
The Awakening

In the hushed moments just after sunrise, beneath a colossal tree that dwarfed even the grandest of buildings in Tokyo, Zael awoke. His eyes, accustomed to the familiar cityscape, now beheld an otherworldly panorama. Perched upon a branch as broad as a bus, he grappled with the surreal transition from the bustling streets of Japan to this fantastical realm.

Sunlight filtered through leaves of unfamiliar hues, casting an ethereal glow on surroundings that defied logic. The air held whispers of magic, and the colossal tree cradled him like a vessel between worlds. Dazed and disoriented, Zael questioned the reality of this place, grappling with the possibility that it might all be a dream.

As he surveyed the alien landscape, Zael's senses grappled with the magnitude of the situation. The enormity of the tree, the vibrant colors of unknown flora, and the distant echoes of unseen creatures left him suspended between disbelief and awe. Yet, with the morning light on his face, he felt a subtle reassurance that this waking dream held a purpose yet to be unveiled.

Zael collects his thoughts to calm himself from panicking, " Calm yourself, you have always dreamed of waking up in another world, think about how much you can discover" he thought to himself. Suddenly as his anxiety disappears a status window appeared Infront of his eyes, it shows his Name and status.

Name: Zael

Status: Human(Commoner)

Lvl: 1

Class: Unknown

Skills: World Eye.Lvl1 (Locked), Gluttony.Lvl 1, Conceal.Lvl1(Locked), Monarch Aura.Lvl 1(Locked) Memory Control.Lvl 1(Passive)(Unlocking requirements needed)


Mana :400


Attributes: Strength (25) Dexterity (18) Intelligence (22) Wisdom (42) Constitution (26) Luck (20) Agility (24)


Skills points available.(15)

Zael was baffled and also amaze, researching all the stats and also trying to figure out why do some of his stats are locked and what are the requirements needed. Lost in the Character system he came to a realization that an hour has passed. He must make haste as if he doesn't find a good shelter soon it would become an issue. It's bad enough that he is in an entirely new world but now he is in the middle of this Terrifying Massive Jungle where Monsters and creatures roam. He tried climbing down the tree and fell to the ground but managed to land on his feet. Surprised by the lightness of his body, he said to himself " I'm guessing this the benefits of having a character system" . He tried advancing through the jungle and found that its manageable to walk through than he expected. Zael though to himself whilst walking, "Luckily I fell asleep fully clothed and am wearing durable shoes and comfortable and durable clothes, I couldn't even imagine what would have happened to me if Im not wearing any good clothing". As he walked through the jungle without any direction. It's hard to even know where I'm heading to with all this giant trees blocking the Natural light he spoke to himself. Zael decided to climb a tree again to see if there's an end to the jungle or even a mountain or cliff he can map out this area. He climbed to the top to synchronize the location. He has always been able to remember paths and places quite well. As he chose and climbed the tallest and towering tree. At the top of the tree he found the view breath taking and amazing. Zael came into a realization that this is no longer a dream or hallucinations, it is infact a reality. And strangely so that he is calm and collect. He spotted at a near distance a huge opening between the mountain. He thought to himself why not try to fling my self in that direction since just now when I'm trying to climb down and fell from high height and it did not injure me. He pulled back what looks like a arm size elastic vine, holding both in his hands and one resting on his back he jumped down from the tree branch thinking that he should use the fall as momentum to throw himself like a catapult. It threw him into the sky but it did not go as he expected he was thrown higher than what he imagined and almost into the direction of where he aimed. As he flew and ultimately he have to fall, upon descending from above the tree he saw a small clearing whilst free falling. Now as he is falling at a great speed he thought to himself "how am I going to land now?" In desperation he brought up the system and used his 10 of his skill points allocated them to Dexterity and Strength, from DEX (18)-(23) STR (25)-(30). Hoping this would help him on the fall. It was a quick allocation and he felt a sudden rush went through his spine and felt the adrenaline. He's almost by the top of the trees and thinking that he might not make it he did not grab a few branches or whatever he could lay his hands on. He landed on his feet but with a loud bang onto the jungle floor. Luckily it's soil that took the impact and not concrete or paved roads. Unbeknownst to him on of the things he grabbed with his hands was a torn purple scale of what looks like a huge snake. He quickly hasten himself to run off to the clearing that he saw and supposed to land at, as he took a few fast steps he heard it ,the sound of something big crashing down he felt it as well ,the feel of a predator's eyes on him. His instincts shouting to him to run and escape. Zael run through the jungle and and found the clearing he was looking for. Once he reached the center of the clearing. He turned around to face the predator that was chasing him. But there was nothing not even a rustle of leaves. That makes it more nerve wrecking. Then his intuition came to his mind and his instincts controlled his body. Dogde left while turning around and giant fangs are all his eyes could see at the moment. And the predator striked missed, Zael collects himself. He told himself luckily I'm at a clearing where it's easier for me to stand and fight. Zael when he was still in his born world he was a Boxing Professional Rookie athlete with a record of 5-0 all wins by knockout. So evidently he trust his punching power. Nevertheless Fighting a human opponent and fighting a beast is two different things. He stayed calm and learn the patterns, All animals should have when hunting. He dodge left and right, and the strikes of the snake like beast misses everytime. For each striked missed the beast gets more agitated and more predictable. Zael felt that the quick stats allocation he did was beneficial. After what felt like a few hours but actually only minutes has passed. He memorized the patterns. He's amazed on how fast he can memorize and use it," this must be the skill I have Memory Control" Zael thought to himself while still evading the lunges from the Beast. Now he sees that the beast is getting tired and it's speed has waned. Zael prepares himself for the next attack so he could land a heavy counter. He knows that it might be difficult for him to fight and win for now. The beast lunges forward with rage and Zael slightly evades and landed a heavy straight right counter Straight to the left eye of the beast. The punch landed and the beast is staggered in pain. All this while Zael has been evading the beast lunges but what he failed to foresee was the tail whip from a snake like beast. Zael saw the attack at the last minute and managed to block with his arms but the tail covered with a full scale that as hard as steel broke his defense and flung him towards the mountain wall that he was headed to. The sound of Zael body crashing to the wall of the mountain echoed throughout the Jungle and many beast and monsters we alarmed. Zael wakes up and saw both of his arms has a marking of the scales from the Beast upon impact. As he tried to pried himself off the mountain walls, he checks his condition and felt that couple of heavy bruises and no broken bones. Amazingly impressed by the affects of the stats. He fell to the ground from the mountain walls quickly check for the beast that he was fighting and there's no sight of it. Thinking that the beast might strike again. He quickly ran along the mountain walls hoping to find the opening he saw when he was on top of the tree, true enough there was an opening. Zael quickly ran into the opening, it was not heavily filled with sunlight but rather the inside of the crevice of the mountain was reflecting the light from above. And he quickly made through into the crevice and hoping to find shelter. As he peered at his back at the entrance of the crevice he saw the Beast's eyes peering into his, as not to show that he was shook a normal modern reaction Zael showed the middle finger to the beast and disappear along the crevices.