
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


After our time at the orphanage we were out in the nearby woodlands surrounding the city. With "Neffex Greatest" playing in the dev console I pumped my shotgun ejecting an explosive round shell. Rolling to the side I aimed low and fired the buck of the shotgun causing the next round to send a troll like monster flying as its chest exploded.

Clichk click. Kicking off the ground into an aerial backflip my eyes met the eye's of an assassin troll. Its head was lopped off by a shadowy blade with Fenris emerging from the shadows in my duster. Landing on the body I quickly switched guns to a heavy AK-47 from my inventory and lit up a group of incoming monsters with FMJ rounds using Rapid Fire.

Checking my mag I slapped it back into my weapon. Sixty rounds left from the expanded drum mag. Fenris sniffing the air for more incoming fuck nuggets lets me know nothings coming for now. Sighing I sling my AK over my left shoulder using a gun sling and begin using [Dismantle: Rank 10] on every last corpse. Ninety troll fangs, one assassin troll fang and claws, fourty Black Hound pelts, some leather and smithing materials, monster meat, then finally magic cores a big haul. Just not herbs that we need. Looking at Fenris I threw her some raw Troll steak.

"Are we still in the right area girl? Because I've got nothing. Not even a discorved resource blip on my minimap."

"We should be. Stringy Troll meat…"

"Well at least we got something."



"New lives?"


While my taming job suddenly went off it seems Fenris also took a guess. So we didn't stay long, we merged with the shadows of the forest and took off. My shadow blurring from shadow to shadow while Fenris traveled through the void. Following my job feeling and possibly the thread of fate I exited the shadows crouched. Eyeing the area I took note of what's happening. Two tamed Black Hounds, six possible bandits, one injured Black Hound snarling while giving birth.

Switching guns I took out my Beretta M9's and holstered them while grabbing my Bowie knives from my boots sheaths.

{Fenris protect the mother and pups. Time for some torture.}

{Cut the fat one's dick off, his SCENT is one of pleasure and it's on the mother.}

Cutting the quick mental chat between us I reverse gripped one of my knives. My gear changed back to my gear from day one. Narrowing my eyes I suddenly appeared between the mentioned fatter member and a skinny female mage. In one motion I sliced the mage's legs off and cut her vocal cords. The fat bandits entire manhood and legs following suit. Flicking my knives I lunged at an archer and surgically cut all tendons needed to move their arms and legs.

Fenris appears from the mothers shadow lunging at a Black Hound and ripping its throat out. Three down three left with one tamed monster.

Ducking under a claymore swing I watch the sword get stuck in a tree. My left hand flicking a knife into its wielder's right knee shattering it as the blade sinks through it. Moving quickly I rolled out of the way of a spiked ball and chain thrown at me. Rounding on the thrower I pulled a Beretta M9 out and shot out their legs with Shatter rounds. One human left, zero monsters. Fenris had strung the last tamed monster onto a tree by its entrails. The last bandit actually tried running. Adorable.

Darting after her I barely rustled any grass or fallen leaves as I plunged my knife into her spine to stun her. Holstering my gun I dragged the last one back and grunted at Fenris. A head shake. No one was hiding so all tangos were neutralized.

Yanking my knives from their respective victims I stopped any bleeding using [Torturers Care: Rank 10] on them. Its great to have skills for torture. Keep the pain, stop the death. Arranging my little piggies neatly I look at them all before smiling behind my lower face mask. I tapped one's head and used what most Player's considered a taboo skill, [Mind Control: Rank 10] on the claymore user.

"Heey buddy it's great to see you again, last I saw you it was six days ago! So why are you out here and what fucked you up?"

The big sword user looked relaxed seeing me so suddenly and he happily told me. Everything.

"Oh thank god your here man my kneed fucking shattered! Some assassin attacked us before you showed up! As for what we're doing here, well Greffa wanted to have a bit of fun with that bitch of his, before we killed her pups and had fun with her again. Ya know the usual monster fuckin since the bitch just riles us all up to want to hurt her. Bitch started giving birth after Greffa railed her and got all pissy at us, so we were debating on just roasting her."

"Ah dang well just go to SLEEP you'll be fine."

The man clocked out as a second mental effect was tacked onto him. With a gentle tap on the neck I placed a [Suicide Tag: Rank 10] then well kicked him into the woods like a ball. Blood and flesh flying back in our direction seconds later with the sound of an explosion. The other five looked at me with fear, the archer screaming in hysteria at me.


"Eh brainwashed him then placed a Suicide Tag on his neck. As for why me and my girl are here? Fates foretold by a Stargazer. Now since we heard what we were curious about. Time for torture. So please be disobedient. Your screams will be lovely."

Standing up I twirled one of my blood knives before pulling the female mag up from the ground. Impaling her shoulder onto a tree branch getting a mute scream from her. I cut her clothes off with my knives then tapped one against my chin in thought. Looking at the now naked woman I've decided what to do with her. Flaying. So with tender loving care I got to work as I listened to music. Her mute screams rasping out with each motion of a knife. My various skills were used to keep her alive as her friends watched on. The sobs and screams from them just make me take my time some more.

After half an hour I've flayed every last piece of skin and hair off the mage. Leaving her to hang I moved onto the miss spike ball. Dragging her to another tree I impale her by the stomach, healing her up to where the branch is her sole reason of living. Her sobs really making me debate on how to torture her. Bone removal. With a sshh from my lips I spent two hours removing every last bone from her body. Leaving a Human blob on the tree branch, still alive.

Turning to the last three I grabbed the paralyzed one and dragged them into a bush. I dismembered them finger by finger, toe by toe, limb by limb before burying their torso in the ground head sticking out.

Throwing some bird and insect monster bait around and onto the buried Lord. Walking away I could already hear the sounds of small insect monsters. Ah he'll have fun. Dragging the second to last up a tree I gutt him and tied his large intestines around his neck like a noose, then hung him from a tree branch as his organs were further ripped from his body. Dropping from the tree like a ghost with no sound I crouched before Greffa. Lifting his head I told him plainly what his death will entail.

"You want to rape a monster? Then you'll LOVE anal by some trolls. So let's go find a nice root to bend you over then remove those clothes~ and get you ready."


Taking the glasses off from above my mask my eyes looked into his. His eyes were shaking as I stared at him.

"I'm psychologically mental and a sociopath. Your pleas fall on death ears. You say stop? I say let's continue. You say I should care about your feelings? Sorry but sorta don't care much for anything."

Grabbing Greffa's collar I dragged him away from the area before bending him over a tree root. Cutting his clothes and armor off. I pulled out some good old monster breeding perfume and incense. Dumping the perfume on him and lighting the incense I left him there screaming. Red dots moving in quickly since I used high grade stuff. Meeting back up with Fenris and the mother I switched back into my Jester gear. Fenris looked at me before smirking at me.

"That's the Executioner everything from the game era remembers. Good work on breaking them~! So little miss here said she's willing to join the pack if you'll accept eight little monsters. Small fear though towards you."

"I just tortured people I'd expect it. But nine new faces to our little pack is fine. Welcome to the pack."

Taming the Black Hound family they all got silver chains with dog tags. Pulling a carry bag for monsters I put it onto the mother then gently put each pup inside it. With the pups secured we walked back to Bayreuth while occasionally feeding the mother meat. When we arrived we turned in the monster materials and what little herbs we had actually found. The Black Hound pack was registered as my monster partners before we exited the city. Setting up a campsite near the gate as the mother needs to adjust to large numbers of people. She nearly acted out a few times due to her trauma and protective nature for her newborns.

Lots of looks and visitors at our little camp because puppies, and intrigue. The few female guards that sometimes were on duty, eagle eyed our camp. One threw a woman that tried to blatantly hit a pup because she had issues with my monsters so she went for the weakest of the group, the pups. The guard literally threw her through a tree after basically flash stepping to her side. Women like cute things, hurt cute things you get hurt. That was basically how our first day at Bayreuth went.