
new chapter + bad news

After her request to be a student of his, Rudeus refused her instantly, she begged him for it but he still refused, until Sylphy said " why not? if she became your student, I will have a new friend and a training partner " as she looked at him with a sad puppy's eyes.

Rudeus thought of it for a moment ' Sylphy doesn't have friends... should just accept her or refuse her...if I refused her it will save the trouble of teaching another person but Sylphy will still have no Friends... what should I do??... ARGH...what ever'

"OK...I will teach you...but for just 1 year" he said with a defeated tone

When Roxy heard his answer she was so happy that she hugged Sylphy. Sylphy was also happy that she made another friend.

Roxy wasn't concerned about a 1 year limit of teaching from him, since 1 year is enough for her to learn the theories and practice them, she can later with her self practice them and master them.

with that Sylphy and Roxy started to train under the guidance of Rudeus. he made sure that both of them can feel the elements around them without meditation. and of course for him too he kept practicing his space magic since he was about to obtain control over it

[After 10 months]

after the continues practice of 4 months for the space magic Rudeus was able to learn and use his space magic spells, he doesn't need it now, but he made a space chest which could store a lot of things inside... as Zarius he already know what he could do with the space magic but he didn't want to exaggerate thing and make an unlimited space storage.

if he made it...what is he going to store inside it?? so he didn't want to just created things without any reason just for the sake of experiment, he already had enough of that.

after gaining space magic he reached an enlightenment in time magic shortly after that, he didn't want to practice it but he felt that if he didn't take this chance he wouldn't get another, so started to focus on time magic.

after 6 months he was able to gain a magic spell [Fast forward](A.N: you know what this spell is for...ooooh yeah) it can speed time for anything the user want but it requires a lot of magical energy.

and Rudeus have more than enough of magical energy to use the spell.

Roxy and Sylphy are able to gather the elements around them and form a basic element attack like [Fire Ball] and others but for Roxy since she had a large magical reservoir she could do more spells than Sylphy. with what she learned the past year she gained a big boost in her magic attacks. all her spells are now stronger than in the past by 3 times. as for Sylphy she clearly became Strong and capable of defending her self but she still has a long road to walk.


one day, Paul and zenith gathered the family+Roxy to tell them of some "good news"

"I'm pregnant!!" said zenith with a happy expression

everyone was happy but Rudeus's happiness was over the top, he didn't show it tho, but he was happy about getting a sibling, he couldn't help it but to ask.

"is it a boy or a girl" Rudeus wanted to know really bad

"easy boy, it's only been a month...but tell me what do you want?" Paul asked his son with a teasing tone

"either is good...but a sister will be amazing...I can spoil her as much as I want" Said rudeus who surprisingly was expressing his feelings more than ever, Paul and zenith noticed this and through ' maybe being a big brother is good for him'

Lilia and Roxy also said their congratulations to the couple " congregations Masters/Paul-san,zenith-san"


life at the Greyrat family was peaceful and everyone was happy with what their were doing... only Paul was dissatisfied.

since zenith became pregnant, Paul sex life was gone...zenith was afraid to hurt the baby because of the sex and since he couldn't force her Paul was building up stress and he was distracting himself with work all the time, as he didn't want to cheat on his wife since he gave her a promise.


Sorry for not posting, my schedule now is gone since one of my teachers at my college decided to do a make up classes since from the beginning of the year she didn't come.

for the past days I was busy with attending her classes.

but guess what does she teach us? instead of analysing the story at hand to prepare for the finals... SHE IS FU.CKING TEACHING US HOW TO BE A GOOD LISTENERS... as far as I remember I was never a deaf person.

so sorry, from now on I will post when I have free time.you can blame her not me.

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