
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

The Quarterfinal Showdown

The morning sun filtered through the curtains of room 205, casting a warm glow that signalled the start of a new day. The air buzzed with anticipation—it was time for the quarterfinals. Kyu was in the bathroom, the sound of running water mingling with the low hum of nervous energy that filled the room. Joon-ho sat on his bed, deep in thought, while Kang-dae seized the moment to address the pressing matter at hand.

"So, did you do what you promised?" Kang-dae asked, his voice steady but laced with curiosity.

"Yeah, I watched Aerial's play closely," he replied, a hint of heaviness in his tone. "But before I get into it, are you sure you want to hear this now? I don't want to mess with your focus before the match," Joon-ho looked up, meeting Kang-dae's eyes.

"Don't worry about it. Just shoot it out. We need every bit of intel we can get," with a reassuring smile, Kang-dae nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Joon-ho began to recount what he had observed.

"Personally, Aerial is on another level, man. Chin-hwa and In-su are incredible. Chin-hwa's marksmanship is a unique twist, in that it's almost impossible to get close to him, even for an Assassin. And In-su... his spellcasting is the best one I've ever seen. It's like watching a maestro conduct an orchestra. Every spell, every move, is perfectly timed."

Joon-ho paused, gathering his thoughts.

"Their coordination and communication are top-notch. The way they support each other, especially with their Assassins, is seamless. It's like they have a sixth sense about where they need to be and when. They clinched their spot in the quarterfinals in just one match. Fifteen minutes, and it was over. That kind of efficiency and dominance is... well, it's closer to impossible to beat."

"I see. So, they've set the bar high," Kang-dae absorbed every word, nodding slowly.

"Exactly," Joon-ho affirmed. "But that doesn't mean we can't rise to the challenge. We just need to be smart, adaptable, and as cohesive as they are."

"Well, may whatever come our way, we've got this. We'll take what you've observed and use it to our advantage," Kang-dae smiled, a determined glint in his eyes.

As Kyu stepped out of the bathroom, fresh and ready, the team gathered their gear and prepared to head out. The gravity of Joon-ho's insights hung in the air, a reminder of the formidable opponents they were up against. But it also served as a motivation, a call to elevate their game to new heights.

The journey to the gaming hall was filled with a mix of silence and focused conversation. Joon-ho's observations had provided a clearer picture of the challenge ahead, and now it was up to Team Fire to rise to the occasion. The quarterfinal match awaited, and with it, the chance to prove their mettle against the best.

As they entered the hall, the buzz of the crowd and the flashing lights of the screens welcomed them. The stage was set for the next phase of the tournament. Joon-ho took a deep breath, steeling himself for the battle that lay ahead. The road to victory was paved with challenges, but with their newfound knowledge and determination, Team Fire was ready to forge ahead.

The air buzzed with excitement as Team Fire—Kang-dae, Soo-jin, Hana, Jin-kyong, and Sang-hee—took to the stage for their quarterfinal match. The crowd's roar was deafening, charged with energy, as they prepared to face off against their rivals, a team known as Krazy.

This time, the game mode was Base Attack set in the sprawling, labyrinthine map known as The Lost City, an ancient ruin brimming with hidden paths and strategic high grounds. With respawn and all, the first team to destroy the enemy base within this 30-minute match win.

In the spectator area, Kyu, Hyun-ae, and Joon-ho watched with rapt attention. Joon-ho, who had been preoccupied with thoughts of Aerial, felt a renewed focus after his talk with Kang-dae. Determined to glean insights that could aid Team Fire in a future clash against Aerial, he slapped his cheeks to refocus on the match before him.

The match kicked off with both teams immediately engaging. The narrow alleyways and crumbling structures of The Lost City provided plenty of opportunities for ambushes and tactical play. Krazy was notorious for their aggressive tactics, often overwhelming opponents with sheer force and speed.

As the game progressed, Team Fire showcased their formidable abilities. Kang-dae's strategic acumen was crucial in coordinating their movements, while Soo-jin and Hana spearheaded their offensive operations. Jin-kyong and Sang-hee fortified their position on defence, setting up traps and using the terrain to their advantage.

Joon-ho observed, identifying moments of brilliance as well as areas for improvement. His attention was particularly caught by a skirmish near the central plaza. Soo-jin, with her prized sword aka Shadowbane, took out two of Krazy's players with lethal power. An agile Assassin from Krazy tried to close the distance, but Soo-jin anticipated his moves, ducking behind a column and landing a perfect slice over the neck as he rounded the corner.

"Nice one, Soo-jin," Joon-ho murmured to himself, impressed by her skill and quick reflexes.

Defensively, Jin-kyong and Sang-hee stood firm. Krazy's relentless assaults were met with equally relentless defence. Jin-kyong's warning shots were especially effective, catching Krazy off guard and buying critical time for their team.

Joon-ho's focus sharpened on a critical moment. Krazy managed to break through their defences and made a run for the elimination point, which is if none base were to be destroyed, the team with a higher kill count win. In a desperate manoeuvre, Sang-hee deployed a smoke screen as her spell, obscuring the enemy's vision. Taking advantage of the cover, Jin-kyong flanked the attackers, neutralizing them with swift and precise shots.

As the match neared its conclusion, Kang-dae orchestrated a final push. With Soo-jin providing cover fire, Hana and Kang-dae executed a daring manoeuvre toward Krazy's base. Their coordinated effort paid off: Hana grabbed the elimination point while Kang-dae defended her from incoming attacks. They made a break back towards their base, skillfully dodging and manoeuvring through the ruins.

Joon-ho felt a surge of pride watching the final moments unfold. Team Fire's synergy and determination were on full display. Hana successfully reached their base, securing the enemy base and clinching victory for Team Fire. The crowd erupted in cheers as the game system announced their win.

Hyun-ae leapt to her feet, cheering enthusiastically. Joon-ho joined her, a broad smile spreading across his face. Despite his earlier distractions, he recognized something vital today. Team Fire had the potential to challenge Aerial. They had demonstrated resilience, coordination, and adaptability—qualities essential for the upcoming matches.

As the team exited the stage, victorious and exhilarated, Joon-ho felt a renewed sense of purpose. There were lessons to absorb from today's match, and insights to relay to his teammates. The journey to the finals was far from over, but each match brought them closer, strengthening their resolve for the challenges ahead.

Team Fire was prepared for the semifinals, and Joon-ho knew they had what it took to go all the way. Their convincing victories in the best-of-three series had positioned them as one of the top contenders in the tournament. Analysts and fans alike were quick to label them as the second favourites to win, given their strategic prowess and the exceptional coordination they had displayed. The crowd was abuzz with discussions about their next match, speculating on their chances against the eventual favourites, Aerial.

Aerial had earned their reputation through a series of dominant performances, their playstyle a blend of aggressive offence and impenetrable defence. Their tactics were known for their unpredictability and the sheer skill of their players. To those who had yet to witness an Aerial match, it was said that experiencing their gameplay was like seeing true mastery in action. There was a sense of anticipation, an understanding that Aerial possessed a level of play that could challenge even the best teams.

Team Fire knew that their path to the championship was far from certain. While their recent performances had been strong, Aerial represented a formidable challenge. The team understood the need to refine their strategies and adapt their gameplay. The upcoming matches would not only test their skills but also their ability to innovate and respond to the high-pressure situations that Aerial would undoubtedly bring.

Kang-dae, Soo-jin, Hana, Jin-kyong, and Sang-hee were all aware of the expectations placed upon them. They had proven their capabilities in this tournament, but the upcoming matches would be the real test of their mettle. As they prepared for the semifinals, there was a renewed focus on fine-tuning their strategies, analyzing Aerial's gameplay, and finding ways to exploit any weaknesses they could identify.

The road ahead was daunting, but Team Fire was ready. They had shown resilience and adaptability throughout the tournament, and now, with the semifinals on the horizon, they were determined to bring their best to the challenge. The clash against Aerial would be the defining moment of their journey, and they were ready to face it head-on.