
Unlikely Encounter

"I am unsure of how many hours has passed in this crevice but the sun is setting soon" Zael thought to himself as he tries to manuvere his way through. His hands on the walls of the crevice, soon after he felt as if the crevice has become bigger since he is now able to stretch out his arms while walking through. His guess was right, after many hours of walking almost blind he sees a bigger opening at the end. As he walk through light shines into his eyes glaring him. What he sees is unbelievable. In between the mountain there is such an ecosystem that small flying lifeforms like fireflies roam freely and there patches of grass and flora. It's already night time but because of the fireflies the whole vicinity lights up. The firefly here is quite different instead of glowing at the tail of their body instead they burn like flying candles. Lucky Zael thought that he didn't have to spend the night in total darkness. As he walked through the ecosystem he found himself a small cave-in shelter. Between the walls of the mountain the temperature drops but because of the fireflies it's bearable. Rugged and tired, famish and thirsty Zael tried to go to sleep on the dirt floor. As he thoughts race through his mind on the situation that he is in, he slowly falling a sleep. Zael woke up a few hours later, his eyes adjusting to the sight and his mind adapting to the situation. Woken up hungry and thirsty, his body hurt and bruise. Zael slowly stood up and had to get a move on. Hoping to find something in this uncharted territory and hellish reality. As he walked through he heard water droplets cascading into what resembles the gentle murmur of a flowing stream. He rushes through following the sound, atlas he found it a beautiful flowing stream of fresh water. His mind couldn't think anymore, his thirst is to strong, his throat is as dry as the Sahara. Zael kneeled down to cupped a handful of water and the first drink flowed down his throat and revitalize him. The taste of sweet pure nectar after what he has been through, the water erased the tiredness and brought him back to life. As he quench his thirst fully Zael sat down, looked around and decided that he would stay here for another day. Surprisingly the stream in between the mountains is surrounded by moderate trees and grass suitable for sheltering. As he sat through Zael opens up his Character system. He discovered that he has attain two new skill called evasion steps and Full counter. His exp. points increase as well

This is what his new status looks like now

Name: Zael

Status: Human(Commoner) (Injured)

Lvl: 1

Class: Unknown

Skills: World Eye.Lvl1 (Locked), Gluttony.Lvl 1, Conceal.Lvl1(Locked), Monarch Aura(Locked) Memory Control.Lvl1( Passive) Evasion Steps.Lvl1, Full Counter.Lvl1 (Unlocking requirements needed)


Mana :400



Strength (25)+(5)=(30)

Dexterity (18)+(5)= (23)

Intelligence (22)

Wisdom (42)

Constitution (26)

Luck (20)

Agility (24)


Zael thought to himself that he has to try out gluttony but he wants to prioritize sheltering himself for now. Even tho amaze by his new found skills he closes the window system. Shelter takes priority. Zael notices that there alot of fallen thick branches and trees. Quickly he attempted to build a simple bushcraft tent. Zael collects the thick braches, those huge leaves that falls from the tree itself. After three hours he finally manage to complete the makeshift bushcraft tent. Now he has to find some sort of knife that he can use. Zael decided to take a rest in the tent. Opening up his window system again, he wants to learn more of the functions available. He saw on his window system that there a panel named Item box. He opens up the item box and found he has these item available


Survival Knife(×1) (Common)

Machete(×1) (Rare)

nylon line (×1) (Uncommon)

Seperntara scale (×1) (Epic)

Zael couldn't believe his eyes how lucky is he to have survival items such as knife and machete and also a nylon line for fishing but what amazes him is that the scale he forgotten about is now in his item box. He now knows the snake like beast is called Seperntara. Just as he wanted to equip his items and close his system window, he notice the change in one of his skills World eye now doesn't shows locked. Zael got excited now that the skill world eye is unlocked he can use it. But how do I use it he thought to himself, as the thought when through his mind pops up a status window on what he eyes are looking at. The plants thats surrounded him now has a system window on top of it. Zael now realizes that he can see the information content of the things he wants to know about if he uses his world eye skill. The plants around him are common plants but one system window catches his attention. A window that says "Healing herb (Epic) : use for immediate recovery". He quickly took the herb and ate it without a second thought. The taste was absolutely bitter but as soon as he swallowed the herb he felt his body energized and recovered from the damage he took from the tail whip of Seperntara. He status now say that he is Full health and at peak. Zael was baffled and thankful that he was able to recover even if it was sheer luck. Now he moves on to his next task which is finding food. Just as he was thinking about food his stomach growled. He now tries to make a spear with the nylon line and his survival knife. Found himself a sturdy fair size branch and tied his knife with his nylon line. Now he has a makeshift spear. Even though the spear is not for fighting or hunting, he is now able to catch some fish in the stream he hopes. Zael attempted to spear some fishes that he found slightly down the stream. After many tries he only managed to catch 5 fishes. Somehow all the fishes he cause shows a (rare) tier grade on the system window. He thought none about it. And quickly Zael tried catching a firefly to start a campfire. Zael successfully caught a firefly and started a small campfire for warming him up at night and also cooking the fishes. He prepare the fishes easily with his knife and cook the fishes on a stick. Luckily his chef experience came in handy. Being hungry as he was he quickly devoured his first meal after waking up in this new world. Completely focus on his food he did not realize that the smoke and smell of a cooking a fish in an open campfire he attracted a huge cat like beast. Once Zael eyes met the beast eyes, status window pops up showing him the information and also draining the life out of him. System window showed, Leothos.Lvl 300 (Mythical). As soon as he reads the window he was frozen with fear. His mind raced shouting at him "MOVE!! MOVE!!! MOVE!!!". After a struggle in his mind Zael system window pops up showing he has unlocked his Monarch Aura skill. Without a second thought he unleash the skill. A huge blast of red aura hits the beast. Upon impact the beast froze and laid down on his paws stopping it in tracks. Now Zael is able to move felt like his mind isn't frozen and he stood up. Thinking that he might be able to fight but not come out unscathed. He saw the eyes for the beast looking at his cooked fishes. Zael grab a stick of fish and slowly approach Leothos with the fish. Zael successfully able to trade his life with a stick of fish. He gave the fish to Leothos. After Leothos ate the fish it was able to move. Zael thought to himself after examining Leothos it look injured and hungry. Zael took the chance. And gave all of his remaining fishes to Leothos. Surprisingly Leothos approach him but instead of attacking him the beast stood Infront of him and bring his head down. Zael thought he wanted a little petting. As soon as he touched the head of Leothos a system window pops up showing, " would you like to tame Leothos?" Y/N. Zael without a choice he clicked on "Yes" then it commanded me to named the beast. Zael named it "Leo". Now somehow in a stroke of luck he was able to create shelter and found food and water and the best part he was able to tame a huge mythical grade beast named Leo. The unlikely encounter turned into a blessing in disguise. Zael now has a new friend to walk with in this unforgiving situation.

Name: Zael

Status: Human(Commoner)

Lvl: 1

Class: Tamer(updated)

Skills: World Eye.Lvl1, Gluttony.Lvl 1, Conceal.Lvl1(Locked), Monarch Aura(Locked) Memory Control.Lvl1( Passive) Evasion Steps.Lvl1, Full Counter.Lvl1, Tamer.Lvl1 (Unlocking requirements needed)


Mana :400



Strength (25)+(5)=(30)

Dexterity (18)+(5)= (23)

Intelligence (22)

Wisdom (42)

Constitution (26)

Luck (20)

Agility (24)


Leothos.LVL 300 (Mythical) "Leo" (Tamed)