
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

The Calm Before the Storm

The tension in the air was palpable as the announcement was made: the semifinal and final matches would be held on the same day. This schedule change was due to the reduced number of teams—now only four—competing for the championship. The earlier rounds had stretched over several days to accommodate the large number of participants and the limited number of halls. But now, with just the semifinals and finals left, the tournament could be wrapped up in a single, intense day of competition.

To compensate for the condensed schedule, the organizers granted a one-day rest period before the critical matches. This day off was a precious opportunity for the remaining teams to rest, strategize, and prepare for the upcoming challenges.

Joon-ho, Kang-dae, Kyu, Soo-jin, Hana, Jin-kyong, Sang-hee, and Hyun-ae decided to make the most of this respite. They gathered early in the morning for breakfast at the cafeteria, a sense of camaraderie and determination in the air. The cafeteria was bustling with students, but the members of Team Fire were focused, their conversation centred around the upcoming matches.

"Alright, we've got one day to make sure we're as prepared as we can be. Let's talk strategy," Joon-ho stirred his coffee thoughtfully, glancing around at his friends.

"We need to review our past matches and pinpoint any weaknesses. And we need to consider how Aerial plays. They're the team to beat," Kang-dae nodded, taking a sip of his juice.

"Aerial's strength lies in their coordination and quick adaptability. We need to disrupt their rhythm," Soo-jin, starting to learn analytically, pulled out her notebook.

"We also need to be unpredictable. If we're too obvious in our strategies, they'll exploit that," Hana, who had been quietly eating her breakfast, chimed in.

"We should also practice specific scenarios where we might be at a disadvantage. Knowing how to recover from those will be crucial," Jin-kyong added.

"We should focus on our communication. Clear and concise call-outs can make all the difference," Sang-hee, who had a natural talent for support roles, suggested.

Kyu, typically silent but attentive, nodded in agreement. And this is more than enough to get his approval notified by his friends.

"We've come this far as a team. Let's use today to strengthen our bonds and trust in each other's abilities," Hyun-ae, always the supportive presence, encouraged.

"Let's use today wisely. We'll rest, we'll plan, and we'll practice. And tomorrow, we'll give it everything we've got," Joon-ho looked around the table, feeling a surge of pride and determination.

The team spent the rest of the morning discussing their strategies in detail, analyzing their gameplay footage as well as Aerial's. They pointed out strengths to build on and weaknesses to address. Each member offered insights and suggestions, contributing to a comprehensive plan.

After breakfast, the group decided to jump into NexaRealm for some practice. While the main focus was on Team Fire—comprising Kang-dae, Soo-jin, Hana, Jin-kyong, and Sang-hee—Joon-ho and Hyun-ae decided to join in on the fun. Despite not participating in the tournament, they saw this as an opportunity to hone their skills and bond with their friends. Kyu, however, had to step away due to a call, leaving the group for a while.

The atmosphere was focused yet supportive as they moved to a quieter room. They quickly set up their gaming rigs and logged into NexaRealm. The room buzzed with excitement and anticipation.

"Alright, let's start with some basic drills. We need to sharpen our coordination," Kang-dae, the stalwart Tank, took his position at the front.

"And we should practice our crowd control. We need to be able to manage the battlefield," Sang-hee, the Mage, nodded in agreement.

"I'll focus on positioning. Need to make sure I'm not caught out of place," Jin-kyong, the Marksman, adjusted her headset.

Hana and Soo-jin, both Fighters, prepared for close combat scenarios.

"Let's work on our synergy," Hana suggested. "We need to be in sync."

Joon-ho and Hyun-ae, both Assassins, decided to mock fight against Team Fire, providing an unpredictable challenge.

"Let's see if we can keep you guys on your toes," Joon-ho grinned.

"We'll come at you from unexpected angles. Think fast and adapt," Hyun-ae added.

They started with a warm-up match, diving into a simulated battle. Joon-ho and Hyun-ae coordinated their attacks, striking swiftly and retreating just as quickly. Their objective was to disrupt Team Fire's formation and test their adaptability.

Kang-dae held the frontline, using his shield to block attacks and create openings for his teammates.

"Stay behind me," he instructed, absorbing the brunt of the damage.

Sang-hee cast spells to slow down Joon-ho and Hyun-ae, trying to predict their movements.

"They're fast, but we can outsmart them," she said, focusing on the strategic placement of her spells.

Jin-kyong kept a sharp eye out, providing cover fire and targeting the Assassins whenever they revealed themselves.

"I've got your back," she assured her teammates, her aim precise and unwavering.

Hana and Soo-jin worked together, their synergy evident as they alternated between offensive and defensive manoeuvres.

"We can't let them break our formation," Hana called out, parrying an attack from Joon-ho.

Despite their relentless attacks, Joon-ho and Hyun-ae found it challenging to break through Team Fire's defences.

"They're getting better," Hyun-ae remarked, impressed by their progress.

After several rounds of intense practice, they paused to discuss their performance.

"That was good," Joon-ho said, wiping sweat from his brow. "You guys are getting more coordinated."

"Your communication has improved a lot. Keep it up, and you'll be ready for anything," Hyun-ae nodded.

"Thanks for the help, you two. It's good to have such strong opponents in practice," Kang-dae smiled, feeling a sense of pride in his team.

As they continued their practice, Kyu returned, having finished his call. Before Kyu can even ask, some of them already detailing all the things Kyu missed out on, to inform him.

By evening, they had solidified their plans and felt more prepared than ever. The practice session had been gruelling but immensely productive. Team Fire's coordination had reached new heights, and they were starting to function like a well-oiled machine. Joon-ho and Hyun-ae's involvement added an extra layer of unpredictability to their training, ensuring that Team Fire could handle surprise attacks and adapt quickly.

As they packed up their equipment and headed back to their rooms, there was a palpable sense of anticipation and excitement in the air. They knew that tomorrow would be a significant day—the day they would face the ultimate test of their skills and teamwork.

As the day progressed, they took breaks to ensure they didn't overexert themselves, understanding the importance of being well-rested and mentally sharp for the matches ahead. They ate nutritious meals, hydrated, and even took some time to relax and bond as friends, sharing stories and laughter.

After dinner, they parted ways to get some rest. Joon-ho, lying in bed that night, reflected on their journey. He thought about the countless hours they had spent practising, the challenges they had overcome, and how much they had grown as a team. Each member had their unique strengths, and together they formed a formidable force.

He also considered Aerial's prowess, the lessons he had learned from observing their gameplay, and the insights he had shared with his team. He knew that facing Aerial, should they both make it to the final, would be an enormous challenge. But he felt a sense of calm belief in his friends. They had prepared as much as they could, and now it was time to put their skills to the test.

Joon-ho closed his eyes, a myriad of thoughts swirling in his mind. The semifinal and final matches awaited, and they were prepared to face whatever came their way. He felt a deep sense of pride and unity with his friends. Team Fire was ready, and whatever the outcome, they would give it their all.

As he drifted off to sleep, the anticipation of tomorrow's matches lingered in his thoughts. He envisioned their victory, the cheers of the crowd, and the satisfaction of knowing they had done their best. The journey had been long and arduous, but it had also been incredibly rewarding. With a final deep breath, Joon-ho let go of his worries and embraced the sense of calm determination that washed over him. Tomorrow, they would face their ultimate challenge, and he was confident that Team Fire would rise to the occasion.

The night passed quietly, and as the first light of dawn began to break, the campus of NexaCorp Korea University buzzed with energy. It was the day of the semifinal and final matches. For Team Fire, it was the day they had been preparing for, the day they would step into the arena and fight for their place in the annals of NexaRealm history.

Where first the initial winning prize, which is the NCK Points, had been the eye of all participants. Now had turned to a moment where they used to express themselves, show themselves, and prove themselves. By winning, they are a better player than their former selves.