
New Reality

As soon as I woke up, I was transferred to this weird place. It was so sudden that it made my mind couldn’t come up with any form of idea as this strange phenomenon was nothing I never heard or experienced, but I quickly gather my composure. Then, I realized, I was not the only one. To be honest, these are the things that I only read through novels and fantasy books but experiencing it myself wasn’t what I really wanted. Not even once. Reading was something I loved as it was fun. To others, it may be a time where they get out from harsh reality but that’s life, you face a lot of hardships. But strange. Why? Why am I here? No, why are we here? What’s our purpose for coming here? At least put a warning that I will get to go to another world! Just me is good! Questions formed which made me quite nervous but I calm myself down, as being nervous will be only a hinder to my thinking. I breathe. “First, let’s assume this is real.” After thinking so, I began to form a little plan inside my head. Preparing like a normal person would do when this kind of thing happens. I executed my plan in my head before waiting. As the timer was tickling down and thought that after its number’s hits zero, all of us are going back to our daily lives. [0:00] But it didn’t happen. After I saw what happened to that man with his head being sliced, the simple plan I had was crushed in an instant. Yet, that one act was enough for me to realize one simple thing. The thing is… it was a bitter pill to swallow. “This is real…” I was only assuming that it is but…it's just unfair. “There’s no going back…” … It doesn’t matter if you go back in time… It doesn’t matter if you’re a genius or an outstanding fighter… It doesn’t matter what challenges I will encounter… I will succeed, find answers to everything, and survive… Until everything ends. *** : Cover not mine. Just edited small things on it. If you're the owner, just tell me if you wanted it removed. : Keeping the story's setting simple as this is my first book. : So yeah, everyone who had read the novel regressor instruction manual would notice the large similarity in the first few chapters of mine and it is because I'm a fan of that novel, but I would tell it now as I think it should be known to you guys. Informing should be the right thing to do. : Although I have a cliche setting, I'll at least try something original. : Hey, if you're reading this, try to read now! Maybe some of you love a mind-blowing chapter one but I don't have that in my novel, instead, I'll make it good for the future chapters I will be making. Anyway, thank you for taking your time, and go read it!

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
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172 Chs

Team and Plan

Inside a room that was enough for a few people to stay, five are present. The interior is like a normal classroom, where there is a board for writing, chairs with desks that really look like classroom chairs. and a sofa at the side that was enough for a person to sleep.

One person could feel he is being stared at by another person. But with his keen senses, he knew it. He just can't believe why does he had that expression.

'W-what did I do to Gin?' Nash said inwardly as he didn't dare to look him in the eyes, he instead look at the two girls he invited here who are standing beside him.

"Hi, my name is Laura. Laura Glover. I'm 24. My role is to support you guys. Please to meet you." Laura said with an angelic smile on her face.

She had a smile on her face that looked like an angel descended... for others. But Gin was different as he looks at her with a scared expression.

He looked at her like a devil is disguising as an angel.

But it would be rude not to greet her, so he stands up. He then moved towards her and greeted her respectfully.

But, with a stutter.

"M-my name is Gin. Gin Frest, also 24. N-Nice to meet you."

Seeing him, Laura slowly walks towards him. As she moved, she noticed Gin's hand shaking and reassured him after,

"Please don't be so nervous. I have this feeling we will have a good connection with each other. Like comrade-in-arms? Yes, that's it. Hehe."

Gin formed a smile on his face but his mind was not happy at all.

He is really scared as hell.

'S-stop giggling it's weird! And comrade-in-arms? More like strangle using your arms…'

Seeing the two, Nash smiled and said with a relieving tone, "Seems like you two will get along well, I'm glad,"

'No. I'm not glad. Let me get out of here!' Gin said inwardly as he nodded faintly.

"And, this is Jia Clone." Nash paused, "She is a little shy, but she is a good fighter, I assure you that. Jia, this is Gin Frest. He is a trustworthy person. I hope you get along well."

Nash moved towards Jia, who have a frown on her face when she entered.

She then said, eyeing Gin, "Sure."

'Just a trustworthy person?' Gin said inwardly with a disappointed tone, before answering Jia. "Likewise."

Gin then turned his head at the side and urged Grey to come. After coming, Gin fakes a cough and began to introduce him, "This big guy's name is Grey. Grey Flinn."

He paused, "Uhm, as you can see he is tall and big. Uh... I don't know what role he likes—"

"I plan to be a tanker, Hyung. I think it's better if I choose it." Grey said with confidence, interjecting Gin from speaking.

Hearing his confidence, Gin smiled faintly before he began to do the same, "Hello everyone. I'm Gin. Gin Frest. I will be your archer in this group. Hope we get along well."

Everyone who heard it would just let it be, but Nash is different as he wanted to hear the occupation Gin is taking, "Uhm… Gin. Did I hear that right? You choose an archer job? If that is the case, when did you acquire that job?"

Hearing Nash's ways of speaking, Gin can't help but be alert and anxious at the same time.

He still answered him anyway, "I just chose this job a while ago. I don't know when but when I check my stats, it said that there is an occupation available."

Hearing his reason, the others nodded but Gin saw someone wasn't the same as the others. He looked at Nash's face.

He saw his face, dejected.

"I see…" Nash muttered that no one could hear but with Gin eyeing him from the start, he could just read the words Nash had said.

But, he really felt anxious.

'The face he is making felt sacred for some reason. Does he have someone in mind? Well, it's not like I regretted it but the way he looks disappointed is uncomfortable...'

As Gin was thinking about it, he heard Nash claps his hands that attracted him and everyone's attention.

"We don't have all day so, I'm about to tell you why I called you here. Please, sit down wherever you like." Nash said with a faint smile.

As Nash ordered, the group began to sit at the place that they're comfortable with. Both the two girls look at Nash with anticipation as he remained standing at the front.

Grey and Gin who are both at the back, also waited for Nash to speak the thing he wanted.

"Hey Hyung. What will Nash tell us?" Grey whispered.

Being reminded by Grey, Gin felt like his stomach aching. He doesn't want his mind to remember it and he clearly forgets it, not until Grey does it.

"…I don't know."

It's a lie. Actually, Gin gets the gist about what Nash will talk about this time.

'I hope it's not that...'

Seeing the people's faces, Nash does a fake cough and said, "Actually, why I called you here is important. Please don't ask questions. Like is this true or not. What I want with you all is to listen to me."

Everyone nodded and Nash continued, "To start, someone has given me privileged in this tutorial. I think it is given to me for some reason. I don't even know how or why it is given to me but I will use it to the fullest. The privileged I had is called Temporary Foresight."

Hearing it was quite absurd but everyone remained silent. They're currently thinking the thing Nash said

Seeing it, Nash smiled and continued, "Did I shock you?"



Everybody knows a little bit about the meaning of that word. It can see the future but it's not like it can see it all. They knew it is powerful but maybe there is some sort of repercussion.

But those thoughts were quickly gone on their minds because their mouth formed an O shape.

Even Gin followed them but on the inside, he was laughing at that lie.

'And to say it is temporary foresight. Hahaha, you're making me laugh Nash. If somebody listens to you and knows you're a regressor they will have the same reaction as me.'

At that long silence, the one who broke it was unexpectedly the shy Jia, "If what you said is true, maybe you have a reason why you called me and that healer over there."

"Yes, to be precise, all of you here is vital to end the tutorial. Of course, you will become more powerful to protect yourselves outside this cave. Because—" Nash paused.

He continued, "We're hunting the monsters here and level up our stats. Although, it is hard to level up at least it is good to be strong. After that, getting out of this cave is our second priority."

Hearing him that was the same he had on his thoughts, Gin could only sigh out loud after hearing Nash's plan.

'Ah. Shit. So it really is then… but why can't we just stay here… why…'

As if he isn't done yet, he continued to talk to them.

But this time, there is confidence in his voice slowly building upon it.

"Of course, you all may think that this is a suicidal plan and afraid, but don't be." Nash paused.

He continued with a slight regret in his voice, "Because I think this is the only crisis that we needed to solve. What if there is another unexpected event happen? Like us being transferred? Isn't good to be prepared?"

He continued but the regret on his voice was gone, replacing with more confidence, "And one more thing you should know that during the time we do monster hunting. You all will be safe from every monster."

He pointed himself and said confidently.

"Because I will be there."

He then followed up with another one.

"And because I am strong."

From the way he said it, the fice people present can't help but be relaxed.

Gin was the same as he can't help but smile after hearing those words, 'Well, I'm still against this suicidal act, but If he is there, I'm sure I- no. We will all be okay.'

Since it was inevitable, Gin decided to make a decision.

"Sure Nash. Let's do it." Gin said while giving a thumbs up on Gin.

Hearing Gin, Grey opinioned, "If Hyung says so, why don't we give it a shot? And if he says we will level up, isn't that also a good thing?"

Laura followed, "You're right Grey. Well, I don't think I can help you all, but I'll do my best to be support you all."

"That's not true, everyone here is helpful. I think you coming with us are already helpful." Nash said with a smile comforting while Laura, who is touched and also smiled back.

Since all of them answered, the four then looked at the one person who didn't. She was quiet all the time and the group waited for her to respond.

She also smiled when she heard that they will also be leveling up themselves, but quickly removes it to hide the feeling burning inside her.

Raising her head up, Jia still looked at everyone with a wary expression before she asked Nash that surprised the other three

"If we are going to level up our stats…D-does that mean we're going to f-fight?"

Hearing it, Nash looked at her for a moment before smiling.

On the other hand, Gin had a different thought. 'Wait I thought… she is wary of us because she is suddenly invited by an unknown man… sigh. She really is what her disposition shows.'

"Yes, we're going to fight really hard, that you will think your bones will be crushed and break so much, You know those feelings?" Nash enticed with a smile on his face that is getting wider.

'Hah! Look at this guy.' Gin said inwardly while looking at the two who are now smiling at each other weirdly.

Jia smiled devilishly like that is the answer she is waiting for. "Sure, let's do it."

Hearing her answer, Gin felt slight shivers,

'One is a regressor who is experienced in fighting and one is thirsty for fighting. What a weird but good combination. Geez.'

"Ok everybody you should prepare, we will go after we prepared," Nash said as he moved his head towards Gin. "Uhm… Gin, can we talk… like only the two of us?"

"Sure Nash." Gin speaks right away, before thinking inwardly. 'Ah. Is this about my job? Yep, it really is… just look at that face. Is he going to throw me away? Or maybe he really has some archer in mind.'

While thoughts keeps coming on Gin's mind, the others felt like they should leave right away and do it. They felt how serious Nash is.

Leaving, the two are only the ones left in the room. They only stared at each other and nobody speaks, until Nash decided to break it.

"Uhm… Gin. Actually, it's about your occupation we're talking about now."

Hitting the right thing again, Gin felt extremely anxious instead of being happy.

'I'm correct. So, I guess I'll be waiting with them to come back after their hunt. Like a mother greeting her children back at school. Let's put a show first of what his excuse for excluding me from the group. Sigh'

"Oh, is something wrong with my archer job?" Gins said with an anxious tone.

"If to be honest with you Hyung… Yes."

Hearing his blunt answer, Gin felt became more scared, 'Wow, this bastard... At least make a lie and I will forgive you but… to say it directly that something is wrong… Come on! Say it, someone's on your mind, right?!'

As he said it, he felt like crying any second. Then, the thought of how Nash introduces him to Jia makes his heart hurt more

"Y-Yeah. W-What's wrong? I-I mean it's good right." Gin said as he continued inwardly, 'Just say the word bastard! And we're done!'

Nash tapped his foot recklessly at the ground, "I-I'm not saying you're wrong to choose it but…"

'Here it comes!' Gin squinted his eyes, ready himself for Nash.

"Why didn't you choose a strategist class or a job that has intelligence on it? I mean you're smart Gin, so you should stay on the backline…but an archer is a dangerous class. You know how dangerous it is, right? Or there is no—"

As Nash keep talking, the doubts he had in his mind just vanished instantly 'I thought he will abandon or replace me with someone me but… he's just worried?'

Gin keep hearing Nash of how dangerous the job is. Throughout his explanation that never seemed to end, he never say something like replacing Gin.

'You bastard, made me think something like that.' Gin said inwardly as he formed a smile on his face, which turned into laughter.

Hearing the genuine laughter from Gin, Nash stopped talking for a moment while a distorted expression started to form on his face.

The laugh continued with Nash thinking Gin had become crazy for a moment