
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 5 The cult Of chaos

Neko claps his hands together catch ya late mates the ground above opens and the ground below pushes him up the two cultists yelled to their leader telling their was an intruder after him now before are secret is revealed neko thought he got away and saw two those hooded look at him down the hallway. They run towards him here we go the hooded people pull out some paper and place it on the ground they clap their hands together to bring forth two rock beasts. They charge neko claps his hands together pressed them on the ground to create a spear one leaps at neko he slices in half and dodges the other ones attack neko thrusts the spear at the beast it dodges and jumps at neko he dodges then threw the spear at the beast the spear hit it sides killing it. Neko forgot about the hooded people he feels a puncher in his neck he hears a voice say nighty night and sees stallions face before blacking out. Neko awakes in some places its the infirmary neko got up he hears chatter outside the door saying what are we going to do he knows where are hiding place is the other said. We can have him join us or we kill him neko was in shock then that wasn't a dream neko says quietly then neko hears footsteps. I got to get out of here fast neko grabs his clothes he looks back to see stallion and langsten at the door way h..hey guys where are you going neko langsten asks. Just to get fresh neko replies stallion looks down at the ground langsten asks would want to join are side neko we can provide what you need and desire. Im not joining your cult of people neko says I'll give you one more chance make the right choice neko help us change this world once and for all I'll say it once again i won't join you neko says. Langsten puts on his gloves and says bad choice kid he charges at neko throwing punches at him but neko dodges them neko missed his step your done you brat langsten says throwing a strong looking punch at neko an impact shakes the HQ like a earthquake.