
Newborn King: Birth of a Legend

Hello! I just came here to say that, sadly I wouldn't be able to continue this novel. I am sorry for those people who looked forward for the next chapters but I just lost any motivation for continuing writing.

InkLone · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Rescue (Part 1)

Mother's eyes lit up like rubies and.

absolutely nothing happened.

Don't you even try, these shackles were made to suppress mana.

Of. Any. Kind.

The kidnapper had a smug face

Chapter 6: Rescue (Part 1)

Day 2 of me and father with the whole village looking for mother.

We still haven't found her yet and only had time to barely sleep.

The villagers were kind enough to help us look for her.

We put up wanted posters but to no avail.

We were in despair.

My and father were wondering how my mother was doing and even prayed to the real God. Sermon (The God of Goodness)

While I was walking around inside my burned house, I saw some kind of coin with the crest of a noble family named "Joül"

There's a hierarchy in all of the kingdoms except the east kingdom of Gureshima.

The people of the kingdom were divided by the commoner's division and the Nobility Division.

Only Nobility had separate hierarchies which were, in the lowest were Baron and Baroness, The Viscount and the Viscountess, The Earl and the Countess,

The Marquis and Marchioness, The Duke and Duchess, and the most powerful family, "Royalty"

The Joül family is a high ranking one, also famous for being greedy, cruel and unjust.

The Joül family is of the Marquis rank,

3rd from the strongest.

At that time I wondered if they were the ones who were responsible for all this chaos. That idea became the truth after I showed the coin to my father.

I raised my hand, directed to my father's eyes. Immediately he said, Those Bastards..

This was a clue that they were the ones who took mother away from us.

Father announced that we already found a clue and quickly dismissed all the villagers from looking.

Father told me that, underneath all the rumours and cruelty that certain house has is..

The main branch of an organisation of slavery.

My eyes shook in fright when I heard that, every single part of my mind was thinking about the worst possible scenarios that mother could've gone into.

My mind was once again flooded with 'What ifs'.

Father saw my terrified expression and calmed me down.

Even if my father was simple-minded, he knew that guards and the police can't help in this situation..

We meet again Ruby.

Walking inside the room was an overweight man wearing a feather hat and colourful clothing.


shouted mother.

Do you think I'll let go of you?

Or should I say.. those wonderful blue flames?

Majestic Power?

Yes, you Ruby are mine!

You are my money maker. Do you think a man like me is willing to let go of a lottery ticket?.

Though.... you're lucky.

I think I'm still better than my brother

Anyways, I'm going to sell you again.

Imagine the money I can get from this!

The man pulled out a whip and whipped mother while he was talking.

I think you'll remember my great name, Ruby.

The fat man said while walking out of the room.


Ugh.. my mana..

Jeyn, come here.

Your father is just going to go somewhere for a while ok? you stay here and be safe.

Father said that while fully knowingly aware of my intellect. I was going to stop him and say to me to go with my father to go save my mother.

Until I saw that raged expression my father had. He'd been holding all of those emotions while me here being immature.

I know that in this world I'm 7 but, I was in my late 30s in my original world. I had to act mature.

As soon as I saw father leave, I went to the forest.

I talked my finger on my ear and said "Mark 1. Come out."

A blue like substance covered my whole body as if it were devouring it.

Smoke launched into the air and a big mecha like thing smoothly transported me inside.

Now, you might be wondering... what is this?


A technology used for everyday life in the otherworld.

[24% remaining]




[Authorizing Incomplete]

[Calculating battle power]

[Authorizing Complete]

[Battle power Enhanced]

Welcome, Jeyn.

Mark 1 is at your service.

I launched up into the air and stopped while flying. The radar on my Battle mech is a bit primitive, but I don't have time to fix that. The radar showed the location of father and I followed him since I didn't know the exact location of Joül House.

While I was following my father, I was concerned because he wasn't in the direction of the kingdom but somewhere in the forest.

He stopped in front of a hut and said, "3rd Century Lemonrade Aprioc".

The hut opened and a person reached their hand out signalling father to go inside.

What confused me was the hut was ridiculously small for a whole branch of an organisation to fit.

I dressed up as a man and made my height taller using illusion magic.

I recited the words that father said earlier and they told me to get in.. and down.

There was an underground market for slaves, cages everywhere.

There were different types of beasts and even beastmen, there were children, women

There were also scales, parts of monsters, and rare monster located here, Though they were illegal people ignore this because of the power of the people selling these had.

I saw my father calmly walking into a suspicious-looking store, I followed my father's tracks and went in as well.

The store was surprisingly normal, but I don't judge books by their cover. Inside was a man wearing a mask, well this was an illegal store so it's understandable but I can't do ignore this when I'm in this situation right now.

I tried to find clues to possibly a hidden room and applied the skills I had when I was a king. The masked man saw me suspiciously walking around trying to look for something.

He walked up to me and said, 'Do you want anything, sir?'.

Normally I would force myself out of this and threaten him to tell me what were they hiding, but I knew I need to make good decisions and act on impulse.

I went out of the store and went to look for more clues.

Little did I know, my father already was in control of the situation even before I started investigating.