
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter Six

We barreled through the orphanage gate when I was flung like a rubber ball. Tucking into a ball I bounced off a body hearing something squeal before I unfurled War Crime in hand. Landing on my feet I side stepped a sword swing and fired at my assailants legs. Erasing them into red mist. A church knight fell to the ground while I looked around. A young man with red eyes that have an edged glint to them, raven black hair flowing past his shoulders a bit, sickly white skin, and as tall as Shin. Slammed a spear I recognized as [Devil Spear Venom] into a Knight's chest before piercing another knight's legs.

My gun shot seemed to trigger some trembling while I cracked my neck. So this is why Fenris was so eager? Let the blood river run. Cauterizing the Knight at my feets now with stumpy legs with [Hell Knife: Rank 10] I stepped on them and towards a second Knight. Drawing a short sword from my inventory, [Avengers Severance] that teeters on the edge of being almost a long sword sword. It's a sword that's neither demonic or divine, its in between it's a blade of Purgatory.

Slashing at the second Knight as they raise a shield my blade becomes ethereal. Cutting through the physical matter of the shield and armor, the blade bites into the Knight's flesh. Severing their hand which takes them by surprise, shield clattering on the ground. My left leg whips out like a serpent round house kicking the Knight in the head. The holy Knight eats a mouth full of dirt before losing consciousness. Tilting my head a bit I smiled at everyone with a crooked deranged smile.

"Hi, who likes sharp dildos? You all do? Great to know."

Stomping on the ground with my smile became chilling like death's embrace. [Earth Lance: Rank 10] triggers causing spears of thick earth coated in small iron bits to jut up towards the various Holy Knight's anuses. Some dodged fast enough, others had the asses pierced and ripped open. The spear-wielding young man whistles with amusement, before smashing his spears shaft into a Knight's face flooring them. Retracting my earth lances with a stomp causing those who were pierced to drop in pain.

Scanning through those still standing I narrowed my eyes on a fat priest. Whistling quietly I watched as the priest was sent into the ground. Fenris slamming her elbow into the face of the Knight which smells of miasma. When the Knight tumbles back with an indignant scream I vanish from a normal vision's perceivable tracking. Slamming my guns butt and sword pommel into the Knight's head from above I send them crashing through the ground. Dust exploding outwards before it's cleared by a wind spell.

Looking at the still standing knight's of the church I snarl, lips curling into a feral grin.

"Wanna play still? If so, stay. If not, take your friends while they still have blood and a soul. I've instinctively held back on the fly. Won't say I'm sorry for any crippling though. So unless you want bodies to bury, run little Knight's."

Highlighting them all with the dev console I put [Executioners Mark: Rank 10] on them all. Run but never escape, death will have your lives one day soon. The holy Knight's grabbed their friends and the fatass booking it with a spring in their steps. My mark tracking their every step in my map, if that marker turns pitch black, nothing will stop my shot.

Giving Fenris an ear scratch I return my weapons to my inventory. The young man with the spear walked over sorta lazily but that's a very deceptive thing. He's ready to rip a throat out. Stuffing my hands into my pockets I walked off into the orphanage. Frellia, a Dragnil that can be very spider-like dropping onto my shoulders from the ceiling. Her rather squeaky excited voice made me want to throw her.

"You and William, and that lady KICKED ASS! Can you teach us?!"

"Nah don't think we can, that lady is also my little wolf lady."

"Eh? That's the puppy?"

"Yeah that's the puppy. Now do ya know where everyone else is?"

I felt a sudden chill down my spine and spinning threw the child on my shoulders to the young man that's been identified as William. Ducking as I'm doing the limbo,a void black sword passing over me. A man's voice speaking up as the sword is sheathed. The only Void Boss who can bypass a developer's invincibility, Yonko Hawk. Stood just inches from me, his face impassive as if he expected such an outcome. He's the first High Human, and in game lore "fell" to being a monster of the void. Fucking shit why did the second worst boss of the void appear?!

William looked ready to charge the damn monster so I had to lock his movement through the console. Watching Hawk cautiously with Fenris nowhere in sight I slowly asked a question. As fuck I may of inserted a OnePiece character into the game but I made him the only unpredictable boss, every boss in the game was predictable, not Hawk though.

"Hello Yonko, what's the occasion for your visit?"

His eyes looked at me with a very threatening aloofness. But he eventually spoke seconds later, his bare chest bulging a bit as he spoke. Is he flexing?

"Gleymi wishes to meet you, if you're free now then all bosses of the void will appear now. Even your Fenris who was called upon to be filled in."

".... Let's go outside and stay hidden for this I guess."

Slowly getting up I swiped a hand transporting William and Frellia behind Hawk. With them out of his sight I walked backwards out the door. Hawk follows calmly before I unfreeze William. Once outside as if on cue the remaining bosses of the void appear around outside. Fenris sticking to my back lowly growling.

Hwen, a pitch black megalodon shark swimming through the air and ground lazily. Hzula, a black and gold Sphinx prowls around us annoyedly. Gleymi, a pitch black sheleton reaper with a ghostly cloak of souls. Yonko Hawk, fallen High Human corrupted willing by the void for unlimited swords. Fenris, a Barghest that spreads sickness and death by just harmlessly passing through. Anomaly, a fallen god of genocide that looks like Giovanni with a glitchy personality that changes at the drop of a dime. Fergus Orhad, Wendigo with a pension for cannibalistic kisses. Tombstone, a rather murderous grave stone that appears at random at any gravesite for a snack. Finally the twins Rusty and Dusty, Psuedo Dragons with a bad habit of parasitic control.

Nine bosses of the void, nine monsters specialised in getting genocidal and rarely mass murderous people to die. Looking at them all silently as Fenris seems to challenge them to try something. While we stand around in silence the orphanage doors open and William attempts to step out. I send him flying through an air strike using the console when Gleymi suddenly vanished. The doorway gained a gash upwards from where William once stood. Gleymi retracting a smiling scythe back into its baggy robe sleeve.

Like he responded he returned to his previous position instantaneously. The skeletal reaper tilted its head as its amber flames dimly glowed in its eye sockets. A hollow emotionless voice resounding as its jaws clacked with each word.

"Good save. Kaiser Lockhart, we are here to tell you a few things, offer you a gift but a curse, and then we take our leave."

"Speak your piece Grim Reaper, the offer can wait till afterwards."

"Good, you're still able to think even though you're genocidal. You've met the tragic hero, now a warning from us who stand on your side and not the new gods. There are countless Guardians in this world protecting the veil to the old world and the remaining Origin's. The Guardians care not for any of us. We endanger their primary task and we die regardless of our roles. The Sea King and many others have become corrupted and are suffering.

The Guardians doing this thought previous Boss monsters to be perfect vessels. They enforced their will onto them, corrupted them, we of the void did not fall to one because we are not a part of the system's grand design. You made us spectators until certain "Individuals" appeared. Thus spared us from a fate that is sickening as these Guardians don't…. Consider us Bosses anything but toys and vessels. The tragic hero will be their main focus for a mission Fate poised upon him. You are a bigger anomaly, you're an Old God, something that is potentially worse to them."

"Great so Shin's going to probably get like love taps of murder, I get seen and I may get my ass pounded to a bloody pulp."

"Now onto our offer yet curse, as an Old God a Guardian may seek to either kill or corrupt you as a new vessel. Thus we of the void, we monsters of Oblivion, offer you to become a part of the void. It may just keep you out of their uncaring clutches but will most certainly lead to enragement. For you will be both of this world and of the old world. A High Human Old God and the only Old God of the void. But becoming a part of the void will mean you will be forever bound to it, undying, unable to escape. What is your answer, Old God?"

"If they can attempt to bypass the dev console to get to me. Then its time for fucking war on sight because something already gave me a warning about reincarnated souls. I don't like being threatened, so curse to be bound to the void forever be damned. Let the void gain an Old God, I'll make Cthulhu look good if we meet a Guardian."

The Bosses around me seemed to cackle a bit at that with Fenris biting my head in amused annoyment. With a collective slap in the air, everything around me ripples. Black tar seeping through the rippling area that become black teethed tendrils. Fenris getting off me causes the things to suddenly reach out like starving snakes. The tendrils biting through my gear and into my flesh, teeth ripping through my flesh like butter.


[Registering VOID BOSS - Kaiser Lockhart the Old God]

[Void Dive, Void sight, Void Enchantment, Oblivion Mark Skills Added at Rank ???]

[Title - Void Old God Gained]

"Welcome to the end of everything. Have fun with Fenris, Old God."

Gleymi and the other Bosses as they came vanished like ghosts. Fenris looked at me with a grin though.

"Now you can never escape me."