
New Reality

As soon as I woke up, I was transferred to this weird place. It was so sudden that it made my mind couldn’t come up with any form of idea as this strange phenomenon was nothing I never heard or experienced, but I quickly gather my composure. Then, I realized, I was not the only one. To be honest, these are the things that I only read through novels and fantasy books but experiencing it myself wasn’t what I really wanted. Not even once. Reading was something I loved as it was fun. To others, it may be a time where they get out from harsh reality but that’s life, you face a lot of hardships. But strange. Why? Why am I here? No, why are we here? What’s our purpose for coming here? At least put a warning that I will get to go to another world! Just me is good! Questions formed which made me quite nervous but I calm myself down, as being nervous will be only a hinder to my thinking. I breathe. “First, let’s assume this is real.” After thinking so, I began to form a little plan inside my head. Preparing like a normal person would do when this kind of thing happens. I executed my plan in my head before waiting. As the timer was tickling down and thought that after its number’s hits zero, all of us are going back to our daily lives. [0:00] But it didn’t happen. After I saw what happened to that man with his head being sliced, the simple plan I had was crushed in an instant. Yet, that one act was enough for me to realize one simple thing. The thing is… it was a bitter pill to swallow. “This is real…” I was only assuming that it is but…it's just unfair. “There’s no going back…” … It doesn’t matter if you go back in time… It doesn’t matter if you’re a genius or an outstanding fighter… It doesn’t matter what challenges I will encounter… I will succeed, find answers to everything, and survive… Until everything ends. *** : Cover not mine. Just edited small things on it. If you're the owner, just tell me if you wanted it removed. : Keeping the story's setting simple as this is my first book. : So yeah, everyone who had read the novel regressor instruction manual would notice the large similarity in the first few chapters of mine and it is because I'm a fan of that novel, but I would tell it now as I think it should be known to you guys. Informing should be the right thing to do. : Although I have a cliche setting, I'll at least try something original. : Hey, if you're reading this, try to read now! Maybe some of you love a mind-blowing chapter one but I don't have that in my novel, instead, I'll make it good for the future chapters I will be making. Anyway, thank you for taking your time, and go read it!

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
172 Chs

Surviving Is Good, But Surviving With Everyone Is The Best.


The same laugh was still heard throughout the whole room. It was still Gin show as laughing of course,

'It's a relief.'

Seeing him, Nash formed a slightly distorted face not knowing why the person in front was laughing.

"Uhm, Gin. Why are you laughing? We're talking about a serious matter here. We don't know what will happen on the battlefield. If something happens—"

Nash couldn't continue as he saw Gin raise his hand, putting a stop sign on his face.

He then said, "You make me laugh."

Hearing it, Nash was completely dumbfounded before he repeated the same words on his mind


Nash didn't know anything about the unknown guy in his front but he is slowly liking the guy.

A brother-like-liking.

'I'm just worried about him but he just said 'you make me laugh?' Nash said inwardly as a fit of slight anger was rising.

He clenched his fist in annoyance as he wanted to punch a wall to bits but before he could do that, he heard Gin speaking.

"Don't worry about me, Nash." Gins said with a smile, "I may look weak but I can protect you all and think at the same time. So, don't worry about me and worry yourself first."

Gin paused, "You worry about me but you? You should stay healthy like me. You are still at the prime of your age for god's sake. Enjoy yourself. Eat, Sleep, and S- I mean s-share good memories. Haha."

Gin continued, "So, you better worry yourself. Make a rule like 'surviving is good, but surviving with everyone is the best. Yeah? What if you die on the hunt. That will be bad right?"

After Gin said those words, he patted Nash's shoulders before he walk towards the door to prepare himself for the hunt.

He then said one last thing, "So, remember my words, ok?"

Gin opened and closed it after. He breathe a long relief and inwardly said, 'I think that's good. I think sharing good memories is better than that. Wow, thinking head on feels good. I looked like I prepared but it really wasn't.'

Leaving those words from the regressor, Gin felt happy. He then started to walk towards his room.

But little did he know that he was right, as Nash was in the room thinking what he had said. He lies on the sofa, remembering the words of Gin.

"Surviving is good, but surviving with everyone is the best, huh?" Nash said in a low voice before he drew a sad smile on his face.

He continued, "Don't worry. I'm planning to do my best... in this timeline."

He checked his surroundings using his senses. Fortunately, no one is in the vicinity.


He sighed out loud before he does the same as others.

The suicide team gathered again in the same room where they held their first meeting. In the front, Nash is discussing the best positions and strategies available for everyone and Gin couldn't agree more.

The positioning that Nash is saying is Grey is in the front of the hunt, with Nash and Jia at the side of their support Laura.

At the back of Laura is Gin. Informing the tanker and fighters if there will be incoming monsters.

'I'm still on the back though, what's with the talk earlier?' Gin said inwardly before he was interrupted by the calling of Nash.

"So that will be the formation and strategies of our group, any questions?" Nash said as he looked at everyone.

No one raised their hands of any sort because the plan is simple and also effective.

Seeing them, Nash nodded and continued, "Alright, check everything you need to bring. Weapons, armors, etc. We'll be leaving in 5 minutes."

As Nash said it, everyone then checks themselves after.

Gin does the same as he was holding his bow if it is durable. The arrows inside his quiver, the normal he had, a small knife placed in his feet, and a small bag of food enough for one person.

As he was done, he looked around and saw the two girls are rather excited than being scared,

'Jia is an exception, but why you too Laura.' Gn helplessly said inwardly.

Gin then narrowed his eyes at the side and saw Grey wearing a stiff expression on his face.

He was happy about it.

'Yeah, that's right. It's better to be scared Grey than looking forward to it.' Gin said inwardly before he started to walk towards him.

In front of him, Gin started to converse to loosen the tension Grey is feeling. "Oy, Look at your face. It's clearly seen that you're scared right now."

Hearing him, Grey turned his head at the side and said with an anxious tone, saying. "Are you not afraid, Hyung? We will be the ones hunting instead of being hunted. And, we will be facing large, big, and scary monsters.

"I am scared alright." Gin said with all honesty.

Hearing it, Grey was a little surprised but Gin didn't mind as he continued with a louder voice this time.

"I mean, who would be looking forward to fighting some monsters, right? Only psychos who love fighting and some maniac will be looking forward to it."

It felt like he was slapping someone's face. The three who are listening, flinched. It was then followed by an embarrassing expression before they quickly remove it.

Gin, who is glancing at them, was laughing inwardly, 'Pft, Let's tease them first before leaving.'

"R-right? Who would l-look f-forward to it? Ha-haha. Gin really knows w-what he's saying" Jia stuttered followed by Laura.

"Y-yeah, I didn't know Gin is smart. Are you a teacher on Earth, Because your mouth seems to have a lot to say?"

'Is that a compliment or an insult?' Gin said inwardly.

"Kuhum, anyway let's go. We will hunt now." Nash said while faking a cough, breaking the awkwardness.

"Don't worry Grey, Nash will be no— all of us will be there. So, don't worry." Gin said with reassurance as he patted Grey's back.

Grey smiled bitterly but Gin noticed that his appearance is not getting good. Leaving him be, he then proceed to look at the room and saw it was the same.

'Ah. The atmosphere is not good. Maybe, I shouldn't tease them like that, geez.' Gin regretfully said inwardly.

"Let's go," Nash said as it awaken the dazed group.

Hearing him, the group quietly followed him towards the door.

After they get out, they saw a lot of people walking around wearing happy smiles on their faces.

As if they're not transferred here in the first place.

Gin could see that some are talking and getting acquainted with each other. Men are hitting some beautiful ladies they can see and, ladies saying no to them.

As if he was watching those, he was checking everyone's status window while walking. Seeing it, he was disappointed as nothing noteworthy could be seen at their stats.

It was still good but no way near to the group he had.

'Even if some form groups, I think I have the strongest one here so no problem.' Gin sad inwardly while continuing to activate his eyes, hoping to see some hidden talents in the crowd.

Alas, it was the same.

He didn't know whether the people he sees now are just like that or they're just hiding amidst of large crowd.

Disappointed with the results, Gin deactivated his eyes and remove the thoughts of having people. He just looks at how peaceful this place is. People chatting happily with each other while roaming inside the zone.

It was really safe.

'Sigh... I want to join you guys but at the same time, I need to stay with these people too. Doing it raise my higher of surviving by just sticking to them. Who knows... what would happen to this place...'

Gin shakes the negative things inside his head but he knew he was slightly true. 'Damn, I'm not jinxing it but this is not a real safe zone. Only the people who were also summoned are the ones who made this. Maybe, it was intentional of Nash calling this place safe to calm things.'

Gin sighed out loud, 'Sigh, what are you trying to do with these people, Nash? Is it to save them? So, you're a saint? Well, it's a good thing to have but in this world, I think you don't need that kind of thing.'

While having those thoughts inside, he didn't notice that they're already at the exit of the zone, not until Nash called him that snapped him back to his senses.

"Remember what we discussed a while ago. Always speak on a low voice, no talking when we're hunting to not attract the other monsters in the vicinity, and lastly always be on guard." Nash said.

The four nodded unhesitantly. Hearing him reminding them, they felt trusting Nash more. In their heads, Nash is correct and all he was saying was for their own survival.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you all." Nash said before looking at the team.

He continued with a faint smile. "This will be our rule every time we hunt. 'Surviving is good, but surviving with everyone is the best.' It's cool, right? So no one will die, ok?"

As he chuckled, it was the first time that the group saw it. Adding to what he said, it was cool on their ears with the atmosphere brightening up.

On the other hand, Gin was really embarrassed.

'This kid… Don't embarrass me like that!' Gin shouted inwardly. 'Hearing it from someone makes me feel cringed…'

"Wow, Nash. When the hell did you think that and it's cool alright." Jia said excitedly as the shy aura that surrounded her earlier was completely gone.

Gin felt like she is not the same person earlier.

"Eh? Jia, you speak like that? I thought you are a quiet and shy type, and I agree with her." Laura said while smiling.

Laura continued, muttering. "Hehe, should I copy Jia? Showing everyone what kind of person I am too? They'll accept it, right?

Completely hearing it, the person on her back flinched and was really scared. He stepped back a little while touching his neck,

'Scary! Please don't reveal yours too!'

In the front, Grey turns around and admiration is showing in his eyes, "Wow, Nash. I began to see you in a new light now."

Hearing him, Nash chuckled slightly as he looked at the group while stopping his gaze at Gin, with a smile.

'You… regressor bastard, stop smiling like that to me!'

Nash then quickly focused forward before he said to the group. "Let's go hunting, people."

Stepping out, everybody nodded at him before they leave at the zone.


(I'll be calling safe zone to village now. Ty ^-^)