
Let me explain

[In the morning]

Zenith,Roxy and Lilia were making breakfast and showing Roxy how to make breakfast too while talking with each other, Zenith was making sure that Lilia was not affected by what happened yesterday, Zenith that Lilia was walking strange and said " Lilia are you okay?? are you hurt somewhere?? " said zenith with a worried tone

"Eh!? ah.. nothing, it just I fell on the floor yesterday from the bed while sleeping, I just hurt my knee a bit"

" well, as long as it's nothing serious "

Lilia gave a fake laugh, but in her inner thoughts ' Nothing serious!!...your son was torturing me for the whole night, just look at my eyes, women, you married a MONSTER and gave birth to the king of MONSTERS...just wait to see your son after he come down'

Lilia was imagining the reaction of the parents when they their son who is 6 years old is now looking like 18 years old man...somehow she felt petty for zenith as she lost her cute child in sex years, and now she have a man in his late teenagers.

After making the breakfast table zenith called Rudeus " Rudy, come down for breakfast" after her call a deep voice came from upstairs " I am coming now"

zenith's smile disappeared and screamed " PAUL!! I told you you are not allowed to enter the house "

after her scream, Paul suddenly pup up from the window " Did you call for me dear?!?"

seeing Paul outside zenith was shocked as she thought 'is there someone else in the house'

all of her confusion is answered when she heard the steps of someone coming down, everyone looked towards the sound Lilia too looked as she wanted to pretend she doesn't want to see she knows about and have suspicions about her.

coming from upstairs is a young man with white hair like snow and Red eyes like Blood, he was wearing cloths that are slightly bigger than him, Zenith and Paul recognized them as Paul clothes, once the young man reached the table he said " Good morning Mom"

his three words made everyone shocked to their core except Lilia who was pretending to be shocked

the first to speak was zenith with teary eyes " R-R-Rudy what happened to you?!?!"

next was Paul pointing " are you really Rudeus?!?!"

Roxy had her face Red as she pointed at him too " wawawawa!!!!!" she was the most shocked from everyone well as sh had something in her hear for him that was suppressed for the fact that he was a kid

Lilia gave a fake shocked reaction " W-What is thaaat~" she is the worst liar and everyone would notice that if they weren't too shocked to pay attention.

Rudeus was puzzled from their reaction, he frowned his eyebrows and said " what?? it's said effect of losing control over magic, didn't see one before "

hearing this the first one to speak was Roxy as she retorted back "how can magic give this kind of side effects!!...leave that aside, what magic did you loss control over?!"

everyone agreed with what she said and nodded along

"Oh!! so you want to teach me about magic huh??!! and about what magic, that is my secret"

Roxy lowered her head as she was reminded with her failure nearly a year ago.

Zenith was trembling as she struggle to speak " B...But ...how can this be..waaa~ Rudeus you traitor ~" she ran crying upstairs to her room to cry over her lost years of motherhood.

Lilia in her head said ' I know it ' as the said of her glasses shined for moment.

after some question from paul and Roxy as they wanted to know how he lost control but unfortunately he didn't want to answer them as he left upstairs to calm his mother down.

he entered her room to be greeted by a pillow in the face, zenith was screaming at him " Traitor Traitor Traitor, how could you do this to me, I hate you ~"

after sometime from taking her hits and slaps which didn't hurt, she finally calmed down but she still Pinched him from time to time.

he brought her downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone, they ate their breakfast peacefully with an occasional sniffing sound from zenith as she remembered all the things she was planing on doing.

By the way Paul is eating his breakfast from the window, as he was still not forgiven yet.


Guess who is here??...it's me RedVoidDoragon-Sama da~

hey go see my new original novel *Reborn as a lion* it's in the fantasy section.

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