
New Regulus Black

A master of magic from ancient Sumer, by a ridiculous accident and a lucky coincidence, after death falls into the body of Regulus Black... Taking control of the body just in time for the death of a not too lucky wizard. Well, along with the body, the new Regulus Black got all the problems that the previous owner of the body managed to accumulate. Now we have to get rid of the slave mark, wage war with the local dark lord, and also drag the decapitated family on our hump. Fun, in a word, but no one said that a new life should be given just like that.

FlaBer · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Chapter 22

The scorpio–demon man is not the most ordinary, not tied to a specific dark plane. Forever wandering through the dimensions, trying to escape from the female – a much more dangerous, in fact, eternal demon. At the same time, the main profile of the Scorpio Man is answers to questions. Thanks to his connection with the infosphere of the world, he can answer almost any question asked to him very accurately, and also very meekly.

A very useful, and most importantly almost non-aggressive demon, responding to almost any call, in an attempt to get away from the female away. The only problem is that there is not enough time to interrogate the demon. Usually he tries to escape in the first few seconds after arriving in the world. And it would be better not to detain him too much, because the female of the Scorpion Man is comparable in strength and danger to the strongest archdemons of Lang ... Allowing her appearance in the world is far from the best idea, which is why it is better to prepare a list of questions to the Scorpion Man in advance.

Actually, this is exactly what I did, calculating the verbatim text of my questions for several hours in a row, trying to make those the most specific and unambiguous… But in the end, all this preparation turned out to be simply meaningless. Attempts to summon the Scorpion Man did not lead to anything. Apparently, the female has already caught up with this demon, and the new Scorpio Man has not yet been born.

Not a very pleasant discovery, especially since there is a chance that over the past millennia this pair of demons have been completely destroyed… I will have to look for the habitat of the spirits I need on my own, because the chance to summon someone really interesting from the astral planes was reduced to virtually zero. And all because of the fact that the energy of the summoned spirits, as a rule, is not too compatible with the energy of the magician.

In this regard, the spirits of the place, the keepers of cemeteries and crypts, as well as all kinds of spirits of lakes and fields, are much preferable to the summoned creatures. That's just difficult to find them, and the spirits themselves, entrenched in the material world, are not in a hurry to go to the service of magicians. In this regard, I was very lucky to find my first Guardian spirit. He almost came into my hands by himself, starting to feed the orchard on my father's estate… At the same time, I noticed this spirit, that I was extremely sympathetic to the owners of the estate, and then I agreed to become my Keeper at all.

It will be very difficult to find someone like that again, especially since I have not met shamans in this world yet. In Europe, those were simply replaced by the now familiar magicians. Because of this, real shamans remained perhaps only in Africa, some parts of America and Australia, as well as in the Soviet Union and some Asian countries… And this is good, because ordinary magicians, most likely, when faced with the spirit of the place, will try to either destroy it or isolate it from the outside world, which does not suit me at all.

However, I still did not despair, for a start I made a small artifact-a compass that caught spiritual fluctuations of a certain "purity", reacting to places where, in theory, the spirit of the place could dwell. Well, I also did not forget about the usual summoning of spirits, over the past week I found another spirit for myself in my own shaman beads. This time I came across a rather unusual vampire spirit that even managed to slowly pull magic and spiritual energy out of me.

This spirit did not have a certain element, and it did not shine with special strength, but in battle, especially if it is reinforced with some spells and its own spiritual energy, this creature can be quite dangerous. Therefore, I decided to allocate a place for the spirit in my artifact, starting to feed it with my own spiritual energy.… In general, I fed all my spirits with spiritual energy and magic. So they will be more loyal to me, slowly getting stronger, and I get a good workout.

In general, yes, the arsenal of my spirits was gradually replenished, but I myself, after creating the necessary artifact, made a habit of walking around London after sunset… When most people are asleep, nothing prevents my artifact from tuning in to even the most minor spiritual fluctuations. And London itself, of course, is a very old city. And it is because of this that it is quite easy to find spirits that have taken root in homes and businesses in the city itself.

True, they mostly belonged to the lower ones, but even they, in some situations, could suit me for the role of a Guardian. However, in the first few weeks of my search, I didn't find anyone particularly interesting. I was lucky only for frankly miserable spirits that took root in people's homes, sometimes harming, and sometimes helping the inhabitants of the house. So, some spirits helped to keep the houses warm, or purified the water in the water supply…

Others frightened the tenants with menacing howls of the wind or strange creaks and movements in the apartments. A trifle in a word, fueled mainly by human emotions. Lower spirits that are of no particular interest to me… Although, a couple of times I still came across young spirits. One of them lived in a local boiler room, inflaming the heat of the furnace and feeding off it. It was not even quite the spirit of fire, but rather the spirit of heat, which was already interesting, but still for my purposes it was somewhat limited and stupid.

Just like another spirit inhabiting a fairly large brewery in the city, helping people in the manufacture of beer and other alcoholic beverages… Which was even funny, but this spirit was not suitable for my purposes either. Firstly, he was a water spirit, which was no longer suitable for me, because I don't really want to strengthen my water magic. And so already strong in that. Secondly, he only recently reached the level of a young spirit, still not distinguished by special strength and intelligence…

In general, yes, my search dragged on, which is why at some point I even began to think about choosing another city, or even flying over the country on a broomstick in search of more interesting spirits… But in the end, luck did smile on me. I found the spirit in a rather unexpected place–in the library. In the old library building, which was built back in the thirties, judging by some details of the building itself. At the same time, the presence of the spirit was felt from the structure even without any artifact…

A very strange presence, definitely not belonging to any of the elemental elements. And this was able to interest me, which is why I almost without a doubt entered the library locked for the night, in search of the spirit that interested me. And even though the spirit itself tried to hide from my attention at first, apparently feeling my aggressive spiritual energy, but I still discovered it pretty quickly… But I could not figure out what kind of spirit dwells in this place.

Seriously, I've never encountered something like this before… The spirit clearly had some completely unique specialization, but the quality of spiritual energy was still impressive. There was definitely a young spirit in front of me. A rather weak young spirit, but his spiritual energy was very... saturated and stable. And the mind of the spirit, judging by the aura, was more than formed.

- Show yourself in front of me, spirit. I won't hurt you or your house. I whispered softly, sending a mental message laced with a decent amount of spiritual energy to the outside… In fact, it was already a full-fledged spell to communicate with the spirit, even if it had nothing to do with the magic of the word. Pure shamanism and mental magic.

- Who are you? - A somewhat wary response of the spirit came that he was in no hurry to concentrate his spiritual body in front of me… In this regard, it is quite difficult to fight with the spirits of the place in general. As long as their "house", which can actually reach the size of a huge forest or volcano, is not destroyed, it is almost impossible to harm the spirit. Simply because the spirit can hide its spiritual body in its "house" as it pleases.

- A magician, a wizard and a shaman who is looking for a guardian spirit. - I answered honestly, knowing perfectly well that in the mental sphere, in which the whole conversation took place, it is almost impossible to lie. - And you interested me, spirit… I can't understand your specialization, but I can see perfectly well that your spiritual essence is strong, and you yourself are smart and mentally developed..." I immediately added, hoping that my words could somewhat muffle the fears of the spirit in my direction.

- I am the spirit of this library, the magician ... the keeper of knowledge and books. - the spirit answered me sparingly, showing the very drop of pride in his mental message… I was thinking about a similar answer. And the longer I thought, the more joy blossomed in me. After all, if my assumptions are correct, and everything boils down to that, then the real spirit of reason is communicating with me now… An extremely rare subspecies of spirits that occur only slightly more often than the spirits of space and time.

- Let me clarify... does this mean that you are a spirit of the mind? I asked mentally, inwardly already ready to make this particular spirit my Guardian. Well, having felt the consent of this entity to my question, I almost openly let out more than sincere joy from such a meeting. Now, even if I have to destroy this library to zero, and subjugate the spirit itself to my will for many weeks, I will be ready to go to such efforts…

I definitely don't want to miss such a valuable creature. However, it's still worth trying to negotiate with the spirit first. So the result of our cooperation will only be better, and the spirit itself will not be in danger of degradation because of my attempts to subjugate it to myself. In addition, there is a clear sense of curiosity in my direction on the part of the spirit itself… So you can still work with him.

- Mmmm, that's how it is… I did not think that I would ever see the spirit of reason in person. So also so unusual that he managed to take a place in the material world… Don't you want to be my guardian spirit? I promise, it will significantly accelerate the mental and spiritual development of both of us. I asked the spirit directly, knowing perfectly well that it was simply pointless to cheat and somehow persuade the spirit to his side. Spirits are not people, they have completely different bonds of reason, while everyone has their own…