
Newborn King: Birth of a Legend

Hello! I just came here to say that, sadly I wouldn't be able to continue this novel. I am sorry for those people who looked forward for the next chapters but I just lost any motivation for continuing writing.

InkLone · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Rescue (Part 2)

Jervis's POV:

I can't let them take my Ruby again.

Chapter 7: Rescue (Part 2)

Those Joüls, I need to finish what started.

I told Jeyn to stay, but judging from his unusually high intellect I'm sure he can't stand by when something like this is happening.

I trust those villagers, I'm sure that they'll be able to keep jeyn in sight for a while.

Now. I guess it's time.

Come on in, a buff guy told me as I entered the underground slave market.

I still remember the exact location of "that" place.

I walked into a store and said to the guy managing it, "I'm here already".

He saw my face and recognized who I was. He opened the poster behind him and it revealed a lever.

He pulled it, and a ladder from the roof appeared. I went inside the room where the ladder led me to and saw cages everywhere.

Most of them had blood stains and reeked of blood, but nobody was in a single one of the cages.

I ran and ran until I met the end of the hallway.

A single door was still before me, I opened the door and saw a pig. A very familiar pig.

It was Regdais, that fat cunning bastard.

In one of my and Ruby's adventures, we met a noble getting attacked. We thought this was our path to wealth, but instead, they were savages.

We defeated the monsters and a fat noble like man came out of the carriage and asked who we were. We told them about our identities but didn't mention race.

He told us that they were extremely grateful for saving them.

The fat noble looked a bit suspicious, but at that time we didn't mind it and just continued to talk with him.

The noble invited us inside his carriage and told us his name was Regdais De Joül, the brother of a marquis, he also said that he would reward us so, we agreed to go.

Later on, we reached the forest and I was wondering why we weren't in the direction of the kingdom. I turned to my side and Ruby was already on guard, the noble looked at us and smirked.

Idiots, don't you see that we've led you to a trap? the noble said out loud. We were going to attack the noble but some kind of force brought us down.

The noble said to capture the "Beastman Phoenix" and that's when I knew that they had already planned all these for us, or just for Ruby.

Ruby had already passed out and my eyes were already getting blurry when I saw Ruby get dragged to somewhere.

The last sentence I heard before passing out was "kill the other one".

I managed to stay awake when I heard that and killed the man who was going to drag me out. While sneaking to the room where Ruby was put in, 2 guards were guarding the room.

They saw me and I managed to put up a fight before miraculously stabbing one of them in the neck. The other one had already died due to poison that I had splashed him with.

I went inside the room and Ruby was there with a shackle that stopped her mana from flowing.

I saw a key from the guards and opened the shackles. We eventually sneaked out and ran away from that place hoping to never meet it again.

Hello Jervis, remember me? Regdais said while smirking.

How could a fucking forget you bastard?

Where is Ruby?.

Haha! are you retarded? why would I tell you where that woman is?.

Guards! Surround him!

As soon as Regdais said that, a couple of big men appeared from the shadows.

Even though I admit that I am strong, fighting a couple of humans with only an arm is quite a handful.

I swung my right hand to the left to catch momentum and flipped, killing 2 guys. They had spread out and surrounded me in a circle, 3 of them ran to me and dodged all my attacks from the right by coming to my left.

Before I knew it, I had already received multiple slashes.

In the end, I had killed all but one. Regdais was still standing there not dazed at all, looking at me with pure delight.

I poured all my strength into one attack and threw my sword to Regdais's head, but one of the guards shielded him from it leaving me, defenceless.

Regdais went to get a dagger from a table close from here, he was getting ready to kill me.

He turned around and walked up to the table, at that moment, even though I have pride, Ruby is more important.

I only had mana capable of controlling winds but, with all my strength, I yelled out,


That attacked sliced Regdais's head out of his body. He had finally gone away to hell.

I opened the door..

Ruby was there, but she looked like a skeleton with all her mana drained. She was on the verge of death.

I frantically looked around and saw a big glass cylinder with mana inside.

I punched it until my knuckles bled but all it did was break it and cause a massive explosion. I covered Ruby with my arms and She looked at me while saying,

You're too late honey.. I love you.. take care of Jeyn properly every day w-while I rest in the afterlife. Tell Jeyn nothing..

Goodbye, my love..

I just sat there, tears went out of my eyes. The fire surrounding me had become the visual representation of my despair.

Once I realized what had already happened, I despaired.


What was that?!

Wait.. oh no. I ran to the smoke from the explosion and I saw that it was in the location of the store I went in before.

I rushed my way inside and saw a ladder coming from upstairs.

I didn't even think of what I was going to do. Flames was all over the place and dead bodies were piled up in front of a door. I went inside and saw father holding mother but, mother looked dead.

I turned to father and saw him despairing.

I realized what was going on.

I dropped to my knees and saw that..

My cherished and most beloved mother.

The same mother that had given birth to me and gave me the warmth I never had..


is what I thought.