
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

NexaRealm Tournament Buzz

On this Saturday morning, the group chat among Joon-ho, Kang-dae, Kyu, Soo-jin, Sang-hee, Jin-kyong, and Hyun-ae buzzed with excitement as rumours circulated about a weekly NexaRealm tournament being held by the game building. Joon-ho was the first to chime in, intrigued by the prospect of testing his skills in a competitive setting.

"Hey, did anyone else hear about the NexaRealm tournament today?" he typed eagerly.

"I heard about it too, but we should confirm the details before getting our hopes up. Sometimes these things turn out to be just rumours," Kang-dae, ever the cautious one, replied with a hint of scepticism.

"Even if it's just a rumour, it's worth checking out. I'm free today, so count me in!" Soo-jin, always up for an adventure, added

"Do we need to register beforehand, or can we just show up and participate?" Sang-hee, curious but practical, asked.

"I looked it up online, and it seems like registration is open until noon. We still have time if we want to join," Jin-kyong, who had a knack for research, quickly replied.

"I'm interested in watching even if I don't compete. It could be a good opportunity to learn from other players," Hyun-ae, usually quiet but observant, chimed in.

With the group consensus leaning towards attending the tournament, they quickly made plans to meet up at the game building. Joon-ho couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation as he prepared to showcase his skills in the competitive arena of NexaRealm. Little did they know, this tournament would bring about unexpected challenges, friendships, and triumphs that would shape their journey in the virtual world and beyond.

As the discussion in the group chat settled, it became apparent that only Joon-ho and Soo-jin were free to check out the tournament. While others expressed interest, they had prior commitments or preferred to observe rather than participate. With a shared sense of excitement, Joon-ho and Soo-jin exchanged direct messages to coordinate their meeting.

Joon-ho suggested meeting at the intersection that connected the men's and women's dorms, a convenient spot for both of them to converge before heading to the game building. Soo-jin readily agreed, eager to embark on this impromptu adventure with her friend. They set a time to meet and exchanged a few more messages to confirm their plans before heading out to explore the NexaRealm tournament together.

Joon-ho arrived at the intersection first, scanning the area for any sign of Soo-jin. Spotting her approaching from a distance, he waved to catch her attention.

"Hey, Soo-jin! Glad you could make it," he called out with a warm smile.

Soo-jin returned the smile as she reached Joon-ho, adjusting her bag on her shoulder.

"Hey, Joon-ho! I'm excited to see what this tournament is all about," she replied, matching his enthusiasm.

"Yeah, me too. It should be interesting," Joon-ho agreed, gesturing for them to start walking towards the game building. "I wonder what kind of competition they have planned."

As they walked side by side, Soo-jin glanced at Joon-ho with a playful grin.

"Do you think you'll participate if it's a 1v1 NexaRealm tournament?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Joon-ho chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'm not sure. Even if I did participate all the time back in high school," he teased, nudging her playfully. "But who knows? Maybe I'll surprise myself."

Soo-jin laughed, lightly nudging him back.

"You never know until you try," she remarked with a shrug. "But either way, it'll be fun to watch and see what it's all about."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they made their way to the game building, anticipation building with each step. Excited chatter filled the air as they approached their destination, eager to discover what awaited them at the NexaRealm tournament.

As Joon-ho and Soo-jin entered the game building, they were met with a cacophony of sounds and a flurry of activity. The spacious lobby was bustling with students, some engaged in animated conversations while others hurried to find their assigned rooms for the tournament. The air was charged with excitement and anticipation, permeated by the familiar hum of NexaRealm energy.

Navigating through the throng of students, Joon-ho and Soo-jin made their way towards the designated tournament area. Each room they passed was marked with a sign indicating the type of tournament being held within – from intense 5v5 battles to thrilling 1v1 showdowns.

In each room of the game building, massive screens adorned the ceilings, displaying live feeds of the intense battles taking place within NexaRealm. The high-definition visuals brought the virtual world to life, allowing spectators to immerse themselves in the action alongside the players.

Meanwhile, inside the rooms, the players sat at their designated stations, their focus solely on the Realm devices adorning their heads. These EEG devices seamlessly connected them to the virtual realm of NexaRealm, translating their thoughts and actions into precise movements within the game.

As the players engaged in combat, their movements were mirrored on the screens above, allowing spectators to follow every twist and turn of the battle in real time. The room echoed with the sounds of clashing swords, arcane spells, and explosive abilities, creating an atmosphere of excitement and tension.

For the players, the experience was one of total immersion, as they lost themselves in the adrenaline-fueled world of NexaRealm. With each strategic manoeuvre and well-timed attack, they sought to outmanoeuvre and outwit their opponents, all while striving to claim victory in the tournament.

As Joon-ho and Soo-jin observed from the sidelines, they couldn't help but marvel at the seamless integration of technology and gaming. The combination of cutting-edge EEG technology and immersive visuals allowed for a truly captivating gaming experience, blurring the lines between reality and virtual reality.

As they watched the battles unfold before them, Joon-ho and Soo-jin felt a renewed sense of awe and appreciation for the world of NexaRealm. It was a reminder of the endless possibilities that awaited within the game, where skill, strategy, and teamwork reign supreme.

As they ventured deeper into the building, Joon-ho and Soo-jin found themselves drawn to the nearest room where a 3v3 tournament was underway. The room was alive with energy, the atmosphere electric with the intensity of the competition. Spectators lined the walls, their eyes glued to the action unfolding on the screens before them.

Taking their place among the spectators, Joon-ho and Soo-jin watched in awe as the players showcased their skills in a fast-paced and dynamic battle. Cheers and applause erupted from the crowd with each impressive manoeuvre and well-executed strategy, adding to the excitement of the moment.

For Joon-ho and Soo-jin, the experience was both exhilarating and inspiring. As they immersed themselves in the thrill of the tournament, they couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with their fellow students, united by their shared passion for NexaRealm.

As the matches continued and the tension mounted, Joon-ho and Soo-jin found themselves completely absorbed in the spectacle before them, eagerly cheering on the players and marvelling at the skill and determination on display. It was a moment they wouldn't soon forget, a testament to the power of friendship, competition, and the unifying force of NexaRealm.

As Joon-ho glanced around the bustling room, his curiosity piqued, he decided to approach one of the tournament organizers to inquire further about the event. Upon receiving a pamphlet detailing the tournament rules and regulations, he eagerly began to peruse the contents.

As he scanned through the document, his eyes widened in realization at the significance of the prizes at stake. The grand prize for the tournament winner was none other than NCK points, the coveted currency within NexaCorp Korea University. These points were invaluable to students, serving as a means to unlock exclusive features, purchase in-game items, and even gain access to special events.

The allure of accumulating NCK points was undeniable, and Joon-ho understood why so many students were eager to participate in the tournament. In a university where NexaRealm played a central role in student life, NCK points were akin to gold, offering students the opportunity to enhance their gaming experience and elevate their status within the community.

With the stakes set high, Joon-ho couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of joining the tournament himself. The chance to test his skills against fellow students and potentially emerge victorious filled him with a sense of anticipation and determination.

Beside him, Soo-jin watched with interest as Joon-ho immersed himself in the tournament details. She could sense his growing enthusiasm and couldn't help but share in his excitement. After all, the prospect of competing in a NexaRealm tournament was an exhilarating opportunity for any avid gamer.

As they continued to observe the tournament proceedings, Joon-ho and Soo-jin found themselves drawn into the competitive atmosphere of the event. The room buzzed with energy as players engaged in intense battles, each vying for the coveted title of tournament champion.

For Joon-ho, the allure of the tournament went beyond the promise of NCK points. It was a chance to push his skills to the limit, to test his mettle against worthy adversaries, and to prove himself as a formidable competitor in the world of NexaRealm.

As the tournament drew to a close and the final matches concluded, Joon-ho and Soo-jin left the game building with a newfound sense of excitement and determination. They may not have participated in the tournament themselves, but the experience had ignited a spark within them, fueling their passion for gaming and setting the stage for future adventures in NexaRealm.