want to help."

A small army led by Bronzebob and Azure found Oiraw's base up on a snowy mountain. The rebels began to flee in a convoy of trucks, with Airam, Sutsugua, and the Primagen riding in a mobile laboratory on one. As they traveled, Primagen was able to summon more poison bugs from the areas they passed. Sutsugua would quickly grab and extract venom from the insects before they could disappear. "Well, despite the setback, I think we have a good thing going, Airam! And hey, get this, I think I have a cure for Ydnew's baby problem, too." Sutsugua pulled out a baby bottle with a greenish milk.

"It looks disgusting, but healthy for a growing girl."

"You should probably give her that cure soon!" Oiraw exclaimed. "'Cause I see Nolrem's circus up ahead!"

"Huh?!" Down the road beyond the mountain, a huge gray circus loomed. Its entrance bore a hood of Nolrem's likeness, complete with a great white mustache to serve as the arch.


Within the next few hours, Xedni and Oemor were returning to the planet. "You sure you wanna come, Oemor? You have to be exhausted after taking on a whole Emperor!"

"I can't stay put with everyone else in danger! Besides, I was asleep during that fight, so I'm totally well-rested! Otokam's freeing my Friends from their Bubbles, so I'll be ready for action!"

Jigsville was a party town elevated by rockets. Revolutionaries were already fighting Gift Guys in the square, so the operatives were able to land without much resistance. (Music: "Electrodrome" from Mario Kart!) Xedni used her hacking to open the entrance to the central Jig Dome. TV displays showed Tulip fighting Igiulaw, evading his musicbending with dance and landing heeled kicks to the jaw. A stripped and bruised Anaigrom was dancing on a floating platform and Allebmoog was swinging scaffolds. Xedni and Oemor fought their way through the outer halls and areas, the former using Holo-Washlings. But although Oemor was able to summon some Friends to fight, most of them were too exhausted from the previous experience.

"AAAH!" Xedni screamed as a group of Gift Guys zipped by and sliced her clothes off with scissors. With a brief glance at Tulip's screen, "Oh no!" Xedni started to dance sexily.

"Xedni! Hey, be careful!" Oemor had been riding her head during the venture, but her motions caused him to tumble off the back. "Whoa—WAH!" He was then sent flying with a thrust of Xedni's big rump. The boy wound up going down a vent and plopping into a lower room. "?!" It seemed to be a dungeon where some Gift Guys were shooting Aullik with more of the Perversion Spray, the surfer hanging by his wrists and wrinkled by his own sweat. "We're gonna sweat ya dry, kid!"

"Knock it off!" Oemor summoned Boomerman to beat the Gifters down.

"Oh, great… another weirdo."

"Aullik, it's me!" Oemor had Boomerman grab the keys off the guards and unlock Aullik's chains. He crashed to the floor on all fours. "Aullik, you're not hurt, are you? What were they spraying you with? Is everyone else o-"

"Man, slow down, I can't keep up with all that!"

"Fine! Just get up, we have to save Xedni!"

"Agh, I can't, man… there ain't enough water up here. And I'm so sweaty, I could die, man…"

"I saw some coolers upstairs, we can use those!"

"Stop them!" Another hoard of Gifters charged down. "Stop those punks!" They shot exploding slingshot pellets, forcing Boomerman to disappear. One popped beside Oemor, blowing the tiny against the wall.


"Hey, isn't that the puny boy we were warned about? Hurry and smash him!"

As the minions moved to end Oemor, Aullik flared up in desperation. He threw his arm at Oemor, stretching a rope of his own sweat to grab and pull him over. "Whoa…" Aullik remembered Nosam showing him a similar technique with his tears. Aullik tried to cry himself, but couldn't quite build up the emotions to do it. "I'm, like… so sticky!" When the Gift Guy charged him, Aullik shot a Sweat Whip to shove him back. Aullik bent out two whips to stick two of the Gift Guys, spinning to slam them against the others.

"Dude, are you alright?" Aullik picked Oemor back up, the nerd groggy and hurt.

"Ow…Aullik… you have to save the others… so we can beat her…"

"TU HU HU HU HU!" Tulip's laugh resounded throughout the building. Aullik hurried out of the basement and KO'ed the guards outside. "Take a long look, rebels!" Tulip planted her heel directly against the unconscious Igiulaw's neck. "The last face your hero will ever make!"

And with a final stomp, Tulip cracked Igiulaw's neck. Aullik and Oemor paled in horror. "YOU BITCH!!" Anaigrom screamed, unable to stop dancing still. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Boys, get little Pink Hair down here! I'll have a dance with her next!"

"Anaigrom!" Aullik exclaimed. He ran to one of the water dispensers and drank from the whole jug to replenish his liquids. He used Sweat Whips to grab soldatos and slam them against each other, along with whatever objects were available to him.

Tulip stabbed Anaigrom in the legs, forcing her to dance against her injury. "SHOES OFF MY GIRL!" Aullik whipped his girlfriend off the stage.

"AULLIK!" Anaigrom beamed. "…Ew, is this sweat?!"

"You again?!" Tulip hissed. "Boys, cut this virgin!" (Music: "DJ Phantasmagloria" from Luigi's Mansion.)

Aullik caught the incoming Gifters in large Sweat Whips, spinning toward Tulip and whacking her off the stage. Oemor, recovering somewhat, was able to summon Bessy Dressy to cover Anaigrom. She withstood the effects of the Perversion Spray to blast Gas Bombs at the Gift Guys. She ripped off their clothes and cut up a decent sweater for Xedni to wear. Tulip dodged Aullik's sweat bullets and ran to stamp the boy in the chest, the boy flying back with a cough—his sweat stuck to Tulip's shoe and pulled it off. Realizing this, he threw it away. Tulip kicked off the other shoe for balance, then whistled for a Gifter to throw over a strip pole.

Twirling it like a long staff, Aullik kept his distance, grabbed nearby Gifters, and chucked them at Tulip. She batted most away, but a couple got stuck. While trying to shake them off, Aullik was able to catch Tulip's leg in his Sweat Whip, haul her up, and slam her to the floor. She broke free and rolled forth before dealing a down swing, banging Aullik in the head. He clapped his hands up to grab the staff, but Tulip raised and swung him around. He went flying up, and Tulip used the staff to prop herself up and KICK Aullik straight to the ceiling. The sickened surfer grabbed onto a pipe to keep from falling. He saw water leaking from the pipe and perked up. He pulled up and tugged down several times before the pipe snapped, spilling a small waterfall. Aullik plummeted, but he used a Sweat Whip to catch the strobe light hanging and soften his fall.

"UUUGH!" Some of the water spilled on Tulip. "EW! TOILET WATER!"

"Rock on, dude!" Aullik bent some of the water under his feet, making a small wave for him to surf around on. "It's easier to move around like this, man." Tulip backed away from the waterfall, hoping his wave would shrink if it went too far. She opened one end of her pole and shot bullets from it. Aullik stayed under the waterfall and used his wave to evade the bullets, raising his hands to amass the falling water like a growing saucer. "Frisbee's a cool sport!" He spun the large Water Disc around and flew it at Tulip, the woman dodging. Aullik spun up another one and threw, but he kept a liquid string attached for him to redirect it against Tulip, knocking her over. Anaigrom kicked over some KO'ed Gift Guys for him to whip together and run to hammer the downed Tulip.

She got up and shot the gun, grazing Aullik's hip. He returned to the waterfall and began to smack it toward Tulip in the form of water balls. Some splashed Tulip in the face, and ingesting the toilet water compelled her to vomit. Aullik ran over and grabbed Tulip's leg in a Sweat Whip. He spun around, built momentum, and hurdled her straight to the large stage TV. "AAAAAAHHHH!" Tulip smashed the screen and was electrified, worsened by her wet body. Tulip fell to the floor after a while, sticking her staff down to prop herself up. "You little brat—aahh-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-lllll…"

Aullik amassed all the water that had fallen into a larger wave, sweeping Tulip right up inside it. Her position as a Devil Fruit eater rendered her immobile. Aullik spitefully allowed her to drown for a bit before dropping the wave. Tulip hacked the water out, but Aullik picked up her staff and bashed her unconscious afterward. Her spell wore off, allowing Allebmoog to stop dancing.

The operatives looked to Igiulaw with regret. The man who delivered to the poor, who saved Asigan, who was beloved by the revolutionaries… he didn't make it to the end of this war. "Sigh…" Aullik sat down. "I'm so useless."

"No you weren't." Oemor climbed down from his hair, clinging to his eye bangs. "You did great!"

"But I got captured…"

"Look, we were all captured." Anaigrom reasoned. "It's all of our faults this happened. But you showed that bitch a thing or two."

"Yeah! Those techniques you used were pretty impressive." Oemor smiled. "Even if we didn't make it in time, you still saved the rest of us. You saved me, too!"

"…" Aullik cracked a smile. "Thanks, little man."

Revolutionaries would swarm in and secure the building. They promised to take care of Igiulaw's body while the operatives escaped, stealing Tulip's blimp. "Xedni, I think you were right." Oemor said. "I think I am out of energy… but I at least wanna be here when we win this battle!"

"Me too, man." Aullik said. "Ya know something… my folks always treat me like shit. Call me good-for-nothin' and a 'fucking idiot.'"

"I'm… sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, and I'm sick of putting up with it. So, when I think about it… Airam's folks are pretty screwed-up, too. And like, when she wants to beat them up in stuff, I so relate to that, man. So, like, I wanna help her beat them, too, man."

"Eh hehe." Oemor blushed at his logic. "Then let's work together to beat up her parents! Ya big blockhead~"

"Man, you're a dick."

"Hehe, I was saying it playfully. I didn't mean it in a bad way."

"Oh…well, so was I. Huhu, you dick~"

"Okay, we can stop now…"

"You boys, seriously." Anaigrom sighed. "Alright, we need to stop somewhere and rest. That bitch seriously got us good."

"Let's try to check in with Sector -MG." Xedni said.

Shaman Circus

Airam and Revilo raced into the circus alongside the Bodyguard Trio. Revilo carried baby Ydnew on his back as he fed her Sutsugua's formula. "Plah, plah! Aba-ba boo!"

"He says it isn't going to get you full size right away, but you'll be big enough to fight. Just leave the cleanup to us."

"I always wanted Daddy to take me to the circus!" Eiwets beamed.

"Let's visit a proper one after we tear this tent down." Ollar replied. The Bodyguards followed their own route to fight the Shamans. (Music: "Circus Park" from Shadow the Hedgehog!)

The enemy mages would attack them with sentient balloon dinosaurs, clowns that threw bombs, angry elephants, clown cars to run them over, and cannons shooting exploding beachballs. The mages would manipulate the environment by shrinking trampolines they needed to bounce on or curling up the tightropes.

Nolrem's granddaughters, Eelrem and Eelvulrem, ambushed the three operatives. By this time, Ydnew had grown to seven years old, so she warped ahead while Revilo fought Eelrem, countering her Misfortune Beams with his own bending; and Airam fought Eelvulrem, taking Brain Pills to nullify her Forget Beams.

"Ho oh oh oh!" Nolrem chortled, awaiting Ydnew at the top room of the layered circus. "You've fallen in with a bad crowd, young lady. Oh, how they grow up so fast."

"Where's my mom?!"

"Why, right here, of course." He withdrew Baby Einna from his robe. Ydnew couldn't hide her horror: her mother bore clueless eyes hanging in different directions. "She was quite naughty, so I slipped her a few drugs to dumb her brain down a tad, you see." (Play "Time Eater" from Sonic Generations!)

Ydnew shot a Starburst, but Nolrem Stopped it. "Now now, dear, you might hurt the infant." He held Einna in front, but Ydnew quickly opened a portal to warp the projectile to the side of his head. She quickly warped to catch her mom, then warped back. She tried to send her mom to a sub-dimension, but Nolrem simply Rewound time to get her back. Ydnew shook free and started warping all around Nolrem, pelting him with Starbursts when possible. Nolrem Stopped her at one point and shot a Chrono Beam to blast her back. He tried to Rewind her back, but she managed to warp behind and shoot Einna out of his hand. Ydnew conjured several Space Blocks around Nolrem, then burst them, but Nolrem froze time around him to maneuver out of the blast radiuses. He moved to Einna, but Ydnew predicted this and warped to shoot him in the head.

Ydnew formed another Block over him before taking her mom and warping down one floor, trusting Airam and Revilo to protect her in the midst of their fights. She returned to Nolrem and did a Portal Barrage, shooting Starbursts via portals from all around him. Nolrem whirled his hands to deal Rewind Deflects against some bursts, but Ydnew kept moving to evade them. Nolrem conjured a strong Chrono Bomb to swallow the whole area, slowing time down, but Ydnew quickly warped outside the room. She returned after it wore off, warping behind Nolrem and catching him in a Block. He despawned it as expected, but Ydnew then formed a portal over Nolrem's head to move it toward the wall, confusing him just enough to land Starbursts on either body part.

Nolrem Stopped Ydnew and ducked out of the portal. She started warping around again, but Nolrem forced time to stop and ran to her current spot. Nolrem grabbed her and used Past Sight to search for moments when she was injured: Ydnew had been cut a few times by Father's blades. The Stop wore off as Ydnew warped away. She molded a huge Starburst and shot it through a sequence of portals she was making quickly. Nolrem froze time again, went directly in front of the Starburst, and did a Rewind Deflect. It began zipping backwards through the respawning portals, and he Rewound Ydnew when she attempted to escape, but she was ready to conjure a new portal to warp the Starburst from beneath Nolrem's chin, "uppercutting" the Shaman.

Regardless, he Stopped her anyway and focused memorybending over the girl: the cuts Ydnew got from Father reappeared on her body. Ydnew withstood the pain and warped, forming a labyrinth of Blocks. She didn't bother to set them off, but in his confusion, Ydnew shrunk herself and warped under his refrigerator. She hoped the effect would wear off naturally and waited, but Nolrem used Past Sight to search the floor's history. He saw the mini Ydnew under the fridge and shot a Chrono Bomb to slow that area's time. He then crawled to see if she was still there, but Ydnew had already warped near the entrance. With another warp, she got behind the couch, re-expanded, and quickly shrank the couch before snatching it. She warped to dodge Nolrem's Stop grasp, and as she fired Starbursts around him, he Stopped them all. Ydnew made more Blocks that he was quickly Rewinding and despawning, but Ydnew had warped the tiny couch above his head, willed it to regrow, and fall on him. In his distraction, Ydnew bent the Unstopped Starbursts to smash against him.

Deciding to go all out, Ydnew entered Dimensional Fury, her hair magenta, body black, and stardust flames on her wrists and ankles. Ydnew blew off the roof to expose the tent to the starry heavens, bringing a storm of shooting stars down onto Nolrem. The Shaman endured and struggled to Rewind her out of her Fury, succeeding as she came back down. Nolrem tried to Stop—Ydnew expected this and warped, assuming Fury once more and sealing the whole top in a giant Block. Nolrem forced the Block to Rewind out of existence, but Ydnew suddenly warped behind—he expected this and Stopped her, grabbing Ydnew's neck and trying to crack it. However, Ydnew had formed Blocks around her vital areas. "Goodness, this girl's a fast-" Ydnew broke free and blasted him away.

She then caught him in a Block, but Nolrem used Time Recordance and pushed away from his clone. Ydnew flew high skyward and dropped another storm of stars down toward the tent. "Say goodbye to those!" Nolrem opened his own portal to catch some of the stars. Ydnew redirected them separately around, some striking him while others vanished to the future. Ydnew shrunk herself to hide from his vision, but after warping down, Nolrem used Future Sight to sense what motions he would make. He dodged the mini Ydnew's heightened Starbursts and was able to Stop the girl. He tried to smash her in his hands, but she survived and warped afterward. Nolrem used Time Recordance to survive her next round and blasted a Chrono Beam at the tiny spacebender. Ydnew went flying, but recovered in time to warp underneath him, shoot up, he dodged back, but she warped behind and shot, he Stopped the burst, then warped right by his mustache to shoot the ground and blow him off his feet.

Ydnew conjured a huge Space Block and began to compress it over him, Nolrem fighting to Rewind it. But it was then the stars he sent through time reappeared, flying at Ydnew, but she warped each of them to separate directions around Nolrem and damaged him. She resumed crushing him with the Space Block, but Nolrem focused chi to warp himself forward in time. Unfortunately, Ydnew focused a huge sum of Space Chi to mix with his own, so as he warped to the future, she would set the destination.

Ydnew sat down to disable her Fury and breathe. Letting her stamina build up, she then began to focus a powerful Starburst, aiming it directly at the refrigerator. She waited… and waited… and waited… for a full half-hour. She even had time to recharge and reenter her Fury.

"Ydnew, are you done, yet?" Revilo came upstairs with Airam. "We need to go, the rebels can't hold the mafia off much longer. Where's Nolrem?"

"He jumped through time. Eventually, he should appear-"

The refrigerator shook and popped open. "WHAT THE-?! How'd I end up in-"

Ydnew fired the Starburst with such force that Nolrem blew miles across the valley. The refrigerator crashed and bounced violently as Nolrem flew right out and tumbled along the ground. "Welcome to the future, bub. Huff…" Ydnew's Fury disabled. "I need to rest a bit. Better call somebody to check on and grab him."

"Okay, but we need to go. Hurry up."

"Hey, I give the orders, Revi." Ydnew cracked a smirk, using the last of her stamina to follow them down.

They made it back inside the trucks and continued zooming up the road away from their pursuers. DNK operatives, Sicnarf Thgirbluf and his cousin, Sucram directly broke into Bronzebob and Admiral Azure's tank, in which there was plenty of room for combat. (Music: "General Guy Battle" from Paper Mario!) Sicnarf used Haki to land hits against the Russian Dya-Namite and endure his explosions. Sucram kept his distance as he evaded Azure's smaller dynamites, blasting his laser rifle in return. "I say, you lot are making us quite late for our appointment!" Azure yelled in his high British accent.

"Azure, my brother, let us begone with them with a double Dya-Bast!" Both bombs linked up and charged fuses.

"Sucram!" Sicnarf curled up like a ball and hardened himself.

"Got it!" The older cousin picked him up and began to spin around. The Dya-Namites charged at them, but as Sucram threw his cousin, his force persevered and smashed the dynamites through the control panel. The impact KO'ed the bombs before they could go off, their fuses fading.

"Hah…we sure showed them who the real war bros are!" Sicnarf thumbed up.

"We sure did, Cous!"

Sternrudder Island

Atteirneh and Reswob Jr. had planted the Brocco Tree in the island's soil several days ago. They were in delight as the ground began to glow a bright green. The Keel Mangos, coconuts, and shrubs began to grow in great abundance. "Do you think it's had any effect on the rest of the planet?" Reswob asked.

"I wish I could tell." Atteir put her hand to the tree. "Nnn…lately, whenever I try to use my bending, my insides hurt. I feel like… that Oiram guy did something."

Somewhere, Oiram was smirking to himself. Indeed, a few of his bullets contained a pesticide-like drug. It had no visible effect on people, but was deadly to plants and would nullify the chi of plantbenders. "But the world's covered in Purifying Rain, so it has to be working." Reswob said. "If only they could stop Shrew… then we can all enjoy this new harvest in peace."

"General Reswob!" A Ninjapook leapt out. "There's a fleet! A mafia fleet is gathered around the island! And the Black Shroom is leading them!"

"No!" the Apook gasped. "It was only a matter of time before she discovered us, but… they couldn't possibly know the way in the island, right?"

"We have to assume they have a way." Atteir said. "Lord Abmoog, build a wall around the tree! Have the Puffs and Utikal ready to intercept her poison weapons. Scrubber Blooper and Aqua Flounder, try to take down some of the fleet!"

Oiraw's caravan had been on the run for two days, and soldatos were already prepared to intercept them at any backup bases. "Must be the work of Yeknod." Airam deduced. "He probably narrowed down where I was hiding and predicted where I'd try to run to. Or he just figured out where all the rebel bases were and organized attacks, anyway. He's a smart monkey, after all."

"Not smart enough to beat that big space ape." Revilo smirked, thinking of Ikik. "Sucks that I couldn't see it happen."

"Uuuuugh, will you guys shut uuuuuup." Ydnew moaned from her curtained bed. "All your thinking aloud and negativity, giving me a headaaaaache."

"Yeah… that's another side effect of the growing formula." Sutsugua smiled sheepishly. "Your mind relives a lot of childhood and hormonal stress. "Her injuries haven't made it any more pleasant."

"Everyone, we're changing course!" Oiraw shouted. "Don Shrew is surrounding Sternrudder Island! Where we planted the Brocco Tree!"

"What?!" Airam gasped. "Damn… get us there ASAP!"

"Do you have what you need to fight her?"

"We can whip up the finishing touches on the way." Sutsugua said. "Make sure the DNK know so they can send someone."

"What about me?!" Primagen shouted. "My time's nearly up, I demand the cure now!"

"Chill, buddy, it's right here." Airam pulled out a pill. "You've been a most reliable assistant and I'm grateful."

With that, she tossed the pill for him to eat. "OOG-! …ugh." The Primagen passed out in slumber.

"But I was lying about the poison to start with. Sleep tight until the DNK take you back."

"It's now or never, Airam." Sutsugua said. "Don Shrew and the Oiram Brothers… today is the day to stop them for good."

"I'm ready."

The seven days of worldwide rain had passed. The air slowly became clear as the downpour slowed and stopped. The sky was rid of clouds as starlight graced the sea. "Should've known they were using this fog as a hideout." Don Shrew thought aloud. "Every one of our ships that've tried to sail through wind up getting nowhere. If Yeknod is correct, this fog is the result of a spiritual presence, protecting this island. But if we could get past this fog, I wonder what can protect them then?"

"And how are we supposed to get through?" Oiram asked.

"With this~" Shrew withdrew a vial of orange poison. "I acquired this poison from a rather special patron. Supposedly, it can melt through spiritual barriers like acid on wood. Thought about saving it for the Oob Deacon, but perhaps it's good that I waited. I don't know how long the fog will stay down, but now that that strange rain appears to be over, I don't foresee the chemical wearing off too soon. Once this fog is down, I want you to storm the base and destroy whatever it is they're making."

"Why don't YOU attack the base and I'll stay here for whenever Airam shows up? I sure as hell can't count on YOU to punish her."

"Excuse me? Who was it that tracked her down in New Galaxia? Who chased her and that wretched Egeb down Spring Mountain? I sure don't remember YOU helping!"

"Well, you had a million opportunities to rip her of those Noble Gases, to lock her away, but noooooo, you wanted to give her a 'chance' to challenge you, see if she could take you down, and look where we are! Whatever kind of voodoo she pulled is ruining all our drugs! If I were in charge of this stupid cazzate, I wouldn't have let her gone anywhere! I would've burned those rebels a long time ago instead of herding them to their territory. But you let things get out of hand because YOU were cocky!"

"Yeah, you bearded oaf?!" Don Shrew got in his face. "If you were in charge, our entire army would've shipwrecked decades ago!"

"That's a lie and you know it! Who stormed the Apook Valley?! Who sent that old turtle running?! Who killed that wretched spirit Laughetta?! WHO?!"

"You would've been smoked without my brains and guidance! Not to mention the drugs that I created!"

"You're the one that was almost smoked, Shrew! You let your guard down 24 years ago, and who was it that had to save your stupid asino?!"

"Did you just call me a donkey, you smog-mouthed brillo?!"

"Your damn right I did, you toxic discarica!"

"!!!!!!" And the couple locked in a heated kiss, muffling their next line of insults. It just sounded like, "MM-HM-HM-HM-HM!" "Hwe-ya-ya-ya-ya!" "1UP-1UP-1UP!" "Ohhhhh Dada Dia…"

"Will you two sex addicts knock it off?!" Igiul shouted. "Burn the stupid fog already!"

They released. "Won't you do it, Oiram? Won't you be my… villain again? I'll sing our song~"

"Eh…you know I can't resist the classics."

Don Shrew gestured to a piano Toad. "C-Minor, a little C-Minor." He began to play a gentle song. As Oiram and Igiul boarded motorboats and lowered to the sea, Don Shrew waltzed slowly and sang. (Play "I Need a Hero" from Shrek.)

"Where have all the bad men gone, and… where are all the demons? Where's the wise-cracked Hades to fight the fallen heathens?"

Airam's crew was arriving on the Nostra Castello. They sailed from the opposite direction of the flagship, so her mother was nowhere in sight. "They're everywhere… but what're they planning?"

"Isn't there a black knight upon a frozen steed?" The Oirams were closing in on the fog. "Late in the day, under a crimson sky, I fear of what I need… HIT IT!"

She inserted the vial into a cannon, pumped it with her own bending, and fired. The mass of orange gas ruptured the fog and dissolved it, exposing Sternrudder Island. The horrified Revolutionaries quickly flew and swam to attack the fleet as Don Shrew's chorus hollered. The tempo increased, and Shrew sang with much passion. "I need a villain! I'm holding out for a hero in the dark of night! He's gotta do wrong and he's gotta bring death, and he's gotta cut flesh in the fight!"

"Dammit, they're attacking!"

"Whaddo we do, Sissy?!" Esiuol asked. "Ah hear Mom, but Ah don't see Mom!"

"Esiuol, tie yourself to this!" Airam pulled out a G.R.A.P.P.L.U.H. and tied the line to Esiuol's arm. "Like we did in space! Ollar, book Sutsugua!"

"Affirmative!" Ollar sealed Sutsugua in a book for Airam to carry. With that, the heiress leapt atop her sister, who used her Magnet power to repel Airam skyward. She retracted the grappler to pull Esiuol up with her, and Esiuol repelled her over and over. Airam basked in the fresh, clean, salty air, feeling the rush of excitement as she whooshed up, down, up, down, soaring over the fleet!

"I need a villain! I'm holding out (Villain~) for a villain in the darkest of night (Villain in the darkest night)!" The Toads were really getting into the groove, dancing ecstatically aboard the deck. "He's gotta be cruel and it's gotta be soon, and he's gotta be after your life. After your LIFE~"

Oiram relentlessly blasted Aqua Flounder with a gatling gun, and when Scrubber Blooper tried to grab him, Igiul sliced his tentacle right off. Blooper flipped Igiul's boat up to the air, but he extracted a helicopter from his helmet and stayed out of the water. He sliced airwaves down in the water, combined with the Chop-Chop power to easily dice Blooper up further. And if that weren't enough, Oiram's shock gun would easily do the aquatic opponents in.

"Somewhere after twilight in my wildest fantasy…" The Puffs and Utikals had been rid of their poison thanks to the rain, now stored with Purifying Water they planned to blast Shrew with. "Somewhere just within my reach, they're running in fear of me. Racing on the THUNDER," Shrew fired an Oxygen Beam straight along the clouds, burning them, "and RISING with the heat!" She cast a wave of gas over them, watching them float to the sky like fallen fish. "It's gonna take a madman to sweep me off my feet!"

Oiram and Igiul set foot on the island, setting sights on that large stone spire in the center. Lord Abmoog couldn't set up enough rock to cover the top of the tree, its ethereal glow marking it as a clear target. But then a Gas Bomb crashed on them, smogging the brothers' vision, followed by Allebmoog delivered a firm, spring-loaded punch to their faces. As the gas cleared, they shot glares at her and Anaigrom. "Miss us?" the latter smirked.

A gust of wind blew the brothers back to the sea, but Igiul used his propeller to stay aloft, grabbing his brother. "You kids…" Oiraw said to the girls. "Thank you for avenging my brother."

"Don't thank us. Thank that guy." Out at sea, Aullik was already surfing to crash ships into each other. Other revolutionaries and operatives were attacking the fleet on the other side, including Yddam and Hcaz.

"Down where the sea meets the magma below!" Don Shrew did a tap-dance. "Out where the lightning SPLITS the land! There is nowhere no one can run to escape my hand!"

Her mother's flagship was clear in the distance, Airam's glare deadlocked on her. "Through the smoke, the pollution, and pain…" Airam gasped, sensing a huge buildup of energy. "And the storm and the flood!" She was conjuring a powerful Gas Nuke. "I can feel her approach like a toxin in my blood!"

"Like a toxin in my blood, a toxin in my blood~" The Toads chorused in repetition as the nuke flew directly toward the Brocco Tree. Airam immediately dropped in its trajectory, meeting the nuke just before it struck. She used her power to keep it compressed and struggled to repel it. "A toxin in my blood, a toxin in my… BLOOOOOOOD!" Airam repelled with enough force to blow the nuke straight back into the Black Shroom, sickening the dancers onboard.

Anaigrom donned bulletproof armor to withstand Oiram's shots, pumping herself with Silver Flurp to shoot explosive gas against the mercenary. Allebmoog used Spring Tattoos to help her arms bounce herself around, evading his gunfire. Oiraw blew the merc off his feet, and Allebmoog leapt to double WHAM him in the back. Oiram got up and fired his shock rod at Anaigrom, but her Compowder switched her to rubber armor, withstanding it. She launched with a Gas Rocket and KICKED him in the nose, followed by Allebmoog grabbing his arms to twist them. Oiram escaped her grasp, grabbed her, and slammed Allebmoog around the ground before chucking her into Oiraw.

Igiul dashed for the tree, but Lord Abmoog bent rock walls up to crush him. Igiul easily chopped the stones and sent airwaves to sever the Abmoog's arms into pieces, like large cuts of ham. "What the-?! Why aren't I bleeding, why doesn't it hurt?!"

"My Chop-Chop power can slice strong materials and people with weak effort, with the cost they can be put back together. That won't matter after I SERIOUSLY dice you up!" Igiul lunged at the large Abmoog with Haki-imbued blades.

"DING-DING-DING, DELIVERY!" Hcaz Yhprum intercepted the knives with a Haki-imbued train. "Somebody order twelve tankards of owl meat with a side of pudding?"

"Who the devil are you?!" Igiul asked.

"WE'RE JUST BRINGING YOU PUDDING!" Yddam burst out of a tankard, crying as she pelted Igiul with Pudding Karate.

"DAGAGAGAGAGAGOW!" Igiul blew headfirst into a tree. "Rotten kids! I'll skewer you alive!" He sliced airwaves to cut Hcaz and Yddam into pieces—their bodies were linked with rubber bands. "What in blazes are you kids?!"

"I'll tell you what we are!" Hcaz pulled himself together. "We're the Mafia Busters! You've broken one too many school rules and you're busted!"

"I said, GET BUSTED!" Hcaz bashed him in the skull with a bust resembling Alan Rickman.

"Yddam, I'm still waiting on my St. Patrick's Day gift." Rickman stated sternly.

"I never promised you a gift!" she panicked. "We don't even celebrate that!"

"How disappointing. Hcaz, to my office."

"Understood, sir." The two calmly and morbidly traveled through a dark, misty alley and entered a shabby door. Inside, they engaged in a game of Ping-Pong as they reflected upon their misery.

"Where did all this come from?!" Igiul shouted.

"How is Okam doing?" Rickman asked.

"She became a psychiatrist for giant robots."

"Delightful." Rickman accidentally hit the ball off the table. "Whoops."

It hit a drum full of volatile chemicals that was beside Igiul. "AAAAAAAHHH!"

Yddam walked beside her brother, smiling as Igiul groaned from the attack. "I think we found someone who appreciates your humor."

"Then let's give him a show~"

"I need a villain! I'm holding out for a villain 'til the world ignites! He's gotta be cruel and unmerciful, and he's gotta be after their lives!"

Oiram put a poison bullet through Oiraw's shoulder, but Oiraw had bent the air to uppercut Oiram, leaving Allebmoog to launch, grab his chin, and SLAM him into a boulder. Oiram blasted a shotgun and grazed her arm, but as she fell, she swung up the other arm to grab and throw him into Anaigrom. He already aimed to shoot, but Oiraw's gust redirected his aim. Anaigrom, switched into her new cactus suit, pierced his face with a thorny punch, but Oiram's hardened foot stomped her in the gut as well, blasting her through several trees. The trees toppled as Anaigrom was left dizzy. Oiram sprung high to shoot with a rifle, but Allebmoog sprung to punch his aim upward. He grabbed the Abmoog and slammed her violently to the ground. Oiraw blew himself over to headbutt the mercenary, splashing Oiram and himself into a pond. The two wrestled in the pond, trying to drown each other.

"He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast, and be the last man standing tonight!" Esiuol repelled Airam with greater pace, eventually flying her straight toward the flagship. Airam surged with Radon, shining green as she mustered it in the palm of her hands. Don Shrew took a breath and, "I need a VILLAIN!" bellowed another Oxygen Beam. Airam blocked it at pointblank from the mafia don, forcing Shrew through two of the masts and into her cabin. The masts toppled over and crashed on the nearby ships.

Airam released Sutsugua from the book. "It's over, Mom. I'm taking back what's mine."

"Mushu shu shu shu shu shu!" She kicked part of the splintered wall down as she marched out of the cabin. "You really think you're ready to take my office? Even if you've won the trust of these rebels, even if you've used some voodoo to ruin my crops, you've already painted a target on your head! My customers will be after you! My consiglieres will never forgive you! And the governments of the universe will hold you responsible for everything I did!"

"Everything YOU did? You're the one who's going to pay for it all! Even if you have to spend 1,000 years in prison!"

"You mean you're NOT going to kill me? Mushushushu! Just try to bring me in, just try to chain me down! One way or another, I'll escape, because that's just what we do in this biz! I'll escape and attack you 1,000 times over, and your little friends, too. You'll never know a day of sleep!"

"I'll sleep pretty well after this. The DNK already have the navy after them… though I'd like to imagine they'll be pretty grateful if we take out Jarg. I have nothing to worry about." Airam pulled off one of her sunglasses as a sign of confidence. "My friends can protect their selves, and if they need help, I'll be there for them. Otherwise, I'll be here, protecting this world. Toadstool will be a beautiful place again!"

"We'll see how long that lasts! If you even survive, that is! Get ready for cold, hard discipline, brats!" (Play "Main Theme – Yakuza 0" from Smash Ultimate!)

Don Shrew waved her hand and cast a gas wave at the duo, Airam enduring and shooting Neon Vision from her shades. Don Shrew extended an Oxygen Sword to thrust at Airam, the daughter evading and electrifying Shrew with Krypton. She kept the electrification focused until Sutsugua bent a vial of poison out of his cube and splashed it over Shrew. "Hnn?! What's this?" Shrew's skin began to wave slightly like a lava lamp.

"An old poison." Airam drew her gun to land a few shots. Shrew evaded some, but the waviness made it difficult.

"Peh! I'll just use some of my own!" Shrew bent up some dust and waved it over the duo, inflicting her foes with a strong itching sensation. Shrew cast Sars Ztars at Sutsugua, but he had some medicines ready to treat himself. Shrew tried to grab those medicines in her bending, but Sutsugua fought over them. Airam zapped Krypton at Shrew, so she released her grip in evasion, but then suffered a Sleep Gas Bomb from Sutsugua. It only nulled her senses for a brief second, but that with the Wavy Skin Syndrome caused her to trip, allowing Airam to shoot her in the face. Shrew sprung back up and blew a cloud of Calamity Cold, enveloping the whole deck. They felt fatigued with the symptoms of the common cold, but Sutsugua kickstarted their immune systems with healthy vitamins.

"Whatever poisons you have lined up for me," they sensed Shrew's attacks in the cloud, dodging her Gas Bombs, "I'll become immune to them, too! You're making me stronger, Airam!"

"There's only so much the human body can take without the right treatment."

"Maybe so, but a child needs nurturing more than me!" Shrew condensed and spun the cloud into tornadoes of common cold, willing them to spin and chill the duo so much that snot spilled from their noses.

"Cleaning out our noses, how kind of you!" Sutsugua bent their combined snot into a bind to strangle Shrew's neck, but she ripped it off herself. Sutsugua reclaimed the snot, to which Shrew blew a huge puddle of her own snot. She bent the snot up into clones of Airam that made faces at her, saying, "This is how you look and you stink!" The Snot Clones dogpiled her, but she sliced them to a gooey mess with a Xenon Sword. Shrew flew around on a gas cloud and shot snot around the deck with great speed, having swallowed a drug that amplifies her boogery quantity. She bent the snot into clones to pile over her daughter, while she herself formed a Cancer Claw to grab Sutsugua. She squeezed the health out of him, attempting to bend away his drugs, but Sutsugua tugged against them again. "Forgive me, Your Grace. You were having a moment with your daughter, so I didn't want to interrupt."

"You'll not be interrupting me again, b-" Sutsugua suddenly let a drug zip up to her, going up her nose. Her skin turned blue and hair white as her body felt soft. Shrew flew away and ate some mushrooms to rid this softness, dodging Sutsugua's Gas Bullets in the process.

"It's a shame, Don Shrew! That perfect body of yours could've cured a lot of people! You could've been a hero!"

"Why do that when I can stand at the top of the criminal underworld?! My perfect immune system sets me above ALL mortals!" Don Shrew whooshed across the fleet, landing on an upturned ship. She began to muster another Gas Nuke, targeted at the Brocco Tree.

"Esiuol!" Airam linked with her sister via the grappler, using her to fly across the broken ships. "Oh?" But she spotted a tidal wave rising from behind the don.

"AAAAH!" The wave flipped the ship over and splashed her in the sea.

"Get dunked, you old fart." Aullik smirked. "AAAH!" The boss burst from the sea on a Gas Bubble. "I didn't mean that for real, m-" Shrew lunched to KICK the surfer in the head. He keeled back in the water, but Shrew's current condition let him keep consciousness. She was about to smother him with gas, but Airam repelled herself with such force to HEADBUTT her mother, electrifying her as she knocked her into the sea. "Aullik, if you can still float, carry Esiuol!" Airam dropped her sister onto the surfer before diving in as well. As expected, Shrew filthified the sea around her, blasting huge Gas Bubbles, but Airam puffed out a Helium Jet to maneuver faster underwater. She dodged her way up to Shrew to shoot Neon Vision against her, but afterward, she had to resurface for air. Shrew needed a breath as well, but Airam seized the chance to throw another drug into her.

This poison caused steam to emit from her eyes, hurting her vision. "Oi, Boss!" A squad of oil ships came sailing, turning the sea black with the substance. "We thought you might like some o' this!" the Piantas said.

"It's about TIME you got here!" Shrew swam for the oil and bent it up into giant blobs with eyes and gaping mouths: they were Oil Blarggs. The monsters dove at Airam, but Yenmihc zoomed in on her own motorboat and restrained the monsters with her own bending.

"Man, I thought she only knew drugs and sickness, but she's got a lot of Poison techniques up her plate. On the plus side, it's safe for me to help out now!"

"Wait for us, dude!" Aullik surfed over with Sutsugua and Esiuol on his board.

"You okay, Aullik?" Airam asked.

"Shyah, dude, just needed a band-aid." He raised his bangs to show the bandage wrap Sutsugua gave him, damp from some blood loss.

Airam rode on Yenmihc's boat as they rode through the oil sea, the latter bending the Blarggs away and taking some under her control. Sutsugua, meanwhile, threw Sleep Gas Bombs at the Piantas manning the boats. Don Shrew was on the furthest boat, molding up a huge glob of oil to shoot toward the island. Yenmihc waved the oil to move them faster, then chose to dive in and shoot up with an oil cyclone. She mustered the strength to BLOCK the Oil Nuke as it launched, struggling to keep it in place. Don Shrew flew up to shove against it herself, but the round mass wound up smashing and splattering over them.

Shrew and Yenmihc both levitated with Oil Cyclones and slashed the goop at each other. Yenmihc bent up an Oil Blargg to nom Shrew, but Shrew bent up a bigger Blargg to nom Yenmihc's, the latter flying back before she herself joined. However, as Shrew's eyes kept steaming, the oil on her face caught fire. "AAAAAHH!" She dove into the sea and set off all the oil.

"WAAAAAH!" Airam blasted away with Helium and grabbed Yenmihc, whilst the other three surfed away on their own. Don Shrew had bent the oil off herself before swimming away from the flaming chunk of sea. She returned to the fleet of wrecked ships and climbed on an upright one. The boss twirled out some cigarettes wrapped with special ingredients, lighting them up and taking a huff. She began to puff out bullets of fire with sniper speed. Sutsugua helped Aullik duck his head as they surfed her direction, but the gas from the passing embers entered Aullik's nose, turning his skin green. His eyes rolled up like a zombie and his limbs angled like such.

They fell right off the board, but Sutsugua helped swim them back onto it. He and Esiuol had breathed some of the gas, but he had some medicine ready to negate the effect. "Airam told me about her mom's drugs, so we made time to whip up some counters for them."

"Thank ya, Sugu." Esiuol smiled. "Ma never gave me the same treatments as Airam 'cause I weren't a poisonbender."

"She had her life easier than mine." Airam said, sailing near them as she shot bolts of Krypton to strike the bullets down. She then puffed out pinkish clouds of Argon, combined into a large mass to block them from Shrew's aiming. "Esiuol, wanna help me get closer? Sutsugua, toss me a couple more."

"Got ya!" He tossed her some drugs.

She and Esiuol used the "Infinite Jump" technique to fly toward Shrew. Once close, she formed another Argon Cloud over the boss, followed by shooting Xenon Beams by sensing her location. "Look at yourself, Esiuol." Shrew leapt out of the argon with an Oxygen Sword raised. Airam forged a Xenon Sword and clashed with the boss. "Your sister doesn't care about endangering you, even after you've become a convenient tool for her!"

"I'm proud to be Sissy's tool!"

"Pathetic." The impacts of their gases sent blinding sparks. They were just like ordinary pirates having a scuffle on the deck. Those on the island able to view it were in awe of Airam's bravery, rooting for the heiress. "You know, they say that some parents who have twins give one of those twins drugs that dumb them down. This is to prevent sibling rivalry, as well as to avoid confusing the kids. Of course, that's only a rumor~"

Airam couldn't help but think of Eelyah. "And I guess Dad and Uncle Igiul both got a dose."

"Very fun—nagh!" Clouds began to mold within Shrew's head and leak out of the openings.

"Slipped a drug in with the argon." Airam sliced her mother's arm, but while it remained intact, the pain still coursed through her. She then tackled Shrew and began rapid-punching her jaw with Radon-powered punches, to which Shrew bent up a new drug to make Airam's vision spin like a complex hypnotic wheel. Even closing her eyes didn't help, but she could only rely on her Haki either way.

On the island, Yddam and Igiul wound up attending a college class on how to craft shopping carts. "We apply Quick Rust to these areas," Hcaz directed, "in order to weld the carts together so that customers won't be able to take them without permission."

"That is needlessly complicated!" Igiul shouted. "If you want to stick them together, get some sort of chain lock!"

"Don't doubt the powers of nature!" Hcaz brought together two carts to SQUISH the merc in-between. Rust molded and trapped him. "And SHODDY CRAFTSMANSHIP!" Hcaz furiously began bashing the carts against the floor, eventually smashing them to pieces as Igiul tumbled out.

"Can you tell he's speaking from experience?" Yddam asked the readers.

"BAH! Whoever crafted your brain is the shoddy one around here!" Igiul ran to a tall boulder and chopped it into segments. He then diced his own body up and attached them to the segments, becoming a golem. "But look what I crafted!" He threw a powerful punch and sent Hcaz flying across the island, smashing through several trees before splashing in the sea. "I'll finish you before he gets his next gag ready!" Igiul chomped his boulder-pads thin and attempted to chop Yddam just the same. Yddam flipped into the nearby river, spun around, and shot jets of water like a revolver. Igiul dodged, but took one to the face. Yddam then proceeded to jump to and thrust punches at each of Igiul's separated segments, the blood inside them pulsing as Igiul gagged in dizziness. Yddam dodged his next chop, but suffered a kick to the face and got knocked out.

As Igiul moved to squash her, Hcaz emerged with his own golem: a mass of soggy underwear sailors lost at sea. Igiul, feeling insulted by the idea, charged and SMASHED the pile of underwear apart. "Hatty! Is that you?!" asked a girl pair.

"Garmet! I've been looking for you!" Igiul's helmet came to life.

"Let's go, sweetie! Together!" Garmet hugged Hatty as the latter flew them away with its propeller.

"Love is weird, ain't it?" Hcaz casually pulled a Jenga block out of Igiul's golem. The merc screamed as his pieces fell into the sea. His body auto-assembled and balloons inflated in his clothes to return him to the surface.

"Hah! You didn't think it'd be that easy to drown-"

"I refuse to learn the basics of cart detaching!" Garmet kicked a cluster of rusted shopping carts onto Igiul after a bad shopping experience. Pushed under the sea, the merc could do naught but let the waters entangle him.

Meanwhile, Oiraw had been knocked out by Oiram, the gunner setting his sights on the girls. Anaigrom donned highlights for her magenta hair, gold feathers, a white top and skirt with gold edges, and brown sandals with leg straps, along with green gems in some areas, calling herself the High Priest of Gas. With a drink of Gold Flurp, she ran more swiftly, leaving streaks of gas and striking Oiram with stench-powered punches and kicks. He sucked broken debris into his Vacuum Gun to shoot her and cleared some of the gas with this means. Allebmoog, using her favorite Dragon Tattoo, tanked whatever shots Oiram threw at her. She grabbed his Vac-Gun and ripped it, uppercutted his jaw, and dodged his retaliatory bazooka.

The bazooka released an anti-matter bomb and disintegrated part of the jungle. He shot another at Anaigrom, barely missing her and tanking a Gas Bomb. He saw Allebmoog climbing a tree, but easily destroyed the base of it. However, Allebmoog expected this, gripped the part she had climbed, and SLAMMED it into the helmeted merc. Oiram growled and ran through the jungle to attain a better position. "HUH?!" He saw a line of shopping carts in the sea over a coast. Oiram dove into the sea and saw Igiul underneath them. "IGIUUUUL!" He pushed the carts off, grabbed his brother, and brought him to shore.

Oiram pumped his chest to shoot the water out. He remained unconscious, but felt a faint pulse. "RAAAAAAAA!" Oiram raised his anti-matter cannon. "You drowned-a my brother! You sons of-a bitches!"

Anaigrom and Allebmoog bravely pursued, dodging his destructive blasts. Sadly, the merc ran out of ammo. Anaigrom grabbed Allebmoog's hands and Gas Rocketed herself to the air, beginning to spin vertically and build momentum. A desperate Oiram grabbed the butcher knives off Igiul. "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE! YOU MOTHER-"

He raised the knives above him, but Anaigrom hurdled Allebmoog down with terrific force. The Abmoog held out her hands in a chopping fashion, pressing the knives to the helmet. She packed enough force to shatter not only the knives, but the helmet, and Oiram's skull. The older twin passed out on top of his brother.

"Hehehehehe-" Anaigrom jittered from the Flurp, "I guess they cared about each other after, hehehehehe…"

"If you still have energy, think you can help Airam? I need to rest my hands…"

"GOT IT!" She zipped off.

Airam turned pale from some secondhand smoke, and when her mother bellowed an Oxygen Beam, she raised both hands to press it back. Some energy got around and pierced Esiuol's hip, the twin falling over. "HIYAAAAAH!" Then Anaigrom flew up and KICKED Shrew right in the head, halting her attack. Shrew flew off the deck, but was quick to grab Anaigrom and throw her underwater, then toxified the sea. But Revilo suddenly landed on her, using Darkness to weaken her bending; he had fallen from Ydnew's portal. After Shrew shook him off, the spacebender in question pelted her with rapid Starbursts. "I am SERIOUSLY not in the mood for this, but I got a bit of strength back so I might as well fricking use it for something, WHATEVER!" Her hormones still made her a little edgy.

"You think it wise attacking me?!" Shrew flicked a drug up at Ydnew's face: the Perversion Spray caused her to sweat intensely and compelled her to touch her private areas. Shrew flew up and kicked Ydnew down to the deck. Airam fed her a pill to help stabilize the hormones. She saw Revilo coughing from a mild sickness, but pulled himself up to glare at Shrew. "What?! You should've developed WAY worse symptoms than that!"

"'Guess being around you for so long helped me tolerate the stench, cough."

"My friends have grown used to my poisons." Airam declared, her teammates rooted proudly beside her. "And by extension, yours. Even so, we're sick of you. So, give us your best shot, Shrew. I know you're saving your Death Cloud Fury."

"Mush!" Shrew smirked. "You're getting more than that, kid! All these drugs you hit me with, I'm all ready to give them back to you! And I've saved the best for last." Shrew flew further away and ripped off the red gem on her chest.

"That's a drug, too?!" Revilo exclaimed.

"Mushu shu!" Don Shrew opened the back of the gem and huffed the red dust inside. "Let's see how good this Gnosis IS!" A red and purple cloud enveloped her, shaping into a titan of Shrew with horns and glowing eyes.

"Gnosis? Weren't there aliens like that in the Meta-Beasts?"

"Don't hold back, guys!" Airam punched her knuckles together. "It's now or never!" She kicked on her Noble Gas Fury, her shades flashing neon, body electrified, her fists shining radon, a purplish cape of argon cloud, flying with helium, and a greater sword of xenon. Shrew extracted her own Oxygen Greatsword and clashed intensely with Airam's. She sent streams of gas at the others, Ydnew opening portals to send them farther away, but Shrew redirected them around. She shot bullets of acid from them to douse the kids, but Sutsugua gave them more pills. He, Revilo, and Anaigrom boarded Yenmihc's boat, speeding around Shrew as Anaigrom bombarded the giant with Gas Bombs.

Yenmihc bent up a cloud of smog, mixed with Airam's argon as it wrestled Shrew's gas. Airam bent another drug into the cloud, which caused Shrew's spine to twist and shrivel thinner. Airam also bent streams of helium through the mass and into Shrew's ears, giving her a swelling head sensation that worsened her shriveling spine. Shrew swamped Airam with gas and gave her Smurf Skin Syndrome. She tried to do the same to the others, but Ydnew formed Space Blocks around them. Shrew shot Gas Bombs to shatter the Blocks and infected them, anyway. "SCREW IT!!" Anaigrom held her breath and blasted into the gas, kicking Shrew in the jaw, dodging her grab, punching the back of her head, dodging, then grabbing her collar and skirt before kicking and bending the spine in.

Shrew banished Anaigrom, knocking the Sinalaf out, but before she could take a pill to repair herself, Airam swiped it and dealt a Radon Punch mixed with lightning. This would bend Shrew's spine back the other way, the don shooting a stream of boiling snot from her nostrils. Ydnew caught the snot in a portal to redirect it at Shrew, but Shrew bent it back through the portal with sudden speed and made the snot shoot out like rampant, small meteors. Some grazed Airam and Ydnew, their Smurf Skin causing them to take more damage. Furthermore, Shrew had loaded Steam-Eyed Sickness into them, causing their vision to steam up.

Yenmihc bent up another round of smog, choking Shrew within it, but Shrew willed the smog to ignite and BURN Yenmihc, the -W7 helmsman falling off the boat unconscious. Sutsugua and Revilo combined their chis and created a Darkball encased in a soft pink Sleep Gas. They threw it up hoping to weaken Shrew's stamina, and when the don thrusted a Cancer Claw down, Airam blocked it with a soft barrier of argon. Shrew cast bigger Sars Ztars to cut through the barrier, Airam bending some away, but before one could hit Revilo, he was warped. Ydnew spawned him on her back, then on her warning, he held his breath. Ydnew warped Revilo onto Shrew, attempting to crack her neck, then he was warped, changing position for a dark punch—he suffered a kick to the crotch and went flying, but Ydnew warped his trajectory right beneath Shrew to ram into her. But Revilo probably couldn't tank any more after that hit, so she warped him to shore.

Ydnew conjured a giant Space Block to capture the boss and explode it, but Shrew survived and flew to strangle the spacebender, puffing smoke into her mouth. Airam kicked Shrew right off, but Ydnew had to sign off and start coughing. Don Shrew flared up like a fiery demon, clawing at Airam, who electrified in defense; breathing a gas that made clouds well up from within Airam's head, but she bent those same clouds to smother her mother. Don Shrew flew backward and blasted a quick, but compact Oxygen Beam at the Brocco Tree, which Airam hurriedly flew to block. Shrew changed position and blasted another one, which Airam blocked, then another, and one more. Don Shrew rose to the heavens and took a greater inhale. As she spewed dead toward the Brocco Tree's roots, Airam flew against the blast and pushed up like a comet. She became an actual shooting star for the people of Toadstool as she rose to the gaseous demon.

"…Look!" Reswob beamed. The light of dawn began to peek over the horizon. "To think the battle lasted this long…ah…"

Other rebel ships began to arrive. Captained by Ululikal, Yetep Flounder, and other officers. Many of them were injured or had just escaped imprisonment, but had made it in time to see the dawn of this world.

Airam had impacted the heart of the Death Cloud, choking her mother with all she had left of the Noble Gases. "Those gases… belong to me…" Don Shrew struggled to force her hand through the power, her fingers aimed to impale Airam's neck.

"Nnnnnnnn…NOOOOOO!" Airam surged and ignited the whole entity in a flashing, neon-colored explosion. Following the great lightshow above Sternrudder's sky, the two plummeted toward the island. Esiuol was all ready to attract up to Airam and grab her to break the fall. Meanwhile, they let Shrew crash on the earth. (End song.)

"Kff…khh…KUH…" Unfortunately, the don was able to pull herself to her feet. "Toadstool will never to its ancient form!" She glared up at the stone-covered Brocco Tree. The restored Lord Abmoog was ready to protect it, Atteir and Reswob Jr. beneath him. "This… will always be the Drug Kingdom!" Shrew raised a hand and expanded a Gas Bomb. "It… is the only…?" There was a hint of green beneath her purple glove. "?!" She ripped the glove off. Her arm was turning a light-green, broccoli leaves growing from it. "What?!" She could feel it happening to her whole body. Morphing into a huge piece of broccoli, the trunk ripped off her dress. Leaves coated her head and hands. "What's happening?!"

"Did you know the Little Dad's founder, Mama Tebrehs, sealed herself inside a Soul Tree upon her death?" She turned to look down at Airam. "Soul Trees are a favored resting place for spirits, but can be used to seal demons. That Gnosis you inhaled was given to you by a demon, designed to give you demon-like properties and make your gas sicker. But, by mixing properties from pieces of Tebrehs' Soul Tree, the Brocco Tree, and some enhanced Tree Fever formula, I spun together a decent drug. I dropped the seed into you with that last attack. It only would've reacted after you whiffed the Gnosis and became a demon which it could seal. It was still good to wear out your immune system with those other drugs."

"I…Impossible…" Shrew struggled to stomp, growing rooted in the ground. "You were… only a baby when I met that demon…"

"I'm smarter than you gave me credit for. They could use a nice tree in prison."

". . . . ! AIRAAAA…" But as she reached for her daughter, the Shrew was rooted solid. (Play "Un Sogno" from Golden Wind.)

The operatives and revolutionaries could hardly believe it. Was Don Shrew really defeated? The criminal empress who terrorized Toadstool for decades, the woman who poisoned the planet and enslaved nearly all the races…

If they couldn't believe it enough, Airam took her gun and shot the arms off the tree. A new dawn shone above the ruins of Sternrudder Island. But amongst that ruin, one thing stood more beautifully than ever: Lord Abmoog dropped the barrier around the Brocco Tree.

Lots of vegetables grew upon the top branches. Eggplant, zucchini, carrots, asparagus, potatoes… and across the world, a new bounty of produce graced the fields, the forests, the mountains, the sea, even the sky.

"Look, Bro!" The Blue Abmoog saw a red Mushroom with white spots grow from the ground. "This looks like the Mushroom our parents used to tell us about."

"But it can't be…" said Red Abmoog.

"Why don't you take a bite and find out?" the Oob Deacon smiled.

Blue took a bite. "Whoa! It tastes… really good. But… it doesn't taste like the drugs."

"Wait! What's that?" Red saw a red flower with eyes grow from the ground. He went to pluck it. "Is this…" He ate the flower. "Hah!" He shot out a fireball. "It is! A Fire Flower!"

"Oob Deacon! Where did this all come from?!"

"I wonder, children…" The Oob blissfully flew across the horizon.

All over the world… these strange, magical mushrooms and flowers bloomed. An Apook kid was playing with his Oob friend when they found an Oob Shroom. The Apook ate it and became an Oob himself. He panicked for a bit, but when he flew too close to a lightpost, he turned back to normal. A Toad girl and a Kremling boy reached for a lush, yellow banana at the same time. …The Toad decided to let the Kremling have it. …It was the best banana he'd ever tasted.

The Revolutionaries and DNK were all gathered at the island. H.Q. sent down some transports with earthbenders, uprooting Shrew's tree and the soil with it. They loaded her and the Oiram Brothers onboard… while helping a recovering Asigan onto the island. Asigan looked up as Aullik approached her, his skin faintly fading back to peach. Aullik opened his hands… and there stood little Oemor. The bookworm smiled at the sky-blue swimmer, gently taken in Asigan's swollen, but pretty hands. She brought Oemor to her nose to receive a little kiss.

Mauqs approached the group, feeling a tad awkward. The Washlings and Octowashes were at his back. Yknam Gnok walked Ikik onto the island. Sutsugua helped wake up Ydnew, Revilo, Yenmihc, Anaigrom, Yddam, and Oiraw. They, Allebmoog, Xedni, Yetep, Aqua Flounder, Scrubber Blooper, the Puffs, the Utikal, Esiuol…

They all seemed like they were looking at Airam… but she turned. Behind her was Reswob, Jr.… but even he stepped aside. A turtle shell submarine rose from the sea. The hatch opened. …Governor-General Reswob Apook stepped off. He was extremely old and thin, using a cane to walk, a beard hanging like a thin waterfall. He gave a withered smile to Airam as he limped forward.

Airam took off her shades and greeted the commander with a respectful bow. Reswob reached his cane beneath her face and bent it up. He made Airam look to the Brocco Tree… the source of all new life on Toadstool. Airam faced Reswob once more. The turtle nodded. Airam, her glare unchanging, nodded back.

And so, with a new stone throne bent up by Abmoog, Airam approached the tree. The great, glowing stalk rose higher, and higher, and higher… The revolutionary commanders faced their new don with pride and loyalty. And as Sutsugua walked with her, Atteir, the Bodyguard Trio, and the Little Dads bowed in acceptance.

Don Airam took her seat beneath the Brocco Tree. Sutsugua stood at her right… Revilo at her left, looking the part of a smug gangster. Ydnew beside him, pretty stern as well. Esiuol came to squeeze on the throne with her sissy. Asigan bowed her head, Oemor doing the same on her open hands. Allebmoog and Anaigrom bowed. The DNK and the Revolutionaries were all in agreement.

The souls of Eponac Egeb, Admiral Uub, and Igiulaw rotated around the tree. The souls of Abatiuqs and the fallen Washlings drifted past Mauqs, the boy gasping. He let out a tear, watching them ascend to the heavens. On this day, Airam Oiram, the don of the Neo Green Mafia, was christened the "Green Star." Toadstool's drug production would end and become a world of magic, kart-racing, golf, tennis, parties, and anything that would make everyone happy.


"Oh yeah, I should probably return these Noble Gases to New Galag." Airam remembered. "Where'd Terezi go, anyway?"

"H3R3 1 4M." Terezi peeked out from behind Aullik, holding a battered Eixid Gnok. "This girl was coming to ambush you, but 1 knocked her out."

"Okay. Hooraaaaay."

SO, was it not obvious that I put my all into that fight?! Did this chapter not have enough passion?! Was this not the Fight of the Year? I mean, it happens around the same time as an earlier Fight of the Year, you know the one I mean! And what really made the kickass boss music work is it kind of sounded like Snatcher’s theme from Hat in Time, fitting for Airam. Y’know what, screw it, this is the end of the Pirate War, who cares about Davy-

“JAR har har har har har har!” The metallic captain laughed as thousands of districts on Tnacsuroc rose to the stars.

Oh, that looks bad. Screw it, I need a break. Need to watch the new Kid Cosmic. Funny thing, this chapter wound up being shorter than I thought because Don Shrew didn’t have that many relevant crewmen left. I initially planned to have the Captain Mollusk fight in this part, but I wanted to end Part 18-2 on a high note and have him be beaten early. Well, this is Gamewizard and the Oiram Sisters… signing out! 

Gamen_Watchcreators' thoughts