
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 6 The Sand Alcamist

I won't let you kill neko langsten stallion says struggling to hold langsten's punch what are you doing stallion we have orders remember stallion pushes him away don't you think this is wrong. I know what is wrong you disobeying the leaders orders langsten if you don't understand then... then we can't work together. Well then langsten says he gets in his fighting stance and so does stallion get out of here now neko! stallion yelled to neko he got up and ran where do you think your going langsten tried to grab neko but all of a sudden a flash of light then neko sees langsten in the wall go! stallion says. Neko runs fast as he can two state alcamist stop him and asks what's the rush neko says langsten has gone crazy his trying to kill me and right now stallion is fighting him so move. Neko thinks for a moment could these two be apart of that cult neko backs away slowly so they don't notice he runs and then hears them yell hey! neko found a place to rest he thinks once more their lord who or what could it be the people with the hoods all had the same symbol with a dragon circling the symbol of chaos I've heard rumors but didn't think they where true the cult of chaos. Neko hear men screaming he runs towards it to see a man in a kabuki mask of a male demon oni. Help us they say neko claps his hands together making two spears sending one at the man in the mask he dodges but neko is fast he strikes with the spear the masked man barely dodges the attack cutting his jacket and shirt the man claps his hands together. Neko charges sand surrounded the man neko throws the spear but it went through the sand the man disappeared neko was left wondering if that was the sand alcamist aka the sand demon.