
lust pt.2

on his way home Rudeus was walking fast than he do, it seems he forget his book at home and only noticed that when he reached the big tree " Fu.ck, that Roxy, she was in hurry that I didn't even pick my book up". he was about to reach his home.




"M..M..Master Paul, what are you doing in my room" Lilia got up from the bed and tried to adjust her messy clothes. her hair was still falling on her back giving her more charm than what she already had making Paul lose himself more.

"You bad maid, how could you enjoy yourself and forget your master...you were calling for me, do you really want me to hold you." Paul said thinking that they will be getting in some role play.

"enjoy?!? calling you?!?!...you got it wrong master, I was just releasing my desires, I wasn't calling you" Lilia denied what happened as she was talking steps back because Paul was coming near her with a lustful eyes.

"weren't calling for me?? such a bad maid, weren't you calling for your "master" to hold you"

Hearing this Lilia know that he was misunderstood her as she in reality was call for Rudeus, she wanted to she was calling for the young master but that is more wrong as he is just 6 years old, all she could do was " please, don't do this, you are betraying the madam's trust...snap out of it" she tried to talk him out of it but unfortunately he was drowned in the ocean of lust.

Paul caught Lilia and brought her on the bed, she tried to fight back, but her leg was so weak compared to the past, she couldn't stop him, Paul was kissing the neck of Lilia he was feeling her body " bad maids should be punished " said Paul as he was trying to remove her clothes. " NO PLEASE NO!!!...PLEASE STOP" Lilia was desperate, she was struggling all this time to run but Paul was stronger than her ' please...someone save me...master, please save me' Lilia couldn't do anything than just to keep fighting to prevent him from going further and pray for her "Real" master to come and help. Paul was thinking that all of this was just acting from Lilia to make more exciting... he got hold of her clothes and was about to ripe her clothes of....




Just when Paul was going to ripe Lilia's clothes off, A cold hand reached for his neck and grabbed him real hard as he heard a cold,Ruthless voice with a massive killing intent directed towards him " G҉I҉V҉E҉ M҉E҉ A҉ R҉E҉A҉S҉O҉N҉ F҉O҉R҉ W҉H҉Y҉ I҉ S҉H҉O҉U҉L҉D҉N҉'T҉ K҉I҉L҉L҉ Y҉O҉U҉ N҉O҉W҉ "



Relax Amigos Relax...

Leave a comment please.

Peace ✌

from now on I will use that style of writing the rage moments but I will give the clear text with it.

for example :

G҉I҉V҉E҉ M҉E҉ A҉ R҉E҉A҉S҉O҉N҉

(Give me a reason )

hope you don't mind as I like that style.

Doragoncreators' thoughts